Fantastic Four

"Let this man cook."
This article belongs to an upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe product and all of its content is subject to change. Additional information will be added as it becomes available.

"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."

The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Retro-Futuristic 1960s".
The exact nature of the alternate universe this article's subject belongs to has not been fully explained yet; therefore, a placeholder name has been chosen.
"Before we went up the first time, you couldn't turn invisible, Ben wasn't a rock, and Johnny never caught fire."
"Ben has always been a rock, Johnny is... Johnny, and I am right here. Whatever life throws at us... we'll face it together. As a family."
Reed Richards and Sue Storm[src]

The Fantastic Four is a team of superheroes who have a robot companion named H.E.R.B.I.E.


To be added


Mister Fantastic[]

Mister Fantastic Infobox
  • Name: Reed Nathaniel Richards
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: To be added
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: To be added

Invisible Woman[]

Invisible Woman Infobox
  • Name: Susan "Sue" Storm
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: To be added
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: To be added

Human Torch[]

Human Torch Infobox
  • Name: Jonathan Lowell Spencer "Johnny" Storm
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: To be added
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: To be added


Thing Infobox
  • Name: Benjamin Jacob "Ben" Grimm
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: To be added
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: To be added




External Links[]