
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles that evolved on the planet Earth. They first appeared during the Triassic Era, between 243 and 233.23 million years ago. They dominated that planet from the Jurassic Era to the Cretaceous Era. During this time the Elder God Set formed a magical affinity with the dinosaurs.[1]

Extinction Event[]

The Dinosaurs became extinct during the Cretaceous–Paleogene Extinction Event, several accounts of the cause of this have been presented, and the actual extinction may be one or a combination of all these:

1) An asteroid that was drawn from space by the planet itself, as a mean to crack open the Superflow, in order to initiate its first White Event on Earth.[2]

2) During the late Cretaceous period, Gaea deemed the dinosaurs to be evolutionary dead ends and was going to wipe them out to allow mammals to dominate. Set however forced the dinosaurs to slay all the mammals. Gaea challenged Set and he fought Atum, during the battle a huge portion of the dinosaurs were wiped out by the planet's upheaval.[1]

3) That Which Endures, a collective entity responsible for natural selection, decided dinosaurs were a evolutionary dead end and chose to focus on mammals.West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #44-49

4) Loki claimed that last time Ratatoskr was on Earth, "all the raptors got replaced by hairless apes who invented fax machines."[3]

Hyborian Age[]

During the Hyborian Age, the 'tegosaur dragon was one of the few kinds of animals giving hesitation to the interior Pictland tribesmen, though fearless hunters.[4] Another stego-dragon lived in the forest north of Xuchotl, until it was dispateched by Conan.[5]


Dinosaurs still survive however, even though they are widely considered to be extinct. The Nuwali race constructed the Savage Land wildlife preserve in Antarctica, and it became home to an entire prehistoric ecosystem for many prehistoric animals, including virtually all known races of dinosaurs.[6][7]

American Frontier[]

In the 19th century, American cowboy Tex Taylor and his partner Alkali Ike uncovered a hidden valley of dinosaurs hidden beneath a cave somewhere in Texas. They used the tunnel to lure two outlaws named Danny Sawtell and Creepy into a trap where they became the next meal to a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Ike then blasted the tunnel shut trapping the dinosaurs in their hidden valley.[8] It is unknown if this lost valley still exists.


On August 10, 1938, Professor Rangley uncovered a perfectly preserved Tyrannosaurus Rex egg in the Shelee Tar Pits of Utah. Five days later, he transported the egg to New York City where he incubated it and see if it would hatch. On Christmas Eve of 1938, the egg hatched and Rangley kept the baby and raised it at the Acme Warehouse in secret. He hopes to reveal it to the world in the next decade.[9]


The first recorded encounter between humans and dinosaurs in 20th Century Africa occurred in April of 1940 when the a strange prehistoric creature came out of the jungle of Africa and besieged the tribe of the jungle adventurer named Trojak. Trojak and his people dubbed the creature a "Devil Beast" and ultimately slew it by crushing it under a toppled tree.[10] In January 1941, an explorer discovered frozen dinosaur eggs out in the ice flows of Siberia and sell them to American entertainer Barney Bailey. Bailey somehow manage to hatch the eggs and put the full grown dinosaurs on display in Seacoast City. However a lightning storm caused the creatures to escape and they went on a rampage through the city. The other-dimensional hero known as the Vision appeared and destroyed the creatures using TNT. Not wishing to have his money making creatures destroyed, Bailey had hire local mobsters to try and round them up, only to find himself eaten by one of the giant lizards.[11] Later, the jungle adventurer Ka-Zar also encounter a dinosaur in Africa's Black River region, located somewhere in the Belgian Congo. This creature was slain by a giant named Bogat.[12]

In August of 1943 a dinosaur was found preserved in ice on the Antarctic continent by Nazi sympathizer Professor Schultz who attempted to revive the creature. Succeeding, but finding the prehistoric monster brain dead, he surgically implanted the brain of his assistant Olaf Olsen and send him on a rampage. During a clash with Captain America and Bucky, Olaf witnessed Schultz threaten his sister and tossed the scientist off a cliff and then threw his dinosaur body off as well, seemingly to his death.[13]

In the spring of 1949, Professor Rangley was murdered by thieves who thought he was holding something valuable in his warehouse space and unintentionally released the Tyrannosaurus, letting it loose into New York. Captain America, Golden Girl and the military fought the creature, mortally wounding it. The dying Tyrannosaurus then walked all the way back to its birth place in Utah to die in the tar pits.[9]


A number of dinosaurs existed as inhabitants of the jungles of the Congo, discovered in 1954 by jungle adventurer Lorna the Jungle Queen, their origins and subsequent fate are unknown.[14] More dinosaurs were discovered in the Black Swamp region of the Congo by the jungle hero known as Lo-Zar.[15] Not long after a pair of Tyrannosaurs were discovered in another swamp region of the Congo by Jann of the Jungle.[16]

In 1956, a dinosaur was awoken by H-bomb testing off the shore of Japan, mutating it into the giant creature dubbed Godzilla, it constantly plagued the Japanese region well into the 1970s.[17]


Modern Era[]

Early on in their career, the X-Men discovered the Savage Land and its population of dinosaurs,[6] the first of many visits to the region by the team over the years.

The creature known as Godzilla returned, rising out of the waters of Alaska and terrorized the United States for some time. The creature was countered by SHIELD's Godzilla Squad.[18]

Old Lace was a Deinonychus genetically engineered by supervillains Dale and Stacey Yorkes, for their daughter Gertrude.[19] The loyal Old Lace was faithful to Yorkes, eventually sacrificing its life for its master.[20]

Alternate Realities[]


After the dinosaurs' extinction, they were conjured by Scarlet Witch as a result of her reality warping abilities and since then have been living in the Savage Land.[21]


Earth-9997's past suggests that the dinosaurs were wiped out when the Celestials carved out a portion of the Moon to serve as orbiting observatory for the Watcher.[22] This reality also has its own version of Devil Dinosaur.[23]


Dinosaurs from Devil Dinosaur Vol 1 1 0001

"Dinosaur World" is a common name for Earth-78411, in which species such as the Thunder-Horn, the Bone-Backs and the Hoppers never went extinct.

Earth-78411 is a alternate reality in which Earth remains in a prehistoric period. Evolution occurred differently on this world, seeing early humans living amongst dinosaurs. The most feared, if not well-known, of them all is Devil Dinosaur, a red Tyrannosaurus Rex and an ally of Moon-Boy.[24] Other notable species found here are:

  • Thunder-Horn - a group of ceratopsids that are implied to be carnivorous. They occasionally challenged Devil Dinosaur over the Valley of Flame.
  • Bone-Backs - A group of Stegosauria-type dinosaurs.
  • Hoppers - A group of theropods and members of the dromaeosaurid family.
  • Plant-Eaters - A group of sauropod-type dinosaurs.


On Earth-TRN1101, the extinction event that killed most dinosaurs never occurred. Eventually, they evolved sentience and formed a society identical to the one formed by humans on Earth-616. Species like Skrulls, Kree, and Asgardians also resemble dinosaurs instead of humans.[25]

Unknown Reality[]

Dinosaurs from Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 289 001

In an Unknown Reality, Stryfe unleashed a group of dinosaurs onto 2016 A.D. New York City. Some of them were turned into vampires, with one of the vampire dinosaurs even infecting Deadpool.[26]

Unknown Reality[]

Dinosaurs (Earth-Unknown) from Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness

A Triceratops and a Tyrannosaurus rex can be seen in New York City in a universe that America Chavez and Doctor Strange visit