Destroyed Earth Universe

The "Destroyed Earth" Universe is an alternate timeline created by the Destruction of Earth at the hands of Glenn Talbot. While the remnants of humanity survived at the Lighthouse, the Kree soon appeared to salvage the wreckage of the planet, and enslaved them for decades.


Destruction of Earth[]


Daisy Johnson refuses to let Phil Coulson die

Several agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were sent to the future, where they saw that Earth had been destroyed, allegedly by one of their own, Daisy Johnson.[1] Meanwhile, Leo Fitz was not sent, so he cryogenically froze himself and went to the future to reunite with his teammates with help from Enoch.[2] They returned to their present in the Destroyed Earth universe and worked to do what they could to prevent the destruction. However, Glenn Talbot infused himself with Gravitonium, hoping to be able to stop the coming threat of Thanos. Needing more Gravitonium to stop Thanos, Talbot went to Chicago and began excavating the material from the ground. S.H.I.E.L.D. evacuated the area and prepare to face Talbot without the Centipede Serum, having chosen instead to use it to save Phil Coulson's life. Coulson tried to convince Johnson to use the serum to stop Talbot, but Johnson refused, yelling at him to take it. Johnson confronts Talbot while Coulson dies and Alphonso Mackenzie and Polly Hinton were killed by Remorath warriors.

Talbot managed to absorb Johnson fully, using his powers to gather all the gravitonium under the Earth's surface. However, this caused a massive seismic event that tore the Earth apart, destroying the planet.[3] Several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, along with Robin Hinton, barely managed to escape Chicago on Zephyr One. The agents watched as the rest of the world was destroyed[4] and rumors spread that Johnson was responsible.[1]

Humanity's Survival[]

Yoyo May TheLastDay

Humans discuss whether to except the Kree's deal

S.H.I.E.L.D. spent several years ensuring humanity's survival, but by 2022, they started to lose water filtration and solar power. Hoping to prevent the future they saw, S.H.I.E.L.D. desperately sought a way, but were unable to find one as Leo Fitz refused to accept that time travel was possible. The Kree then came to Earth and offered humanity a deal, offering water filtration and solar power in exchange for power over humanity. While Melinda May raised Robin Hinton, humanity eventually became desperate enough to accept the Kree's deal and become their slaves in order to survive.[4]

Humanity managed to hang onto hope as a group of elders among them, known as the True Believers, knew the history of Earth's destruction and believed that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents would arrive in the future to save them all.[1] Meanwhile, the Kree gave their Earth outpost to Kasius, who began to rule with an iron thumb[5] and began searching for Inhumans, forcing all of them through Terrigenesis at age eighteen, selling them as slaves to the highest bidder.[6] Kasius told humanity that those who were sold were becoming ambassadors and that their families would be rewarded.[7] As Yo-Yo Rodriguez died, the Kree consistently resurrected her to use as their seer.[8] As natural Inhumans stopped being born, the Kree began creating them artificially using human babies.[6]

The True Believers began to die out as they got older and several, including Hinton, were sent to the surface of the Earth,[4] making Virgil the only remaining person in the human outpost the Lighthouse who believed in their message as they believed the rest to have been killed by Vrellnexians.[1] They made their residence in Zephyr One and continued to wait for the arrival of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.[4] The Kree kept humans complacent by controlling the distribution of resources and occasionally ordering them to kill each other in a Renewal in order to survive.[1]

Arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents[]

SHIELD team looking cool

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team explore the Lighthouse

Phil Coulson, Alphonso Mackenzie, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Yo-Yo Rodriguez, and Daisy Johnson were sent to 2091 of the Destroyed Earth universe from their native universe via the Time Di'Alla. Coulson and Mackenzie came across Virgil and questioned him, learning that their appearance had been prophesied. Virgil was killed and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. all reunited, but were arrested by the Kree. Deke Shaw managed to get them out, as the team navigated the Lighthouse, they eventually came to realize that they were taken to the future where Earth had been destroyed.[5]


Jemma Simmons is taken as a servant by Kasius

The agents learned that Earth was destroyed by a seismic event, and May and Simmons attended a food distribution event. Reese was injured in a fight, and Simmons cauterized his wound, causing Sinara to become interested in her and order her to be taken away. Shaw then revealed to Johnson that she was the one rumored to be responsible for destroying Earth. Meanwhile, Kasius was impressed by Simmons' treatment of Reese, although disappointed that his servant's skin was no longer perfect. Kasius thus had Reese killed and placed a Silencing Implant in Simmons, making her his new servant.[1]

Inhuman Auctions[]

Capture of Quake

Daisy Johnson is taken for an auction

Kasius ordered Jemma Simmons to help train a young Inhuman named Abby to control her powers. Abby then demonstrated her abilities against Beast, leading her to be bought by Basha. Meanwhile, Phil Coulson, Alphonso Mackenzie, Yo-Yo Rodriguez, and Melinda May were forced to work for Grill. Daisy Johnson realized that her friends were missing and asked Deke Shaw to help her find them while Mackenzie, Coulson, and Tess discovered that Virgil was communicating with the surface of the Earth before his death. Johnson prepared to break into the upper levels of the Lighthouse, but Shaw betrayed her, causing her to get taken prisoner by Kasius.[7]


Flint undergoes Terrigenesis

Johnson was forced to participate in the next auction, where she met Ben and demonstrated her powers for Basha. Ben helped Johnson Simmons lie to Kasius about being the only S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the Destroyed Earth reality. Meanwhile, Shaw guided Coulson and May to the lab where the Kree were artificially creating Inhumans, betraying them to the Kree as well. Coulson and May managed to escape and learned from Shaw that he had betrayed Johnson. Kasius prepared an Inhuman auction which was attended by Leo Fitz, who had woken from his cryogenically frozen state and taken up the alias Boshtok.[6] The Kree then held a Terrigenesis ceremony, where Flint became an Inhuman. However, Yo-Yo Rodriguez took him and brought him to safety. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents kept Flint safe while Fitz greeted the other people at the auction. Ben was made to fight a captured May in the auction, but Fitz ended the fight by feigning boredom, telling Kasius to send her to Earth's surface. Kasius then learned that Ben helped Johnson and Simmons lie, so he had Ben killed.

Vicar's Death

S.H.I.E.L.D. rescues Flint

Kasius' brother, Faulnak Kasius appeared at the Lighthouse for the auction and requested to see Johnson fight Sinara. Johnson won the fight, and she used the opportunity to escape captivity with Fitz and Simmons,[9] with help from Shaw. They reunited with the team, only to find that Flint had left to turn himself in to be taken to an auction, only to turn on the Vicar and kill him. Sinara then knocked Flint out, hoping to use him as bait for the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but Johnson, Mackenzie, and Coulson managed to save him.[10]

Trip to the Surface[]

Ambush on the SHIELD Team

The True Believers try to kill Daisy Johnson

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, along with Deke Shaw and Flint, reached the Trawler and took it to the Earth's surface, although Flint, Alphonso Mackenzie, and Yo-Yo Rodriguez decided to stay behind and protect people from Kasius. Sinara told Kasius about the escape, and Kasius became angry and killed Faulnak Kasius, who had offered to hire Sinara. Meanwhile, Melinda May and Enoch were found by the True Believers, who brought them to Zephyr One.[10] The Trawler crashed onto Earth and the team on it as taken to Zephyr One by the True Believers. Robin Hinton was reunited with the S.H.I.E.L.D. team and remained lost in time. They discovered that Shaw's father, Owen, had built the device to bring the team to 2091 using a piece of the Time Di'Alla. This led Deke to realize that Samuel Voss, another of the True Believers, had killed Owen. The True Believers ambushed the S.H.I.E.L.D. team, hoping that by killing Johnson, they would prevent their future. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents defeated their attackers, but Hinton was killed. With her dying words, Hinton told May that Flint was the key to saving everyone.[4]


Yoyo Mack Flint TheLastDay

Humans mobilize against the Kree

Kasius sent Sinara to the surface of the Earth and decided to punish the rest of humanity for the escapees' actions. He cut off power in the Lighthouse and unleashed the Vrellnexians on them. Flint, Alphonso Mackenzie, and Yo-Yo Rodriguez defended the humans and recovered weapons which were hidden by Leo Fitz decades prior. The Lighthouse's other inhabitants agreed to help in the fight against Kasius while Sinara tracked the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team.[4]

Lighthouse Explosion

Kasius' attempt to wipe out humanity is foiled

The rebels killed a series of Kree guards, so Kasius sent a resurrected Tess to warn that if the rebellion's instigators and anyone older that anyone older than ten were not delivered, Kasius would blow up the Lighthouse. Mackenzie and Rodriguez had a meeting with Kasius while the rest of the humans hid all of Kasius' bombs in a single place and hid far fom them. Kasius attempted to blow up humanity, and Mackenzie retaliated by destroying Kasius' equipment for creating Inhumans, angering Kasius. Meanwhile, the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to get the Zephyr One to fly while Daisy Johnson killed Sinara.[11]

Tess ThisIsYourBlueprint

Tess and Flint plan to rebuild the world

S.H.I.E.L.D. returned to the Lighthouse and planned their escape. Rodriguez came upon her future self, who warned her that the Earth was destroyed due to S.H.I.E.L.D. attempting to save Phil Coulson's life. Mackenzie killed Kasius and the agents reunited with Flint, who used his Inhuman ability of controlling rocks to rebuild the Time Di'Alla. Shaw chose to sacrifice himself to fix the machine controlling the Di'Alla, allowing them to return to their own time, along with Shaw. Tess and Flint then began to rebuild Earth.[8]




Appearances for the "Destroyed Earth" Universe

In chronological order:


Behind the Scenes[]

  • According to The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe, a fan run site whose universe designations are approved by Marvel editorial, this universe is designated as Earth-17516. The number "17516" was chosen at it is the YY/MM/DD format for May 16, 2017, which was the release date for the first episode to feature the Destroyed Earth timeline.


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