Abilash Tandon

"She's in my head. None of it is my own. It hurts. It hurts so much. Just make her stop."
―Abilash Tandon to Vision[src]

Abilash Tandon is a resident of Westview, New Jersey. After being trapped in the Hex, he was enthralled by Wanda Maximoff and made a part of her ideal reality, where he was named Norm Gentilucci and was an employee at Computational Services Inc.


Early Life[]

Abilash Tandon was born on July 14, 1986, and lived in Westview, New Jersey, where he looked after his father along with his sister. In 2018, he survived the Snap, and on July 17, 2020 he was issued a new driver's license.[3] Shortly after the Blip in 2023, Tandon was enthralled by Wanda Maximoff and became part of the Hex.[4]

Friends with Vision[]

"You know, I always thought you were kind of a square."
―Norm Gentilucci to Vision[src]

In the Hex, Tandon was given the personality of "Norm Gentilucci," one of employees from the Computational Services Inc., who instantly became friends with Vision when he joined the company. He played music while he worked, ensuring that it was not bothering Vision. When Vision asked exactly what they produced at Computational Services, Inc., Gentilucci simply replied that they made forms to measure productivity.[1]

Neighborhood Watch Members

Gentilucci at the Neighborhood Watch meeting

Gentilucci was also a member of the Westview Neighborhood Watch. He attended a meeting in the Westview Public Library, when the group was joined by Vision. Gentilucci was also part of the audience from the Westview Talent Show, Gentilucci was impressed by Vision's "magic tricks".[5]


Vision awakens Abilash

Tandon awakened by Vision

"Please. Please help me. What day is it? How long has it been? Where's my phone? I have to call my sister."
―Abilash Tandon to Vision[src]

At work, Vision introduced Gentilucci to a computer, when he received an e-mail about the Maximoff Anomaly. Gentilucci read it out loud along with the other employees, assuming it was a joke and laughing at it. Vision proceeded to awaken Gentilucci and reveal his suppressed identity: Abilash Tandon. Tandon panicked, asking about his sister and his father. Tandon begged for Vision to make Wanda Maximoff stop enthralling him. Vision put Tandon back into character, and Gentilucci joked about where he would put a stamp on an e-mail.[6]


Abilash Tandon & John Collins

Gentilucci approaches Wanda Maximoff

"When you let us sleep, we have your nightmares. Please let us go."
―Abilash Tandon to Wanda Maximoff[src]

Gentilucci, along with the citizens of Westview, was later awakened by Agatha Harkness. Tandon confronted Maximoff, begging to see his family again and be freed. Maximoff, anxious due to the situation, accidentally suffocated Tandon and the other citizens. Eventually, Tandon was free to go and live his life.

Abilash Tandon & Sharon Davis

Tandon looks at Wanda Maximoff angrily

The Hex was then taken down and Tandon, along with many other citizens, saw Maximoff walking back into the town square and looked at her angrily. He then watched as she left Westview.[7] The FBI soon arrived and Tandon talked to an agent.[8]


Enthralled Personality[]

"Should we surf the Internet?"
"Cowabunga, dude."
Vision and "Norm"[src]

To be added

True Personality[]

"I unearthed the man's suppressed personality and I spoke to him free of your oversight. He was in pain."
Vision to Wanda Maximoff[src]

To be added




  • Father
  • Sister




In chronological order:



External Links[]