Brethren of the Forgotten Flame (Earth-616)
The Brethren of the Forgotten Flame was a cult modeled after the prehistoric Skrull fire cults.[1] It was led by Sister Talionis, although she only used the cult as a tool to further her ends during an alliance with Doctor Doom.[2] Fueled by the formation of the Kree/Skrull Alliance and the collapse of the cosmic economy, Talionis turned the cult to the worship of Dormammu to gain the power to destroy the universe.[1]
Swaying Ego the Living Planet to their cause, the Brethren of the Forgotten Flame had him displace to a specific location in the Galactic Rim to follow a prophetic ritual that required them to observe a constellation comprised of the brightest stars in three separate Skrullian constellations. When the time came, Talionis directed the rest of the Brethren of the Forgotten Flame in a self-sacrificial ritual that resulted in their blood turning into a black shell that enveloped the entirety of the planet.[3] After days of incubation, a Dormammu-possessed Ego hatched from the egg.[4]