The Chroni-Bomb was a Chronicom weapon used by John Garrett to blow up the Lighthouse. Nathaniel Malick used the bombs to cripple the Lighthouse inside out.
Bombing of the Lighthouse[]
During the war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Chronicoms, John Garrett planted the bombs as a way to blow up the Lighthouse from the inside, since the Lighthouse was built to withstand any external attack. Phil Coulson, Melinda May, and Yo-Yo Rodriguez stopped Garrett before he could use them.
However, as Garrett was forced to ask Nathaniel Malick to stop the explosion, asking for ten more minutes, Malick denied his request. Garrett begged Coulson, May, and Rodriguez to let him out of the cuffs that were preventing him from teleporting out of the room. They removed the cuffs as the Lighthouse exploded.[1]