Character Index/I


Appearances: Web of Spider-Man #110

Ian was a member of the Pipers, a biker gang who used to terrorize drivers along the Colorado southern border. Ian was one of the first Pipers to be wasted by Lizard.[1]

Appearances: International Iron Man #6

Ian was one of Amanda Strong's bandmates.[2]

Appearances: Marvel's Voices: Legacy #1

Ian went with Michelle to her father's shop to retrieve the bag within which Ian had hidden materials to fight Ian's uncle, who had become a vampire. Only the intervention of Blade saved the boys who eliminated the vampires.[3]


Appearances: New Mutants (Vol. 4) #10

Mentions: Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #36

Mrs. Ichiki was Hisako's mother. Hisako received news of the death of his mother and brother while she was on Utopia with the X-Men.[4]
Years later, Hisako had a vision of her mother and brother as she and the New Mutants faced off against a mutant girl whose nightmare induction mutant powers were out of control.[5]

Mentions: Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #36

He was the only brother of Hisako's dad who died when he was young.[4]


Appearances: Marvels #1, Marvels #2 & Marvels #4

Iggy was a reporter and a friend of Phil Sheldon.[6]
Years later, he was running a deli in the Baxter Building.[7]
He was introduced by Phil to Marcia Hardesty.[8]


Appearances: Patsy and Hedy #109

Igor was a mercenary hired by Marcia Black to steal Mickey Morris' boat and kidnap Patsy Walker and Hedy Wolfe. Black's plans were thwarted by the arrival of Mickey Morris and Burt Chesney.[9]

Appearances: Fear Itself: Book of the Skull #1

Igor was a priest of the Thule Society and he was ordered to ready the protection spells to keep the Hammer of Skadi hidden.[10]


Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 2) #23

Ilsa was Manuel Eloganto's assistant and bodyguard when he pretended to be a therapist to create a series of scams. When Daredevil confronted Eloganto in his office, Ilsa lunged at him but Daredevil easily defeated her by crashing her into a wall and stunning her.[11]


Appearances: Elektra: The Hand #1

Inspector Imagawa agreed to release Kagenobu Yoshioka into Ishiyama-sensei's custody and care.[12]


Appearances: Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #8

Nurse Imelda works at Public School 20 Anna Silver. Coach Hrbek brought Lunella Lafayette to her office when the fourth grader was acting erratic, as unbeknownst to everyone, her body was accidentally inhabited by the mind of Devil Dinosaur.[13]


Appearances: Longshot #3

Inez was Theo's wife with whom she begged to pay the phone bill otherwise they would cut her off and do the same with the electricity bill.[14]

Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #35, Wolverine (Vol. 2) #36 & Wolverine (Vol. 2) #37

Inez was a partisan revolutionary and an old flame of Eugene Judd.[15]


Appearances: X-23 (Vol. 3) #7

Indi was a police informant who was to give him news about pirates. Discovered by pirates he was captured and tortured. Gambit and Laura tried to save him but didn't make it in time and the pirates killed him.[16]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #10

Inga was one of Madame Joy's girls.[17]


Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #197 & Spectacular Spider-Man #199

Ira was a robber stopped by Cyclops and Spider-Man in the West Village.[18]
The same night, Ira was stopped by Peter Parker from harassing a girl on the subway train.[19]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #267

Irving was a member of the neighborhood watch of a New York City suburb that Spider-Man visited after tracing a man there who had robbed a store in Manhattan. Irving harassed Spider-Man believing him to be a nuisance and was webbed to the roof of his car with his wife when he wouldn't let up.[20]

Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 5) #16

Mr. Irving from Pilsburg was interrogated by Captain America and Agent 13.[21]


Mentions: Marvel Team-Up #119

Isaac was the brother of Sadie Bass, and in conversation with Gargoyle asked him if by chance he was a Jew because his brother Isaac was.[22]

Appearances: Solo Avengers #7

Isaac was a member of the terrorist group of the Bartovian Liberation Front who attacked Orly airport in Paris, taking hostages and declaring that they would kill them if the French government did not free their militants who had been captured after a terrorist attack and imprisoned . The entire group was confronted by Hawkeye, Silver Sable and Sandman who were at the airport to return to their homes and were all captured and handed over to the French authorities.[23]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man: Soul of the Hunter #1

Isaac was a kid who fell in a hole while playing in a construction site and was rescued by Spider-Man.[24]


Appearances: Classic X-Men #19

Mentions: Uncanny X-Men #274

Isabelle was a doctor whom Erik Lensherr met in Rio de Janeiro and with whom he began a love affair. At that time Magneto thought he was collaborating with a government organization of Nazi hunters, in reality his handler worked for the Nazis themselves and in revenge after Erik had killed a wanted Nazi, he had Isabelle killed before Erik's very eyes.[25]


Appearances: Ghost Rider (Vol. 7) #5

Isdel, one of Jones' men, was confronted and defeated by the Ghost Rider.[26]


Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 2) #78, Punisher (Vol. 2) #79

Ishenko was one of the three businessmen who tried to exploit the mineral resources of Kamchatka.[27]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 3) #42

Ishiguro was embarrassed when he was forced to ask his friend Logan to leave his establishment, since his other customers were feeling uncomfortable.[28]


Appearances: Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special #1

Isolde was an acrobat of the Winding Road Circus.[29]


Appearances: Marvel Comics Presents #160, Marvel Comics Presents #161

Mentions: Venom: The Mace #3

Dr. Ito was a scientist of the Sunrise Society in Japan and was in charge of the project that created Mace, a clone of Shigeru Ezaki.[30]
Having developed a conscience about what the Sunrise Society was doing, he was accused of being a traitor by the Society itself and sentenced to death, but before he died he managed to destroy all the files of his research so that the Society could not use them.[31]


Appearances: Silk (Vol. 4) #2, Silk (Vol. 4) #4, Silk (Vol. 4) #5

Mentions: Silk (Vol. 4) #3

Ivaan was a Coding Bootcamp teacher in a class where Cindy Moon attended and which took her away from the embarrassment when her cell phone started playing music and she couldn't turn it off but that he nicely and ironically did it for her. After that he asked her for an appointment.[32]
Ivaan tries to call Cindy back, after she had ditched him at the concert, asking him if she was interested in him otherwise he would have given up to avoid making a fool of himself, but he did it just when Cindy had become old because of the Manyeo, but in any case she she replied that she was interested but it was not the ideal time.[33]
After defeating the Manyeo, Cindy went to Ivaan apologizing for bailing him out at the concert and telling him that if he still wanted to go out with her he had to know that her life was complicated and after kissing him she disappeared again, leaving Ivaan wondering that in fact could definitely be a strange relationship.[33]


Appearances: Sub-Mariner #40

Ivan and his superior were Soviet sailors tasked with sabotaging the Cape George radar station, appropriating a private boat from two Americans with the relevant documents to infiltrate without being detected, but they were still identified by the Coast Guard and arrested.[34]

Appearances: Incredible Hulk #107

Ivan witnessed the Hulk coming to his village with a small child, whom he turned over to the villagers before suddenly vanishing before their own eyes.[35]

Appearances: Longshot #2

Ivan was an actor who was stunt-doubled by Longshot.[36]

Appearances: Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #1, Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #2, Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #3 & Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #4

Ivan was a member of the Black Cat's Gang.[37]
He was confronted by Hawkeye and Deadpool.[38]
Ivan was later reprimanded by the Black Cat for failing to find Jeremy Ellsden's hard drive.[39]
Ivan was eventually caught and arrested by the S.H.I.E.L.D..[40]

Appearances: Venom: The Finale #2

Ivan was Trish Tilby's cameraman.[41]


Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #-1

Mr. Izzo was the owner of a local comic book store.[42]


Appearances: Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #30

Izzy and Jake were frequent customers of Club Apocalypse, a drinking establishment where information about crimes was sometimes sold, and had dealt with Frenchie and with Amy Chen, an agent of Silver Sable. When Sable was sent to prison, the CIA put a lot of pressure on these snitches to convince them not to collaborate with Chen nor with other allies of Sable. Chen went to the Apocalypse Club to try to buy information, but Izzy and Jake had been intimidated and only revealed that "the feds" were paying better than Sable, and that Frenchie had been killed for trying to tell the truth. Bolo then asked Izzy and Jake to stop talking with Chen.[43]

Which of the two men was Izzy, and which was Jake, is unrevealed.


  1. Web of Spider-Man #110
  2. International Iron Man #6
  3. Marvel's Voices: Legacy #1
  4. 4.0 4.1 Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #36
  5. New Mutants (Vol. 4) #10
  6. Marvels #1
  7. Marvels #2
  8. Marvels #4
  9. Patsy and Hedy #109
  10. Fear Itself: Book of the Skull #1
  11. Daredevil (Vol. 2) #23
  12. Elektra: The Hand #1
  13. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #8
  14. Longshot #3
  15. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #3537
  16. X-23 (Vol. 3) #7
  17. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #10
  18. Spectacular Spider-Man #197
  19. Spectacular Spider-Man #199
  20. Amazing Spider-Man #267
  21. Captain America (Vol. 5) #16
  22. Marvel Team-Up #119
  23. Solo Avengers #7
  24. Amazing Spider-Man: Soul of the Hunter #1
  25. Classic X-Men #19
  26. Ghost Rider (Vol. 7) #5
  27. Punisher (Vol. 2) #7879
  28. Wolverine (Vol. 3) #42
  29. Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special #1
  30. Marvel Comics Presents #160
  31. Marvel Comics Presents #161
  32. Silk (Vol. 4) #2
  33. 33.0 33.1 Silk (Vol. 4) #4
  34. Sub-Mariner #40
  35. Incredible Hulk #107
  36. Longshot #2
  37. Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #1
  38. Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #2
  39. Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #3
  40. Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #4
  41. Venom: The Finale #2
  42. Spectacular Spider-Man #-1
  43. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #30