List of Minor Mentioned Characters/A-M
An index of mentioned characters deemed too minor to be given separate pages.
Abraham Erskine/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Doctor Abraham Erskine was a scientist who worked with Howard Stark to create Project Rebirth in an attempt to fight back against HYDRA.[1]
Agamotto/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Agamotto was a powerful sorcerer and the creator of the Eye of Agamotto.[2]
Alexei Shostakov/Super Soldier Peggy Carter[]
Alexei Alanovich Shostakov (Russian: Алексей Аланович Шестаков), is a resident of Russia and the adoptive father of Natasha Romanoff.[3]
Antonia Dreykov/Stark Assassination Prevented[]
Antonia Dreykov (Russian: Антония Дрейкова) is the daughter of General Dreykov. While Antonia was a child, the two took a photo together, which her father had framed on his desk.[4]
Arishem the Judge/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Arishem the Judge is a Celestial whose armor was damaged, sending parts of his mask to Earth where Collector became in possession of it.[5][6]
Ben Parker/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
- "My Uncle Ben used to say that if you can find a job that involves your passion, then that's half the battle."
- ―Peter Parker[src]
Ben Parker was the uncle of Peter Parker. Ben was a man who Peter looked up to as Ben would often tell his nephew that if you could find a job that you were passionate about, then that is half the battle. Ben soon passed away.[7]
Brian Jones/Alcohol IV[]
Brian Jones was the father of Jessica and Phillip Jones and husband of Alisa Jones who was caught in a car accident, killing him and Phillip.[8]
Captain America/Cordo Gaines Bail Granted[]
Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers[9] is a hero known as Captain America[10] who had a plushy created in his likeness for a fair.[11]
Captain America/Overkill-Chitauri Hybrid Tech[]
- "You and I both know that being lost forever in an iceberg doesn't mean squat these days."
"I'm pretty sure Captain America is a one-time-only deal." - ―John Garrett and Phil Coulson[src]
Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers[12] is a hero known as Captain America who was believed to be lost forever in an iceberg before turning up years later.[13]
Captain America/Vibranium Iron Man Armor[]
Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers[14] is a man who went through Project Rebirth to become Captain America.[15] He was given a shield by Howard Stark and turned the tides of World War II.[16]
Catherine Wilder/Dark Dimension/Quantum Gravity Time Travel[]
- "We both know what happened in that jail cell. What we did."
"I was manipulated. Tortured."
"You killed your mom."
"That wasn't my mom!" - ―Alex Wilder and Alex Wilder[src]
Catherine Wilder (née Henderson) was recreated in the Dark Dimension as a form of torture for her son. Alex was soon forced to kill Catherine with a knife, believing she was his real mother. However, he soon learned it was all a trick.[17]
Catherine Wilder/Dark Dimension/Time-Traveling Runaways[]
- "We both know what happened in that jail cell. What we did."
"I was manipulated. Tortured."
"You killed your mom."
"That wasn't my mom!" - ―Alex Wilder and Alex Wilder[src]
Catherine Wilder (née Henderson) was recreated in the Dark Dimension in order to torture Alex Wilder. This caused a strain on Alex's mental health as he was forced to kill Catherine.[17]
Crossbones/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Brock Rumlow is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent named Crossbones who is on the no contact list for the Avengers.[18]
Death/Cosmic Time Heist[]
Death is a cosmic being known as Death who became legend and prophesied in the Temple Vault.[19]
Doctor Doom/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Victor Werner von Doom is a recurring enemy of Spider-Man, causing him to get written down in the W.E.B. database as a villain.[7]
Donnie Gill/Overkill-Chitauri Hybrid Tech[]
Donnie Gill[20] was a S.H.I.E.L.D. cadet involved in an event with the Atmospheric Moisture Freezing Device, causing his ruination.[13]
Dreykov/Invading Gamma Beasts[]
Colonel Dreykov is a Russian colonel who was acquaintances with Alexei Shostakov and Melina Vostokoff.[21]
Dum Dum Dugan/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Timothy Aloysius Cadwallader "Dum Dum" Dugan[22][23] is a man whose name was on the blueprints to the Stark Industrial Complex.[24]
Edwin Jarvis/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Edwin Jarvis is a man who worked at Stark Industries and had a reserved parking spot.[24][25]
Entropy/Cosmic Time Heist[]
Entropy is a cosmic entity who was carved into the Temple Vault.[19]
Eternity/Cosmic Time Heist[]
Eternity is a cosmic entity who was carved into the Temple Vault.[19]
Foggy Nelson/Enclave Attacks[]
Franklin Percy "Foggy" Nelson[26] is a New York City lawyer who had his own firm with Matt Murdock.[27]
Garthan Saal/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Garthan Saal was a highly respected member of the Nova Corps who held the rank of Denarian. He was killed during the Battle of Xandar and was honored amongst his fellow Nova Corps members for his sacrifice.[28]
Ghost/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Ava Starr is a woman known as Ghost who is logged in the Avengers database.[18]
Giant-Man/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
William Barrett Foster[4] is a man who could grow in size, making him known as Giant-Man. He was logged in the Avengers database.[18]
Goose/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Goose is the Flerken pet of Carol Danvers.[18]
Grandmaster/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
En Dwi Gast is Grandmaster of Sakaar and brother of Collector who loves board games.[5][6]
Groot (Original)/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Groot was a Flora colossus and Guardian of the Galaxy who gave his life in the Battle of Xandar.[28]
Hank Pym/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Henry Jonathan "Hank" Pym is the father of Hope van Dyne and husband of Janet van Dyne who founded Pym Technologies.[18][2]
Happy Hogan/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Harold Joseph "Happy" Hogan[29] is a member of Stark Industries who was logged in the Avengers database.[18]
Happy Hogan/Iron Man Armor Testing Log[]
Harold Joseph "Happy" Hogan[29] is the chauffeur of Tony Stark. One day, Stark had a trip to Monaco, so Hogan arrived at Tony Stark's Mansion to drive him to the airport.[30]
Harry Osborn/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Harold Theopolis "Harry" Osborn[31] is the son of Norman Osborn, who is known as the supervillain Green Goblin. He eventually had a son who he named after his father.[32]
Hawkeye/Norman Osborn-Mentored Spider-Man[]
Clinton Francis "Clint" Barton[33] was a famous hero named Hawkeye whose codename allowed for jokes about people's eyesight.[34] He also produced jokes about how he was seen as useless.[35]
Ho Yinsen/A.I.M. Arc Reactor Generator[]
Ho Yinsen (Dari: هو یینسن) was held captive with Tony Stark, but helped him break out by building the Iron Man Armor: Mark I. However, this led to his death.[36]
Holden Holliway/Uncontrollable She-Hulk[]
Holden Holliway is the owner of GLK&H, which employed Jennifer Walters.[37]
Howard Stark/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Howard Anthony Stark[38] is the founder of Stark Industries and father of Tony Stark who had a reserved parking spot.[24][25] He was also the inventor of the original Arc Reactor and worked with Doctor Abraham Erskine to create Project Rebirth in an attempt to fight back against HYDRA.[1]
Howard Stark/Iron Man Armor Testing Log[]
Howard Anthony Stark[38] was the father of Tony Stark and founder of Stark Industries. He coined a phrase about how Stark Industries never stopped innovating.[30]
Howard Stark/Stark Weapons Smuggling Conspiracy[]
Howard Anthony Stark[39] was the father of Tony Stark who created Stark Industries. He also worked on the Manhattan Project. During his life, he had ties with Obadiah Stane, who eventually became his business partner.[40]
Howard Stark/Vibranium Iron Man Armor[]
Howard Anthony Stark[38] was the father of Tony Stark who worked on Vibranium during World War II, creating Captain America's Shield. Additionally, Howard was on the Manhattan Project. However, Howard died, marking an end of an era. To make his father proud, Tony created the Jericho.[16]
Hulk/Cordo Gaines Bail Granted[]
Robert Bruce Banner[41] is a hero known as Hulk[42] who had a plushy created in his likeness for a fair.[11]
Hulk/Norman Osborn-Mentored Spider-Man[]
Robert Bruce Banner[43] is a well regarded scientist[44] who could also turn into a rage monster called Hulk. As Hulk, Banner went on an uncontrolled rampage through Johannesburg.[45]
Icarus/Global Crossbones Attacks[]
Icarus is a fictional character depicting a boy with wings who flew too close to the Sun. The character was based off of Ikaris.[46]
Idunn/Midgard Serpent Ragnarök[]
Idunn is a citizen of Asgard, niece of Frigga and keeper of the Golden Apples of Idunn.[47]
Infinity/Cosmic Time Heist[]
Infinity is a cosmic entity who was carved into the Temple Vault.[19]
Irani Rael/Iso-8 Power Source[]
To be added
Iron Monger/A.I.M. Arc Reactor Generator[]
Obadiah Stane was a former ally of Iron Man who was killed while fighting Stark. This battle with Iron Monger caused Stark to build the Iron Man Armor: Mark IV.[36]
Ivan Romanoff/Super Soldier Peggy Carter[]
Ivan Romanoff (Russian: Иван Романов) was the lost father of Natasha Romanoff. He eventually passed away.[3]
James Rhodes/Vibranium Iron Man Armor[]
Colonel James Rupert Rhodes[48] is a United States Air Force officer who was friends with Tony Stark. One day, Rhodes and his troops trailed Stark's Humvee by five minutes after his Jericho presentation. This causes Rhodes to not be there when Stark was kidnapped.[16]
Janet van Dyne/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Janet van Dyne is the wife of Hank Pym and mother of Hope van Dyne who was logged in the Avengers' database.[18]
Jemiah the Analyzer/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Jemiah the Analyzer[49] is a Celestial whose armor was damaged, sending parts of his mask to Earth where Collector became in possession of it.[5][6]
Kamaria/Iso-8 Power Source[]
To be added
Kraglin Obfonteri/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Kraglin Obfonteri is a man who is on the Avengers no call list.[18]
Luis/Avengers Campus Recruitment[]
Luis is a man who is in the Avengers database.[18]
Luke Jacobson/Norman Osborn-Mentored Spider-Man[]
Luke Jacobson is an outfit designer who made a suit for Daniel Brito.[35]
Maria Stark/Sakaarian Iron Man[]
- "Wow! Your mother must be proud. I bet Mrs. Iron brags to all the neighbors."
- ―Korg to Tony Stark[src]
Maria Collins Carbonell Stark[50] was the wife of Howard Stark and the mother of Tony Stark.[51]
Matt Murdock/Enclave Attacks[]
Matthew Michael "Matt" Murdock is a New York City lawyer who had his own firm with Foggy Nelson.[27]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Iron Man Experience
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Doctor Strange: Mysteries of the Mystic Arts
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 What If...?: 1.09: What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath?
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 What If...?: 3.03: What If... The Red Guardian Stopped the Winter Soldier?
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout!
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Guardians of the Galaxy - Monsters After Dark
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 W.E.B. of Spider-Man, Issue 1
- ↑ Jessica Jones: 2.03: AKA Sole Survivor
- ↑ This character's full name is derived via visual appearance to a Variant from The SSR's medical records for Steve Rogers from Captain America: The First Avenger and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ This character's codename is derived via visual appearance to a Variant from Captain America: The First Avenger and thus shares the same codename.
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Iron Man: Will Online Evils Prevail?, Issue 2
- ↑ This character's full name is derived from a Variant from The SSR's medical records for Steve Rogers from Captain America: The First Avenger and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Chase
- ↑ This character's full name is derived from a Variant from The SSR's medical records for Steve Rogers from Captain America: The First Avenger and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ This character's codename is derived via visual appearance to a Variant from Captain America: The First Avenger and thus shares the same codename.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Iron Man: Security Measures
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Runaways: 3.10: Cheat The Gallows
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 Avengers Assemble: Flight Force
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Avengers: Endgame
- ↑ This character's full name is derived from a Variant from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.12: Seeds and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ What If...?: 3.01: What If... The Hulk Fought the Mech Avengers?
- ↑ Captain America: The First Avenger
- ↑ Dum Dum Dugan's SSR File
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 Spider-Man: W.E.B. Adventure
- ↑ Daredevil: 2.10: The Man in the Box
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 The Incredible Hulk: The Official Video Game PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 Spider-Man: No Way Home
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 The Avengers: Iron Man Mark VII
- ↑ This character's given nickname and surname is derived via visual appearance to a Variant from Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man: 1.01: Amazing Fantasy and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ W.E.B. of Spider-Man, Issue 4
- ↑ This character's full name is derived from a Variant from What If...?: 1.08: What If... Ultron Won? and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man: 1.02: The Parker Luck
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Issue 3
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Iron Man: Assault on A.I.M.
- ↑ She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.09: Whose Show is This?
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 38.2 Howard Stark's S.H.I.E.L.D. File
- ↑ This character's given name and middle initial is derived from a Variant from Howard Stark's S.H.I.E.L.D. File and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ Iron Man: The Official Video Game PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version
- ↑ This character's full name is derived via visual appearance to a Variant from The Incredible Hulk: The Fury Files, Issue #1 and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ This character's codename is derived via visual appearance to a Variant from The Incredible Hulk and thus shares the same codename.
- ↑ This character's given and middle names are derived from a Variant from The Incredible Hulk: The Fury Files, Issue 1 and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man: 1.05: The Unicorn Unleashed!
- ↑ Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man: 1.04: Hitting the Big Time
- ↑ Eternals: AR Story Experience
- ↑ Thor: Son of Asgard iOS version
- ↑ James Rhodes' Department of Defense ID
- ↑ The name of this character was not stated, and is derived from their Marvel Comics counterpart via the Conjecture Policy due to a visual resemblance.
- ↑ This character's given and middle names are derived from a Variant from Howard Stark's S.H.I.E.L.D. File and thus is conjecturally treated as the same.
- ↑ What If...?: 2.04: What If... Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?