From Thales Theorem to octic curves:: An illustrative journey, with the concourse of Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry software, through the uncertain territory of locus computation | Maple Transactions

  • ️Thu Oct 31 2024




Geometric Locus, Dynamic geometry, Computer Algebra, 2nd Thales Theorem, Octic curves, Automated Deduction in Geometry, Automated Reasoning, Elimination, Absolute factorization


Locus computation is an essential issue in mathematics education, and a traditional feature of Dynamic Geometry software (DGS). The rising of programs merging DGS and Computer Algebra software (CAS) has fostered a combined approach to locus computation, quite performing in standard examples, but demanding an extended theoretical, and the related algorithmic counterpart, able to deal with less conventional situations. Here we formulate—and reflect about, yielding some proposals—on a few pending issues related to the protocols for the computation of parametric families of loci. Then we focus on a different source of difficulties, through the example of the very elementary and classical theorem of Thales. Thus, in the framework of the current development of automated deduction in geometry (ADG) tools, we will show how the automatic discovery of Thales's converse statement might require a locus computation that gives rise to an unexpected family of octic curves. Finally, we will exhibit how the handling (finding the equation, plotting, geometric characterization, etc.) of such curves requires the concourse of DGS and CAS programs, a mixed graphic–symbolic–numeric approach, and human–machine interaction, a cooperation that could be the basis towards achieving the required improvements concerning locus computation software.

Author Biographies

Tomas Recio, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Tomas Recio, Prof. Dr. Magistral Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (2020- ).  B. Sc., M.Sc. (1972), Ph. D. Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1976). Chair of Algebra, Universidad de Granada 1981, Universidad de Cantabria 1982-2020. General Secretary (1982-83), ViceProvost for Research (1983-84). Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICE) (1984-86), Universidad de Cantabria. President of the Consejo Escolar de Cantabria (1999-2008).   President of the Education Commission of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española (1999-2006). President of the national (i.e., Spanish representative to the) ICMI (International Commission on Mathematics Instruction) sub-commission (2002-2007). Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Symbolic Computation (2001- ). General Chair of the ACM-International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) 2000 (St. Andrews, UK). Founder of the Spanish Network on Computer Algebra and Applications (EACA), 1995. Ph.D. Advisor of 16 students, 80 scientific descendants. Author of over 250 research publications and over 400 communications and lectures at scientific conferences. Awards: Placa de Honor de la Asociación Española de Científicos (2004), Encomienda de la Orden de Alfonso X El Sabio (2008), Distinguished Software Demonstration Award (ISSAC 2016, 2024), Medalla de Plata de la Universidad de Cantabria (2020), Medalla de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (2021). More info at

Thierry Dana-Picard, Jerusalem College of Technology and Jerusalem Michlala College

Thierry Dana-Picard (born 1954, France) is an Israeli mathematician, full professor of mathematics, a former president of the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) from 2009-2013. He holds two PhDs (Nice University, France, 1981, and Bar Ilan University, Israel, 1990). He has been teaching at JCT for several years and published more than 140 scientific articles in commutative algebra, infinitesimal calculus and geometry, and mathematics education. He is strongly involved in teacher training, and a member of international editorial boards and scientific committees. His research fields include geometry, real algebraic geometry and technology-based mathematics education.