Character Index/S


Appearances: Uncanny X-Force #30

Mr. Sabahnur and his wife Mary were imaginary creations of the Shadow King who pretended to be the parents of Evan so that the Shadow King could test him.[1]


Appearances: Marvel Comics Presents #159

General Sabin was head of the armed forces of a Middle Eastern country dominated by the dictator Farouk el Amir. During the clash with the rebel forces, Nick Fury arranged for his aircraft to be shot down on Sabin's orders and then accused him of what he had done, risking an international incident.[2]


Appearances: Micronauts (Vol. 2) #6

Sabitini was an imaginary character that was envisioned by Bug as an example where the Micronauts would have need of his skills after he had decided to leave them. In his imagined episode, Sabitini leads a marauding fleet of creatures related to Insectivorids on an attack of the Confluence who were woefully unprepared to fight and sought help from the Micronauts. The Micronauts were able to outwit Sabitini and his fleet but expressed remorse at Bug's absence.[3]


Appearances: Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1

Saburo was a policeman who tried to pursue Kitty Pryde after she attempted to rob a compu-teller.[4]


Appearances: Tales to Astonish #42

Sadie was the girlfriend of Harry Sloan, a thief who she did not suspect was a criminal, but rather thought he was an honest worker and from whom she received a promise that he would soon have enough money to marry her.[5]


Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 10) #19

Sadiq was one of the first terrorists to be killed during the Punisher's assault on the Black Dawn base.[6]


Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 6) #38

Saif was a kid from Brooklyn whom She-Hulk helped retrieve the ball that had landed under a car, after which Saif asked She-Hulk if she wanted to play with them, but Jennifer had to give up as she was called back by the Fantastic Four.[7]


Appearances: Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots #1

Mrs. Saitō was Jenni's mother, who came back from work to scold her daughter for being suspended from school again because of the protest Jenni had made in favor of minorities and despite loving her daughter, Mrs. Saito was forced to ground her.[8]

Appearances: Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots #1

Mr. Saitō was Jenni's father, but there is no news of him if he is dead or still alive.[8]


Appearances: Moon Knight #15

Sakata was a Japanese Minister who went to New York to discuss trade and tensions between America and Japan. He was shot in the arm by Sgt Gwenn who was a right wing radical xenophobe. After being bandaged up he made his public appearance when Sgt. Gwenn attacked and tried to kill him, and was stopped by Moon Knight.[9]


Appearances: Power Man Annual #1

Sakura was one of Moses Magnum's minions and guards when the latter established a mining operation on Katsyu Shima on an attempt to affect fault lines all over the Pacific Coast and destroy several cities. Sakura and the other minions were all Asian males with expertise in martial arts and weapons. Sakura was secretly one of the undercover agents of Magnum's enemies in the Council,[10] controlled by Edward Buckman, who saw some of his own interests threatened by Magnum's plans.[11] When Magnum decided to kidnap geophysicist Samantha Sheridan, the Council warned Sakura that this was against their interests. During the first stages of the operation in Tokyo, Sakura tried to shoot Sheridan dead, but her bodyguard Power Man stopped him, only to be later knocked down by Magnum himself. Magnum and his commandos then loaded their prisoners on a plane at Haneda Airport. The Council ordered Sakura to make it so that Sheridan did not reach Magnum's base alive. En route, Sakura went to the plane's hold where the prisoners were, intent on garroting Sheridan; but Power Man woke up in time and, though chained, fought Sakura. The ruckus attracted Magnum's attention, then Power Man told Magnum that Sakura was betraying him. Sakura denied the accusation, then Magnum claimed to have had doubts in Sakura for some time, and opened a hatch to throw both Sakura and Power Man to a one-mile fall on the Ocean. While Sakura apparently died, Power Man survived and tracked Magnum to prevent another Council agent in Magnum's forces from killing Sheridan.[10]

Sakura is both a female first name and a surname in Japan. This character, referred to only as Sakura, is apparently male, so Sakura is likely to be his surname.


Appearances: Iron Man (Vol. 3) #5

Mr. Salinas was one of the Isla Suerte's resort managers. Following the Flaming Sword’s attack upon the island, he approached Morgan Stark (and later – with success – Tony Stark) on the Isla Suertans’ intentions to rebuild, as well as using the changes made to the island’s geological status to add in a science center and a volcano-view resort.[12]


Appearances: Daredevil #28

Sal wasn't going to attend Matt Murdock's lecture at Carter College, but, just like all the other girls, suddenly changed her mind as soon as she saw how handsome the guest lecturer was.[13]

Appearances: Avengers (Vol. 3) #27

Sal was a cameraman outside Avengers Mansion with anti-mutant protesters when Jonathan Tremont arrived and was ordered to get a close-up shot of him.[14]

Appearances: Spider-Man: Lifeline #2

Sal and Joey, two of Hammerhead's henchmen, confronted the Eel, but were easily defeated.[15]

Appearances: Daredevil: Battlin' Jack Murdock #4

Sal hoped that Battlin' Jack Murdock would beat Crusher Creel at the Madison Square Garden.[16]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 3) #63

Salah was a militant who arrested Wolverine in the Iraqi Province of Al Anbar.[17]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #8

Sally attended a party at Doris Evans' house, where the Human Torch put an infra-red spotlight on her while she was dancing.[18]

Appearances: Avengers #4

Sally and one of her friends, upon seeing Captain America, who had just returned from a long suspended animation, thought they would recognize him by his costume and Sally said that her older brother had often told her about him and that it was Captain America.[19]

Appearances: Daredevil #236

Sally was a high school acquaintance of Jack Hazzard, who nearly gave her a heart attack when they randomly met at the bar where she was working.[20]

Appearances: Marvel Comics Presents #151

A while later, Sally served some coffee to Logan.[21]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #28

Sally was working as a secretary in the lumber mill in the Rocky Mountain foothills owned by Billy Bentine. She received his resignation form when he decided to join the gamblers anonymous program.[22]

Appearances: X-23 (Vol. 3) #5

Sally was a young girl who belonged to the cloning program that Miss Sinister cared for.[23]

Appearances: Mystery Men #1

Sally was an actress who worked in a Broadway play alongside Alice Starr, and she envied her because she knew a man as powerful as the General.[24]

Appearances: Illuminati #3, Illuminati #7

Sally was Eliot Franklin's girlfriend.[25]

Appearances: Squadron Supreme (Vol. 4) #7

Sally was a waitress from Fallon who met Mark Milton.[26]

Appearances: A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants #2, A.X.E.: Judgment Day Omega #1

During "Judgment Day", Sally, a girl from London, was chatting with a new dude who liked her online poetry, not guessing that in fact it was Syne the Memotaur, a member of the Hex, the giant Eternals.[27]
At the end of Judgment Day, before returning to the Armory, Syne the Memotaur went to London to meet Sally and told her it was nice to have met her, that he liked her poems, and to finish her zine and that if she would was released again, he would have liked to share his poems with her or with his children or grandchildren.[28]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #15

Saloman was the doorman of the castle of the Prince of Madripoor.[29]


Appearances: Western Outlaws #14

Sam was driving the coach that was robbed by Raven and his accomplice.[30]

Appearances: Tales to Astonish #32

Sam was a reporter for the Daily Press who was told by his boss to go get the man he claimed was a Martian. Once the man agreed to have Martian show off his abilities, the editor in chief told Sam to take care of the publicity for the event.[31]

Appearances: Tales to Astonish #51

Sam was a space courier who luckily got the delivery of the Blake Order and told Rack Morgan, who put some sleeping pill in Sam's drink so he could carry out the delivery.[32]

Appearances: Two-Gun Kid #88

Sam was one of the two men delivering the payroll to Tombstone that was robbed by Rattler.[33]

Appearances: Strange Tales #108

Sam was ordered to throw the Painter out.[34]

Appearances: Tales to Astonish #50

Sam was an armed payroll guard who was robbed by the Human Top.[35]

Appearances: Fantastic Four #25

Sam and his partner were forced by the Hulk to stow him in the back of their truck.[36]

Appearances: Daredevil #1, Daredevil #53

Sam was a goon working for the Fixer when Daredevil first started going after his father's killers.[37][38]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #21

Sam was told to call the police as soon as Spider-Man appeared hanging from his web.[39]

Appearances: Daredevil #15

Sam was a guard in the state prison where Karl Stragg and the Ox were detained.[40]

Appearances: Fantastic Four #59

Sam was part of a National Guard unit testing a new solar-beam gun. He mistook the Human Torch for the drone missile and fired at him, but the solar beam blast missed him by a mile.[41]

Appearances: Captain Marvel #6

Sam was an technician, who was stationed at Cape Canaveral, he worked on the SOLAM machine.[42]

Appearances: Daredevil #63

Sam was a guard at the prison where Melvin Potter was being held. During his escape attempt Sam was about to shoot him while fighting Daredevil, but a colleague of his stopped him by telling him that the Warden wanted to give daredevil a chance to capture him alive.[43]

Appearances: Silver Surfer #15

Sam was a tailor who made some minor alterations to a coat bought by the Norrin Radd.[44]

Appearances: Daredevil #83

Sam and his colleague Max were carrying with the ambulance the corpse of the Scorpion, actually a robot created by Mr. Kline, when they were assailed by Mr. Hyde, he too a robot.[45]

Appearances: Marvel Spotlight #5

After the death of Crash Simpson, Sam was told by Johnny Blaze to tell the announcer to hold the crowd, as he was going to make the jump.[46]

Appearances: Werewolf by Night #11, Werewolf by Night #12, Werewolf by Night #13, Monsters Unleashed #6, Monsters Unleashed #7

Sam was a girl who lived at Colden House, the same building where Jack Russell went to live and the first time he met him he decided that both she and her friend Clary Winter both wanted him.[47]
Later Sam and Clary invited Jack to keep her company in the pool of Colden House.[48]
Sam and Clary were in Jack Russell's company when another Colden House tenant, Raymond Coker, broke into their pleasant conversation by accusing Jack of having stolen a book from him.[49]

Sam was among the other residents of Colden House that were kept hostage under a Biker Gang led by a man named Kingston.[50]

Appearances: Vampire Tales #4

Sam was the handyman of the Bellis house.[51]

Appearances: Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #15

Sam criticized Wong for working for Doctor Strange.[52]

Appearances: Solomon Kane #3

Telling Jack Hollinster that Mary Garwin had been kidnapped by Sir George Banway's rogues, Sam lured the young lad into a trap house where he was knocked down by Fishhawk's crew.[53]

Appearances: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #124

Sam witnessed Doctor Octopus rob a nuclear cargo he was transporting from the Brentwood labs in Suffolk County to a storage plant in North Carolina.[54]

Appearances: X-Force #21

Sam was a Cheers Beacon Hill employee in Boston who served a drink to Christina Valentino and Copycat.[55]

Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 4) #1

Sam witnessed a terrorist attack in Centerville on Easter Sunday.[56]

Appearances: X-Statix #16

Coming out of a bowling alley, Sam and his friends were the first victims of Mr. Code to be killed with a bomb.[57]

Appearances: Araña: The Heart of the Spider #3

Sam was a member of the Sisterhood of the Wasp who was in charge of the operation led by Vincent and Amun to get in Judge Thomas.[58]

Appearances: Dark Reign: The Cabal #1

Sam was the Hood's driver. He was killed by Hood himself for having assisted too much to the family problems of the Hood.[59]

Appearances: All-New Ghost Rider #6

Sam found a machine gun and a bag of pink pills in the aftermath of a battle at Hillrock Heights in East Los Angeles. His dog, Churchill, ate the pills and mortally injured him, but he was able to use the machine gun and kill the dog.[60]

Appearances: Daredevil Annual (Vol. 6) #1

Sam and Joey arrived out of breath on bikes to warn Mike Murdock that his brother Matt had been in an accident and was in hospital.[61]

Appearances: S.W.O.R.D. (Vol. 2) #3

Sam was a friend of Baz, Eden Fesi's uncle, whom he visited on his land in Australia before embarking on a mission to make sure they weren't attacked by Knull's Symbiote Dragons.[62]

Appearances: Spider-Woman (Vol. 7) #14

Sam was a security guard for Marchand Pharmaceuticals. When Spider-Woman infiltrated the Marchand Pharmaceuticals building, she attempted to use her pheromones on Sam and another guard but the ruse didn't work as Sam and the other guard were women, so Jessica had to be tough with them to put them out of action.[63]


Appearances: Marvel Fanfare #60

Samantha stole an apple, which was actually a grenade, from Mr. Lee, who was actually an alien of the N'Grith. Lee tried to capture Samantha but the child was saved by the Black Panther.[64]

Appearances: Toxin #5, Toxin #6

Samantha was a follower of Razor-Fist who also took care of her personal hygiene.[65]
She acted like a filmmaker in filming Razor-Fist, but when she suggested creating horror movies and not really killing, he tried to kill her but was saved thanks to Toxin's timely intervention.[66]

Appearances: Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #516

Samantha was a child who received abuse. Iris went to her house after she had received a call about it. [67]


Appearances: Captain America: Forever Allies #2, Captain America: Forever Allies #3, Captain America: Forever Allies #4, The Marvels #6

Samaru gifted his mistress, Lady Lotus, a gem of power that amplified her mental powers.[68]
As a faithful servant, Samaru rejoiced in his mistress's victories.[69]
Samaru helped Lady Lotus escape after her defeat by the Young Allies.[70][71]


Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 4) #1

Samir was saved by Captain America from a street aggressor.[56]


Appearances: Captain America #128

Sammy and his girlfriend were looking at a bookstore's display of posters showing old time stars, including a wartime poster of Captain America, whom they joked about, Sammy dismissing the hero as a has-been.[72]

Appearances: Dracula Lives #4, Werewolf by Night #17

Sammy is a gate guard who worked for Mallet Studios at their Burbank movie studio in California.[73]

Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #14

Sammy and his pet dog Hershey were saved by Spider-Man after their building caught fire.[74]

Appearances: Punisher: War Zone #38

Sammy was one of Mr. Shockett's henchmen who was killed by Mr. Shockett as he shot the Punisher, disobeying his orders.[75]


Appearances: All Winners Comics #3

Big Sam was one of the prisoners of Tolegate prison who constantly fomented riots and was threatened by the warden that if he continued with his behavior he would segregate him in isolation forever.[76]

Appearances: X-Men #9

Samuel and Matilda witnessed Scott Summers becoming sick on a speeding super-liner in the North Atlantic.[77]

Appearances: Magneto (Vol. 3) #2 & Magneto (Vol. 3) #3

Samuel was one of the inhabitants of Down Acres, a "Tent city" Magneto visited to investigate about Colton Hendry. He welcomed him, and after being demanded to tell what was wrong with the place, he revealed that a gang would regularly come and take by force people from Down Acres.[78]

After Magneto killed the gang one night, Samuel was interrogated by S.H.I.E.L.D. the next day.[79]


Appearances: Captain America: What Price Glory? #3

Sanchez was one of Nicoli Spano's henchmen who were knocked out by Captain America.[80]


Appearances: X-Factor #76

Sandah was a girl from Trans-Sabal who with her brother Jolel, of whom she was totally submissive, met Wolfsbane dazed after being thrown away by the Hulk. Jolel wanted to capture her while keeping her prisoner waiting for Farnoq Dahn's men to take her away. When Rahne was about to escape, Sandah helped her by hitting Jolel with a bottle. When Jolel recovered she killed Sandah with a knife angering Wolfsbane who in return killed Jolel.[81]


Appearances: Thing #31

Sanders was the director of a movie that was filming on a deserted Pacific island on Moon-Boy and Devil Dinosaur and between the actors, there was Sharon Ventura.[82]

Appearances: Knights of Pendragon #3

Mr. Sanders was a wealthy tourist aboard a luxury yacht where they allowed him to shoot the manatee as if it were a sport.[83]

Appearances: Shadow Riders #1

Sanders was a security monitoring officer at Mys-Tech Central, the Mys-Tech headquarters in London.[84]

Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #230

Mr. Sanders hired the Kalen brothers to inspect his chemical plant near Greenlawn in Huntington, New York but was unprepared for them to also inspect his illegal waste dump. To prevent them from going public, he hired a fixer to booby-trap the dump with explosives. Upon learning that David Kalen had survived, and had been transformed into a superhuman monster, Sanders increased security at his plant and hid out in it. Evading Sanders' security, Kalen found Sanders, who was saved only due to the intervention of Spider-Man; however, after being dissuaded from his vendetta, Kalen presented evidence that implicated Sanders in the murder of his brother, and the police took the industrialist away.[85]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 3) #9

A henchman of Angelica Rojas, Sandro brought Logan to his friends.[86]


Appearances: Captain America Comics #36

Mrs. Sands was the wife of New York's water commissioner William Sands and attended the gala held by wealthy Mrs. Van Loan in honor of her guest, the Polish diplomat Mr. Raczkowski and during the party her husband was kidnapped by the Leopard Woman.[87]


Appearances: Iron Man #29

Sandy was Tony Stark's skipper.[88]

Appearances: Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #69

Sandy was a passenger of the Danish Princess luxury liner.[89]

Appearances: Elektra: Assassin #4

Sandy was a 19 years old girl in a coma, whose form and personality was swapped by Elektra to mislead the Hand and kill Ken Wind. However, the Hand learned of this and trapped Elektra within Sandy's personality. As she eventually died in the hospital, Elektra was then able to return to her true form and nature.[90]

Appearances: Thunderbolts #1

Sandy and Barb witnessed the Thunderbolts pursue the Rat Pack through the concrete canyons of Mid-Manhattan.[91]

Appearances: Darkhawk (Vol. 2) #4

Sandy was a waitress in a Coffee Shop where Spider-Man was a regular customer and when Spider-Man showed up with Connor Young they had her serve rhubarb pie and coffee.[92]


Mentions: Venom (Vol. 2) #1

During the ethnic cleansing by The Bright in Nrosvekistan, Juka and her mother tried to escape, but when the elderly mother got into trouble during the escape, she told Juka not to worry about her and to get to safety, but Juka replied that he had already lost his dear Sanja and had no intention of losing her too.[93]


Appearances: X-Factor #235

Mrs. Santana was the mother of aspiring hero Shutterbug who was killed by Scattershot while recording The Insigna's adventures. He barely made it home and delivered the camera to her mother who then summoned X-Factor and gave it to them.[94]

Appearances: America Chavez: Made in the USA #1

She was Berto Santana's wife, America Chavez's adoptive brother whom she saved with the rest of her adoptive family from a fire set in their building by an enemy of America.[95]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #259, Amazing Spider-Man #260

Mr. Santellio owned a candy store that was used as a front for an illegal gambling operation. He was confronted by Hobgoblin demanding a cut of the operation's profits[96] and his operation was later broken up by Spider-Man.[97]


Appearances: Daredevil #145

Mr. Santiago was a customer of Nelson and Murdock worried about the delay of Matt Murdock for the hearing for his defense.[98]

Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #140

He was present with his wife during his son Juan's interview with Matt Murdock at the Manhattan Criminal Court, having been charged with the murder of Jack Zelnick.[99]

Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #140

She was present with her husband during her son Juan's interview with Matt Murdock at the Manhattan Criminal Court, having been charged with the murder of Jack Zelnick.[99]

Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 3) #18

Brother of the Nurse Adele Santiago, he turned to Nelson and Murdock to help his sister clear her from the murder accusation of the drug dealer Victor Hierra.[100]

Appearances: Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1

After many attempts the old Santiago managed to win with a "scratch card" ticket and was then approached by a strange individual, actually the In-Betweener, telling him he was lucky but as soon as he touched Santiago the old man collapsed to the ground with the individual who apologized by saying that he was not the one he was looking for.[101]


Appearances: Iron Man #29

Santo was Maria's little brother, who participated in the rebellion against the Overseer.[88]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #1

Mr. Santos was a former drug addict. After the death of his wife, he decided to go clean. While returning from rehab, he took his daughter Juliana along with him to the Bank of the United States. Unfortunately, Juliana was killed by a drug-crazed bank robber.[102]

Mentions: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #1

Mrs. Santos was killed by a hit-and-run driver. Her death convinced her husband to get off his drug addiction.[102]


Appearances: Vision (Vol. 2) #5

Mr. Santora worked as a literature teacher at Alexander Hamilton High School.[103]


Appearances: Amazing Adult Fantasy #7

During the Salem with trials in the 18th Century, Sarah was saved by Ben from the witch hunters and after she gets into an accident, Ben reveals he knew she wasn't a witch because he is one.[104]

Appearances: Amazing Adult Fantasy #9

Sarah was the widow of Stefen, whose spirit made Swami River disappear.[105]

Appearances: Captain America #139

A neighbor of Sam Wilson, meeting Sam on the street, told him that he was grateful because after talking to his daughter Sarah, she had started going back to school.[106]

Appearances: Alpha Flight #15

Sarah was a Sarcee Native elder. She was about to be seen by Dr. Michael Twoyoungmen at his doctor's office on the reservation when Michael's daughter Elizabeth barged into the doctor's office during her visit.[107]

Appearances: Daredevil #270

Sarah was taken by his boyfriend Peter on top of Christ's Crown; they witnessed the birth of Blackheart, who immediately killed them both.[108]

Appearances: Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #1

Sarah was a student at the Cranewood School for Girls in Long Island. When Hydra hijacked the school and threatening to kill the students unless authorities released twenty-seven criminals in various countries, Sarah and other students, including Anna Sablinova, were kept under the watch of Hydra Lieutenant Dmitri Petrovich. Impatient, Petrovich ordered the execution of a student to prompt a response from the authorities, and Sarah was chosen; she screamed at Anna for help, but it was in vain. Anna witnessed the murder in horror, and from that moment on she insulted and threatened Petrovich even from her position of inferiority.[109]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #28

Sarah was a Vault employee who was killed by Carnage during his escape attempt from a mobile transport unit in Colorado.[22]

Appearances: Venom: Dark Origin #1

Sarah was one of Eddie Brock's schoolmates.[110]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #657

Sarah was a fan of Johnny Storm that she met when he got off the Fantasti-Car in search of the Frightful Four with her sister Sue asking for an autograph, and she and other girls attended the prank that Spider-Man made to Johnny when he lowered his pants.[111]

Appearances: Silk (Vol. 3) #2

Sarah was the receptionist of a psychotherapy center. When Cindy Moon showed up for the therapy session, sarah informed her that her therapist, Dr. Sinclair was not there due to a family emergency and to give her replacement a chance.[112]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #74

Sarah was a prisoner in Bedford Falls Correctional Facility where Elizabeth Tyne was also there and like other prisoners she was afraid of Elizabeth, whom she known as Janine Godbe to the point of giving her part of her lunch.[113]


Appearances: Marvel Feature #1

Sarey pointed Doctor Strange, disguised as a businessman, to the new lighthouse in Point Promontory.[114]


Appearances: Daredevil #214

Sarge was one of a group of homeless men that invited a hungry Micah Synn into their group before trying to rob him before Daredevil showed up and stopped them.[115]


Appearances: Uncanny X-Men #194

Sasha was an aide to Colonel Vazhin at the KGB in Moscow. They discussed a fight that occurred between the X-Men, Juggernaut, and Nimrod and the repercussions including the U.S. government labeling the X-Men as criminals.[116]

Appearances: X-Men (Vol. 2) #1

Sasha was a Russian agent working at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. He confirmed to his superior, the Director-General, that Magneto's Asteroid M had reappeared in geosynchronous orbit around the Earth.[117]

Appearances: Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #5

Sasha is a student at Public School 20 Anna Silver. She was one of the girls playing with matches in the restroom that set the school on fire.[118]
Later she was exposed to Terrigen Mist, while walking Yancy Street with Lily, who underwent Terrigenesis.[119]

Appearances: Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #30

Sasha was a Jersey City barista from the neighborhood where Kamala Khan lived. When she Kamala and Carol Danvers walked into the bar where she worked for a coffee, she Sasha told Kamala that she was no longer in her skin and was very nervous since she managed to get into college to study medicine.[120]


Appearances: Punisher: War Zone #12, Punisher: War Zone #13

After undergoing brainwashing, Saul believed to be a simple worker who worked at the mill, and among his colleagues there was Frank Castle.[121]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #26

Saunders was an operative for Target Technologies and together with his team captured the mutant twins Silver and Auric in Vancouver.[122]

Appearances: Captain America 2001 #1

Saunders worked in the White House.[123]


Appearances: Spider-Woman #28

Savitra was one of Maharihi Parata's disciples and attended his master during a public ceremony at the Hollywood Bowl which was attacked by the Enforcer's gang. The disciples urged the Maharishi to escape.[124]


Appearances: Longshot #4, Longshot #5

Saxaphone was Rita Ricochet's pet dog.[125]
Saxa's life essence was eventually consumed by Mojo.[126]


Appearances: X-Factor #213

Scarpetti was persuaded by Darwin to turn himself to the police.[127]



Appearances: X-Men: Prelude to Schism #2

Magneto's father, Jakob Eisenhardt, rescued the wounded Bavarian Major Scharf during a war action in the First World War, bringing him to safety inside a trench under heavy enemy fire. For this Jakob was awarded the Iron Cross which was Scharf himself to pin it to him.[129]


Appearances: Tales of Suspense #71

Doctor Schiller was a specialist surgeon from Vienna called in Alberia to operate Happy Hogan, after being critically injured by Titanium Man. He managed to keep him alive, although dangerously weak.[130]


Appearances: Werewolf by Night (Vol. 3) #2, Werewolf by Night (Vol. 3) #3

Agent Schilling accompanied the U.S. Marshall Red Wolf and J.J. looking for Jake Gomez after Molly warned them of the ambush he had received, but had to leave them to investigate alone when his car nearly got bogged down in the mud.[131]
He participated in repelling Life Pharmaceutical's cyborgs attack.[132]



Appearances: Daredevil vs. Punisher #2

Mr. Schmidlin was a businessman affiliated with Hammerhead.[135]


Appearances: Sgt. Fury #8

Schmidt was a German doctor to whom the Howlers took Gabe Jones to have his leg wounds treated. Despite his reticence in wanting to cure him, ranting phrases about the superior race, he convinced himself to cure Gabe after Nick Fury threatened to detonate a stick of dynamite inside his medical practice.[136]

Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #9

Schmidt was hunted and killed by Wolverine for torturing and abusing a Canadian nun in Iraq.[137]


Appearances: Ka-Zar the Savage #34

Schoed was one of the Karem people who had been teleported to the planet Tomriv by the Motyka Bone. He had been held captive by the Nuwali for many years before orchestrating his escape back to Earth with the help of Ka-Zar where he was reunited with his son Beel.[138]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #11

Mr. Schoenfeld was Burt Corrigan's attorney.[139]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #26

Schott was in charge of the test to be carried out in the town of Fortune, New Jersey, for Target Technologies, to prove that their wave cannon, a specialized safety device equivalent to a neutron bomb that eliminated all human life while leaving infrastructure intact, worked regularly to satisfy their commission. The test was stopped just in time by Spider-Man and the New Warriors but Schott and his team managed to escape and he gave the order to blow the dam which would have erased all evidence.[122]


Appearances: Wolverine, Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection a Marvel Graphic Novel #1

Scott and his brother Kevin were seen by Nick Fury meeting their father.[140]

Mentions: Marvel Knights Double Shot #3

After the death of director Dylan Rollins, looking for a new director for the film already in production, Gabe, manager at the Apex Studios, told producer Ann Peery that Scott was interested.[141]

Appearances: Fear Itself: The Home Front #2

Scott was injured while fleeing due to a Tiger Shark assault on a bank. He was treated by Liz Allan on a subway, after convincing Scott's brother to leave Normie whom he had taken hostage in a panic.[142]


Appearances: Punisher Meets Archie #1

While he was working for Josie and the Pussycats, Scooter noticed the presence of Red Fever in the ballroom where the band was playing and immediately made a tip to Ernie, a member of the rival gang of Red Fever, in exchange for a fee.[143]


Appearances: X-Factor Annual #5

Jean Grey met Mrs. Scully while laying flowers at Phoenix's grave, which was marked with her own name. Mrs. Scully told her life story: she was a rich Jewish girl who had been sent to a Nazi concentration camp. She was allowed to live because she could dance ballet for the commandant. She moved to America, married Sam, and was rejected by her aunt for marrying outside their faith. She is an example to Jean of how to have many lives and yet remain true to herself.[144]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #202

Seaman was one of Lorenzo Jacobi's henchmen.[145]


Appearances: West Coast Avengers #1

Sean was a cameraman who filmed a scene with Simon Williams.[146]

Appearances: Daredevil #216

Sean's family was found and killed by the Gael in Lower Manhattan.[147]

Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #65

Sean was the barkeeper of Augie's bar in Salem Center.[148]

Appearances: Sensational Spider-Man #19

Sean was a friend of Akasha Martinez.[149]

Appearances: Spider-Man #93

Sean witnessed Spider-Man rescue his son Conner from a building on fire.[150]


Appearances: Tales to Astonish #41

Sebastian was a Latin American dictator. When he was overseeing the work of his peasants, he was present when they uncover a treasure chest. He thought to himself that he will get the treasure through cleverness, rather than force, and told the peasants that they have uncovered the Vulture's treasure, a pirate who had placed a curse on it. He told them, that as their leader, he will take the chest and bury it at sea and they cheer him for it. He thought that they were superstitious fools that deserved their poverty as he boarded the boat to leave the country. A violent squall came up that wreaked his boat and an apparition appeared standing on the waves that seized the chest and the dictator realized he had outsmarted himself as there really was a pirate named Vulture who had cursed the treasure.[151]

Appearances: Captain America and Batroc #1

Sebastian was a French parkour enthusiast, he and a friend met Batroc on the roofs of Paris as they embarked on a parkour course.[152]


Appearances: Ka-Zar the Savage #5

Selma was Sarak's life partner who welcomed Ka-Zar to tell him about the events involving the assaults a saber-toothed tiger who killed their son and in welcoming Ka-Zar told Selma to prepare him a drink.[153]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #39

Selwyn witnessed Spider-Man defeat and capture a gang of crooks at Macy's window,[154]


Appearances: Captain America Annual #10

Senescu was Quincy McIver's attorney who came to warn him that he would be released from the Vault due to insufficient evidence of wrongdoing.[155]


It has been suggested that this section should be split into:

Serena (Earth-616)

Date: March 30, 2024 21:09:35


Appearances: Savage Sword of Conan #233

Princess Serena was Iranistan's king's half-sister. While she was being sent to the harem of Prince Yezdigerd, her caravan was attacked by Conan's Kozaks. Serena begged Conan to remain with him. She was then kidnapped by a pair of Kozaks with plans of their own for her. She then apparently retreated into a Mitraic monastery.[156]


Appearances: Thor #357, Thor #358

Sergei was a Soviet defector blackmailed by Boris Bullski into creating suits of armor that could be miniaturized into electronic cards, given to a group of disaffected Vietnam War veterans to form the Green Liberation Front. Once Sergei learned that his parents were not hostages, but they were dead, he exposed Bullski's true identity to the veterans, who turned on him.[157]

Appearances: Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special #1

Sergei fell into a hole in the ground below a zinc mine near the farm and was saved by Piotr Rasputin.[158]

Appearances: Captain America #618

A Russian diplomat who showed Gyrich confidential documents convincing him that Barnes should be extradited to Russia. After making Gyrich confess about Barnes's extradition, Rogers went to see Sergei but by the time he arrived at his home it was too late as he had been murdered.[159]

Appearances: Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12

Sergei was one of the Chameleon's henchmen.[160]

Appearances: Amazing Fantasy (Vol. 3) #1

Sergei was a soldier on guard at the Black Widow Ops Program training center. After a fellow soldier on guard with him heard a noise, caused by Natasha's escape from the center, he came to him alarmed but after looking around him he reassured him that there was nothing to worry about.[161]

Appearances: Blade: Vampire Nation #1

After Blade discovered the Contessa's attempt to assassinate Dracula and explained his findings to her at her home, the Contessa called her aides Sergei and Boris, but they did not answer. Instead, Blade pulled back a curtain and showed the corpses of the two that he had killed before.[162]


Appearances: Nova (Vol. 7) #2

Tio Sergio celebrated El Dia De Los Reyes together with his brother Silvio, his nephew Sam Alexander, and the rest of his family at Alexander Residence.[163]


Appearances: Spider-Woman #43

Seth was a security guard at the San Francisco County Jail. When prisoner Gino was suddenly assaulted in the night and left in shock, Seth, another guard and SFPD Lieutenant Sabrina Morell went to check on him. A note for Morell was found on Gino's body and delivered to Morell for her to read; Seth asked about it.[164]

Appearances: King in Black: Return of the Valkyries #2

Seth was one of the New Yorkers who was attacked by a symbiote during the siege by Knull and was rescued by Moonstar's intervention.[165]


Appearances: Two-Gun Kid #21

Setoro was the chief of the Chicauha Apaches.[166]


Appearances: Captain America #406

Sevelin was one of the Red Skull men guarding the hideout in the Rocky Mountains. Crossbones made himself known to him when he was captured by the Skeleton Crew.[167]


Mentions: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3

As Goliath and Wasp walked the streets of New York looking for Spider-Man, a boy called Seymour and told him to bring him a piece of paper to ask Goliath for his autograph, but when Seymour asked him how he could be sure it was Goliath, the boy replied if he knew anyone else who was 10 feet tall.[168]

Appearances: X-Men #32

Seymour was one of the musicians who performed at the Coffee A Go-Go for Bobby Drake's birthday party.[169]

Appearances: Avengers #53

Seymour was a skydiver who bumped into Angel, as the mutant was flying as high as he dared to avoid being seen.[170]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #82

Seymour was responsible for drawing up a contract for Spider-Man, in order for him to appear on one of the late night talk shows.[171]


It has been suggested that this section should be split into:

Shamaash (Earth-616)

Date: March 30, 2024 21:09:35


Appearances: Conan the Barbarian #34

In the Khitan city of Wan Tengri, armed with a spiked mace, the brooding giant Shamaash the Terrible confronted Conan as he tried to escape the Flame Tower, but he was killed with a single, decisive blow.[172]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #267

Shana was a young girl that lived in the suburbs of New York City and saw Spider-Man while she was riding her big wheel. Later, Spider-Man had to warn his cab driver from hitting the girl as he was chasing down the man he was looking for.[173]

Appearances: X-Factor #56

Shana and her friend were drinking in Monroe's club where there was a group of Ravens psychic vampires and incited by others of the group, Coral attacked Shana making her experience nightmares until her friend, convinced that her visions were due to the fact that Shana had drunk too much, she accompanied her home.[174]

Appearances: Thunderbolts #157

Shana was a girl from Ghost's past. Incarsicus extracted images of her from Ghost's mind to exploit his weaknesses.[175]


Appearances: Thunderbolts #158, Thunderbolts #159

When Kuurth's hammer fell on the Raft, partially destroying it, Shaner, a Raft guard, alerted Warden Walker that something had hit the Raft but all the containment cells were still active. He also told him that the Thunderbolts team was not present as they had gone to help the Beta Team and only Juggernaut was left in the Raft.[176]


Appearances: Uncanny X-Men #198

Shani was a pregnant woman that was in a bus accident and was rescued by Ororo Munroe in Kenya. She walked her to her village and helped deliver and save her baby.[177]


Appearances: X-Factor: Prisoner of Love #1

Shank was a member of the Rattlers street gang. He managed to knock out the Beast by hitting him in the head with a brick while Hank was trying to oppose the gang who wanted to attack a girl.[178]


Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #12

During the Vietnam War he was a fellow soldier of Tiger Brown; during a sortie in Cambodia, Brown was wounded but he ordered Shark to pursue the Viet Cong who had wounded him and bring him back alive. When he returned, however, he found Tiger Brown hanged. Upon returning to his homeland, Shark was traumatized by becoming alcoholic and homeless.[179]

Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 9) #2

Shark was a brothel owner from the South Bronx who was killed by the Punisher.[180]


Appearances: Captain Marvel #48

She was a friend of Trina and met Rick Jones when he came to visit.[181]


Appearances: Spider-Man Unlimited #5

Live from her downtown studio, TV announcer Sharon interviewed Bobster after he and Spider-Man captured Mr. Naguro and his would-be nuclear terrorists.[182]

Appearances: Journey Into Mystery #504

Sharon was the production assistant of Vincent Starwit's TV food show.[183]


Appearances: Avengers: Endless Wartime #1

Shav was a Tabissara mercenary who witnessed Ara shooting down an Ice Harrier.[184]


Appearances: Avengers: Marvels Snapshots #1

Shawna told Kerry if she should give her the keys to the apartment given that he had been living with her for three months now even though he had initially asked her if he could only host her for a couple of weeks.[185]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #1

Mr. Shea was a creditor at the Bank of the United States who had been assisting Mr. Santos for years. During a meeting with Mr. Santos, a drug-crazed bank robber shot Shea.[102]


Appearances: Incredible Hulk #347

Sheila was one of the receptionists in the Coliseum Casino; owner Michael Berengetti called her by her first name.[186]

Appearances: Uncanny X-Men #513

Sheila was a nurse at St. Francis Hospital infected by Simon Trask's techno virus.[187]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #633

Sheila was a reporter who covered the violent outbursts in New York City which followed the manhunt for Curt Connors.[188]


Appearances: Daredevil #178

Sheldon was a kid who attempted to blackmail Randolph Cherryh.[189]


Appearances: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #2

Shelly was a guest at Councilman Randolph Cherryh's Manhattan penthouse reception.[190]

Appearances: Fear Itself #7

Shelly was one of Rick's new neighbors.[191]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #8

Shen was a Lowtown underboss whose slave business was dismantled by Patch and Joe Fixit.[192]


It has been suggested that this section should be split into:

Shenkov (Earth-616)

Date: March 30, 2024 21:09:35


Appearances: Conan the Barbarian #275

Shenkov was the hitman of the Bahari Kozaks. Soon welcoming Conan to his tribe, he died trying to save Pteor from some magical fires which were burning down his village.[193]


Appearances: Two-Gun Kid #29

The Sheriff helped Two-Gun Kid tackle Bull Murdock and find the truth about Two-Gun Kid's old friend Clay Cumber.[194]


Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 3) #60

Shertzer was a marketing expert for a publicity firm that dealt primarily with rock stars. When his boss hired him to take care of the public image of the Fantastic Four, he had some adventures with them and eventually changed his mind in a positive way about them.[195]


Appearances: Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #28

Shiela (sic.) was a ninja and a member of a female assassin's guild that had been part of Foreigner's 1400 Club and to which Amy Chen had belonged. With her partners Roberta and Sophia and their leader Maria, she was involved in the murders of several political hopefuls who had voted for an increase in spending for better police protection. Silver Sable and Chen, by then Sable's employee, investigated the murders and Sable killed Sophia. Chen then infiltrated in the guild, although Sheila reprimanded her for having left. Maria sent Chen to murder a Maggioso as a test, and Chen pretended to comply, but Maria discovered how Chen was trying to trick them, and arranged a trap for her, pretending to accept her in a heist with them to kill Maggia Don Alfredo Magnano and his associates in his Long Island villa. Silver Sable found out the murder they were planning through her contact the Foreigner. In the villa, when Chen refused to kill in cold blood, Maria revealed that it was a trap for Chen; Roberta and Shiela killed several of the Maggiosi there, and Chen tried to escape through the villa's garden. The guild chased after her, but Sable joined her and defeated Shiela and the other assassins. Sable then cashed the bounties for the four assassins.[196]


Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 8) #10

During Knull's invasion, Shiny was one of the monsters that volunteered to join Deadpool's Special Ops team to protect their land.[197]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #300

Shirato-san was a member of the Hand positioned for 50 years in an area of Japan as a sleeper agent pretending to be a farmer and creating a life as one, and in the meantime secretly building a tunnel that led to the Temple of the Fist and delineating the entire area by creating maps and reporting anything. At the end of his task he requested to be killed together with his family.[198]


Appearances: Avengers #26

In an East-Side night club, Shirl wanted to see Hawkeye's fascinating-looking Avengers signal ring, but she carelessly dropped it, damaging its delicate miniature circuitry.[199]

Appearances: Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #2

Shirl tried consoling Dwayne after he attempted to rob the Crazy Gang and almost had his head cut off.[200]


Appearances: Thor #204

Shirley together with two of her friends met Fandral in a pub in Manhattan, and when Fandral happy tried to introduce them to Hogun and Balder he realized that they had both left the pub.[201]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #249

While she was taking off her Peter Parker costume, Shirley entered Peter's room but luckily she wasn't wearing contact lenses and didn't see the costume clearly, thus ignoring that Peter was actually Spider-Man.[202]

Appearances: Skrull Kill Krew #2

Shirley was a flight attendant in a plane hijacked by Hydra in order to kidnap President Wassily Kurov.[203]


Appearances: Marvel Mystery Comics #2

Shorty was a member of outlaw gang of Hook Tebbs who was stationed in Prairie City.[204]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #50

Shorty was a mob boss attending a meeting of the bosses where it was announced that the Kingpin was going to take over the crime in New York and Shorty asked why the Kingpin didn't request it himself as he didn't deal with the henchmen who represented him.[205]


Appearances: Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #11

Shotz was one of six members of the Wild Pack under the command of Ernst Sablinov in an early operation in Tokyo to apprehend Nazi criminal war Ivan Trefkov. When Sablinova was apparently killed, her daughter and second-in-command Silvija took command and attempted to lead her men to capture Trefkov, but she was emotionally distressed and led her team to fight against a battalion of agents of the terrorist organization Hydra. Sablinova believed she had trapped the enemy in the hold of a ship, but it was a trap that the entire group fell into. Shotz died under enemy fire.[206]


Appearances: Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #30

Mr. Shukla was a Jersey City shopkeeper from the neighborhood where Kamala Khan lived. When Kamala walked into her shop for errands, Mr. Shukla asked her about her father's health and gave her some candies that he knew Kamala's father liked.[120]


Appearances: Incredible Hulk #391

Shurk was born from Jaffan, the capital city of Trans-Sabal. His father was the newspaper editor there, until he wrote editorials against Farnoq Dahn. From then, one day, he and his newspaper vanished. Shurk's mother raised a fuss with the local police, but was herself held for questioning (which included beatings and possibly worse torments) for a week. She eventually committed suicide a year after her husband's disappearance. When word around that the Pantheon was going to invade the country to liberate it, Shurk felt he had to join them and the rebellion they assisted, the People's Armed Forces Front. When Rick Jones was trying to understand the whole meaning of the conflict in Trans-Sabal (after having found his opponents equipped with S.H.I.E.L.D.-issued Mandroid Armors), he went to discuss with Shurk who presented him his life under Farnoq and the reasons of why he fought. In the following battle with the Trans-Sabalian Army in the Sendara Pass, just outside Jaffan, he was killed and died in Rick Jones' arms.[207]


Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 3) #1

Shusaku was a police officer who met Captain America.[208]


Appearances: Marvel Holiday Special #1991

Sia was a young bride who prayed Lord Odin to safeguard her husband.[209]


Appearances: Marvel Treasury Edition #26

Sibyl was a girl in a pub who spotted Logan while he was drinking at the bar and hit on him, but as they were about to exchange some jokes in the pub Hercules entered and Sibyl immediately threw herself into the newcomer's arms.[210]


Appearances: Black Panther #9

Sid was one of the cameramen of a science fiction movie which was being filmed in Sudan.[211]

Appearances: Excalibur #1

Sid was one of the hostage takers who were confronted and defeated by Excalibur.[212]

Appearances: Spider-Man #67

Sid was a nurse on the reception desk at New York Hospital. While Peter Parker was trying to get information about Dr. Seward Trainer's discharge, a commotion occurred in the hospital and a hospital administrator asked Sid what was going on.[213]

Appearances: Spider-Woman (Vol. 3) #3

Sid was attacked by Flesh.[214]

Appearances: Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes #1

Sid was an acquaintance of Clint Barton.[215]


Appearances: X-Factor #52

Sifter and Rat saw Officer Jones investigating the body found in the snow and realizing that she was a woman and that she was on what they said was their territory, they decided that they wanted to have some fun with her, but their purpose ceased the very moment that Archangel intervened and disposed of the gang.[216]


Appearances: Marvel Holiday Special #1991

Sigurd was a Viking who managed to return home in time of Midwinter's Feast with Odin's help.[209]


Appearances: Marvel Comics Presents #131, I Am an Avenger #5

Silver took Ant-Man out of Lief's house.[217]
Later Silver also served as a flying transport for Eric O'Grady when he was introduced to the Avengers.[218]


Appearances: New Mutants #8

Silvera was a member of a boat crew in Brazil. He was part of the crew that took the New Mutants to Maderia. When he found out the team were mutants, he refused to work with them.[219]


Appearances: Daredevil Father #4

Silvia was NeRo's secretary.[220] She wasn't aware of his secret identity.[221]

Appearances: Devil's Reign #1

Silvia was a Stromwyn employee serving on their yacht who announced to her employers that the Political Future Group would be calling at six.[222]


Appearances: Nova (Vol. 7) #2

Tio Silvio celebrated El Dia De Los Reyes together with his brother Sergio, his nephew Sam Alexander, and the rest of his family at Alexander Residence.[163]


Mentions: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #23

While fleeing the scene where he threw a rock with a threatening message wrapped in it to discredit Spider-Man, Jason Ionello, disguised as Spider-Man, was spotted by a young boy while running behind Mr. Simek's house.[223]


Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 4) #4

Simic was one of Secretary Dahl's security guards when he was meeting with Nick Fury about Captain America revealing his identity. Captain America burst into the government building he was meeting in. Simic and his partner shot at Captain America until Fury shut off the alarms and told them to stand down. Simic hoped it was some kind of test, which partner replied it had to be.[224]


Appearances: Avengers #73

Simmons was a member of the Sons of the Serpent. While skulking around an abandoned dock, Simmons was knocked out by the Black Panther, who stole his uniform in order to infiltrate the organization.[225]

Appearances: Giant-Size Man-Thing #4

Miss Simmons was the Citrusville High School teacher in charge of the school yearbook and allowed Alice Rimes to read the diary of the late Edmond Winshed and then decide whether to publish it.[226]

Appearances: Marvel Fanfare (Vol. 2) #2

Simmons was a Canadian government agent who assisted Heather Hudson.[227]


Appearances: Meet Miss Bliss #1, Meet Miss Bliss #2

Mr. Simms is the science teacher at Centerville Junior High in Centerville, California.[228]


Appearances: My Love (Vol. 2) #19

Although determined not to want a stable relationship, Wanda Kingston fell in love with Simon, a college student who thought of her as love affairs, and so she was burned by his refusal.[229]

Appearances: New Mutants #7

Simon was the butler at Emmanuel Da Costa's home in Rio de Janeiro. He welcomed the New Mutants when they visited.[230]

Appearances: Dazzler #37

Mr. Simon was the father of Dazzler's high school friend Diana Simon who Dazzler had been called to come visit where she encountered the apparent death of her friend and sinister business dealings between a criminal organization and Mr. Simon. Needing money, Mr. Simon had gone into business with Revenge Inc. in exchange for experiments on Diana and was eventually killed by operatives from the organization.[231]

Appearances: Incredible Hulk Annual #19

Simon shot point blank at Hank Hunter who owed him money but the bullet was halted in mid-air by Lazarus, secretly Hank's father, Todd Hunter, who later blew the pistol into Simon's hands and wounded him.[232]

Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 3) #32

Simon was the great-grandson of Stanley Klein, a World War II veteran to whom Captain America had saved his life and who told his grandchildren about this story at every family gathering.[233]

Appearances: Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1

A government official to whom Steve Rogers delivered a jewel containing information about the Super-Soldier Serum from a government agent who had been mortally wounded by Nazis.[234]

Appearances: Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #2, Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #3, Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #4

One of the subordinates of the Fusilli Crime Family, mutated into a demonic serpentine form.[235]


Appearances: Uncanny X-Men #194, Uncanny X-Men #196

Simone was one of the Porsches that was part of the Strucker hunting party when they were in Kenya and ran into Ororo Munroe.[116][236]

Appearances: ClanDestine #1

Simone witnessed Maurice Fortuit being attacked and killed by unidentified assailants in St. Moritz.[237]


Appearances: Avengers #91, Avengers #92, Avengers #94

Simpson was one of the three technicians who, while they were working in a research station in Alaska near the very edge of the Arctic Circle, were affected by the Ronan the Accuser's evo-rays and de-evolved into primates. In that brutal state, they challenged Yellowjacket for the dominion upon the Wasp, but they were quickly defeated. When the Avengers finally managed to destroy the Kree device, they were reverted back to their normal selves.[238]
Returning to the continental United States, Simpson and his colleagues broke the oath of secrecy sworn to the Avengers and told the press everything about what happened in the Alaska. They actually testified against the Avengers when they were summoned before the Alien Activities Commission by H.W. Craddock for allegedly aiding and abetting Captain Marvel.[239]
Later, as they had been altered by the Kree, they were confined in a government research center somewhere beneath the sky-clawing monoliths of New York City and used by Craddock as human guinea pigs for his alien-detection device.[240]

Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #83, Wolverine (Vol. 2) #84

Simpson was Heather Hudson's research team's geologist.[241]
Simpson eventually died for the wounds inflicted by the Hunter in Darkness.[242]


Appearances: Mosaic #1

Sinéad was an acquaintance of Fife.[243]

Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 7) #2

Sinead was a girl from Hell's Kitchen who helped Daredevil, but was also forced to obey a boss's orders out of fear. She was given an amputated hand with which she had to fingerprint guns with which crimes had been committed, but the boss did not know that the one to be blamed was left-handed while the amputated hand was right.[244]


Appearances: Fantastic Four #236

Singh was one of Prof. Reed Richards' science colleagues in Liddleville.[245]

Appearances: Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #521

Mr. Singh was Josh Glen's office manager who scolded him for his delays in delivering his assigned work. After Josh showed up at work in the Hate-Monger hood, Singh fired him.[246]


Appearances: Patsy and Hedy #61

Mrs. Singer is an elderly seamstress in Centerville, California.[247]


Appearances: Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #66

Singye was one of three priests who came from Kamar-Taj to beseech Doctor Strange for his help in helping to identify the as-of-yet unknown High Lama of their order.[248]


Appearances: Deathlok (Vol. 2) #21

Colonel Sinje is an officer in the Iraqi military. He irregularly bought a set of super-soldier cyborg Cyberwarriors from Harlan Ryker's illegal France-based operation. Sinje intended to use the Cyberwarriors to re-conquer Kuwait for his country, starting with an attack on the oil fields of northern Kuwait. Ryker delivered his stock and Ryker's employee Ben Jacobs coordinated the attack, but the Cyberwarriors were defeated and severely damaged by Ryker's enemies Coldblood-7 and Deathlok, flying the latter's vehicle Dragonfly. Sinje watched in horror as his new Cyberwarriors were destroyed. The operation ended when international law enforcement agency SHIELD arrested Ryker; Sinje's fate was not revealed.[249]



Appearances: S.H.I.E.L.D. (Vol. 3) #2

Skeesh was a student at Coles Academic High School and Grayson Blair's accomplice in his black market dealings.[251]


Appearances: Thunderbolts: From the Marvel Vault #1

Skeets was a shady type and he employed the mother of Melissa Gold, Mimi Schwarz, in doing various crimes, resulting in her being sent to prison. Upon leaving prison Mimi was welcomed home by her husband, but upon his death she returned to Skeets who continued to mistreat her.[252]


Appearances: Strange Tales #110

Skelly was a prison guard at Cortraz Penitentiary who was ordered to open the gates to let the food supply truck in.[253]


Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #136

Skip was a little boy who was taken hostage by the Sin-Eater while Spider-Man battled Electro. In fact, the kidnapping was Stan Carter's ploy to get shot by the cops and get it over with and he had no intention of hurting the child, also because the shotgun was unloaded.[254]


Appearances: Werewolf by Night (Vol. 3) #1, Werewolf by Night (Vol. 3) #2, Werewolf by Night (Vol. 3) #3

Skipper, Russ, and Nails were three Life Pharmaceuticals employees who went hunting on the Hopi tribal land, not caring about the warning Molly gave them until they were attacked by Jake turned-werewolf.[255]
The next day, aboard an attack helicopter, they tried to take revenge on Jake by hunting him down.[131]
He is seen on a tape kidnapping Granny Rora.[132]


Appearances: Wolverine, Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection a Marvel Graphic Novel #1

Skorzeny was the director of the Rio Cobre Mining Corporation of Peru, who was killed in Istanbul by Amber D'Alexis' men.[140]


Appearances: Web of Scarlet Spider #1

Skuds was a street criminal defeated by the Scarlet Spider.[256]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #83

Skunk was defeated by Albert.[241]


Appearances: Jubilee #3

Slab was one of the thugs who belonged to Shane Shooter's crew. He managed to steal some traveler's checks, convinced that they were worth as much as cash, but Shooter pointed out to him that even if this were true, the owners could easily cancel and replace them after the theft, thus making the stolen goods useless.[257]


Appearances: Astonishing #9

Captain Slade was in command of a wrecked ship called the Eastern Moon, which was also the last ship Kim Larsen would serve as first officer. When Larsen asked Captain Slade what the ship's cargo was, he responded rudely by telling him not to concern himself with it and that he had only been brought in to take care of the men.[258]


Appearances: Daredevil #314

Inmate Slash-O was hired by Ariel Tenmore to cut up her father.[259]


Appearances: Captain America #169

Slick was among the gang members who were confronted by Captain America for attacking Falcon on behalf of Boss Morgan.[260]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #26

After Spider-Man's intervention to prevent a mugging by a mugger, Slick asked the girl why she didn't call the police to arrest the goon and she replied that she didn't want any more hassle and that it wasn't her responsibility.[122]


Appearances: Rawhide Kid #17

Slim was a member of a stagecoach robbery gang, unfortunately for him and the gang in a robbery attempt they stumbled upon a stagecoach with the Rawhide Kid as a passenger who easily eliminated the gang.[261]


Appearances: Nightcrawler #1, Nightcrawler #2

Slimey was a member of the crew of the T'ai Javinee and informed Long John McGurk that the Jinjav Sabree had been kidnapped by Shagreen the Sorcerer which prompted him to raid Shabreen's fortress.[262]


Appearances: Tales to Astonish #42

Harry Sloan's mother did not suspect her son of being a thief, but she was concerned for his well-being and advised him not to be late for dinner.[5]


Appearances: Marvel Comics #1

Slug was employed by plantation-owner John Crafton.
In 1939, Slug was with his boss in the Amazon Jungle following Ken Masters when local Indians killed him with a poisoned dart.[263][264]

Appearances: Captain America Comics #1, Marvel Mystery Comics #58

Slug was a Nazi henchman who worked for the Red Skull. He clashed with Bucky and brought him to the Skull. Bucky was later saved by Captain America, who defeated Slug and the other henchmen.[265]
A few years later, Slug reappeared, still recognizable by his ever-present flat cap. He'd apparently eschewed politics to do the heavy lifting for the Black Widow, a cross-dressing hitman who took contracts from wives seeking to decisively end their marriages. Slug and his employer were caught in the act of one such contract by another patriotic hero, Miss America, and were eventually captured and turned over to the police.[266]


Appearances: Captain America Comics #9

Slugger was a henchman of the Black Talon. They aided him in his crimes when he killed various rival artists.[267]

Appearances: Marvel Fanfare #1

Slugger was a junkie who was confronted and knocked out by Daredevil.[268]


Appearances: Daredevil #173

Sly was an acquaintance of Michael Reese.[269]

Appearances: Power Man and Iron Fist #109

Sly was a boy who stole a TV. While fleeing, he ran into a policeman who fell onto the subway tracks and was struck by a train. He escaped to a church in Harlem where he tried to reconcile his situation with the help of Reverend Otis Jeaver and Power Man. The Reaper came to the church to deal with the situation because the killed cop was his former partner but after catching the church on fire, he snapped out of hos psychosis and helped Power Man rescue sly and the reverend.[270]

Small Talk[]

Appearances: Journey Into Unknown Worlds #50

Small Talks was Toodles Murphy's parakeet who had learned several words to repeat and Toodles brought his friend Tony Tipple to his house to show him.[271]


Appearances: Daredevil #4

Mr. Smathers was a bank employee who was persuaded by the Purple Man to fill his case with hundred dollar bills. Once he left the bank, Mr. Smathers was suddenly aware of what he had done and rang the alarm, alerting the armed guards, and ran out the bank just to find the Purple Man a scant three blocks away.[272]


Appearances: Spider-Woman #26, Spider-Woman #27, Spider-Woman #28, Spider-Woman #29

Smedley was an employee of the Los Angeles Courier,[273] and the right-hand man of English tycoon Rupert Dockery while the latter controlled the Courier,[274] ostensibly working as his personal secretary. When Dockery took possession of the paper, Smedley informed Dockery that the journalists Myers and Frederick wanted to meet with him.[273] Shortly thereafter, Dockery visited the California State Prison to meet with the supervillain immate Enforcer and secretly deliver a knife with which the Enforcer would escape on his own; when the Enforcer did so, Smedley ran to notify Dockery, who instructed Smedley to stop the presses and change the front page to report the story and offer a reward.[275] At some point, Dockery shared with Smedley the fact that Dockery had pretended to forget his hidden stiletto cane so that the Enforcer would grab it and run, because the cane also had a hidden transmitter that would allow Dockery to spy on the Enforcer and get the scoop on his attacks.[274] Thus, when Dockery reported the Enforcer's attack on the Museum of Anthropology and Folk Art and the capture of Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman's ally, criminologist Scotty McDowell, wanted to meet with Dockery because he suspected that Dockery knew more about the Enforcer than he was letting on. McDowell burst into Dockery's office in his wheelchair, over Smedley's protests; Dockery allowed McDowell in to try to improve his public relations by speaking to a disabled man; but when McDowell accused Dockery (and secretly hid a microphone in his office), Dockery had Smedley throw him out of the office. Through the microphone, McDowell learned where the Enforcer was when Dockery spoke of him.[275] Sometime later, Smedley allowed LAPD detective Captain Alexander Walsh in to meet with Dockery,[124] and later Smedley informed Dockery that, as per Dockery's plan, they had obtained footage of a new Enforcer attack on an airplane that had culminated in the death of the superhero Spider-Man. At the same time, Smedley informed Dockery that the Courier was to receive the National Press Award for continued coverage of Spider-Woman related news, and NBC newsman [[Sam Chulin(Earth-616)| had come with a camera crew to interview Dockery by showing him around the Courier offices and airing it on the evening news. Dockery told Smedley details about his spying on the Enforcer, unaware that Spider-Man had survived and was spying on them from outside the building. Dockery was run out of town soon after and gave up ownership of the Courier; it is unknown what happened to Smedley.[274]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #25

Smiley was a member of a gang of robbers who decided to rob the weekly deposits of a local bank from a cash van. Knowing that the driver of the armored car usually stopped at a local diner, the gang entered the diner and took everyone present as hostages waiting for the driver, but Eddie Brock entered that diner with a small family who had given him a lift. Initially not intervening for fear that some innocent people could get hurt, he later responded to the provocations of the criminals and decided to face them by killing them all, Smiley first by suffocating him with the cobweb.[276]


Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 5) #8

Smislov was one of the officers aboard the submarine that headed into the English Channel after hearing that Captain America had died there and instead found the body of Bucky Barnes.[277]


Appearances: Mystery Tales #45

Dr. Smith was a scientist who invented a capsule to explore new worlds and with it he sent Alfred Pook to discover a new planet even though Alfred thought that Dr. Smith was a dentist and that the scientist's equipment was high-powered dentist equipment technology. Upon returning from exploring the planet, Alfred and Dr. Smith were praised for their discovery.[278]

Appearances: Tales of Suspense #69

Miss Smith was the secretary of Senator Senator Harrington Byrd. He ordered her to take a letter to Tony Stark, asking him to have Iron Man meet Titanium Man's challenge.[279]

Appearances: X-Men #21

Smith was one of Porter Mack's ranch hands.[280]

Appearances: Tales of Suspense #85

Smith suggested Senator Byrd to end his investigation of Iron Man and Tony Stark, concerned it would negatively impact his election.[281]

Appearances: Daredevil #28

Dean Smith of Carter College welcomed Matt Murdock and attended his lecture until it was abruptly interrupted by sounds of gunfire coming out the woods, beyond the campus.[13]

Appearances: Avengers Annual #1

Smith was the warden of a large, modern Upstate prison, which was given a prototype stun-ulator by Tony Stark. In the same occasion, detainee Living Laser escaped and teleported immediately, before Iron Man could stop him.[282]

Appearances: Fantastic Four Annual #6

A soon-to-be father of twins, Mr. Smith met the Fantastic Four in a metropolitan waiting room of one of New York's most famous hospitals.[283]


Appearances: X-Men #2

Smithers witnessed the Vanisher robbing the national bank by using his teleportation powers to escape from the bank's security guards.[284]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #245

Ms. Smithers was the receptionist to District Attorney Blake Tower. She warned Tower of the presence of someone who wanted to meet him even if he didn't have an appointment and she did so while watching Spider-Man in front of her upside down hanging from the ceiling.[285]

Appearances: Iron Man #285

Smithers was Howard Stark's butler.[286]


Appearances: Daredevil #184

Smitty was a henchman who worked for Peter "Hogman" Grunter and was killed by the Punisher.[287]


Appearances: U.S.Agent (Vol. 2) #1

Smokey was one of the former workers at Brombline Cross Mining who was interviewed after the mine closed and the Virago arrived.[288]


Appearances: Ka-Zar the Savage #34

Smoot was a Karem who had been imprisoned by the Nuwali on the planet Tomriv. He was a cellmate of Schoed and Ka-Zar when they escaped and returned to Earth.[138]


Appearances: Marvel Mystery Comics #29

Dr. Smythe was the leading authority on sleeping sickness. With a subterfuge he was forced to treat Legs Cachone, a Chicago mobster who had fled to Colombia, but after taking care of him, Cachone held his daughter Joan hostage to prevent him from revealing where he was from the American authorities.[289]

Appearances: Tales to Astonish #54

Victor Conrad, a dishonest art dealer, managed to sell a painting to Mr. Smythe at a high price, only to steal it from his house that same night.[290]

Appearances: Marvel Graphic Novel #12

Smythe was sitting with Eric Beale at a downtown L.A. nightspot during a performance by Alison Blaire. Smythe was impressed by her performance and concurred with Beale's prior praise of her.[291]

Appearances: Avengers #256, Avengers #257

Dr. Smythe and Dr. Hopper were both part of a five-person research team that was being guided through the Savage Land by Ka-Zar and Zabu when the giant Terminus arrived and proclaimed himself to be their master.[292] When they attempted to run from him, Terminus, for his own amusement, used his staff to fire a blast of energy at them. Both Ka-Zar and Zabu survived, but none of the study group did, and Captain America told Ka-Zar that the Avengers had found their bodies.[293]

Appearances: Avengers #309

Mr. Smythe was an employee of PolyDyne Industries who, with his superior, Dr. Gillian, met with Professor Harker about financing the professor's project to develop his design for a device that could theoretically supply the energy needs of the whole world.[294]


Appearances: Iron Man (Vol. 3) #15

Snacky and Stu witnessed Nitro coming to Seattle.[295]


Appearances: Power Man and Iron Fist #108

Snake was a drug dealer who tried to scare off Firebolt when he entered the Gem Theater where him and another were doing a deal. The stick Snake was holding began smoldering before he could use it to attack due to Firebolt's powers.[296]


Appearances: Daredevil #209

Snake-Eyes was a pool shark who was playing pool at an establishment visited by Johnny Squarejohn when he was kicked out of his apartment by his wife. Snake-Eyes insisted Johnny leave until he had been acquitted or served his time at the demand of the Kingpin.[297]


Appearances: Thunderbolts #159

Snap was a Raft inmate who belonged to Mo' Money's group and on his orders he attacked Brock Rumlow while he was training in the prison yard just moments before Kuurth's hammer struck the Raft. During the escape following the destruction of the Raft, Rumlow killed Snap and the other escape companions.[298]


Appearances: Thunderbolts: From the Marvel Vault #1

Snapper was Tim McConnaghey's dog who barked when he saw Jack Monroe as Melissa Gold attracting his master's attention.[252]


Appearances: Iron Man #51

Snazzer was a small-time robber who was confronted and defeated by Iron Man.[299]


Appearances: Tales to Astonish #31

Mr. Snide was the wealthiest man in his village and spoiled his son Nastiwell to the point that the boy became arrogant and continually abused the villagers with the threat that if they complained he would have his father chase them out of the village.[300]




Appearances: Captain America #259

Soledad was one of the members of The Huns, a biker gang based Outside Saugerties in the New York state.[303]


Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #143

Sondia was the leader of the Elysian, a group of female warriors who lives in an alternate dimension that was visited by Spider-Man and Starfox. They went there to destroy the P.R.I.D.E. Generator with the hopes of disrupting fields that were keeping Captain Marvel from reverting to her human form. Sondia explained that the generator was being used as a device to defend their citadel so Spider-Man and Starfox went and took care of the leader of their enemies, the Mahko Clan.[304]


Appearances: West Coast Avengers Annual #6

The leader of the Snakes Vietnamese gang, Song was killed by Carlos.[305]


Appearances: Civil War II: Kingpin #1

Armand's sister-in-law, Sonia, was kidnapped by Janus Jardeesh.[306]


Appearances: Avengers #88

Sonny was one of the policemen who helped the Falcon and Captain America defeat a voodoo cult in the Louisiana backwoods.[307]


It has been suggested that this section should be split into:

Soom (Earth-616)

Date: March 30, 2024 21:09:35


Appearances: Conan the Adventurer #11

Soom was the translator of the Grand Inquisitor of Ong, in the Zamorian city of Ong, apparently the only one able to understand. Soom was spared by the Inquisitors of Ong to serve as his interpreter.[308]


Appearances: Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #28

Sophia was a ninja and a member of a female assassin's guild that had been part of Foreigner's 1400 Club and to which Amy Chen had belonged. With her partners Roberta and Sheila and their leader Maria, was involved in the murders of several political hopefuls who had voted for an increase in spending for better police protection. Silver Sable and Chen, by then Sable's employee, tracked Sophia to Grand Central Station. Sophia wounded Sable in the leg and then, fighting with Chen, revealed her identity. Sophia would have killed Chen, but Sable shot Sophia first. Shortly after, Chen infiltrated the guild by pretending that Sophia's death had been the deciding factor. After defeating the other three guild members, Sable cashed the bounties for the four assassins.[196]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #82

The wife of Rico Sotomayor, she went to the McCarthy Medical Institute to pay him a visit while he was hospitalized. However, a monster that disguised itself as an orderly had devoured Rico. When Mrs. Sotomayor arrived at his room, the orderly lied to her that there was no patient with his name at the hospital.[309]


Appearances: Rawhide Kid #17

Spade was Hawk Brown's partner who tricked Ben Bart into killing him, to gain a reputation for having an easy time robbing banks. When Johnny Bart went to town to avenge his uncle Bart's death, he exposed how deceptively they had managed to kill Bart and easily defeated the two criminals by having them arrested.[261]

Appearances: Amazing Adventures #6, Fantastic Four #17

Spade and Ben were two thugs who were knocked out by a living statue.[310]
Mr. Spade was once followed by the Invisible Girl, hoping to find Doctor Doom.[311]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #25

Spangle was the leader of a gang of robbers who decided to rob the weekly deposits of a local bank from a armored car. Knowing that the driver of the armored car usually stopped at a local diner, the gang entered the diner and took everyone present as hostages waiting for the driver, but Eddie Brock entered that diner with a small family who had given him a lift. Initially not intervening for fear that some innocent people could get hurt, he later responded to the provocations of the criminals and decided to face them by killing them all, especially Spangle who he killed by burning him alive.[276]


Appearances: Invincible Iron Man (Vol. 2) #2

Sparky was a religious terrorist who asked Ezekiel Stane to provide him with living repulsor bombs.[312]

Appearances: Marvel #4

Sparky peed on Groot's roots making him angry.[313]


Appearances: Captain America #169

Spats was among the gang members who were confronted by Captain America for attacking Falcon on behalf of Boss Morgan.[260]


Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 11) #2

Spears was a corrupt officer of the Connecticut State Police who was killed by the Punisher.[314]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man '97 #1

Specs was one of the gunmen Lucky Lobo had trained on Mary Kelleher.[315]

Appearances: Avengers 2000 #1

Specs was an old friend of Patsy's who she met again after she returned from the dead and was brought back to Centerville by Hedy Wolfe. Like all the residents of Centerville, Specs was also possessed by Daboia's demons.[316]


Appearances: Moon Knight (Vol. 2) #3, Moon Knight (Vol. 2) #4, Moon Knight (Vol. 2) #5

Spence was the Director of Acquisitions for Spector International Galleries.[317]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man Family #6

Spencer suffered a post-traumatic event after a mission in Afghanistan and on his return home his behavior was on the verge of catatonia even though his son Jay idolized him as a hero, fantasizing that he was a super hero and partner to Spider-Man.[318]


Appearances: Young Allies #2

Spider was a henchman of the Black Talon. After allying himself with the Nazis, they helped him in the kidnapping of Dora Livingstone to find his father who had discovered a new Earth called New America.[319]

Appearances: All-New Ghost Rider #4, All-New Ghost Rider #5

Spider witnessed how Grumpy mutated and became addict to the pink pills. He then agreed that Grumpy had become too dangerous, and wanted to get rid of him.[320]
He abandoned Grumpy when Mister Hyde personally confronted him, and subsequently died in a shootout against McCallum's mercenaries.[321]



Appearances: Thor (Vol. 2) #5

Believing he had suffered a heart attack, the ambulance was called where Jake Olson was. After checking the patient, Jake realized that it was not a heart attack but an obstruction of the larynx and therefore decided, despite not being licensed to do so, to perform a cricothyrotomy, saving the life to Mr. Spollari.[322]

Appearances: Thor (Vol. 2) #5

Mrs. Spollari's husband was saved by Jake Olson.[322]


Appearances: Six Guns #2

Minor Appearances: Six Guns #3, Six Guns #4, Six Guns #5

Spudger was a hacker doing research for Matt Slade about possible moves of wanted persons for which there was a bounty to be collected. He investigates and gives Slade information about Tarantula and Blackguard's capture of her.[323]
By radio he tells Slade where Tarantula is located.[324]


Appearances: Spider-Man Unlimited #19

Squid was told by Slug not to hurt Ben Urich.[325]


Appearances: Marvel Mystery Comics #9

Stacey was one of the owners of Stacey's cleaning, whose business was being attacked by Hook. During one such attack his partner, Brown, was killed and Stacey was distraught because the two had had a fight and hadn't spoken in days before Brown's death[326]


Appearances: X-Factor Annual #3, New Mutants Annual #4, West Coast Avengers Annual #3

Mentions: Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8

At the head of the High Evolutionary's Gatherers, he took care of eliminating the races that were at an evolutionary stalemate starting with the various races that populated Subterranea but found opposition in the X-Factor.[327] Determined to eliminate the dangerous mutants, he captured Bulk and Glow Worm and then Magma but this caused the New Mutants to intervene in her rescue who fought against Dr. Stack and his Gatherers.[328] He managed to steal Vibranium from the Wakanda that was needed by the High Evolutionary to build his Genetic Bomb.[329]



Appearances: Incredible Hulk #392

Stahn was a guard at Farnoq Dahn's Fortress (and possibly a soldier in the Trans-Sabalian Army). While guarding X-Factor's leader Havok (came as US support to Trans-Sabal but captured by Farnoq Dahn to be used in their nuclear program), he, Gamal and two other guards were taken down by Hulk.[331]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #328

Stan and Steve were two kids who witnessed Cosmic Spider-Man battle the Hulk in ruined building on the south end of Roosevelt Island.[332]

Appearances: Spider-Man #2

Stan was enjoying a drink after work with his friend Morley, when they were both attacked by the Lizard.[333]

Appearances: X-Men: Children of the Atom #5

Stan participated to the "Who Wants to Be Omnipotent" TV quiz game show.[334]

Appearances: Skrull Kill Krew (Vol. 2) #4

Stan was a contestant of a web program, unaware that the whole show was controlled by Skrulls and its main purpose was to slaughter human beings as cattle. He died when he failed three very difficult questions.[335]


Mentioned: War Is Hell #9

Stancec was a Polish banker who perished during the bombing of his city. Walking and raving among the rubble of the bombing, the Scavenger found a box that had belonged to Stancec with a lot of money inside but not knowing what to do with it in the midst of all that destruction, he scattered the banknotes to the four winds.[336]


Appearances: War Is Hell #9

Stanislaus was a Polish soldier whom a fellow soldier of his called and told him to call the doctor when a little girl arrived in the rubble of a city bombing during the early invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany.[336]


Appearances: Scarlet Spider #1

In a small, affluent community on the north shore of Long Island, Mr. Stanislaw was intimidated by the Pro to shut down his operations and flee the country.[337]


Appearances: Captain Marvel #55

Stanley was a scientist, who worked at the Denver Space Observatory.[338]

Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #207

A tourist from Boise, Stanley got a picture of Spider-Man and ran across Shroud, who scared him off.[339]

Appearances: Generation X Holiday Special #1

Stanley was Stephen's father.[340]

Appearances: Thor (Vol. 2) #33

After Nullitor raised a car and threatened to destroy the whole city if Thor didn't arrive, Stanley complained that this was his car and that he had bought it just the week before.[341]

Appearances: Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man #1

Stanley was Mary Jane Watson's chauffeur when she was a famous actress.[342]


Appearances: Winter Soldier #1

She was the wife of Nick Stanton, actually a covert Soviet agent whose real name was Nico Stanovich. After many years of living in the States, Nico thought he had been forgotten and continued to live there with his family until the day he received a phone call which he followed up by killing his wife and her two children.[343]

Appearances: Winter Soldier #1

He was the sixteen-year-old son of Nick Stanton, actually a covert Soviet agent whose real name was Nico Stanovich. After many years of living in the States, Nico thought he had been forgotten and continued to live there with his family until the day he received a phone call which followed by killing his entire family.[343]

Appearances: Winter Soldier #1

She was the fourteen-year-old daughter of Nick Stanton, actually a covert Soviet agent whose real name was Nico Stanovich. After many years of living in the States, Nico thought he had been forgotten and continued to live there with his family until the day he received a phone call which followed by killing his entire family. He killed her daughter by strangling her.[343]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #187

Wife of the famous movie star Bob Starr, their little son Barry was bitten by a rat that infected him with the plague. Having advised them to go to a specialist in New York, the child was unable to get there because he was kidnapped by Electro who demanded a ransom from Robert for the release of Barry, but Barry was still rescued thanks to Spider-Man and Captain America's intervention.[344]

Appearances: X-Men: Children of the Atom #4

The Vista TV show host Starr interviewed William Metzger.[345]


Appearances: Darkhawk (Vol. 2) #1

Mr. Staunton was a neighbor of Connor Young, who during a Connors training run he greeted him saying he had played a great game.[346]


Appearances: Avengers (Vol. 3) #19

Stavros introduced the Scarlet Witch to the regulars of the Cafe Transia.[347]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #406

Steele was one of Doctor Octopus's henchmen who detonated the world's first virtual reality bomb on Fifth Avenue.[348]


Appearances: Amazing Adult Fantasy #9

Stefen's widow turned to Swami River to speak to her late husband, but was regularly scammed by the fake psychic, who faked Stefen's voice from the afterlife by convincing her to give Swami their money who would hand it over to Stefen himself same. Once he got the money, however, the ghost of Stefen showed up demanding the money and transforming Swami himself into a ghost.[105]


Appearances: District X #4, District X #5

Stella went to a party organized by Joey Chambers at Washington Heights. She locked up inside the bathroom and started to hook up with Tony. Due to this, they did not try the Toad Juice drug, and ended up being the only survivors of the party.[349]

Appearances: Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man #1

Stella was Mary Jane Watson's personal assistant when she was a famous actress who took care of her schedule and appointments.[342]


Appearances: Punisher: War Zone #34

Stephan, along with Michael were two Kamtek employees, who were killed and impersonated by Vikady and Taz.[350]

Appearances: Thor (Vol. 2) #17

Stephan was making the marriage proposal to his girlfriend Courtney just when Thor shot down by Enrakt fell near their table. Believing the omens he decided not to marry Courtney anymore.[351]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #250

Stephanie was once a date of Roderick Kingsley. When he thoughtlessly mistakenly called her Shirley, she stormed out of his apartment telling him she didn't want to hear any more excuses.[352]

Appearances: Marvel Comics Presents #160

Stephanie saw a person collapsed on the subway platform and approached her asking if she needed help or if she wanted food, not realizing that it was instead Diabolique's Playmate who attacked her and devoured her.[353]


Appearances: Incredible Hulk #347, Incredible Hulk #353

Stephen was Coliseum Casino owner Michael Berengetti's personal limousine chauffeur.[186] He was murdered by organized crime syndicate Maggia, causing an explosion in Berengetti's vehicle, then in his house, in an attempt to intimidate him. At that point, Stephen was going to ask Berengetti for a free night due to his wedding anniversary. Seeing the wrecked car, the first thing Berengetti decided was to call Stephen's widow to give her the bad news, and asked one of his other employees, Jake, to bring the phone.[354]

Appearances: Generation X Holiday Special #1

Stephen was one of Matthew's schoolmates.[340]

Appearances: Death of Dracula #1

Stephen allied himself with Janus after Xarus's coup that killed his father Dracula and Xarus took over. Stephen and Janus were betrayed by Stephen's aide Brad, and Stephen was killed by exposure to sunlight.[355]

Appearances: Spider-Woman (Vol. 7) #3

Stephen was a scientist at Marchand Pharmaceuticals and was the mole within the company giving information about the treatment they were developing. He went so far as to threaten Rebecca Marchand with a pistol to kidnap her and sell the research for profit, but he did so in the presence of Spider-Woman who attacked and easily defeated him.[356]


Appearances: Avengers #178

An agent of an unidentified government agency, Agent Stern and his partner Agent Marsden conspired with the Manipulator to frame four crime bosses for arrest and obtain the prototype of a memory-cell stimulator.[357]

Appearances: The Pulse #6

Doctor Stern treated Jessica Jones at the Mt. Sinai Hospital after a woman caused an explosion in her apartment.[358]

Appearances: Daredevil Black & White #1

Doctor Stern was a revolutionary ocular surgeon who offered Matthew Murdock to restore an acceptable degree of vision.[359]


Appearances Ms. Marvel #4

Sterno was a reporter who worked for Woman Magazine[360]


Appearances: Dazzler #34

Steve was the assistant for Millie Collins at her modeling agency.[361]

Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #149

Steve was a man who was riding the Staten Island ferry and was talking with his partner Sue about moving to New York City to be an illustrator when the crew of the ferry discovered the Incandescent Man floating in the bay.[362]

Appearances: Patsy Walker #75, Patsy Walker #107

Steve went out with Patsy for a date to please her father who could not bear that she go steady with Buzz and wanted her to date someone else.[363]
Steve was one of the many suitors Patsy Walker briefly dated under the advice of her Father.[364]

Appearances: Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #4

Steve was a boy who was playing football in the streets with his friends when they spotted the hulking form of Sidney Crumb. His friend assumed it was just a tramp but Steve exclaimed that it was not before Crumb killed them.[365]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #328

Steve and Stan were two kids who witnessed Cosmic Spider-Man battle the Hulk in ruined building on the south end of Roosevelt Island.[332]

Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 2) #1

Steve was the self-proclaimed leader of a mercenary unit who was sent in New York City to capture Deadpool, but it was defeated by the timely intervention of Banshee and Siryn.[366]

Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 8) #4

Steve was a customer of the illegal red light warehouse in Bushwick.[367]

Appearances: Mighty Thor (Vol. 2) #2

Steve was warned by the Silver Surfer that Galactus was coming to Asgard.[368]

Appearances: Hulk (Vol. 4) #7, Hulk (Vol. 4) #8, Hulk (Vol. 4) #9

Steve was the cameraman of the Only Cake cooking web show and to make a lot of money he poured a mutagenic compound into the cake prepared by the star of the program Oliver Constantin that turned it into a monstrous being. Not at all regretting what he had done, only the intervention of She-Hulk convinced him to close the site where Oliver's transformation was shown.[369]

Appearances: Hellions #2

Steve was an Omaha policeman who welcomed the Hellions when they were sent to Omaha to demolish Mr. Sinister's orphanage. After the Wild Child incident, Steve reminded his colleague Carl that mutants were prohibited from killing humans.[370]

Appearances: Doctor Doom #1, Doctor Doom #9

Steve was a network reporter who interviewed Doctor Doom during a reportage about the Antlion Control Center asking if he was angry because he wasn't involved in the project. Annoyed by this, Doom had him kidnapped and tortured.[371]
Later, he was released and returned to his work in the Network and commented on Doom's attempt to eliminate the problem that had arisen with the destruction of the Antlion and the consequent creation of a black hole in Earth's orbit.[372]


Appearances: Generation X #54

Steven was Adrienne Frost's husband, who killed him by surprise, using a katana, because he had crossed her in some way.
Adrienne was able to take back the katana with the help of Generation X, Emma stating she needed the sword to live the last moments of her husband using her psychometry. In reality, she just wanted to feel the pleasure of his death.


Appearances: Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #10

Stevens was a security guard who witnessed Spider-Man breaking into Mayor Jameson's office.[373]


Appearances: Daredevil #323, Daredevil #324

Stevey was an editor of the Big Apple Advocate small press newspaper.[374]
He witnessed Sara Harrington being accused by Ben Urich.[375]


Appearances: Spider-Man: The Lost Years #1 & Spider-Man: The Lost Years #2

Stevie was a prison guard from Salt Lake City.[376]

Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 5) #5

Stevie and other members of his gang were the first victims of the vigilante Elite.[377]

Appearances: Avengers (Vol. 3) #37

Stevie made the live shots of the battle between the Avengers and Lord Templar.[378]

Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 3) #45

Stevie was one of the leaders of the strike at the Trident Construction.[379]

Appearances: Defenders (Vol. 2) #7

Stevie left the house accusing her partner Sally of not going to parties since she got the job at the museum. As soon as he left home, Sally was killed by an agent of the A.I.M..[380]

Appearances: Fantastic Four #556

Stevie was the technician for Johnny Storm's reality show.[381]

Appearances: All-New Ghost Rider #7

Stevie and her college mates as they were replacing a flat tire to their car when they were attacked and killed by a herd of mutated animals.[382]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #373

Stewart, along with other former patients of the asylum, was held prisoner by Alistaire Smythe forced into a technological structure similar to an armchair controlled by him. As Stewart was one of the patients in the "special" ward, Smythe used Stewart's knowledge to develop robotic devices to send against Spider-Man. After freeing himself, he tried to convince Smythe not to kill Spider-Man but Smythe killed him in return.[383]

Appearances: X-Factor #144

Mary Stewart's father was a doctor, along with his wife they never let her daughter want for anything but despite everything they were hated by her and for this they sent her to a therapist, they made her change school but did not get the desired result until the point that she ran away from home.[384]

Appearances: X-Factor #144

Mary Stewart's mother, a woman devoted to her children, along with her husband they never let her daughter want for anything but despite everything they were hated by her and for this they sent her to a therapist, they made her change school but did not get the desired result until the point that she ran away from home.[384]



Appearances: Avengers #93

Stills escorted Ant-Man inside the Vision's body, but it was then ordered to leave the android, after his immune system hit Crosby.[391]


Appearances: Daredevil #159

Stilly was a thug who was knocked out by Daredevil.[392]


Appearances: Amazing Adventures #2

Mrs. Stokes was a customer of Mister Miller's grocery store.[393]


Appearances: Marvel Mystery Comics #11

To avoid contagion from the plague that had developed in an area of New York, Dr. Stone advised to burn all the buildings in that area and after highlighting the problem he was helped in his task by the Human Torch.[394]

Appearances: Western Kid #10

Together with his accomplice Larkin attempted to rob herds of cattle and simultaneously blaming the Western Kid, but their crime was discovered and were captured by Tex Dawson and arrested by the sheriff who played along pretending to believe that it was the Kid who was the culprit.[395]

Appearances: Daredevil #134, Daredevil #136, Daredevil #138, Daredevil #141

As Maxwell Glenn's personal assistant, Stone refused to let Glenn meet Foggy Nelson.[396]
He stopped recording after Matt Murdock left Heather's office, all without Maxwell's knowledge.[397]
He forced Foggy to meet by threatening that if he called the police, Foggy's girlfriend, whom he had kidnapped, would die.[398]
He held Debbie captive, telling him that he was being kind to her because her caregiver, the Purple Man, ensured it, and that he was ready if Daredevil showed up to save her.[399]

Appearances: Spider-Man Unlimited #4

Stone and other gang members attacked the police unmarked armored van used to transport Bloodshed, but they were eventually defeated by Spider-Man.[400]

Appearances: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #3

Mrs. Stone was the nurse at Midtown High School. She treated Peter Parker after he had passed out, and after looking at the bruises on his body, not knowing that they were from the fight he had with Sandman, she assumed that he was being physically abused, but certainly not at home since he lived with an elderly aunt.[401]

Appearances: X-Man #31

The sheriff of Clairton, he told Nate Grey about the appearance of an unknown kid who did not know anything about it and immediately after the explosion in the orphanage where the boy was hosted with the death of twenty one children plus the whole staff.[402]


Appearances: Amazing Adult Fantasy #7

Professor Storm was killed in 1946 by an unnamed thug and never finished his time machine.[104]


Appearances: Ghost Rider (Vol. 6) #8

Mr. Stouffer was the father of Emily Stouffer, a girl who was assaulted by Cameron Fillardi who in turn was beheaded by Jack O'Lantern who was possessed by Lucifer.[403]


Appearances: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #25

Straker was one of the Crime-Master's henchmen who was tasked with stealing the Seismic Ray Device from the Empire State University. When Spider-Man intervened to prevent the theft, Straker directed the S.R.D. at Spider-Man. However, despite using the S.R.D., Spider-Man easily dispatched Straker and the other Crime-Master's henchmen.[404]


Appearances: Marvel #3

Sea Marshal Strempius was an ally of Argno Gwace and in effect in charge of the security of his underwater fortress. After realizing Gwace's intentions to use his blood to create a serum that would immunize the inhabitants of the fortress, Namor attacked Strempius and his men by defeating them all and captured them by bringing them to the surface to face justice.[405]


Appearances: X-Men #3

Stretcho was a member of the same circus that Blob was a member of when the X-Men tried to recruit him and participated in Blobs attack against the X-Men and tried to blast his way through, but he was eventually defeated by the Angel.[406]


Appearances: Tales to Astonish #65

Geophysicist Professor Stromm was found by Dr. Banner in a captive European nation.[407]


Appearances: Thor #345, Thor #346

Mr. Strother was an attorney and an old friend of Eric Willis. When Willis was arrested for murder, Strother instructed his secretary to deliver a letter to Willis's father on Long Island.[408]


Appearances: Captain America: Hail Hydra #2

Strybiorn accompanied Draugr, a member of the Order of Hydra, to unearth the skeleton of the Giant Eggther which housed a trunk containing the Arrow of Hoder inside.[409]


Appearances: Marvel Super-Heroes (Vol. 2) #11

Reverend Stryker was the leader of the Power Cult, a pseudo-religion that declared that only cultists would be saved from a nuclear holocaust thanks to "the Power". Stryker and the cultists clashed with Ghost Rider, and during the clash, Zarathos began to absorb power from the cultists and was intent on exchanging the soul of Stryker's daughter Veronica with his captive soul so as to be free. To avoid this, Stryker detonated explosives hidden in the Power Cult bunker, thus rescuing his daughter.[410]


Appearances: Iron Man (Vol. 3) #15

Stu and Snacky witnessed Nitro coming to Seattle.[295]

Appearances: Emma Frost #7, Emma Frost #8, Emma Frost #9, Emma Frost #10, Emma Frost #11, Emma Frost #12

Stu was a henchman of Lucien Goff, who threatened Troy Killkelly with a knife to get back the interest loan she had from Lucien, but Emma Frost was able to mentally block Stu from using the knife.[411]
Milo and Stu went again to visit Troy for payment with the intention of harming him again, but Emma had mentally sensed their arrival and together with Troy they managed to escape from the fire escape. However they managed to follow them to the restaurant where Troy worked but Emma used her powers to freeze both of them and Troy hit them with a frying pan, stunning them.[412]
Milo and Stu turned Troy's apartment upside down to get him to pay. Soon after they forced Troy and Emma to get into a car threatening them with guns.[413]
Stu and Milo disagreed about Emma's false kidnapping for a ransom, but they had to obey Lucien.[414]
Milo and Stu took care of making Troy's body disappear.[415]
Stu died in the shooting between various members of Lucien's gang after Emma had filled their minds with doubts and suspicions.[416]

Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 3) #1

Stu firmly believed that Matthew Murdock was Daredevil.[417]


  • Images of Stuart(s) from Earth-616
Appearances: Giant-Size Dracula #4

Stuart was Beverly Carpenter's boyfriend, and he too, as had happened to Beverly's father and Father Aimes before, was possessed by Devil's Heart and attempted to kill Beverly.[418]

Appearances: X-Men #104 & X-Men #122

In Stornoway, Mr. Stu'rt witnessed the X-Men arguing with Angus MacWhirter.[419] He then noticed MacWhiter's disappearance since Christmas day and decided to notify the police.[420]

Appearances: Uncanny X-Men #183

Stuart was a patron of Mohanan's pub that was lured by Selene and later killed by her who absorbed all his life energy.[421]

Appearances: Spider-Man: Death and Destiny #2 & Thor: Vikings #3

News anchor Stuart announced the murder of Henry Sturgess.[422]
Stuart reported live from Greenpoint during Harald Jaekelsson's invasion of Manhattan.[423]

Appearances: X-Men (Vol. 2) #194

Dr. Stuart was a scientist who worked for Richard Palance, aka Pandemic, and when he was ordered to leave one of the laboratories he was doing research he complained of having to leave behind valuable equipment destined for destruction.[424]

Appearances: Legion of Monsters: Werewolf by Night #1

Mrs. Stuart was a werewolf and had two daughters, Suzie and Rhona, who she taught them to sew on their own skin with a fishing line dipped in silver "The Ladder of Mercy" which served to control the wolf within them. At one point, Mrs. Stuart and Suzie were killed.[425]

Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 3) #7

Stuart was one of the students from the Cresskill School for the Blind who were rescued by Matthew Murdock when their bus crashed during a snowstorm in the Catskill Mountains.[426]

Appearances: Jessica Jones - Marvel Digital Original #2

Stuart was the bouncer of White Rabbit's club, the Menagerie, in Hell's Kitchen. Jessica Jones asked him about Dia Sloane, Jared Beekman, and the murders of White Rabbit and Skein.[427]



Appearances: Black Panther Legends #2

Subira was a young girl from the Ororo gang of orphans in Kenya. After they met, she told T'Challa that she would have to stay with them for the night as the place could become dangerous.


Appearances: Marvel Team-Up Annual #4

Sue was forced by the Purple Man to get out of a horse carriage in Central Park.[430]

Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #149

Sue was riding the Staten Island ferry with her partner when she spotted a body floating in the bay that turned out to be the Incandescent Man.[362]



Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #665

Sully tried to warn Harlan Finch that Spider-Man was on the trail and was very enraged, even though Harlan didn't believe Spider-Man would go after a small fish like him.[432]


Appearances: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1

Lin Sun's father and mother were killed in China by revolutionaries they did not want to associate with, leaving Lin crying in her dying mother's arms until the child was picked up by Master Kee who raised him as his own.[433]

Appearances: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1

Lin Sun's father and mother were killed in China by revolutionaries they did not want to associate with.[433]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #7

Chief Inspector Sun helped Spider-Man catch Mister Negative.[434]


Appearances: Secret Avengers #21

Ms. Sung was a member of O*N*E Houston Station's Alpha Team. When the Secret Avengers went to Houston Station in search of the Shadow Council's infiltrator in Alpha Team, Commander Rogers threatened to obtain information through torture, but she turned out not to be the infiltrator and was then evacuated from the burning building .[435]


Appearances: Avengers 2000 #1

Susan was an old friend of Patsy's who she met again after she returned from the dead and was brought back to Centerville by Hedy Wolfe. Like all the residents of Centerville, Susan was also possessed by Daboia's demons.[316]

Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 6) #20

Susan intervenes to interview Wilson Fisk after the battle of Hell's Kitchen and also asks Daredevil if he is actually the real one.[436]


Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #47

Fox News anchor Susi covered Sharon Keller's alleged scandal with Spider-Man.[437]


Appearances: Punisher War Journal #50

Susie was an abused wife who rescued the Punisher in the swamp.[438]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #40

Susie was a homeless girl who asked Peter Parker to find her missing friend.[439]

Appearances: Siege: Captain America #1

When Asgard fell during Siege, Susie, the wife of Jimmy, was rescued by Captain America and Bucky.[440]

Appearances: Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (Vol. 4) #1

Susie was a little girl from the planet Noblor to whom Rapskullion told that there was no Santa Claus to prove his wickedness and to whom Prince Majestar made the situation worse by trying to convince her otherwise. She too, like all the inhabitants of Noblor, perished with the destruction of the planet.[441]


Appearances: Union #1

Suzanne was a guest at Good Morning UK and joked about the contest to name the new team of British heroes.[442]


Appearances: Uncanny Tales #12

Suzette was a young beautiful woman living in Paris in the mid-twentieth century. As she was fond of pearls, her many suitors gifted her with those. Several of those men were led into a life of crime to pay for her luxuries. One of these men, Pierre Rebloux, worked hard from the penal colony of French Guiana to send her his meager earnings. Discovering that Suzette had been with other mens through another of her suitors who also ended up in the same jail, Rebloux still contacted her once more to tell her that he had found the biggest pearl ever, but he could not take it to her, so she would have to visit French Guiana. As he had always been trustworthy, she travelled there, and Rebloux took him to an open area where the pearl was - inside the open clam of a giant oyster. Rebloux gave the oyster light so that it would close it with Suzette in it. After thus killing Suzette, Rebloux had a smile on his face.[443]


Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #900

Suzie was Chico's helper.[444]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #55

Suzuki was one of Jotaro Isuzu's assistants.[445]


Appearances: Thor (Vol. 2) #36, Thor (Vol. 2) #37, Thor (Vol. 2) #39

Sven was the captain of a Norwegian fishing boat, and during a fishing trip in addiction with the catch they found a medallion and wearing it he was possessed by Surtur.[446]


Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #83

Heather Hudson's research team's physicist Sverdrup was killed by the Hunter in Darkness.[241]


Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 8) #8, Deadpool (Vol. 8) #9

Svetja was a child kidnapped by the Bone Beast Queen to whom Elsa Bloodstone, also a prisoner, taught to say 'Mr. Deadpool', hoping the kids would have better luck at waking Deadpool, also a prisoner.[447]


Appearances: X-Men (Vol. 3) #11

Svetlana "The Russian" was the leader of a mercenary group hired by the local Kenyan magistrate to find out who was sacrificing wild animals. She and her group captured Charles Xavier but were later defeated by vampire Raizo Kodo. Xavier then erased their memory to protect a pacifist vampire group.[448]


Appearances: Avengers #60

Swain witnessed Captain America enter the Avengers Mansion to attend the wedding of the Wasp and Yellowjacket.[449]


Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 9) #1

Sway was an arms supplier from the South Bronx who was found dead by detectives Walter Bolt and Oscar Clemons.[450]


Appearances: Moon Knight #37

Swee'pea was a Neo-Nazi who was spotted by Moon Knight tagging a swastika at a synagogue. Moon Knight followed his fellow thugs back to their base and attacked the group before the intervention by Detective Flint.[451]


Appearances: Incredible Hulk Annual #17

British Mr. Sweeney was the owner and operator of Reno Sweeney's Exercise Emporium. He claimed to be a retired intergalactic bounty hunter.[452]

Appearances: Giant-Size Wolverine #1

Sweeney saw the Hydra robot crashing down into the Buchman place in Waverly, North Dakota.[453]


Appearances: West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #43

Swenson was a member of Vigilance who operated the plasma cannons which fired on the West Coast Avengers' Quinjet.[454]


Appearances: Defenders #133

Swifty was a man who had gotten into trouble with a drug ring. He attempted to flee after the body of an acquaintance of his was found killed but was ultimately killed himself.[455]


Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #40

Director-General Swinton explains to Warden aimes why Deadpool was being held in his prison at Crossmoor in England and not in the Raft in the United States.[456]


Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 3) #7

Sydney was one of the students from the Cresskill School for the Blind who were rescued by Matthew Murdock when their bus crashed during a snowstorm in the Catskill Mountains.[426]


Appearances: Darkhawk #4

Sykes was a prisoner at Ryker's Island. Following confusion due to Darkhawk's raid on the prison to get information about his father, Sykes attempted to escape by taking a guard as a hostage, but Darkhawk hit him with his grappling hook knocking him out.[457]

Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 2) #45

Doctor Sykes bioengineered the MGH drug from the Owl's DNA.[458]


Appearances: Daredevil #167

Sylvia was an acquaintance of Edwin Cord.[459]

Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #659

After an evening where she had been drinking too much, Carlie Cooper decided to get a tattoo and her friend Wendy took her to Sylvia, her trusted tattoo artist and there because of alcohol and wanting to annoy Peter Parker, Carlie asked Sylvia to get done the Goblin Nation tattoo.[460]


Appearances: Journey Into Mystery #512

Sylvie and Vito attended a barbecue cooked by Vincent Starwit, the gargantuan gourmet, at Bryce Canyon National Park.[461]

Appearances: Emma Frost #9

Sylvie was a cashier at the Royal Riverboat Casino and she was tricked by Emma Frost into believing she had to collect a big win and for that she was accused by the casino manager of complicity and she was fired.[413]


Appearances: Daredevil: The Man Without Fear #4

Sylvio was a junkie who was killed by Larks for running a ransom scam on Mickey's parents.[462]


It has been suggested that this section should be split into:

Symon (Earth-616)

Date: March 30, 2024 21:09:35


Appearances: Conan the Barbarian #157

Symon was born and raised in the Corinthian city-state of Nywenth La, as the eldest son of a lowly palace servant. He became friends and then secret lovers with Princess Gywnella, until, at sixteen, she was promised to the king of Berthalia and moved to the Brythunian city-state. He then kidnapped her, disguised as an evil wizard, and took her home to a mountaintop cave. He then defended her against the intruders and the individual adventurers who were trying to rescue the queen, until Conan defeated him and unmasked him. As the Cimmerian learned the lovers' story, he decided to leave them in peace and discouraged the king from sending more men.[463]


  1. Uncanny X-Force #30
  2. Marvel Comics Presents #159
  3. Micronauts (Vol. 2) #6
  4. Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1
  5. 5.0 5.1 Tales to Astonish #42
  6. Punisher (Vol. 10) #19
  7. Fantastic Four (Vol. 6) #38
  8. 8.0 8.1 Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots #1
  9. Moon Knight #15
  10. 10.0 10.1 Power Man Annual #1
  11. X-Men: Earth's Mutant Heroes #1 ; Edward Buckman's profile
  12. Iron Man (Vol. 3) #5
  13. 13.0 13.1 Daredevil #28
  14. Avengers (Vol. 3) #27
  15. Spider-Man: Lifeline #2
  16. Daredevil: Battlin' Jack Murdock #4
  17. Wolverine (Vol. 3) #63
  18. Amazing Spider-Man #8
  19. Avengers #4
  20. Daredevil #236
  21. Marvel Comics Presents #151
  22. 22.0 22.1 Amazing Spider-Man Annual #28
  23. X-23 (Vol. 3) #5
  24. Mystery Men #1
  25. Illuminati #7
  26. Squadron Supreme (Vol. 4) #7
  27. A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants #2
  28. A.X.E.: Judgment Day Omega #1
  29. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #15
  30. Western Outlaws #14
  31. Tales to Astonish #32
  32. Tales to Astonish #51
  33. Two-Gun Kid #88
  34. Strange Tales #108
  35. Tales to Astonish #50
  36. Fantastic Four #25
  37. Daredevil #1
  38. Daredevil #53
  39. Amazing Spider-Man #21
  40. Daredevil #15
  41. Fantastic Four #59
  42. Captain Marvel #6
  43. Daredevil #63
  44. Silver Surfer #15
  45. Daredevil #83
  46. Marvel Spotlight #5
  47. Werewolf by Night #11
  48. Werewolf by Night #12
  49. Werewolf by Night #13
  50. Monsters Unleashed #6
  51. Vampire Tales #4
  52. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #15
  53. Solomon Kane #3
  54. Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #124
  55. X-Force #21
  56. 56.0 56.1 Captain America (Vol. 4) #1
  57. X-Statix #16
  58. Araña: The Heart of the Spider #3
  59. Dark Reign: The Cabal #1
  60. All-New Ghost Rider #6
  61. Daredevil Annual (Vol. 6) #1
  62. S.W.O.R.D. (Vol. 2) #3
  63. Spider-Woman (Vol. 7) #14
  64. Marvel Fanfare #60
  65. Toxin #5
  66. Toxin #6
  67. Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #516
  68. Captain America: Forever Allies #2
  69. Captain America: Forever Allies #3
  70. Captain America: Forever Allies #4
  71. The Marvels #6
  72. Captain America #128
  73. Dracula Lives #4
  74. Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #14
  75. Punisher: War Zone #38
  76. All Winners Comics #3
  77. X-Men #9
  78. Magneto (Vol. 3) #2
  79. Magneto (Vol. 3) #3
  80. 80.0 80.1 Captain America: What Price Glory? #3
  81. X-Factor #76
  82. Thing #31
  83. Knights of Pendragon #3
  84. Shadow Riders #1
  85. Spectacular Spider-Man #230
  86. Wolverine (Vol. 3) #9
  87. Captain America Comics #36
  88. 88.0 88.1 Iron Man #29
  89. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #69
  90. Elektra: Assassin #4
  91. Thunderbolts #1
  92. Darkhawk (Vol. 2) #4
  93. Venom (Vol. 2) #1
  94. X-Factor #235
  95. America Chavez: Made in the USA #1
  96. Amazing Spider-Man #259
  97. Amazing Spider-Man #260
  98. Daredevil #145
  99. 99.0 99.1 Marvel Team-Up #140
  100. Daredevil (Vol. 3) #18
  101. Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1
  102. 102.0 102.1 102.2 Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #1
  103. Vision (Vol. 2) #5
  104. 104.0 104.1 Amazing Adult Fantasy #7
  105. 105.0 105.1 Amazing Adult Fantasy #9
  106. Captain America #139
  107. Alpha Flight #15
  108. Daredevil #270
  109. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #1
  110. Venom: Dark Origin #1
  111. Amazing Spider-Man #657
  112. Silk (Vol. 3) #2
  113. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #74
  114. Marvel Feature #1
  115. Daredevil #214
  116. 116.0 116.1 Uncanny X-Men #194
  117. X-Men (Vol. 2) #1
  118. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3
  119. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #5
  120. 120.0 120.1 Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #30
  121. Punisher: War Zone #1213
  122. 122.0 122.1 122.2 Amazing Spider-Man Annual #26
  123. Captain America 2001 #1
  124. 124.0 124.1 Spider-Woman #28
  125. Longshot #4
  126. Longshot #5
  127. X-Factor #213
  128. Namor, the Sub-Mariner Annual #2
  129. X-Men: Prelude to Schism #2
  130. Tales of Suspense #71
  131. 131.0 131.1 Werewolf by Night (Vol. 3) #2
  132. 132.0 132.1 Werewolf by Night (Vol. 3) #3
  133. Marvel Comics Presents #31
  134. Marvel Comics Presents #3334
  135. Daredevil vs. Punisher #2
  136. Sgt. Fury #8
  137. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #9
  138. 138.0 138.1 Ka-Zar the Savage #34
  139. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #11
  140. 140.0 140.1 Wolverine, Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection a Marvel Graphic Novel #1
  141. Marvel Knights Double Shot #3
  142. Fear Itself: The Home Front #2
  143. Punisher Meets Archie #1
  144. X-Factor Annual #5
  145. Amazing Spider-Man #202
  146. West Coast Avengers #1
  147. Daredevil #216
  148. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #65
  149. Sensational Spider-Man #19
  150. Spider-Man #93
  151. Tales to Astonish #41
  152. Captain America and Batroc #1
  153. Ka-Zar the Savage #5
  154. Amazing Spider-Man #39
  155. Captain America Annual #10
  156. Savage Sword of Conan #233
  157. Thor #357358
  158. Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special #1
  159. Captain America #618
  160. Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12
  161. Amazing Fantasy (Vol. 3) #1
  162. Blade: Vampire Nation #1
  163. 163.0 163.1 Nova (Vol. 7) #2
  164. Spider-Woman #43
  165. King in Black: Return of the Valkyries #2
  166. Two-Gun Kid #21
  167. Captain America #406
  168. Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3
  169. X-Men #32
  170. Avengers #53
  171. Amazing Spider-Man #82
  172. Conan the Barbarian #34
  173. Amazing Spider-Man #267
  174. X-Factor #56
  175. Thunderbolts #157
  176. Thunderbolts #158159
  177. Uncanny X-Men #198
  178. X-Factor: Prisoner of Love #1
  179. Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #12
  180. Punisher (Vol. 9) #2
  181. Captain Marvel #48
  182. Spider-Man Unlimited #5
  183. Journey Into Mystery #504
  184. Avengers: Endless Wartime #1
  185. Avengers: Marvels Snapshots #1
  186. 186.0 186.1 Incredible Hulk #347
  187. Uncanny X-Men #513
  188. Amazing Spider-Man #633
  189. Daredevil #178
  190. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #2
  191. Fear Itself #7
  192. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #8
  193. Conan the Barbarian #275
  194. Two-Gun Kid #29
  195. Fantastic Four (Vol. 3) #60
  196. 196.0 196.1 Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #28
  197. Deadpool (Vol. 8) #10
  198. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #300
  199. Avengers #26
  200. Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #2
  201. Thor #204
  202. Amazing Spider-Man #249
  203. Skrull Kill Krew #2
  204. Marvel Mystery Comics #2
  205. Amazing Spider-Man #50
  206. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #11
  207. Incredible Hulk #391
  208. Captain America (Vol. 3) #1
  209. 209.0 209.1 Marvel Holiday Special #1991
  210. Marvel Treasury Edition #26
  211. Black Panther #9
  212. Excalibur #1
  213. Spider-Man #67
  214. Spider-Woman (Vol. 3) #3
  215. Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes #1
  216. X-Factor #52
  217. Marvel Comics Presents #131
  218. I Am an Avenger #5
  219. New Mutants #8
  220. Daredevil Father #3
  221. Daredevil Father #4
  222. Devil's Reign #1
  223. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #23
  224. Captain America (Vol. 4) #4
  225. Avengers #73
  226. Giant-Size Man-Thing #4
  227. Marvel Fanfare (Vol. 2) #2
  228. 228.0 228.1 Meet Miss Bliss #12
  229. My Love (Vol. 2) #19
  230. New Mutants #7
  231. Dazzler #37
  232. Incredible Hulk Annual #19
  233. Captain America (Vol. 3) #32
  234. Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1
  235. Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #24
  236. Uncanny X-Men #196
  237. ClanDestine #1
  238. Avengers #91
  239. Avengers #92
  240. Avengers #94
  241. 241.0 241.1 241.2 Wolverine (Vol. 2) #83
  242. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #84
  243. Mosaic #1
  244. Daredevil (Vol. 7) #2
  245. Fantastic Four #236
  246. Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #521
  247. Patsy and Hedy #61
  248. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #66
  249. Deathlok (Vol. 2) #21
  250. Conan the Adventurer #7
  251. S.H.I.E.L.D. (Vol. 3) #2
  252. 252.0 252.1 Thunderbolts: From the Marvel Vault #1
  253. Strange Tales #110
  254. Spectacular Spider-Man #136
  255. Werewolf by Night (Vol. 3) #1
  256. Web of Scarlet Spider #1
  257. Jubilee #3
  258. Astonishing #9
  259. Daredevil #314
  260. 260.0 260.1 Captain America #169
  261. 261.0 261.1 Rawhide Kid #17
  262. Nightcrawler #2
  263. Marvel Comics #1
  264. Marvel Mystery Handbook 70th Anniversary Special #1
  265. Captain America Comics #1
  266. Marvel Mystery Comics #58
  267. Captain America Comics #9
  268. Marvel Fanfare #1
  269. Daredevil #173
  270. Power Man and Iron Fist #109
  271. Journey Into Unknown Worlds #50
  272. Daredevil #4
  273. 273.0 273.1 Spider-Woman #26
  274. 274.0 274.1 274.2 Spider-Woman #29
  275. 275.0 275.1 Spider-Woman #27
  276. 276.0 276.1 Amazing Spider-Man Annual #25
  277. Captain America (Vol. 5) #8
  278. Mystery Tales #45
  279. Tales of Suspense #69
  280. X-Men #21
  281. Tales of Suspense #85
  282. Avengers Annual #1
  283. Fantastic Four Annual #6
  284. X-Men #2
  285. Amazing Spider-Man #245
  286. Iron Man #285
  287. Daredevil #184
  288. U.S.Agent (Vol. 2) #1
  289. Marvel Mystery Comics #29
  290. Tales to Astonish #54
  291. Marvel Graphic Novel #12
  292. Avengers #256
  293. Avengers #257
  294. Avengers #309
  295. 295.0 295.1 Iron Man (Vol. 3) #15
  296. Power Man and Iron Fist #108
  297. Daredevil #209
  298. Thunderbolts #159
  299. Iron Man #51
  300. Tales to Astonish #31
  301. Daredevil #176
  302. Fantastic Four: 1 2 3 4 #2
  303. Captain America #259
  304. Marvel Team-Up #143
  305. West Coast Avengers Annual #6
  306. Civil War II: Kingpin #1
  307. Avengers #88
  308. Conan the Adventurer #11
  309. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #82
  310. Amazing Adventures #6
  311. Fantastic Four #17
  312. Invincible Iron Man (Vol. 2) #2
  313. Marvel #4
  314. Punisher (Vol. 11) #2
  315. Amazing Spider-Man '97 #1
  316. 316.0 316.1 Avengers 2000 #1
  317. Moon Knight (Vol. 2) #3
  318. Amazing Spider-Man Family #6
  319. Young Allies #2
  320. All-New Ghost Rider #4
  321. All-New Ghost Rider #5
  322. 322.0 322.1 Thor (Vol. 2) #5
  323. Six Guns #2
  324. Six Guns #3
  325. Spider-Man Unlimited #19
  326. Marvel Mystery Comics #9
  327. X-Factor Annual #3
  328. New Mutants Annual #4
  329. West Coast Avengers Annual #3
  330. Marvel Graphic Novel: Daredevil Love and War #1
  331. Incredible Hulk #392
  332. 332.0 332.1 Amazing Spider-Man #328
  333. Spider-Man #2
  334. X-Men: Children of the Atom #5
  335. Skrull Kill Krew (Vol. 2) #4
  336. 336.0 336.1 War Is Hell #9
  337. Scarlet Spider #1
  338. Captain Marvel #55
  339. Spectacular Spider-Man #207
  340. 340.0 340.1 Generation X Holiday Special #1
  341. Thor (Vol. 2) #33
  342. 342.0 342.1 Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man #1
  343. 343.0 343.1 343.2 Winter Soldier #1
  344. Amazing Spider-Man #187
  345. X-Men: Children of the Atom #4
  346. Darkhawk (Vol. 2) #1
  347. Avengers (Vol. 3) #19
  348. Amazing Spider-Man #406
  349. District X #45
  350. Punisher: War Zone #34
  351. Thor (Vol. 2) #17
  352. Amazing Spider-Man #250
  353. Marvel Comics Presents #160
  354. Incredible Hulk #353
  355. Death of Dracula #1
  356. Spider-Woman (Vol. 7) #3
  357. Avengers #178
  358. The Pulse #6
  359. Daredevil Black & White #1
  360. Ms. Marvel #4
  361. Dazzler #34
  362. 362.0 362.1 Marvel Team-Up #149
  363. Patsy Walker #75
  364. Patsy Walker #107
  365. Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #4
  366. Deadpool (Vol. 2) #1
  367. Punisher (Vol. 8) #4
  368. Mighty Thor (Vol. 2) #2
  369. Hulk (Vol. 4) #79
  370. Hellions #2
  371. Doctor Doom #1
  372. Doctor Doom #9
  373. Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #10
  374. Daredevil #323
  375. Daredevil #324
  376. Spider-Man: The Lost Years #12
  377. Punisher (Vol. 5) #5
  378. Avengers (Vol. 3) #37
  379. Captain America (Vol. 3) #45
  380. Defenders (Vol. 2) #7
  381. Fantastic Four #556
  382. All-New Ghost Rider #7
  383. Amazing Spider-Man #373
  384. 384.0 384.1 X-Factor #144
  385. Patsy Walker #76
  386. Miss America #91
  387. Miss America #93
  388. Patsy Walker #88
  389. Patsy Walker #97
  390. Patsy Walker #111
  391. Avengers #93
  392. Daredevil #159
  393. Amazing Adventures #2
  394. Marvel Mystery Comics #11
  395. Western Kid #10
  396. Daredevil #134
  397. Daredevil #136
  398. Daredevil #138
  399. Daredevil #141
  400. Spider-Man Unlimited #4
  401. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #3
  402. X-Man #31
  403. Ghost Rider (Vol. 6) #8
  404. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #25
  405. Marvel #3
  406. X-Men #3
  407. Tales to Astonish #65
  408. Thor #345
  409. Captain America: Hail Hydra #2
  410. Marvel Super-Heroes (Vol. 2) #11
  411. Emma Frost #7
  412. Emma Frost #8
  413. 413.0 413.1 Emma Frost #9
  414. Emma Frost #10
  415. Emma Frost #11
  416. Emma Frost #12
  417. Daredevil (Vol. 3) #1
  418. Giant-Size Dracula #4
  419. X-Men #104
  420. X-Men #122
  421. Uncanny X-Men #183
  422. Spider-Man: Death and Destiny #2
  423. Thor: Vikings #3
  424. X-Men (Vol. 2) #194
  425. Legion of Monsters: Werewolf by Night #1
  426. 426.0 426.1 Daredevil (Vol. 3) #7
  427. Jessica Jones - Marvel Digital Original #2
  428. Meet Miss Bliss #4
  429. Marvel Team-Up Annual #4
  430. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #150
  431. Amazing Spider-Man #665
  432. 433.0 433.1 Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1
  433. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #7
  434. Secret Avengers #21
  435. Daredevil (Vol. 6) #20
  436. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #47
  437. Punisher War Journal #50
  438. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #40
  439. Siege: Captain America #1
  440. Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (Vol. 4) #1
  441. Union #1
  442. Uncanny Tales #12
  443. Deadpool (Vol. 4) #900
  444. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #55
  445. Thor (Vol. 2) #3639
  446. Deadpool (Vol. 8) #8
  447. X-Men (Vol. 3) #11
  448. Avengers #60
  449. Punisher (Vol. 9) #1
  450. Moon Knight #37
  451. Incredible Hulk Annual #17
  452. Giant-Size Wolverine #1
  453. West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #43
  454. Defenders #133
  455. Deadpool (Vol. 4) #40
  456. Darkhawk #4
  457. Daredevil (Vol. 2) #45
  458. Daredevil #167
  459. Amazing Spider-Man #659
  460. Journey Into Mystery #512
  461. Daredevil: The Man Without Fear #4
  462. Conan the Barbarian #157