Bonnie Thompson

"Prophecies are hard to decipher."

The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story whose canon status has been neither confirmed nor denied. It is possible that its story may not be canonical to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Bonnie Thompson is out of the picture."

This article has no images as there are no relevant images to use.

Bonnie Thompson is a pilot and family friend of Maria Rambeau. She and her husband trained Rambeau and Carol Danvers in flying.


Early Life[]

Bonnie grew up in a family of farmers. She flew the family's crop duster and would often start rolling the plane for fun at fifteen years old. During World War II, Bonnie wanted to fly combat, but was not allowed to since she was a woman. She trained Jack Thompson and Maria Rambeau's father to fly Mr. Goodnight, and the Air Force let her fly transport and later married him. During the Vietnam War, she flew Brigadier General Whalen to work. She flew in a mission toward the end of the war that faced several problems. Thompson and Jack got to know Maria Rambeau as she grew up.[1]

Training Maria Rambeau[]

She and Jack agreed to teach Rambeau and Carol Danvers to fly and took Mr. Goodnight to the hangar to meet them. They greeted Rambeau and introduced themselves and the plane to Danvers before guiding them into the hangar, where Danvers and Rambeau explained that their hope was to join the Flying Falcons and eventually fly combat. The two considered trying to talk the women out of their plan, but decided against it. They had Danvers and Rambeau clean the plane to build character while explaining each part and how it worked.

After weeks of ground training, Thompson and Jack thought Danvers and Rambeau to be ready to fly, so Thompson made a cherry pie in preparation. Rambeau went first with Thompson and landed the plane safely, debriefing the flight with her after. While Jack and Danvers flew, Thompson told Rambeau that she would be learning to do a slow barrel roll. When Danvers returned, she hugged Rambeau as Thompson told Jack about her plans for Rambeau. Jack told Bonnie that Danvers would be learning the power-off stall, despite Thompson's warning. They then went inside to eat the pie.[1]

Final Lesson[]

At Thompson's final flying lesson with Maria Rambeau, Thompson guided her through a barrel roll. The first time they tried it, Rambeau panicked while Mr. Goodnight was upside, so Thompson stepped in and completed the roll. They continued flying until Rambeau succeeded at the barrel roll and had completed her forty hours of flying necessary to earn her pilot's license.[1]

Celebratory Meal[]

Thompson and Jack Thompson held a celebratory meal for Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau after they tried out for the Flying Falcons. Thompson made biscuits, which she had Erik Del Orbe bring to the table. Thompson asked Bianchi and Pierre to go inside and get the drinks they had prepared while Jack asked Danvers and Rambeau what their plan was. Danvers and Rambeau said that they were planning to find another way to become the first female fighter pilots, but Jack suggested another way. However, Thompson cut them off, not wanting to talk about Jenks anymore, insisting they eat. Bianchi asked if they would get to fly Mr. Goodnight, but Jack suggested that he could not handle it and Thompson toasted to flying. The group exchanged stories and enjoyed dinner together.

As the conversation turned to Rambeau and Danvers' new goal, Jack and Thompson helped the women realize that it was important to them that they flew, regardless of whether they flew combat. He then went inside with Jack and Del Orbe, emerging with cherry pie. Jack and Thompson then gave each pilot a silver dollar from the year they were born, showing the group their own. Del Orbe noted that they had been rubbed smooth, so Thompson commented that they needed a lot of luck. The pilots all thanked the Thompsons, and Thompson reminded them to be themselves. They all ate dessert together.

On Danvers and Rambeau's last day of the academic year, Thompson and Jack took Mr. Goodnight out and flew over the women.[1]




