Cyber-Virus Extremis Universe

"Come on. I never totally fit in with the gang, anyway."

The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story that has been officially deemed to be non-canonical to the primary continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its events instead occur in another reality within the Multiverse.

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The "Cyber-Virus Extremis" Universe is a universe where A.I.M. developed a cyber-virus called Extremis, Malekith gained allies to obtain Uru, and Ultron attacked the Avengers.


To be added



Behind the Scenes[]


Each of the games in the "Cyber-Virus Extremis" universe are independently considered non-canon to the Marvel Cinematic Universe due to contradictions they have with the MCU.

While talking about the mobile versions of the Phase Two games in an interview with VentureBeat, Marvel Vice President of Business Development Sean Haran was asked about the inclusion of Iso-8 in these and several other games not connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Haran responded, "I think it’s our attempt to connect — even if it’s a loose thread — the games that we’re creating day-to-day. Obviously, our [movie] studio making the Marvel cinematic universe (sic) has kind of painted a template for how to do that in a huge and compelling way. The Marvel games group is aspiring to eventually achieve that level. And by taking little things that get people familiar with the games and carry it over from one thing to another — that little bit of familiarity and connective tissue opens the door for other possibilities, be it storytelling or crossover events or other things like that. It’s part of our long-term strategy to try to find a way to do that in a cool, fun way that doesn’t feel shoe-horned or jammed in there."[1] Therefore, all Phase Two mobile games with Iso-8 can be taken as the same universe and thus carries over to the Java versions.
