AKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed

AKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed is the ninth episode of the second season of the television series Jessica Jones.


The shooting forces Jessica to rethink her plans. Meanwhile, Oscar asks for help with a family crisis, and Trish's frustrations finally boil over.


Pryce Cheng shooting at Jessica

Pryce Cheng looks through binoculars at Alias Investigations to see Alisa Jones. He shoots at the window with a gun, but misses. He sees Alisa in pursuit and runs. Alisa chases him up the stairs and prepares to punch him, but Jessica Jones comes from behind and sedates Cheng. Back at her apartment, Jones cuffs an unconscious Cheng with duct tape and leaves him in her tub. Alisa asks what the next plan is and Jones says she's going to find an alternative way to imprison Alisa that isn't the raft. Alisa then insists on helping Jones clean her bullet wound. Jones then helps Alisa restrain herself to the bed before going to sleep. Jones remarks that Karl Malus will get what's coming to him which makes Alisa jerk up angry about the remark.

Jeri Hogarth and Inez Green wake up in bed together. Green believes that Hogarth will kick her out once Shane Ryback heals her. Hoagrth responds by kissing Green, but Green just gets up and leaves the room. Jones sits outside her bathroom reminiscing about her choices until Trish Walker knocks on the door asking for Jones. Walker scolds Jones for forcing her to leave the investigation. A visibly unwell Walker gets closer to Jones during their argument. Jones realizes how Walker's eyes are puffy and red. She asks if she's high which Walker denies. Jones then threatens to call Walker's sponsor. Alisa then hits something in her sleep which causes Walker to think that she has a man in her apartment, so she angrily leaves. Jones walks into the bedroom to see Alisa staring off out the window asking where her daughter is. Jones realizes that Alisa was sleep walking and forces Alisa to wake up. She then comforts her mother and helps her back into bed.

The next morning, Oscar Arocho throws his garbage in the can and realizes there is glass in the street under Jones' apartment. He runs up to Jones and asks what happened. After learning about the shots, Arocho gets concerned over her safety. Jones tells him that Alisa is the target, Arocho offers to help, but Jones denies. Arocho's ex-wife, Sonia then confronts him yelling about their son. Walker watches TV in her apartment and sees Griffin Sinclair on the news. She takes another whiff of the Inhaler. She then shows up at Jeri Hogarth's Apartment and approaches Green saying that she needs to put her on TV to expose IGH, but Hogarth gets in the way and forces Walker out.


Jones sprays Cheng with her shower hose and wonders how long until he wakes up. Alisa instead suggests they eat. Alisa eats her spaghetti while they talk. Jones takes the bag of her mother's "ashes" and remarks about how they are probably some old dog's ashes. Alisa asks why she didn't just get rid of them if she didn't want the ashes. Jones responds saying she would be letting herself off the hook for her families deaths. Alisa is astonished that Jones had believed that it was her fault all this time. Alisa blames it on her father, saying that he took his eyes off the road. She then takes her fake ashes and flushes them down the toilet saying it's closure. Since Jones won't kill Cheng, Alisa suggests that they leave together. Arocho then calls Jones saying that Sonia took Vido and he needs her help. Alisa pushes Jones to go and leave Alisa behind, she insists she'll stay. Jones knows not to leave her alone with Cheng so she takes Alisa with her, but not before sedating Cheng more.

Ryback is released from prison and sees Hogarth, but walks past her saying he is closer to dying every time he heals someone. Nevertheless, he agrees to help her. On Trish Talk, Walker talks with a professional about a Gluten Free product. Walker gets annoyed and starts scolding the doctor on random things like murder, sex-trafficking, and IGH. She then quits her show and walks out.

Sonia confronted by Jessica and her mom

Jones meets up with Arocho at Sonia's Apartment. Jones finds out that the passports are gone, Arocho sees that Vido's Captain America toy is gone and Vido doesn't go anywhere without it. Arocho remembers that the two share a credit card and sees that Sonia bought two bus tickets. At the bus station, they find a bus leaving for Montréal. Jones catches up to it and tries to stop it, but is unable to. Alisa then comes and helps as well; the two stop the bus together. Arocho gets Vido and Sonia runs out after him. Jones stops her and tells her that Vido won't benefit from her in prison.

Hogarth prepares to be healed and Green makes sure to tell her that it sometimes didn't work. Hogarth knows, but says she is dead anyway. Ryback then does his healing ritual and Hogarth starts crying as she thinks it has worked. At Walker's apartment, Walker calls her advisor and tells him off. She then continues to punch her punching bag. She gets a call from ZCN, the producer offers her a job because he is impressed about her outburst on her show. Walker excitedly stands up, but feels dizzy, so she takes more from the inhaler, but finds out it is out of the drug.


Jones, Arocho, Alisa, and Vido get off at the elevator. Arocho thanks them, but tells Jones that he noticed Alisa is also powered. Arocho offers anything to help her even if it's forging papers. Alisa feels great about helping people and pushes Jones to let her do that. Jones then sees that Cheng is waking up, but Alisa still wants to kill him. Jones tells her no. Alisa then says that she won't hurt him, but they still need to do something about him. Jones gets Cheng on his feet and talks to him in private. She tells him he could go away for attempted murder and he agrees to remain peaceful. After uncuffing him, Cheng changes the conversation to Alisa saying that she killed his friend, he says she needs to be put away. Jones listens to him and decides to call Eddy Costa. Alisa barges in and tries to kill Cheng, Jones stops Alisa for a second and tells Cheng to run. Alisa then attacks Jones, but her daughter pleads for her to stop. Alisa gets off of Jones and goes after Cheng again. When she runs out, she is confronted by a fleet of cops. She stops in her tracks and surrenders after Jones pleads for her to.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:










Song title Artist Location(s)
Cheng Window Shot Sean Callery
Alisa Surrounded Sean Callery


  • Although Netflix listed the episode title as AKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed, Disney+ lists it as AKA Shark in the Bathtub.


External Links[]

Season One AKA Ladies NightAKA Crush SyndromeAKA It's Called WhiskeyAKA 99 FriendsAKA The Sandwich Saved MeAKA You're a Winner!AKA Top Shelf PervertsAKA WWJD?AKA Sin BinAKA 1,000 CutsAKA I've Got the BluesAKA Take a Bloody NumberAKA Smile
Season Two AKA Start at the BeginningAKA Freak AccidentAKA Sole SurvivorAKA God Help the HoboAKA The OctopusAKA FacetimeAKA I Want Your Cray CrayAKA Ain't We Got FunAKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the BedAKA Pork ChopAKA Three Lives and CountingAKA Pray for My PatsyAKA Playland
Season Three AKA The Perfect BurgerAKA You're WelcomeAKA I Have No SpleenAKA Customer Service is Standing ByAKA I WishAKA Sorry FaceAKA The Double Half-WappingerAKA Camera FriendlyAKA I Did Something TodayAKA Hero PantsAKA HellcatAKA A Lotta WormsAKA Everything