Second Kree-Skrull War

Prelude to War[]

After the destruction of the Skrull throneworld by Galactus, the Skrull Empire was thrown into disarray. A brutal multi-sided civil war erupted which weakened the empire, and left it vulnerable to invaders.[1] A greater blow came when a rogue Skrull detonated the Hyperwave Bomb which locked every Skrull in the cosmos to whatever shape they were in at that moment.[2] Leaving the Skrulls vulnerable to their ancient foes the Kree, who had no knowledge that the Skrulls had lost their ability to shapeshift.[3] Within the Skrull Empire, after a long struggle five Skrull warlords had emerged as contenders for the imperial throne. Which included the warlords Kylor and S'Byll.[4]

The Second Kree-Skrull War Begins[]

A Celestial arrived on the world serving as the stronghold of the Skrull warlord Kylor.[5] He attempted to find out what the Celestial wanted but got no response. Kylor ordered his forces to attack the Celestial without success. Upon learning that the Kree had discovered that the Skrulls had lost their ability to shapeshift, Kylor declared war on the Kree.[3][6]

From within the Kree Empire, his spy had provided Kylor with intelligence that let his fleet avoid a Kree ambush. A rival warlord communicated his anger at Kylor's actions, saying that a war with the Kree risked the deaths of many Skrulls due to their current vulnerability which Kylor dismissed.[7] As the war progressed, the Silver Surfer and Nova met with Nenora the Kree Supreme Leader seeking information regarding the Contemplator. In the meeting the two Cosmic Heralds promised their neutrality in the Kree-Skrull war. Afterwards a Kree base received with open arms the Silver Surfer, only to be destroyed. The Silver Surfer and Nova headed to the Coalsack Nebula, where they infiltrated a pirate haven, looking for the Contemplator. They were discovered, were attacked by the pirates, and were taken captive by the space pirate Reptyl.[8] Reptyl used the two prisoners to power his starships by draining their energy. Nova escaped and destroyed several pirate ships. To prevent their annihilation at her hands, Reptyl ordered the ejection of the Silver Surfer and their withdrawal. He then turned on the Contemplator, and devoured his body leaving only the head.[9]

Rise of Nenora[]

Back on the Kree homeworld (Hala), Ronan the Accuser eliminated three Kree who were sent by a conspiracy of Kree generals. Ronan tried to seduce Nenora but she ignored his attempts and sent him to eliminate the Silver Surfer due to the havoc that he was wreaking on the border worlds, as he left a trail of terror throughout the Kree Empire. It's revealed that Nenora was actually a Skrull and an agent of Kylor. The warlord Kylor was ecstatic that Nenora had taken over the Kree Empire and believed that she had sent the Kree fleet into a Skrull ambush. He personally led the Skrull fleet to what he expected to be a great victory, only to learn to late that Nenora had actually betrayed him, resulting in the defeat of his fleet and his death. Nenora was eliminating all those who knew her real identity as she had ambitions of ruling the Kree Empire. Meanwhile Ronan located the Silver Surfer and Nova, but was defeated by them. The two then headed out to find the imposter.[4]

After Kylor's death, Skrull warlord S'Byll sent her agent Krat to Earth. He located the Super-Skrull who had been trapped within the Van Allen Belts. Krat was successful in curing the Super-Skrull of his disease therefore returning him to his physical form. The Super-Skrull was assisted by the Silver Surfer who helped him escape Earth. He headed toward Satriani where he enlisted in the service of S'Byll.[4][10]

Silver Surfer and Nova found the Silver Surfer imposter. Who defeated the Silver Surfer and convinced Nova it was the imposter who lay unconscious in front of Nova. When she turned away, he attacked and entrapped Nova. He revealed that he was actually Bartak, a Skrull operative. Bartak was in the service of the Skrull warlord Karza, waging war against the Kree. Ronan then appeared, with his power greatly increased so he could deal with the Silver Surfer and killed Bartak.[11] Meanwhile the Contemplator desiring vengeance on Reptyl for a previous betrayal that left him with a disembodied head, convinced Reptyl's agent Clumsy Foulup to betray the space pirate Reptyl in exchange for being rewarded with power. The Super-Skrull was participating in the conflict by then, helping the Skrull fleet ambush a Kree fleet by the planet Galexo via his invisibility ability.[12]

Silver Surfer Enters the War[]

S'Byll and the Super-Skrull manipulated the Silver Surfer into allying with them against the Kree, by making him feel obligated to save the Skrull armada from being annihilated by a Badoon fleet. As he was unaware that the Badoon were allied to the Kree, it meant his intervention on the side of the Skrulls made him an enemy of the Kree. A Kree fleet led by Ronan then arrives and lays siege to Zenn-La. The Silver Surfer arrived and defeated Ronan, and then fought the Kree fleet. A Skrull fleet arrived and battle ensued between the two armadas. After several hours of intense combat, the Skrulls emerged victorious. They then convinced the Silver Surfer to help S'Byll regain her shapeshifting abilities by combining their powers with a genetic machine. Which not only restored her shapeshifting power but boosted it vastly beyond the norm, in addition to giving her the ability to restore shapeshifting abilities to any Skrull with just a touch. The cosmic enhanced S'Byll and the Silver Surfer then headed out to space to engage the returning Kree fleet and destroyed many ships forcing them to retreat.[13]

An even larger Kree armada returned, one that was remotely commanded by Nenora. The Silver Surfer, Super-Skrull, and the cosmically enhanced S'Byll headed into space and engaged the fleet, supported by planet-side ground-to-space energy cannons supplied by the Skrulls. The Kree withdrew, after the Silver Surfer got Nenora to agree the leave Zenn-La alone though he will continue to be a target.[14] Per the Contemplator's instructions, Clumsy Foulup met with the Kree emperor (Nenora) and revealed the plans of Reptyl and his Skrull allies.[15]

S'Byll returned to her homeworld Satriani with the Super-Skrull and Silver Surfer, and began to restore her people's shapeshifting abilities. During which the Stranger appeared, targeting S'Byll because of her mutation, seeking to experiment on her. The Super-Skrull and Silver Surfer attempted to stop him but failed. At which point Badoon warriors who had been cloaked among the Skrulls attacked and battle erupted between the Skrull and Badoon warriors. The Stranger headed out to space where he encountered the pirate Reptyl who came to Satraini. He saved her by giving the Stranger his own crew in exchange for S'Byll. [16]

Reptyl requested that she make him a privateer in his fleet, expressing the desire to fight any who threaten the existence of reptilians. He returned to the Coalsack Nebula, where he gathered a new fleet and a new crew. Reptyl brought his pirate fleet to join the Skrull armada. He impressed S'Byll with his manpower, skills, and loyalty to saurians. Which lead to mutual romantic interest between Reptyl and S'byll. The Super-Skrull was angered by this as well as Reptyl's disrespect towards him and confronted Reptyl, and during the fight, Reptyl tore out his throat (in which the Super-Skrull faked his defeat and death at S'byll's command to solidify the alliance with Reptyl).[17][18]

Conclusion of the War[]

Reptyl then made warlord of S'Byll's armada and led it into battle against the Kree fleet which arrived at Satriani. Which turned out to be a trap arranged by Clumsy Foulup, a pawn of the Contemplator (who was actually a Skrull imposter). While the Silver Surfer was occupied with the Midnight Sun (who had been found by the Kree and programmed to fight for them), the Skrull fleet was decimated and Reptyl was gravely wounded by Clumsy Foulup himself. Which turned the tide of the war in the Kree's favor. [19] Foulup was directed by Contemplator to head to Hala, where the Kree declared him a hero. Meanwhile the Silver Surfer and S'Byll headed toward Hala. They broke through its defenses, defeating the Midnight Sun and Kree warships, and then fight their way through the Kree city. Where Shalla-Ball who had been held prisoner, informed the Silver Surfer that Nenora the ruler of the Kree was actually a Skrull. The Silver Surfer and S'Byll then exposed Nenora as a Skrull to the Kree. S'Byll bluffed the Kree into thinking she still had powerful military assets and offered them peace. The Kree refused a permanent peace but accepted a cease fire, ending the war with the Skrulls the victors.[20]

The Contemplator attempted to assume control of the Kree Empire by seizing control of the Supreme Intelligence. Only for Foulup to betray him with the assistance of the Cotati, who defeated him with their superior telepathic powers. The Cotati then took control of the Supreme Intelligence projection which stated that it had to rest and put Clumsy Foulup in charge of the Kree empire.[21]