
The Asgardians are a humanoid race of extradimensional beings that hail from Asgard, a small pocket-dimension adjacent to Earth. They travel around the Nine Realms including Earth via an interdimensional nexus known as the Bifrost. They are also known as the Aesir Gods who have been worshiped by the humans of Scandinavia, Britain, and Northern Europe. The religion however fell out of favor due to the rise of Christianity.[14]


Their origins are shrouded in myth, making it difficult to nail down the truth of all of the stories written about them.

At first in the universe there was nothing but the primordial abyss of nothingness known as Ginnungagap.[15]

Millions of years ago warm air from the realm of fire, Muspelheim, crossed a dimensional barrier into the location of the magical Well of Life, Tons of ice from Niffleheim, the realm of ice and cold, formed above the Well of Life. It was said that in time the warm air from Muspelheim caused these tons of ice over the Well to transform into the living, sentient Ymir. Another being appeared from the ice, the enchanted cow Audumbla. She was allegedly conceived from Ymir's melting,[15] but possibly was Gaea in one of her many guises.[16]

She eventually found Buri, His exact origin is blurry, with multiple versions:

  • According to the legend, he was delivered from the ice by the magic cow licking it, the hair the first day, the head the second day, and Buri itself the third.[15]
  • Other accounts state he emerged from the ice by himself.[17]
  • Another legend states Amdula licked his form from an ice block.[18]
  • He was also stated to be Ymir's son by Doctor Strange.[19]
  • According to the book "A guide to Norse Religion", Buri was born at Ginnungagap the same way and along Ymir.[20]

Reign of Buri[]

Intrigued, the Giants allowed Buri to live. Buri grew wise and strong[17] and took a Frost Giantess as wife,[21] and had three sons: Bor, Mimir, and Njord.[21]

Reign of Bor[]

When Buri abdicated the throne, it left Bor as the ruler of Asgard. A born warrior, he led his people in a time of power and prosperity and won their loyalty both through his leadership and also through his triumphs on the field. He was one of the Gods who had created the Universe, and along with his other accomplishments was an unquestionable and powerful ruler.[22]

Bor founded Asgard, home of the Aesir, Buri went to live recluse as "Tiwaz" in the northern reaches of Asgard[23][21], in Nastrond,[24] living among ephemeral servants he created by sculpting ice and animated with life.[23][21]

His other son Njord left to found Vanaheim and sire the Vanir.[21] Bor in turn took a wife (the giantess Bestla) and fathered his sons.[17][15]

Bor took the giantess Bestla as his wife, and wed her.[17] They had four sons, Cul, Vili, Ve, and Odin who would be Bor's heirs - although Cul would be forgotten until much later. When Odin was born, Bor paid him special attention, grooming him to one day take his place as King. He taught Odin how to fight, how to rule, how to serve, and also how to defend his dreams. Yet he didn't encourage his son to dream on his own, and when Odin went against him he was driven to rage. When Odin created man, not being able to undo his son's actions, in his anger Bor visited every possible horror imaginable upon them.[22]

After Bor's death, Odin challenged and bested Buri as well.[23][21]

Reign of Odin[]

According to myth and legend, Vili, Ve, and Odin journeyed into the realm of the Fire Giant Surtur when they were younger. Vili and Ve sacrificed themselves to allow Odin to escape from Surtur's realm. Upon their deaths, Odin's own godly attributes were increased as a result of his brothers' powers joining with his.[25]

Odin once battled an unbelievably powerful cosmic storm called the God Tempest when it threatened Asgard. Odin defeated the God Tempest and sealed it away into a chunk of Uru that would one day be forged into the mighty hammer Mjolnir.[26]

War of the Serpent[]

For the full presentation of this event, please consult the War of the Serpent page.

Odin and his brothers then at some point faced Surtur, in a conflict in which Villi and Ve seemed to die. Odin fathered other Asgardians, but at some point, Asgard and its enemies fell in the first Ragnarök. Out of this emerged Those Who Sit Above in Shadow, beings who fed on the continual reincarnation of the Asgardians and Ragnaroks. Buri, going into seclusion, remained apart from this cycle.[citation needed]

Aesir/Vanir War[]

Aesir and Vanir eventually became rivals.[27]

For the full presentation of this event, please consult the Aesir/Vanir War page.

A generation ago as Gods perceive time, the young king Odin of the Aesir tried to force the union of the two tribe, and went to war with Freyr and the people of Vanaheim. Seemingly over a matter of pride, Freyr refused to bend, and received support from Surtur of Muspelheim. The war ultimately ended with a peace treaty and marriage between the two royal families, as Odin was betrothed to Freyr's daughter Freyja. Their union marked the union of the two people.[28]

No matter the peace, and despite the fact that the records of the war were destroyed, a certain grudge existed among the Vanir towards the Aesir and Asgard remained,[29] even beared by Njord, who despised Odin's race.[30] Although, Vanir and Aesir mixed, and couples were wed at the Temple of Union.[31]

Stone Age Midgard (1,000,000 BC)[]

At some point, Odin went to Midgard (which was called Aesheim at the time) According to legend he created the two first Humans,[32] Aske and Embla, but the Eternals have no records of them, while the Celestials might.[27] Bor was ill-pleased and afflicted them with suffering.[22]

Initially struggling to control Mjolnir, Odin befriended a number of mystically-empowered prehistoric humans, forming the Stone Age Avengers to defend Earth from threats like the out-of-control Celestial known as the Fallen. Odin wanted to nail the Fallen's corpse to the Moon as a warning to other Celestials, but instead he and the Avengers sealed the Fallen in an underground chamber in the modern-day country of South Africa.[33] He entered into a romantic relationship with his comrade Lady Phoenix, who survived for longer than any of their comrades.[34]

The cosmic entity the Unbeing, while impersonating the other cosmic entity Origin, claimed that Origin had directed the Asgardians to seek out Earth.[35]

During Midgard Prehistory, Asgardians used to mistreat the Earth-Folk.[36]

In order to protect them, Odin secretly hired the Angels of Heven, to protect the humans from the Gods.[36]

War of Angels[]

The Queen of Angels was paid by the Jotuns to devise a strategy against the Asgardians, causing the alliance of all Asgard's enemies. She offered Odin to pay her to betray them in return and abort the war, an offer Odin refused, leading to war. During the Final Battle, the Queen seemingly killed Aldrif Odinsdottir, royal heir of Aesir and Vanir blood. In retaliation, Odin had the Heven separated from the other Nine Realms and sealed in their space,[36] and Freyja had their dead always headed to Hel as a race of slaves for Hela.[37][38]

For the full presentation of this event, please consult the War of Angels page.

With Aldrif's apparent death,[39] no royal heir was known, meaning that the Aesir and Vanir remained two conjoined tribes instead of a single one.[40] After that loss, Freyja was unable to want another child.[41]

Thurian Age[]

Odin was invoked by Zarfhaanans during the Pre-Cataclysmic Age, circa 18,500 BC.[42]

The first vampire, Varnae, immune to post-Thurian era gods, once stated that he saw the Asgardians emergence: "I watched and snickered as [Thor's] savage ancestors gnawed their civilization from the bones of the old gods."[43]

Hyborian Age[]

The worship of the Asgardians and beings associated to them was confirmed at least as early as 16,000 BC.[44]

Circa 10,000 BC, Woden (an alternate name for Odin)[citation needed] and other deities were frequently invoked by human beings, and there existed a culture of the Nordheimr, whose people called themselves the Vanir and Aesir.[citation needed] The Nordheimr also worshiped Ymir and his first daughter, Atali.[citation needed] They continued to do so up to roughly 8,000 BC when harsh events forced many Nordheimr, such as Niord Worm's Bane to migrate to the Vilayet Sea, which became the Caspian Sea. These migrating Nordheimr became the ancestors of the Aryans.[citation needed]

The First Ragnarok[]

The periodic cycle of Ragnaroks continued for thousands of years. The story of one such cycle, as told to Thor by a giant eye claiming to be the severed eye of Odin, was supposed to have happened around 7 BC to a version of Asgard with a red-haired Thor. Their counterpart of Odin was also known as Wode and was worshiped by the Franks in the area that later became Bavaria. The Franks held sacrificial jousts in which those warriors slain would gain the honor of joining Wode on the Wild Hunt in the sky. This Asgard went down in flames; according to the eye, Asgard's destruction served as part of the phenomenon later called the Star of Bethlehem which attended the birth of the Christian/Muslim prophet Jesus of Nazareth. Vidar, Balder, Hoenir, Vali, Vili, Ve, Modi, and Magni (Thor's sons), and a few other gods of this incarnation of Asgard who survived this Ragnarok emerged to find the spear of the prior Odin. Grasping it, they were transformed/merged into a new Odin, who again created a new Asgard. Accounts differ as to whether the new Asgardians actually had childhoods or Odin implanted them with false memories of pasts and childhoods that never happened.[45]

At some point before the birth of the current Thor, Odin thwarted the rebellion of Rimthursar. Evidently, memories of the past Asgard remained among men, as a man around 200 AD in Britain invoked Woden and Thor.[46]

Birth of Thor[]

Odin grew tired of the Ragnarök cycle and decided to end it once and for all. He joined with the Earth-goddess Gaea to produce the latest version of Thor.[citation needed]

War with Jotunheim[]

Odin marched his forces into Jotunheim to battle the Frost Giants, a future Loki came to his young past-self to ensure their destiny.[47] The younger Loki went to his father with alleged information about Odin's position in the next battle, and pushed Laufey to attack him by calling out his pride. Laufey struck his son but decided to attack Odin, as planned by the Lokis.[47] The next day, after the fateful battle and Odin's claiming of Loki as a son, Laufey was left for dead, wounded, but alive. The future Loki then gruesomely killed him, stating that he would never strike him again.[47]

Thor's Adventures[]

Thor would have many adventures, facing Marduk Grylak, Varnae, Dromedan, and Atlantean mummies animated by Loki. Thor adopted the mortal Thialfi for Asgard's court.[citation needed]

Age of Vikings[]

For the full presentation of this timeframe, please consult the Vikings page.

The Asgardians greatest worshipers were the Vikings, Norse seafaring Humans active, during the late 8th to late 11th century. They operated in the regions of Scandinavia, Northern Europe, Greenland, Iceland and the British Isles. The Vikings later converted to Christianity and the Asgardians withdrew from Midgard.[48]

10th Century[]

The worship of the Asgardians peaked circa 1000 AD, with the Germanic tribes of Scandinavia and other regions of northwest Europe.[44]

In 1000 AD, the Third Host of the Celestials occurred, during which the aliens informed they would return 1,000 years later to judge Earth's right to continue existing. Odin attended the Council of Godheads meeting to discuss this threat.[27]

11th Century[]

During the 11th Century AD, Thor faced off with the Celestial-powered being called Apocalypse. Seeking revenge, Thor blessed Jarnbjorn with his own blood to imbue it with the power to pierce Celestial armor.[49]

13th Century[]

The Asgardian Fandral also claimed to have romanced a human woman named Marian, though with no known progeny, living on Earth in the region known as England as Robin Hood or at least being mistaken for him.[50]

19th Century[]

In the 1900s, Thor and Loki journeyed to Earth to the American West, meeting a time-traveling Black Panther.[51]

20th Century[]


In the 1940s, Loki opposed the Olympian deity Venus and invaded Mount Olympus. Thor aided Venus against Major John Dark, the Creeping Death, and the Sultan of Cassarobia.[52]

World War II[]

At one point, Adolf Hitler succeeded in contacting Thor and deceived him into aiding the cause of the Germans, the descendants of the people who had once worshiped him, in the current war. Thor, therefore, clashed with the Invaders and nearly killed the second Union Jack with a blast of lightning from his enchanted hammer. Learning that Hitler was evil, Thor vowed to aid him no more and withdrew most of the electricity in Union Jack's body back into his hammer, somehow restoring him to health in the process. The second Union Jack now possessed the superhuman power to discharge electrical bolts from his body.[7]

In the 1960s, Thor again came to Venus' aid.[53]

Modern Era[]

In later years, the Asgardians would be threatened by more menaces and threats from both within and beyond their own dimension. Seth, the Egyptian god of death and misfortune, eventually invaded Asgard and subjugated the Asgardians out of his animosity toward Odin and Thor, but he was defeated, only to return one more time and used Yggdrasill to strip the Asgardians of their godhood, but Odin had spells in effect that hid them as normal human beings upon Earth until Thor could restore them. Unfortunately, Thor had been trapped in another reality at this time, and the Asgardians were restored by Red Norvell acting in Thor's absence. Although the Asgardians survived, the ordeal left them ill-equipped to battle the Dark Gods, alien entities from another dimension, who laid siege to Asgard and were finally routed by Thor on his return.[citation needed]

End of Ragnarok[]

Odin eventually sought a way to stall or trick the cycles of Ragnarok, hoping each time that it would be the last. Finally, the destruction of Asgard came,[54][citation needed] but his last Ragnarok was different from the previous ones in several respects. This time, Odin gave Thor the Odinpower and sacrificed himself for the last time in order to trap Surtur in the afterlife. With his new understanding of the cycle, Thor was able to confront Those Who Sit Above in Shadow and break the pattern, sending them into oblivion. His strength and force of will was enhanced by Odin was merging Thor with the persona of Donald Blake, a human doctor. The humanity and humility learned by Thor gave him the ability to finally end the cycle once and for all.[citation needed]

Blake reappeared on Earth when Thor ended the cycle, and was able to convince Thor to return to Earth from the void of non-existence. The city of Asgard was rebuilt in Oklahoma and most Asgardians were restored to live, including more unsavory Asgardians such as Enchantress and Loki who was resurrected in a female body later revealed to have belonged to Sif. Now free to find their own destiny the Asgardians struggled to find their place on Midgard since Thor generally disliked them leaving Asgard for fear that they might bring harm unto themselves or others due to their inexperience with life on Midgard. Due to being unable to pass the time with battles and hunting as they had done on Asgard restlessness and fights broke out among the ranks of the Asgardians.[citation needed]

Loki, in another of his plots released Bor Burison from his entrapment in a spell (which Loki himself had cast) and altered his perception so that he would see everything around him as demons and monsters. Thor confronted him, not knowing his grandfather and simply believing him to be a confused Asgardian. Bor in turn only saw a demon with traces of his sons powers. Believing Thor to have slain his son Odin, Bor immediately engaged him in battle. The battle was hard fought but after Bor began releasing enough energy to destroy all of Midgard, Thor was forced to kill him. Loki and Balder appeared and Loki informed Balder that Bor had technically been King of Asgard when Thor slew him and that the punishment for killing a king was banishment. Balder was forced to comply and banished Thor, becoming the King of Asgard in his place with Loki as his adviser.[citation needed]

Balder accepted an invitation from Victor Von Doom to move the Asgardians to Latveria at the urging of Loki. Since Latveria greatly resembled Asgard, most Asgardians opted to leave the warm and unfamiliar Oklahoma in favor of Latveria. This was all part of a ruse on the part of Doom and Loki however since Doom planned to vivisect Asgardians in order to find out the secrets of their longevity and great power. After the Asgardians found out about Dooms vile experiments they managed to defeat him and the Asgardians returned to Oklahoma.[citation needed]

Siege of Asgard[]

For the full presentation of this event, please consult the Siege event page.

During the Siege, it was revealed that this was all just a part of Loki's plans however. He manipulated Norman Osborn - head of H.A.M.M.E.R. and leader of the Avengers - to invade Asgard. Osborn rallied his forces and attacked Asgard, who were surprisingly successful due to the fact that the Asgardians were weaker on Midgard than they had been on Asgard. The Asgardians were helped by various heroes of Earth who tried to stop Osborn and his Dark Avengers. However what neither Loki nor the anyone else had counted on was the Sentry. After Osborn was captured by the Avengers he ordered the Sentry to destroy Asgard which he did. Seeing that his trickery had gone too far Loki prayed to Odin for help and used to Norn stones to empower all who fought on Asgard's side. He was ripped into pieces by the Sentry however who had lost all control and sanity and turned into his dark side, the Void. The heroes were eventually able to defeat the Void however and Thor dropped his body into the sun.[55][56]

With Asgard destroyed, the Asgardians went about rebuilding it and as a reward for the help they had received from the heroes of Earth, the Asgardians vowed to always be there when Midgard needed them and Thor vowed that he would once again fight alongside the Avengers if called upon.[57]

Second War of the Serpent[]

For the full presentation of this event, please consult the Second War of the Serpent / Fear Itself page.

Alternate Realities[]


Asgardians (Earth-717) What If Thor Vol 1 1

Asgardians of Earth-717

After Thor became the herald of Galactus and Loki took possession of the kingdom of Asgard after the death of Odin, the Asgardians were persuaded by Thor to move on to Midgard as well as to devour Asgard by Galactus to stop the misdeeds of Loki.[58]


Loki attempted to manipulate the Hulk in this reality much like he did on Earth-616. However, in this reality, Bruce Banner retained his intelligence whenever he became the Hulk and saw through Loki's ruse, thus the Avengers never formed in this reality.[59]


In this reality, the Avengers formed due to the machinations of Loki, and Thor was among their members. However, in this reality, the group could not agree on how to deal with their former teammate the Hulk, forcing the group to disband. Thor returned to Asgard to focus his energies to fighting threats to his homeland.[60]


Jane Foster was the one to find Thor's hammer in Norway, becoming the costumed hero known as Thordis. When Loki freed himself from the tree in which he was trapped in, he went to Earth and was shocked to find a female Thor. Thordis defeated him and sent him back to Asgard where he told a shocked Odin of the developments on Earth. Odin called Thordis to Asgard and confronted her with the truth about Donald Blake. Odin banished Thordis from Asgard, and she went about on many adventures on her own. When Odin went into the Odinsleep, he charged Sif to keep Asgard safe. Loki transported her to Earth and had her meet with Donald Blake. Sure enough, they fell in love and started a relationship. Loki attacked Sif on Earth and injured her until Thordis arrived to stop the fight. After Sif underwent surgery, Thordis and Sif detected the coming of Ragnarok and traveled to Asgard with Donald Blake to battle Mangog. With the help of Odin, they prevented Ragnarok and defeated Mangog. In the aftermath, Odin told Jane to return Mjolnir to him, and he would turn it over to Blake, restoring him to his true form of Thor. In thanks for her help, Odin transformed Jane into a God herself. Odin proposed marriage to Jane, and the two were wed and ruled over Asgard while Thor and Sif would returned to Earth and defended it.[61]


On Earth-804, history diverged from Earth-616 during the event of the Kree-Skrull War. In this reality, a world where Rick Jones was killed early on, thereby prolonging the war. Thor and Iron Man were charged with preventing the Skrull forces from reaching Earth. During the battle, Iron Man was severely injured, forcing Thor to bring Iron Man to Asgard, and there, he petitioned Odin to get Asgard involved in the conflict. Odin agreed, and Thor led a war party including Sif, Balder, and the Warriors Three among others. They held off the Skrull forces in space until the end of the conflict.[62]


Some citizens of Earth-928 worship the Asgardian Gods. For example, Punisher 2099 was raised as a Thorite and was a member of the Church of Thor. In the Fall of Hammer storyline, Alchemax created the floating city of Valhalla, which contained the false Norse gods known as the Aesir, including Heimdall, Baldur, Thor, and Loki.[citation needed]


Asgardians from Darkseid vs. Galactus The Hunger Vol 1 1 001

On Earth-7642, Asgardians seemingly had a similar history as their New Earth counterparts. They were known as Old Gods and lived on a planet called GodWorld until they were destroyed during Ragnarok.

Following their reincarnation, it can be assumed Asgardian history followed its Earth-616 history.[9]


Asgardians from Exiles Vol 1 22 0001

Who you gonna call, ASGARDIANS!

In the Vi-Lock infected world of Earth-8545, The Asgardians were called upon to produce their godly blood to construct a cure for the Legacy Plague.[citation needed]


Asgardians are amalgamated with DC's New Gods to form Asgods.


Asgardians (Earth-9997) from Universe X Vol 1 4 001

Asgardians of Earth X

The Asgardians are aliens that were manipulated by the Celestials. Their natural evolution over the centuries has put them in the third tier of the Celestial mutation cycle. As such, their appearance, powers, and identities are defined by the belief of others. As they are believed to be the Gods of Norse mythology, therefore, they have the same special adaptations. In the guise of Asgardians, these aliens have become are extremely long-lived, but not immortal like the Olympians; they age very slowly upon reaching adulthood. Their body density is three times denser than normal human beings, contributing to their superhuman strength and weight.[citation needed]


Asgardians from What If? Thor Vol 1 1 001

In Earth-22260, the Asgardians lost their war with the Frost Giants. They stormed Asgard and destroyed the realm and most of its inhabitants. Thor is the last known surviving Asgardian.[63]


Asgard (City) from Thor (film) 0001


Thor and the Asgardians are a race of advanced beings who the Vikings worshiped as Gods. When Thor was a baby, the Asgardians went down to Midgard (Earth) with their king Odin to defend the human race from the Frost Giants. When they won the war, they returned to Asgard, where they kept watch over the Nine Realms, but because they are far from them, they use a portal called the Bifrost guarded by a gate-keeper named Heimdall. They are long-lived but not immortal, and they are strong and powerful warriors.[64]

Thor and the warriors of Asgard defended the Nine Realms for thousands of years but because of Thor's love for Jane Foster and his loyalty to his friends of Earth he found years later during his banishment, Thor defends Earth as a member of the Avengers.[65]


The Asgardians resembled Dinosaurs, the dominant sentient species on Earth.[66]

The Asgardian Gods all possess certain superhuman physical attributes:

  • Superhuman Strength: All Asgardians are superhumanly strong with the average Asgardian male God able to lift (press) about 30 tons under optimal conditions and the average Asgardian Goddess able to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.[14] Odin, Thor, and Tyr are physically stronger than most of the Asgardian Gods.
  • Superhuman Speed: All Asgardians have the potential of being able to run and move at speeds much greater than the finest human athlete. Only Hermod and a few others can supersede the majority of the Asgardian Gods.
  • Superhuman Stamina: The musculature of an Asgardian God produces considerably fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of human beings. The average Asgardian God can exert themselves at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue impairs them.
  • Superhumanly Dense Tissue: The skin, muscle, and bone tissues of the Asgardian Gods are about three times as dense as the same tissue of a human body, contributing to their superhuman strength and weight.[14]
  • Superhuman Durability: The bodies of the Asgardian Gods are considerably more resistant to physical injury than the bodies of human beings. Asgardian Gods are capable of withstanding conventional injury including great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes and falls from great heights without sustaining physical injury. According to Norman Osborn, most Asgardians at their base level are about as physically durable as Spider-Man (although this was most likely a lie he told to push his employees to fight during Siege).[67]
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite their natural durability, it is possible for any of the Asgardian Gods to sustain injury. However, if injured, their highly advanced metabolism enables them to recover with superhuman speed and efficiency. As with most of their other powers, the speed and extent of these powers varies from one Asgardian God to another and is greater for more powerful Asgardians. According to Doom during an Asgardian vivisection, a normal Asgardian can heal from having their heart removed for five minutes after the removal in addition to having his or her neural system continue to function normally.[68]
  • Superhuman Reflexes: The Asgardians' reflexes are in levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athletes.[69]
  • Superhuman Longevity: The Asgardian Gods are extremely long-lived, but they are not truly immortal like the Olympian Gods.[14] They age at a much slower rate, but they are not immune to the effects of aging. Their bodies are also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infection.[14]
  • Energy Manipulation: The Asgardian Gods have some potential to manipulate mystical or cosmic energies for some purpose. These powers are mostly limited to changing their appearance or shape and teleporting across great distances. However, a small minority of the Asgardian Gods are capable of manipulating vast amounts of energy for a variety of purposes including teleportation, shape-shifting, matter manipulation, augmentation of their physical capabilities, erecting powerful force fields, firing powerful blasts of energy for destructive purposes, and granting superhuman attributes to objects and beings. According to Doctor Doom, every Asgardian has a spark of the Odin Force inside them, giving them their mystical nature.[70]

The Asgardian Gods possess specific skills associated with their personalities or area of expertise. For example, as the Asgardian God of Thunder, Thor has complete control and mastery of the weather, whereas Amora is highly skilled in all forms of physical and sexual pleasure. Most of the Asgardian Gods have had some degree of training in armed and unarmed combat through private tutors or through the other Gods.

  • Riding/Horsemanship: Many of the Asgardians are proficient horseback riders trained in riding conventional horses and winged horses in addition to other enchanted animals.
  • Combat Proficiency: The Asgardians are exceptional warriors in both armed and unarmed combat including swordsmanship and archery.[67]
  • Weapon Proficiency: The Asgardians are known to carry swords, battle axes, and war hammers among other weapons.
  • Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak, Asgardians can communicate and be understood by or races.

The Asgardians are not highly advanced in technology, and unlike many of the Olympians or other pantheons, very few relatively wield magic; even Ares has been shown using it for various effects. The Asgardians were doomed to die and be reborn in the eternal cycle of Ragnarok, until Thor ended it, their lives bound to the Norns, Yggdrasil, Hela, and Those Who Sit Above in Shadow. Even on Midgard without Ragnarok, it has been shown that "the touch of mortality upon" the Asgardians are greater than in Asgard, and, like Odin, their natural powers are weakened.

The Asgardians were worshiped as Gods by the people of Scandinavia and Germania, occupying parts of Britain, Gaul (modern-day France), and North American outposts.