Mandroid Armor MK III
The Mark III Mandroid armor was the third in a line of powered armor developed by S.H.I.E.L.D..
S.H.I.E.L.D. forged an alliance with Trans-Sabalian dictator Farnoq Sawalha Dahn and provided him with an unknown number of Mark III Mandroids. Dahn used the armors against a rebellion towards his rule. The Hulk and the Pantheon intervened in the war on side of the rebels and destroyed many Mark IIIs, while the Hulk's ally Rick Jones donned one to assassinate Dahn.[1][2]
A military junta lead by Trans-Sabalian Army general Alim Halladah continued to use the Mandroids when the country descended into a three way civil War. The remaining Mandroids were destroyed by the New Warriors and Force of Nature when they overthrew Halladah's rule.[3]
S.H.I.E.L.D. preferred to use the Mark II Mandroid armor and never put the Mark III into general circulation.[4]
The Mark III Mandroids were much larger and more durable than previous models but featured less weaponry. It was primarily outfitted with Gatling guns and particle beam emitters.[4]