Bren Waters (Earth-616)

Without the symbiote
Bren Waters was a teenage boy that at some point bonded to the Toxin symbiote following its return from the brink of death. Afraid of being recognized, Bren requested the symbiote give them an adult-looking transformed state, and Toxin obliged by giving Bren a combination of Patrick Mulligan and Eddie Brock's appearances.
On one of their first outings following Knull's invasion of Earth, Bren picked a fight with a Brood/human hybrid created by Alchemax's unethical experiments, and was attacked by a Guardsman who believed that Toxin had been part of the symbiote invasion. Escaping, Bren returned home and bickered with Toxin until Bren's father, Ozkar, returned home from work - revealed to be the Guardsman who Toxin had fought earlier.[1]
Extreme Carnage[]
In the aftermath of Knull's defeat, Bren watched Senator Peter Krane on TV talking about the threat that the symbiotes posed and how they needed to support the Friends of Humanity, much to his and Toxin's concern.[2] A few weeks later, Bren was watching TV at home when he saw on the news that the Alchemax Building in Manhattan was being attacked. Worried about his father, Bren and Toxin set out to investigate,[3] Bren riding his bike to the building as various Guardsmen flew overhead looking for symbiotes.

Toxin teams up with Silence and Anti-Venom
Toxin offered to take over to prevent Bren from getting exhausted, then abruptly went silent - accompanied by Bren suffering from an agonizing headache. Arriving at Alchemax, Bren found his father badly injured and being loaded into an ambulance, asking if his father was one of Alchemax's Guardsmen and suspecting him of lying when his father denied that was the case.[2] Toxin later returned and informed Bren that Carnage had pulled its consciousness into the Symbiote Hive-Mind in an attempt to corrupt it, but that it had fought back and won. Sensing an unfamiliar symbiote nearby, Toxin engulfed Bren and set out to determine if they were an enemy or a prospective ally, finding Andi Benton - host of the Silence symbiote - and Flash Thompson - host of the Anti-Venom symbiote. Quickly determining they were all on the same side, Toxin, Silence, and Agent Anti-Venom decided to team up to stop Carnage, setting out for Washington, D.C. for a final confrontation.[4][2]
Once they arrived at the National Mall, Bren and the others went to meet up with Hank at Flash's place. Realizing that Peter Krane, who was supposedly being controlled by Carnage, was going to assassinate the president during a memorial to the people killed in the symbiote invasion, Bren and the others went to the place where the president's memorial was going to be held in order to protect him. The next day the team found out that Arthur Krane was the one possesed by Carnage and not his father, with the Senator being the real target rather than the president.[5] After getting some help from Sleeper, Bren and the others make their way towards the stadium where Peter Krane's rally was being held, unfortunately they arrived too late to protect the Senator as he was already killed by Carnage, who unleashed his hive on the people that attended the gathering. Toxin fought and defeated Lasher while Carnage, now merged with another symbiote, and Agony managed to escape, with the other Life Foundation symbiotes being taken by the Guardsmen from Alchemax. After the battle, Andi and Flash told Bren to go home as he was just a kid and shouldn't have been here in the first place, but Bren tells them that him and Toxin pulled their weight on the fight and he was not going anywhere, though they all still lost the fight as people will be more fearful of symbiotes now more than ever.[6]
Bren noticed that several employees of Alchemax had gone missing as part of a series of attacks and fearing that his father might be next he learned that Dylan Brock was suspected to be one of the culprits. With Toxin's help, Bren tracked Dylan down, and explained to him the situation, asking for his help on this matter. Dylan agreed but as payback Bren would help him save his own father. Some time later, while he was talking to his father on the phone, asking if everything was alright, Toxin could tell that Ozkar's assurance was a lie, before their call was cut and a photo was sent to him depicting an injured bound man. Fearing that it was his father, Bren had Toxin contact Venom through the Hive-Mind, while he made his way to the warehouse the man was located. Entering the warehouse, Bren retracted the symbiote from his body, seeing several dead Alchemax employees along with drugged children and information regarding other staff members and their families. Bren was soon met with a masked man who applauded Bren for coming in his father's stead and offered to explain why he and his group was doing all of this. Told by Toxin to keep the man distracted long enough for Venom to arrive, Bren asked why, and the man told him how Alchemax was responsible for the death of his and many others' children, and all they were left with was vengeance against the corrupt company. He then attacked Bren, but to his shock saw that the boy was bonded to a symbiote. Soon Venom arrived to assist Bren, going to save the children while Toxin grabbed hold of the masked man. Demanding to know who he was exactly, the man just said he was "No-One" as he set a grenade off, igniting the poisonous gas surrounding them. Both Toxin and Venom managed to save the children as the warehouse exploded, and as they watched Alchemax's security, which included Ozkar safe and sound, surrounding the area, Bren received another message from No-One, threatening Bren and his symbiote allies that they wouldn't stop them.[7]
Resting in his home, Bren was suddenly attacked by Noname, this time prepared with anti-symbiote weaponry. As they bombarded Bren with their new weapons, Toxin was forced to detach from its host as it was killing them both. Defenseless, Bren was captured by Noname and brought to one of their bases where he was put alongside other captured children.[8] Placed in an empty pool, the seeming leader of Noname explained to Bren and the other children how Alchemax had intentionally leaked the K-43 compound in the water system to make the people immune to symbiotes but instead it ended up killing many innocents, mostly children, and now Noname wished to have this crime exposed. Adding that the only way to do this was to force the cruel company to come out on its own, the leader began filling the pool with K-43, intending to kill the the children of Alchemax's employees, unless their request was accepted.[9]
As Bren began drowning in the compound, Venom, with the help of Black Widow, managed to convince Ozkar to uncover Alchemax's crime. Toxin broke inside the base and rebonded to Bren to save him, but was rendered dormant from K-43. Venom soon arrived and rescued Bren, and seeing that Toxin was unresponsive, decided to bring him to Agent Anti-Venom to purge the compound from his body.[10]
Venom War[]
Some time later, Toxin confronted Eddie and his team of Kings in Black alongside Dylan, Sleeper, and Normie Osborn and Rascal, and Flexo in the Grand Garden Arena.[11] After Flexo turned on them and mortally wounded Eddie, Toxin attempted to intervene, but the symbiote robot proved to be too strong.[12] Toxin instead went to tend to Sleeper after he was injured by Flexo, while Rascal took the robot symbiote outside the building. Then the Zombiotes and their master Meridius, Eddie's evil self from an alternate future, broke inside and attacked the Brocks and their allies, forcing Toxin to hold back the infected horde, only for a zombified Flash Thompson to attack him from behind. Fortunately, Meridius and his Zombiotes were defeated, but both Eddie and the Venom symbiote were lost, leaving Toxin and Dylan to be escorted out by Alchemax.[13]
In the aftermath of the Venom War, Bren was forcefully separated from Toxin to keep him out of further troubles. Bren began safely living a normal life again, while the Toxin symbiote was incarcerated by the new S.C.A.R. department.[14]
Former Weapons
As Toxin, Bren fights using the symbiote's claws, fangs, and tendrils.[1]