Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold, by Marketa Irglova

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Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold, The greatest story ever told, God sent His son to walk among men, His journey began in Bethlehem, And every step he took was worth a thousand more in Heaven. Keep your voices soft as you approach Him, Any stable is a holy ground where a newborn is sleeping. Bring your peace and love, your humility and grace, You’re in the presence of something higher than yourself, And it can lift you up! It’s what you want deep down, It’s why you came here tonight, Something brought you all this way, to kneel down at her side. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus, Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold, The greatest story ever told, God sent His son to live among men, He died for our sins in Jerusalem, But now every step we take is worth a thousand more in Heaven.


Kadidlo, Myrha a Zlato Být tehdy u toho, co bys dal za to? Kráčet s lidmi seslal Bůh syna svého, Marii v Betlémě narozeného, A každý jeho pozemský krok, Měl na Nebi tisíckrát větší váhu. Pojďte dál, však ztište Vaše hlasy, I stáj je posvátná půda, kde děťátko dříme. Projevte lásku a mír, pokoru a milost, Jste v přítomnosti něčeho vyššího, A může Vás to pozdvihnout! Není snad pravdou, že  To je to, po čem toužíte Víc než cokoliv na světě, Po boku jejím teď pokleknout. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus, Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Kadidlo, Myrha a Zlato Být tehdy u toho, co bys dal za to? Žít mezi lidmi seslal Bůh syna svého, Pro naši spásu v Jeruzalémě na kříž přibitého, Ale teď každý náš pozemský krok, Má na Nebo tisíckrát větší váhu.


The thing is, I really wanted to write a song about Jesus. This time of year he is on my mind a lot, and I feel an even stronger urge to connect with the Christ energy than usual. In December and January, it seems to fill the space around us, the air we breathe and the earth we walk on. When I am in the right state of mind, I feel like I can just about see it and touch it. My senses open to it in a deeper way and I drink it in, hoping for it to saturate my being and lift me up. And it is precisely this feeling of being lifted up that I wanted to facilitate through this song by invoking the love and light of Jesus and Mother Mary. I set up the scene of Christ' birth as well as his death, with a tribute to Mary, so full of grace, in the centre. May it bring you peace in this beautiful season of advent, which can be such a busy time for us all.
The strings were played by the quintet of Jihočeská Filharmonie, with whom I have often performed live. My dear husband Mio produced this song and now we are all so joyful to get to share it with you. Merry Christmas.


released December 13, 2024

Written by Markéta Irglová
String arrangement by Markéta Irglová
Produced by Sturla Mio Thorisson

Vocals by Markéta Irglová
Piano by Markéta Irglová
String ensemble: Kvintet Jihočeské Filharmonie
First violin: Martin Týml
Second violin: Kristýna Hodinová
Viola: Eva Horváth
Cello: Lenka Týmlová
Contrabass: Michal Hromádko

Recorded, edited and mixed by: Sturla Mio Thorisson at Masterkey Studios in Iceland
String ensamble recorded by: Roman Kamba at the Church of St. Anne in České Budějovice
Mastered by Scott Hull at Masterdisk

Cover art by Mio Thorisson

Released on Masterkey Sounds 2024
© 2024 Masterkey Sounds
℗ 2024 Marketa Irglova Music
Admin by Warner Chappell Publishing (ASCAP)


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