Sixth Cosmos (Multiverse)

Galan of Taa. Can you hear me? I am the Sentience of the Cosmos, and you are its last survivor. You have been baptized in the energies of creation...and now...we two will become a new form of life.

Sentience of the Sixth Cosmos[source]

This still-unnamed entity is the embodiment of the Sixth Cosmos and the fifth Multiverse. He is the inventor of science and the builder of the "Junction to Everywhere."[5]

He succeeded the Sentience of the Fifth Cosmos and was replaced by Eternity and Infinity.[5]

  • Even though this personification of the Multiverse is not given a name in any of his appearances and mentions to date, he is referred to as "The Sixth [Cosmos]" in Ultimates 2 #100. For the archivist purposes of the Marvel Database, it will be used as the page name until a name is given.
    • Before it was established that the previous Sentiences of the Cosmos had different names and identities, it was previously assumed that the Sentience of the Sixth Cosmos was named Eternity.[9]
  • Galactus' origin story has been retconned and reinterpreted many times. Thus, there are many conflicting accounts on how his universe was destroyed:
  • The very first iteration of Galactus' origin from Thor #169 did not involve the Sixth Cosmos at all. Taa was implied to exist in the current universe, but its galaxy was suffering from a plague where its inhabitants were all dying from an incurable sickness. (The affected worlds were not destroyed; only their people were killed.) The last people of Taa, choosing to die in blazing glory than sickness, decided to fly their ship into a star. The ship flew around the star and the star's radiation killed everyone except Galan. This transformed him into Galactus.
    • The Black Winter seems to be inspired by the original origin story as it is called a plague.[16]

Original version

Original version

Revised version

Revised version