Candace Miller

"I didn't like your cousin, and I would never sleep with him. But now I'm on record with that. I'm not a whore."
"No, you're not a whore. You're a businesswoman."
―Candace Miller and Mariah Dillard[src]

Candace Miller was a waitress who worked for Cottonmouth at Harlem's Paradise, who was used by Mariah Dillard to frame Luke Cage for Cottonmouth's murder. Eventually, Miller felt guilt for her betrayal of Cage and went to Detective Misty Knight to expose the truth, only to be assassinated by Shades.


Working at Harlem's Paradise[]

Asking Luke Cage for Help[]

One night, Miller found her colleague, Luke Cage, serving Misty Knight at the bar. She told him she needed to bring drinks up to her boss, Cottonmouth, but she was scared to go up alone. Cage left his conversation and went up with her.[4]

Completing Requests[]

A few nights later, Miller got asked to send a Blue Hawaiian up to Cornell Stokes and Mariah Dillard.[5]

Covering Up a Murder[]

One night, Miller went to work and found out that Cottonmouth was murdered. Mariah Dillard ordered Miller to tell the police that it was Luke Cage who did it. She was brought into the precinct for questioning and actively paced across the room. She then sat in the interrogation room as Misty Knight interrogated her. Knight told her that the shower in Stoke's private bathroom was used. Miller said that she used it. Benjamin Donovan then came in and told her not to say another word. Knight said if she is innocent then she would answer the questions. Donovan said not to answer.

Knight said she found blood in the shower even though it was heavily bleached. Miller repeated that it was Luke Cage who did it. She claimed that after she showered, she came out to see Stokes to get a paycheck. She heard yelling and struggling, she came out to see Stokes on the floor. Cage saw her and ran away. He was wearing yellow gloves. Knight asked if she was sure. Miller told her she would know because she saw Knight and Cage together at the bar the other night. Miller then got up to leave, but Knight told her that she knows she wouldn't go upstairs without guidance from Cage. Miller then left with Donovan.

Later in the car, Dillard paid off Miller, who felt bad. However, she was still unsure if Cage truly did it. Dillard didn't confirm nor deny it. Miller then left.[1]

Attack at Harlem's Paradise[]

Miller was walking out of Diamondback's office as she saw Misty Knight making her way up the stairs to arrest him.[6] Suddenly, she heard gunshots and was taken hostage by Diamondback's men. She messed up her ankle really badly during the situation. She laid on the floor with the others, but a nurse, Claire Temple noticed her injury. She then examined Miller and claimed it wasn't a break. Miller then confessed to Temple that Dillard paid her off. She then told Temple that Cage could be in the basement next to the storage locker. Temple told Miller to fake faint. As she did, Temple asked for assistance in getting supplies from the locker to "save" her. Later, she was taken by Diamondback and held at the balcony as Cage came in. He then dropped her off the balcony only for her to be caught by Cage. Cage jumped away from the bullets. Miller apologized before Cage was surrounded by the police.[7]


"Mariah killed him."
What? How do you know this?"
"I heard them talking about it. The guy who always wears sunglasses... he was there, trying to calm Mariah down. And that's just a taste. I got plenty more where that came from."
―Candace Miller and Misty Knight[src]

After being saved by Luke Cage, Miller had a change of heart and called Misty Knight to confess. When she met with Knight, she told her that she was there the night of the Murder of Cottonmouth. Knight said she knew that, but Miller told her she was there right after. Knight then brought out her phone as Miller revealed that she saw them cleaning Cottonmouth's body. She ran to the back and a man paid her money to keep quiet. She then asked for protection in exchange for a testimony. Miller knows Mariah Dillard killed Cottonmouth and he thinks Dillard would kill her if she knew she would confess. Knight gave her a phone and took her to Soledad Temple for safety.[8]


Later that night, Miller and Claire Temple watched on the television as Luke Cage and Diamondback fought. Temple went out to help Cage. Miller wanted to help, but Temple told her to stay. She then watched the interview of Aisha Axton after Cage defeated Diamondback. Miller then got a text from Knight to meet with her. She stood outside of a gas station waiting for Knight. However, Shades sneaked up on her, having taken Knight's phone, and killed her.[9]


To be added







Appearances for Candace Miller

In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]
