Cassandra Eleanor "Cassie" Lang is the daughter of Scott and Maggie Lang. Fascinated by the Quantum Realm, Lang invented the Quantum Satellite, which resulted in her, her father and the van Dyne family being shrunken deep into the Realm, being trapped in Axia. Wishing to aid the Freedom Fighters in spite of Ant-Man's denies, she donned the Stature suit to battle against Kang's Empire. However, Stature and Ant-Man were captured by M.O.D.O.K. and questioned by Kang the Conqueror, who used her life as leverage for Ant-Man to retrieve the Multiversal Engine Core. Once she escaped, Stature made a speech across Axia to motivate the oppressed citizens to revolt against Kang and his army before facing off M.O.D.O.K. and returning home with her family.
Father Figures[]
Biological Father in Prison[]
Cassie Lang was born to Maggie and Scott Lang in July 2008.[2][7][5] Her father was a petty thief who vowed to quit his life of crime when his daughter was born. In 2012, when Lang was three years old, however, her father was arrested after breaking into the house of the CEO of VistaCorp and sending back money the company had stolen from its customers. While her father was still in prison, Lang's parents divorced. Her mother soon became engaged to Jim Paxton, who raised Lang like his own daughter.[2] During this time Lang didn't lose touch with her biological father, with him sending Lang some of his favorite comic books in the mail. During her father's prison sentence, Lang would have her fourth birthday party, which was "Unicorns vs. Dragons" themed, and portrayed Tap-Dancing Tree #3 in a play.[4]
Seventh Birthday Party[]

Lang is finally reunited with her father
- "Daddy!"
"Peanut! Oh! Happy birthday! I'm so sorry I'm late, I didn't know what time your party started."
"It was on the invitation!" - ―Cassie Lang and Scott Lang[src]
Three years later, Lang had a party for her seventh birthday. Her father arrived, having been released from prison. Lang was delighted to see him, and father and daughter hugged. He presented her with a gift of an ugly stuffed rabbit, which Lang instantly loved. Despite her father wishing to keep his brief visit a secret, an overexcited Lang went to inform her mother of his arrival; she promptly spat out her drink in surprise, which Lang also happily informed her father of. Her mother and Jim Paxton then spoke to her father and, after talking in private, he left the party, waving goodbye to his daughter as she stood outside.[2]
Discussing Her Father[]

Lang speaks to her mother
- "Mommy, is Daddy a bad man? I heard some grown-ups talking. They said he was bad."
"No, he's not bad. Daddy just gets confused sometimes." - ―Cassie Lang and Maggie Lang[src]
The night after the party, Lang was being tucked into bed by her mother, who asked if she really liked the gift her father had given her; Lang assured Maggie that she did because she loved the rabbit's incredible ugliness. Lang then asked her mother if her father was a bad man because of the way she and Jim Paxton had spoken about him. However, her mother assured Lang that her father was not, just complicated and easily confused.
The next morning, Lang joined her mother and Paxton for breakfast and they discussed her father who had just broken out of prison, with Paxton given the task of tracking him down. Lang asked if he was going to find her dad, to which Paxton told her he only wanted him to be safe. In response, Lang told Paxton that she hoped he did not find Scott.[2]
Visit from Her Father[]

Lang is kissed by Ant-Man in her sleep
Another night, while Lang was sleeping, her father snuck into her bedroom. Happy at seeing his beloved daughter again, he continued to watch Lang for a while before enlarging himself and kissing her forehead. Once he was satisfied with his moment of seeing his daughter, he left as Lang continued to sleep.[2]
Saved by Ant-Man[]
Threatened by Yellowjacket[]

Lang is held hostage by Yellowjacket
- "Are you a monster?"
"Do I look like a monster?"
"I want my daddy!"
"I want your daddy too." - ―Cassie Lang and Yellowjacket[src]
Without warning one night, Lang's home was attacked by Darren Cross, who was wearing a weaponized Yellowjacket Suit; Cross threw her mother out the house and took Lang hostage in her bedroom, telling her that he wanted to find and kill her father. Lang questioned if Yellowjacket was a monster, something which the supervillain did not deny.[2] In her head Lang wanted to say "I only care if you're a monster on the inside" but instead she asked for her father. Later, in her essay My Daddy, My Hero, Lang would later recall that she thought that Yellowjacket's costume looked silly.[4]

Lang learns that her father is Ant-Man
Coming to her rescue, her father arrived moments later in the Ant-Man Suit and battled Cross, both shrinking down to minuscule sizes and fighting on Lang's Thomas the Tank Engine toy train set. Lang watched in shock as tiny explosions occurred on her train set where the two fought and hundreds of ants arrived and attacked Yellowjacket seemingly under her father's command. Even more shocking was when her father used a device which caused her Thomas the Tank Engine figure to instantly grow to gigantic sizes as well as one of the ants, which grew to the size of a large dog. The toy figure burst out of the house, creating destruction and a huge gaping hole.

Lang hugging her father after the battle
When Jim Paxton arrived, he tried to bring Lang to safety, but Yellowjacket cornered them and attempted to kill them both. With only one chance left to save them, her father then shrunk down to the smallest size possible and attacked Cross, shrinking into his Yellowjacket Suit and damaging its internal mainframe, causing the suit to crush into itself and cause both of them to disappear. Lang called out to her father repeatedly, while getting back in her bed. Once he returned in a series of flashing lights, Lang hugged her father tightly. Shortly after as the police officers rushed up to her room, Lang watched her father make his exit as Ant-Man before hugging her mother. Lang then adopted the enlarged ant as her pet.[2]
Family Dinner[]

Lang has dinner with her whole family
- "I did my first cartwheel today."
"Yeah, she has been practicing all week."
"Sweetie, that's pretty amazing, peanut." - ―Cassie Lang, Maggie Lang and Scott Lang[src]
Later, Lang had her whole family together for a dinner, after Jim Paxton and her mother invited her father over to show their gratitude for everything he had done to protect their family. Paxton even informed her father that he would not be going back to jail after breaking free the last time. Her father thanked him and asked what was going on in their lives, in which Lang told him she did a cartwheel and her mother chimed in that she had been practicing gymnastics. Lang gave her pet ant pieces of food from under the table. Paxton then showed her father a video of her doing so. As her father congratulated her, he then received a call on his phone and made a quick exit, kissing Lang on the head as he left.[2]
Father's Return[]
Visiting Her Father[]
- "Hey, you try and entertain a ten year old when you can't leave the house. You know the lengths that I've gone to? Close-up magic. I learned that."
"Why can't you just leave my daddy alone?" - ―Scott Lang and Cassie Lang to Jimmy Woo[src]
Later, Lang was reunited with her father after he returned home.[8] Lang frequently visited her father at his house during his two-year sentence of house arrest. They played together as he tried to keep Lang entertained without having to leave the house along with Luis who came sometimes to play with them.[7]

Lang playing with her father
One day in 2018, Lang played with her father in a tunnel that he had made out of cardboard boxes for them to crawl through as they go in search of treasure. The treasure turned out to be her father's "World's Greatest Grandma" trophy that Lang gave to him. Lang asked if she can take it for show-and-tell at school, but her father refused. They then "escaped" down stairs that had been converted into a slide and ran into the fence. However, her father accidentally put his foot through the perimeter.

Lang speaks with Jimmy Woo
The FBI then arrived to search the place just as Lang's mother and Jim Paxton came to pick her up. Lang questioned why the FBI were there and asked Agent Jimmy Woo why he couldn't leave her father alone. Woo tried to explain to Lang the reason due to Lang allying with Captain America in Germany and violating the Sokovia Accords, but Lang wasn't convinced. After the FBI left, Lang left with her mother but promised to come back. Lang secretly kept the "World's Greatest Grandma" trophy with her for show-and-tell.[7]
Wanting to be a Hero[]

Lang covers for her father
- "Trying to help people isn't dumb."
"Well, I screw it up just about every time."
"So maybe you just need someone watching your back. Like a partner." - ―Cassie Lang and Scott Lang[src]
Lang called her father looking for her soccer shoes, not knowing that he was currently being held captive. As a result, she went to his house to look for the shoes. The FBI arrived just after learning that her father wasn't in his house. Lang went upstairs and found an enlarged ant in the bathtub. She went back downstairs and tried to prevent Jimmy Woo and the other FBI agents from going upstairs by claiming that her father was sick. Luckily, her father made it home in time so as to not raise suspicion.

Lang and her father talk about being a hero
After the agents left, Lang and her father had a conversation about him being Ant-Man again. She told him that he needs a partner to watch his back. He found out that she was referring to herself. He refused, explaining that if he let her help it would make him the worst parent. Later, back at her mother's house, she smiled as she witnessed her father, as Giant-Man, on a news report on television.

Lang hugging her recently released father
Lang was soon met by her father at her house, after having been let out of house arrest. She hugged him which led to Paxton and her mother hugging him too. That night, Lang met Hope van Dyne and shrunk down via Pym Particles for the first time with her father and van Dyne, as they sat in a shrunken car watching the movie Them! on a laptop.[7]
Losing Her Father[]
- "I know how to take care of myself, okay? Trust me. I'm pretty good at it by now."
- ―Cassie Lang to Scott Lang[src]
Lang survived the Snap and when her father was nowhere to be found, she believed he had disintegrated. She also became aware that Hope van Dyne and her parents had disintegrated. With this loss of those close to her at a young age, Lang was forced to become self-reliant.[6]
Learning about the Quantum Realm[]
While her father was gone, along with half of the entire population, Lang came across Hank Pym's journals, which intrigued her. Lang's main interest was in the Quantum Realm, and she spent a lot of her time researching into it.[5]
Reunited with Her Father[]

Lang is reunited with her father
Five years later, Lang, who was now a fifteen year old, answered the door of her house to find her father standing outside. She was shocked but overjoyed to discover that he was alive, and together they shared an emotional reunion.[6]

Lang with her father and Hope van Dyne
Lang filled her father in on what had happened since he disappeared, informing him of Thanos and how he used the Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life. After learning this, Scott left his daughter to seek the Avengers' help reversing the Snap. Later, following the Blip, Lang reunited with her father and a restored Hope van Dyne outside her house. The three of them watched fireworks celebrating the return of the population.[6]
Adventure in the Quantum Realm[]
Using Pym Particles[]
- "You know, I promised your mom that you would only use this stuff when one of us was around. It's really dangerous tech."
- ―Scott Lang to Cassie Lang[src]
Over the next three years, Lang got close with Hope van Dyne, who became a mother-figure to her, and Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne, who became grandparent-figures to her. Wishing to learn more about Pym's research, Lang came to him with questions, and he helped her with her curiosity, even allowing her access to Pym Particles. This was made aware to Lang's parents, so Scott Lang made a promise to her mother that she would only use the tech in his or Hope's presence. However, Lang would go behind her father's back, and had a suit created for her without his knowledge. This secrecy between Lang and her father grew, as she would at one point end up in jail briefly, which was only known by Pym, as well as working with Pym and Hope to build a Quantum Satellite.[5]
Family Dinner[]

Lang in the San Francisco Police Station
- "Look, you wanna help. I get it. I do, Cassie. I really do. But I don't want you wasting your life."
"At least I'm still trying to to do something with mine." - ―Scott Lang and Cassie Lang[src]
Lang joined a group of protestors to support those being cleared out of a homeless shelter by the police. However, things escalated and the police used tear gas on the protestors, so Lang used a Pym Particle Disc to shrink a police car. This got her arrested and taken to San Francisco Police Station.

Lang arguing about her recent behavior
Lang would later be bailed out and picked up by Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne, who had been called by the police. As Lang was leaving, she returned the shrunken car. During the drive, Scott voiced his disappointment with her, but she defended her actions, which her father understood. When Scott mentioned her possibly losing the Pym Particle tech, Lang let it slip out that she had a suit, which shocked Scott, who claimed that he wanted her to have a normal life, so Lang recalled when Yellowjacket tried to kill her.

Lang having dinner at the Pym Residence
They then arrived at Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne's house for a family dinner. As they all sat at the table, Pym asked Lang about her time in jail, revealing that it wasn't her first time. Scott decided to address his daughter's desire to make a difference, stating that he didn't want her wasting her life, but she responded by calling him out for not doing anything anymore. This then led Scott to learn about Lang working with Pym and Hope, so she excitedly decided to show him what they had been doing.[5]
Trapped in the Quantum Realm[]

Lang presenting the Quantum Satellite
They all went down to Hank Pym's lab, where Lang showed her father the Quantum Satellite she built with Pym and Hope van Dyne. Lang explained how it worked, commenting on how she could have used it to find her father when he was trapped in the Quantum Realm for five years, and Scott told her how impressed he was.

Lang being pulled into the Quantum Realm
Janet van Dyne expressed concern about their creation due to the Quantum Realm being dangerous, but Lang explained that they wouldn't enter it. But when Janet learned that it sent a signal down to the Quantum Realm, she panicked and shut down the device. Before she could explain herself, a portal opened up and began pulling them all in. Lang held onto her father, but she quickly was sucked into the portal, entering the Quantum Realm. She was saved by her father, who went in after her and grew to giant size to soften her fall.[5]
Meeting the Freedom Fighters[]

Lang looks around the Quantum Realm
- "We gathered who we could to fight. It was never enough."
"I'm sorry."
"We can help." - ―Jentorra, Scott Lang and Cassie Lang[src]
Realising that they were in the Quantum Realm, Scott Lang tried to assure Lang that they would be fine, but they were soon attacked by giant creatures. They were saved when an energy blast destroyed the second creature chasing them, and the two then found themselves surrounded by people who took them captive.

Lang at the Freedom Fighters's camp
Lang and her father were taken to a camp, where they were forced to drink the Ooze, which allowed them to be able to understand the people from the Quantum Realm. They were then questioned by Quaz, who suspected them of being spies, so they explained where they were from and how they got in the Quantum Realm, which Quaz accepted, having the ability to read minds. Jentorra arrived and warned them about Kang the Conqueror, so Quaz read their minds and found that they knew nothing about him or anything to do with their situation.

Lang wants to help the Freedom Fighters
They followed Jentorra, who explained how Kang had destroyed their homes, which forced some of them to fight back, forming the Freedom Fighters, but they have only lost against him. This saddened Lang to hear, so she told Jentorra that they could help them. Scott spoke with his daughter in private, trying to get her to focus on getting themselves back home, noting that they had no idea how much time could go by while they were in the Quantum Realm. Lang was disappointed in her father not caring about helping the Freedom Fighters.[5]
Attacked by M.O.D.O.K.[]

Lang witnesses Jentorra being attacked
Upon learning they knew Janet van Dyne, Jentorra ordered Lang and Scott Lang to be sent far away from the camp, as Kang the Conqueror would be coming for them. At that moment, the camp was ambushed, so Lang ran away with her father. As they hid, Lang witnessed Jentorra being attacked, so she put on her suit and rushed over to help her.

Stature and Ant-Man meeting M.O.D.O.K.
However, not having a lot of experience fighting in the suit, Stature found it difficult to defeat some of the enemies and had to be saved by her father. Ant-Man told her the technique to fighting when growing to normal size. As many of the Freedom Fighters were being captured, Stature and Ant-Man were targeted by an unknown attacker. They were confronted by the attacker, and were surprised to discover that it was Darren Cross, who had become a giant head, now going by M.O.D.O.K. M.O.D.O.K. fired a blast at them, incapacitating them, and he took them as prisoners.[5]
The Conqueror's Prisoner[]

Lang sitting in a cell in the Quantum Realm
- "Let me make this easy for you. You will bring me what I need or I will kill your daughter in front of you, then make you relive that moment over and over again in time, endlessly, until you beg me to kill you. Do we understand?"
- ―Kang the Conqueror to Scott Lang[src]
As they sat in their cells, Scott Lang tried to lighten the mood by comparing how many times they had both been in jail. They were then joined by M.O.D.O.K., who explained how he ended up in the Quantum Realm. M.O.D.O.K. then told Lang that he discovered her signal and used it to bring them into the Quantum Realm.

Lang being tortured by Kang the Conqueror
Kang the Conqueror arrived, and Lang listened to him speak to her father, making him an offer to steal something for him to get them both out of the Quantum Realm. When Kang mentioned knowing how things end, Lang enquired about what he meant, and he explained that he knew how everything ended, being able to see all of time and that other versions of him needed to be stopped. Scott refused to help Kang, so he began to hurt Lang, forcing Scott to agree to help. They were both released from their cells and brought to a portal outside.

Lang, being escorted by Quantumnauts, followed her father through the portal, where they saw the Multiversal Engine Core before them. As Scott prepared to shrink it down to size, Lang got free from the Quantumnauts and hugged her father. Lang apologized, saying that it was her fault they were in this mess, but Scott comforted Lang by telling her that his whole life happened because of him messing up and that she was the only thing that he did right. Lang as then pulled away from her father, but not before he gave her a shrink and grow disc.[5]
Uprising in Axia[]

Lang escapes from the Quantumnauts
After her father successfully shrunk the Multiversal Engine Core, Lang was taken back to be put in her cell by two Quantumnauts. However, as they walked down a hallway, Lang used the discs on the Quantumnauts and escaped from them by shrinking herself and running away.

Lang inspires the Axia citizens to fight back
Lang made her way to the cell Jentorra was being kept in to rescue her. Lang was found by a group of Quantumnauts, and she was able to defeat them all and open the cell. Jentorra told Lang that they needed to get a message out to anyone who could fight and free the rest of the Freedom Fighters. Lang and Jentorra were able to interrupt Kang the Conqueror's broadcast, and Lang gave a speech to the citizens of Axia, telling them that despite their history of loss, they could still fight back against Kang if they were all united.

Stature facing off against M.O.D.O.K.
Stature and Jentorra then returned to the cells and began freeing the Freedom Fighters. M.O.D.O.K. arrived, so Stature told Jentorra to free the rest of the prisoners as she dealt with M.O.D.O.K. Stature was chased by M.O.D.O.K. outside and was eventually cornered. M.O.D.O.K. taunted Stature by saying that her father wasn't around to save her. But at that moment, they witnessed Giant-Man and Wasp arrive, which distracted M.O.D.O.K. and allowed Stature to escape by shrinking. As she ran away, Stature witnessed the citizens of Axia arrive and fight Kang's army.

Stature attempting to redeem M.O.D.O.K.
When Stature saw her father struggling to get past Kang's shield, she went to help him, but was stopped by M.O.D.O.K., who began charging at her. With nowhere else to run, Stature took a grow disc, put it in the regulator of her suit and grew to giant form. She punched M.O.D.O.K., causing him to go flying backwards, unable to get back up. Stature went to leave, but upon hearing M.O.D.O.K. pathetically call out to her, she returned and told him to stop being bad, stating it was never too late be redeemed.

Still in giant form, Stature reunited with her father, and they both hugged and talked about how it felt being that big. They then returned to normal size and were joined by Wasp, and the three rushed to the Celestium to confront Kang. Stature initially stood back as Ant-Man and Wasp attacked Kang, and when he's back was to her, Stature grew to giant form and grabbed Kang, but he quickly broke free of her. As they recovered from the fight, Kang began ranting at them about how powerful he was, only for an army of ants and M.O.D.O.K. to arrive and overwhelm Kang, defeating him.

Lang waits for her father to come through
As a result of him disabling Kang's shield, M.O.D.O.K. was fatally injured. He told Lang that she was right about him being able to change, and they all awkwardly watched as M.O.D.O.K. slowly died. Janet van Dyne informed them that she opened a portal, so they rushed to it, with Janet, Hank Pym, and Hope going in first. Before Lang could go through, Scott pushed into the portal to save her. Back in Pym's lab, they all waited for Scott to return, with Hope going back for him, but the portal closed. Fortunately, Lang was able to open it again, and Scott and Hope made it through safely.[5]
Back to Normal[]

Lang having dinner with her family
- "It's not my birthday."
"I know. But I missed a few." - ―Cassie Lang and Scott Lang[src]
Now that their family was reunited and the threat of Kang the Conqueror dealt with, everyone returned to their normal lives. Because they all missed a few years of Lang growing up due to the Snap, Scott Lang decided to hold a fake birthday party for her at a restaurant with Hank Pym, Janet and Hope van Dyne.[5]
- "Just because something’s not happening to you, doesn’t mean it’s not happening."
- ―Cassie Lang to Scott Lang[src]
Cassie Lang loves her father, Scott Lang, knowing he is a good man at heart; this bond between them is quite strong as despite three years apart, Cassie still loves and wants to be around her father. This is best shown when she quickly apologized to him, after hurting his feelings when discussing how she became independent in his time away.
Cassie also appreciates her eventual stepfather, Jim Paxton, despite she once stated that her father would be safer if the police did not find him.
Cassie is also quite creative, as she has been able to help her father in a few situations. She is also very loyal to her family and will always want them safe. She can be a bit irresponsible, such as when she shrank a police car using dangerous technology in public.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Stature Suit Capabilities: Inspired by her father, Ant-Man, and Hope van Dyne's suits, Cassie gained her own version of the suit which was purple instead of Ant-Man's red and Wasp's yellow. This suit is easily able to be put on by strapping it to her chest. With it, she gained special abilities similar to Ant-Man and the Wasp.
- Size Manipulation: With her suit, Stature was able to manipulate her size to shrink to ant size and in some cases, even smaller. When Ant-Man grew to an incredibly big size within the Quantum Realm, Stature also did the same. However, she was not as skilled as Ant-Man and lost her stamina, much like Scott did when he first practiced the skill.
- Superhuman Strength: Stature possesses superhuman strength. As she changes her size, he strength is increased allowing her to hit very hard and strike down many of Kang the Conqueror's androids.
- Superhuman Durability: Stature's durability was also greatly increased allowing her to sustain certain falls by manipulating her size.
- Size Manipulation: With her suit, Stature was able to manipulate her size to shrink to ant size and in some cases, even smaller. When Ant-Man grew to an incredibly big size within the Quantum Realm, Stature also did the same. However, she was not as skilled as Ant-Man and lost her stamina, much like Scott did when he first practiced the skill.
- Genius-Level Intellect: In the years of the Snap, Lang became quite interested in studying quantum physics by going over Hank Pym's old notes. After the Blip, she even pushed her intellect further in learning about the Quantum Realm and how to explore it without actually going inside its dimension.
- Master Scientist: To be added
- Master Engineer: Lang built a Quantum Satellite in a basement with Pym tech that allows it to receive a signal from the reality which appears on a holographic map.
- Expert Martial Artist: To be added
- Quantum Satellite: To be added
- Stature Suit: To be added
- Pym Particle Discs: To be added
- Jim Paxton's House: Lang lived with her mother in her house for several years following her father's arrest. She had a birthday party at her mother's house and had her own bedroom, where she was attacked by Yellowjacket. Lang was saved by her father and enjoyed a family dinner with her parents and stepfather. She began splitting her time between her parents' houses, and lived at her mother's house for five years following her father's disappearance.
- Brookemont Elementary School: Lang went to Brookemont Elementary School, where she attended Broadwell's class. She had a show and tell at the school, where she brought a trophy that she had bought for her father.
- Scott Lang's House: Lang split her time between her mother's house and her father, Scott Lang's house. She enjoyed her time with her father, and often played exciting games with her. Scott and Luis set up a heist game for them, and she left her soccer shoes in his house.
- Pym Residence: During the Snap, Cassie used to go to the Pym Residence to learn about the Quantum Realm from Hank’s old notes hoping to figure a way to find out about how to find her dad. Then years after the Blip, she visits to spent time with the family partially for supper while also in studying, building, and working with each other.
Enemies[] |
Appearance for Stature |
In chronological order:
- In the comics, Cassie Lang eventually becomes the superhero known as Stature and Stinger, wielding the same powers her father had, and was a prominent member of the Young Avengers.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Kelli Lynn Barksdale and Brenda Garcia were stunt doubles for Abby Ryder Fortson and Mandy Kowalski, Maureen Lavoyer and Ailís Smith were stunt doubles for Kathryn Newton in the role of Cassie Lang.
- Victoria Donchess was a stand-in for Abby Ryder Fortson in the role of Cassie Lang.
- Michaela Russell was a photo double for Abby Ryder Fortson in the role of Cassie Lang.
- To prepare for the role of Cassie Lang, Emma Fuhrmann researched about the character on her Wikipedia page and watched every single Marvel film in order. However, she didn't read any comics until she was on the filming set.[9]
- After filming of Tony Stark's funeral for Avengers: Endgame concluded, it was considered to digitally add Cassie to the sequence. Kevin Feige said to Empire magazine: "We did at one point toy with putting Cassie there. At one point we thought of digitally adding her so it's the family", but that they thought "This is the heroes celebrating the other heroes and the loss of Tony', so we didn't do it. Aside from Smart Hulk and Rocket and Groot, everybody's actually standing there".[10]
- When Emma Fuhrmann got the role of the teenage Cassie Lang in Avengers: Endgame, she believed that she was auditioning for a younger Black Widow.[11] Upon receiving the role, Fuhrmann believed she would reprise the role in subsequent films, but was unaware that she was recast for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania with Kathryn Newton until it was publicly announced.[12]
- Cassie Lang is one of the few characters who are played by different actors in different projects. The others are James Rhodes, Howard Stark, Bruce Banner, Bambi Arbogast, Fandral, Thanos, Johann Schmidt, and Thaddeus Ross.
- ↑ Avengers Assemble: Flight Force
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Ant-Man
- ↑ ‘Ant-Man 3’ Gets New Title; ‘Big Little Lies’ Actress Kathryn Newton Joins Cast
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Look Out for the Little Guy!
- ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Avengers: Endgame
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Ant-Man and the Wasp
- ↑ Avengers: Infinity War Prelude, Issue 1
- ↑ ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Star Emma Fuhrmann Reveals Paul Rudd’s Advice To Her
- ↑ Avengers Endgame: 13 Things We Learned From Kevin Feige In Exclusive Live Spoiler Q&A
- ↑ Avengers: Endgame's Emma Fuhrmann on Cassie Lang's Future, Potential Superhero Team-ups, and More
- ↑ Emma Fuhrmann's Twitter - December 14, 2020