The designation "Earth-TRN1101" used in this article is unofficial , used by this wiki for internal purposes only until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).
In this reality, the extinction event that killed the dinosaurs never occurred, and so humans never evolved. However, by the modern day the dinosaurs evolved sentience and formed a society nearly identical to the one on Earth-616, down to individuals with the same history and personality as their counterparts. The two realities had virtually identical laws of physics, and their strong similarities led both universes to try and occupy the same position. Portals appeared between the two universes, and they would have eventually destroyed each other. The human Fantastic Four investigated a portal and were exchanged for their dinosaur counterparts. They briefly fought the Avengers before Reed Richards established communication. He worked together with Tony Stark to create a machine to push the universes apart, but the dinosaur Doctor Doom interfered, intent on merging the realities.[1] He had conspired with his human counterpart to create a shared universe the two could rule. The alliance fell apart thanks to prodding from both Things, and their machinery was repurposed to separate the universes again.[2]
- Species that are humanoid in Earth-616 like Asgardians, Kree, and Skrulls are dinosauroid instead. It is unknown what caused these changes.[1]
- Dinosaurs of different species can have children together, as Reed Richards (a Tyrannosaurus rex) and Susan Storm (a triceratops) have Franklin and Valeria as a triceratops and T. rex respectively.[1]