Niganda, officially the Democratic Republic of Niganda, is a country in Africa. It is located south of the technologically advanced nation of Wakanda.[1]
During the reign of Wakandan King Benhazin, Niganda's neighbors saw unprecedented doubt. Under a deal struck by Benhazin, Wakandans and Nigandans shared the bounty of the Alkama Fields lying between their two countries. An ancient grudge of Wakanda's Hyena Clan against its ruling Panther Tribe, however, led them to steal from the harvests of both nations. This, in turn, caused the Wakandans and Nigandans to blame each other, and the conflict broke out into a war. Naturally, Wakanda won the war, and was forced to completely annex the Alkama Fields.[2] The enmity between Niganda and Wakanda began here; rather than the Mena Ngai or Great Mound which supplies Wakanda with its vibranium, the Nigandans see these rich fields, considered the breadbasket of Wakanda, as the reason their neighbors have been able to surpass all other nations in the region.[1]
In modern times, Niganda was ruled by elf appointed Prime Minister M'Butu, an authoritarian leader, who was violent with his subjects and committed barbaric atrocities such as purges against doctors.[3]
Nigandan hatred for Wakanda led to Nigandan chief of military affairs General Zoruun going so far as to establish secret ties with a neo-fascist sect of Atlanteans and the racist Azanian government to aid in the kidnappings of Wakandan citizens to be sold on the slave trade for over a decade. Other refugees taken were probed and experimented upon by the Atlantean scientist Meranno, whose close ties to the Nazi party and hatred of the half-breed king pushed him to breed genetically perfected super warriors capable of besting prince Namor. All using his DNA as a template to create his superior species. Furthermore the Nigandan military would profit by siphoning Wakanda's secrets from the minds of it's people, furthering the vendetta against the enemy they shared with the Azanians.[4]

After the fall of the segregating Genosha, M'butu welcomed the unethical geneticist Erich Paine into his borders, letting him free to perform his monstrous experiments in exchange of a massive bribe. Paine's facilities genetic testings was among the many grievances that advanced Wakanda against M'Butu's rule.[5]
Invasion of Wakanda[]
M'Butu was approached by Klaw, who proposed him to join their forces in order to annex Wakanda to Niganda, offering him vast funds he invest part of to built a giant statue of himself over the capitol. As his General wasn't receptive to his command, criticized his actions and disliked taking orders from Klaw's men, M'Butu beat him with bamboo switch.[3]
During the attack, T'Challa contacted M'Butu, who revealed him that Klaw was behind the invasion. The Black Panther promised to take M'Butu's rule down, having hoped that the Nigandan people would do it before, and that he had now a reason to make Wakanda intervene.[6]
Flying to Niganda with the intention of killing M'Butu, T'Challa chased after and eventually throttled him, stopping only when Klaw contacted from Ramonda's apartment in Wakanda.[7] He was removed from his post by Wakanda, who took action against Paine's facility.[5]
Reign of Killmonger[]
In yet another bid to annex Wakanda by the U.S. Government, N'Jadaka was employed as a figurehead to rallying support in Niganda on their behalf, arriving among its citizenry as a savior and a man of the people and singlehandedly quelling the factions squabbling for power within the impoverished country.[8]
While Killmonger claimed to have rid Niganda of its mutant wildlife problem, in truth said abominations had been secretly created to push his public hero agenda, and the more intellectual creations worked among his science staff and personal army against Wakanda.[9] Killmonger also used the people of Niganda to continue the human enhancement experiments he had conducted in Wakanda, attempting "power-transference" on large groups of Nigandans and then dumping them in mass graves when the process inevitably failed. The one success of this program was Zenzi, who used her newfound powers of psychic manipulation to escape execution and flee across the Alkama Fields into Wakanda.[10]
The people of Niganda spoke of Oracles who could tell the future; Killmonger visited their temple, unconvinced of their power, wanting to know the day that T'Challa would kill him.[11]
When the US realized the mess they had created and dispatched Photon to clean up, Killmonger was one step ahead and trapped her within a stasis field using advanced technology created by his mutant baboon R&D specialist, using Monica to bait T'challa into conflict.[9]
Having surmised Eric applied some of the Red Ghost's technology used to create the mutants in his army, a secondary Wakandan strike team was deployed to his current base of operations to liberate T'Challa's sister Shuri and her confidant, who had been captured during an unsanctioned spy mission on the American warship used to escort Killmonger while T'challa battled him out in the open.[12]
W'Kabi soon found Paine's mutant baboon using Photon as a battery for Erik's force field generator. After freeing herself, Monica escaped the baboon's prison to find Killmonger preparing to land a killing blow on T'Challa with his Ebony Blade. Monica shot though Killmonger's back as a laser, killing him instantly and ending the incursion as his adopted sons and daughters gathered his body and disappeared into the jungle.[13]
Under The People[]
The escaped victim of human experimentation Zenzi would eventually become a military leader among the now leaderless Nigandans,[14] forming an alliance with Wakandan revolutionary Tetu as a member of The People.[10]
Through her powers and their shared leadership, the two would turn Niganda's wilting culture into a beachhead for the ideal of a new national power that threatened to topple Wakanda and its longstanding monarchy,[1] gathering more and more allies to their cause, including the rebel Dora Milaje known as the Midnight Angels, and the foreign agents Ezekiel Stane, the Fenris Twins and Vanisher.[15]
When the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda staged an invasion of Earth, the deceased Emperor N'Jadaka's symbiote formed an alliance with The People to raid Killmonger's Nigandan tomb and resurrect N'Jadaka using the Wakandan N'Jadaka's body.[16]