El Alfanje Rum

El Alfanje Rum[1] is a rum alcoholic beverage.


Chantelle Fusilier spat out the mouth full of El Alfanje Rum while she was preparing to perform a voodoo reading with her niece, Evita.[2] With a bottle of El Alfanje Rum, Chantelle wandered across New Orleans, drew a voodoo symbol in chalk on the streets, and drank and spit her drink until she found a Roxxon Corporation pipe.[3]

A bottle of El Alfanje Rum was used by Evita during a ritual to open a gateway to the Loa Dimension, helping Tandy Bowen rescue Tyrone Johnson from the Darkforce realm.[4] Evita also had a bottle of El Alfanje Rum on her desk as she read tarot cards to figure out how to stop Andre Deschaine.[5]


In chronological order:

