
  • ️Sat Nov 19 1977

"I made an educated wish!"

The specific order and/or accurate dates presented in this article has never been confirmed by Marvel Studios. They have been inferred by fans and therefore they can be inaccurate, incomplete, or biased.

This is a timeline of events that occurred during the 1980s.






  • The Wu Family Curse causes the hotel Lorna Wu is staying in on tour to catch fire, leading to Wu's death. Her daughter, Alice, is left to be angry with Lorna as she refuses to believe the curse is real.[10][12]






Meredith Quill & Ego (King Cobra - 1980)

Meredith Quill spending time with Ego



  • Ego leaves Earth one final time, realizing he has to return to his planet, and has nearly been gone too long. He knows that if he were to return for a fourth time, he would choose never to leave, which he cannot allow of himself, and reluctantly plants a cancerous tumor in Meredith Quill to kill her in approximately 8 years' time.[13][17]





















































  • Chula Battiest's doctors find complications with her pregnancy putting them in danger, simply saying that their fate is in God's hands. Battiest is taken to the forest to meet a midwife to be surrounded by other members of the Choctaw Nation. Battiest struggles as she is forced to push out her baby. Seeing her pain, the midwife has battiest bite down on a stick.[77][78]
  • Echo Trailer (52)

    Chula Battiest gets a vision

    Still in labor, Battiest starts calming down as she sees visions of the Nanih Waiya above her. Through the puddles in the mound, she sees further visions Tuklo, Chafa, and Lowak, which calms her panicked breathing. She then stands up and tries to push out her baby in the rain while vertical. This ultimately does not work and she lays down again, finally being able to give birth to her daughter, Taloa.[77][78]















  • Carol Danvers begins growing out her hair so that it is long enough to form a bun which meets military regulations.[88][89]












  • After he was experimented on and held in prison for thirty years, a nurse takes pity on Isaiah Bradley. She falsifies documents which say that he is dead and gives him a box of the letters that Bradley's wife tried to send him until she was told that he was dead. Bradley breaks out of the facility where he was being held.[98][99]
















Gordon undergoes his own Terrigenesis

  • Gordon undergoes Terrigenesis. The transformation deprives him of his eyes, but grants him teleportation and force field projecting abilities.[121]













  • A Child Dies: A Portrait of Family Grief by Joan Hagan Arnold and Penelope Buschman Gemma is published.[4][129]









  • Carol Danvers' favorite high school teacher tells her that setting goals based on who she is not is a mistake. She explains that while it is easier for a group to come together over a shared hatred, the group's bonds are weaker than those formed by a shared love.[88][139]



  • Grief, Dying, and Death: Clinical Interventions for Caregivers by Therese A. Rando is published.[4][129]







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A young Grace attending a boxing arena

  • Young nun novitiate Maggie Grace, 3 weeks from taking her vows, goes with two friends to watch a boxing match in Fogwell's Gym, wanting to have some fun before becoming a nun. As a round of the fight ends, one of the fighters, Jack Murdock, requests for her to get him some water and wipe his face during the break. She steps up to help him, despite her friends wanting them to leave, and he explains he trusted her not to put anything in his drink, being a nun.[149][150]
  • In the break between rounds, Grace helps Murdock, giving him his water and wiping his face. She starts to become romantically interested in him.[149][150]







Grace and Murdock embrace their relationship

  • Jack Murdock and Maggie Grace kiss in their kitchen, having begun a relationship.[149][150]
  • Murdock and Grace sleep together, with Grace having not yet taken her vow of chastity. They conceive a child.[149]


  • Maggie Grace takes her vows to become a nun, pregnant from already engaging in sexual intercourse before her chastity vow.[149]





The following section contains information from media marked as Dubious Canon.

This concludes information from media marked as Dubious Canon.







  • Carol Danvers packs her car with her duffle bag and leaves to join the United States Air Force Academy.[88][164]
  • A waitress gets ready to leave her shift when a driver hits her car, having been distracted by attempting ketchup on his french fries.[88][164]
  • Still many hours early, Danvers sits on her Mustang in Colorado, listening to the planes that fly by and correctly guessing their models by the sound of the engine. Danvers dreams of future titles she could hold as what she hopes is the first female fighter pilot. Another plane flies by, and Danvers cannot identify it. Confused, she opens her eyes and sees the yellow biplane with blue and red accents. She memorizes the details of the plane, determined to be able to identify it.[88][164]
  • Danvers attempts to pick a radio station to listen to for the rest of the car ride when black car whizzes by her at a fast speed, followed by a blue Honda. She grows worried despite her inner monologue telling her to not pursue the worry and mess things up. However, she decides to make sure everything is okay. Danvers catches up to the Honda and see that has a banged up side.[88][164]
  • The Honda driver communicates to Danvers that the driver of the black car had hit her car and fled. Danvers grows mad and tells the woman to follow her. She then drives off at top speeds, taking a shortcut. Around the mountains, State Trooper Wright turns on her lights, trying to pull Danvers over, but she does not listen. Danvers reaches an intersection by a gas station and cuts off the car, which she realizes is a Jaguar. The man tries to tell her to move, but sees the WRight out of her car, telling both Danvers and the drivers to remain in place.[88][164]
  • The Honda pulls up, and the driver tells Wright that the Jaguar driver had hit her car. Wright tells Danvers to sit on the curb while she arrests the man, has his car impounded, and helps the Honda driver work to get the car fixed. Danvers and the Honda driver wave to each other, and Wright approaches Danvers, preparing to arrest her for breaking five laws. Danvers argues that what she did was right and worries about ruining her first day before it starts. Seeing a young woman with her whole life ahead of her, Wright lets off Danvers with a warning, leaving her a note which says "Let yourself learn." She explains that she needs to learn before making impulse decisions, and Danvers agrees to listen to her advice.[88][164]
  • Danvers finally gets to the base where she and her peers immediately get yelled at by their superiors, struggling to hide her excitement. She meets Officer Jenks who has her and other recruits recite their Oath of Enlistment. Danvers closes her eyes and gets distracted by her excitement, causing Jenks and Officer Cadet Chen to berate her for not leaving with the rest of the flight. Jenks berates Chen and comments that they would just let anyone into the program, regarding the two women.[88][164]
  • Chen escorts Danvers to rejoin her flight, and Officer Cadet Resendiz looks at Chen apologetically. Danvers gets into the line to get a haircut, but does not need one as she had spent two years ensuring her hair was long enough for a bun which was up to code. The flight is guided to receive medical exams, then to retrieve battle uniforms.[88][164]
  • Towards the end of the day, Danvers and her flight are brought to retrieve their luggage and then brought to their dormitories. Stopping in from of a room, Chen introduces Danvers to Maria Rambeau. Chen assigns the other women in the flight to their room and recommends they sleep before First Beast the next day. Once inside their rooms, Danvers and Rambeau introduce themselves. They decide which bed each of them is going to take and start setting tup their room.[88][164]
  • Danvers brushes her teeth and realizes that she cannot remember much of the day. She thinks about the plane she had failed to identify to calm herself, and sees Rambeau writing in a journal. Danvers tries to break the silence, only to receive few word responses from Rambeau. She then asks if she is ready to go to bed, to which Rambeau replies that she is. Danvers flicks off the light switch and slowly makes her way to her bed in the dark. The two agree that it was the best day of their lives before wishing each other a good night.[88][164]


  • Maria Rambeau wakes up at 3 AM to get an early jog in before the first day of camp. Carol Danvers wakes up twenty-three minutes later to find Rambeau tying her shoelaces. Danvers panics, thinking she missed Reveille, then asks if Rambeau was going running. Danvers realizes that it is obvious that Rambeau is going running and asks to join. Rambeau replies that if she gets ready in seven minutes then she can. Danvers jumped up to get ready, but her ticket from Wright fell out of her bag. Rambeau gives it back to Danvers, who explains that Wright advised her to let herself learn. Rambeau suggested that "let yourself learn" meant that she had to learn herself, which Danvers says she had not considered.[88][164]
  • The two begin running at a nice pace so that they do not burn out before the camp begins. Danvers looks around and examines her peers. She notes that Tom Bianchi had formed a group with Garrett Pierre and Erik Del Orbe, believing themselves to be the best, and catches Bianchi trying to measure up Danvers and Rambeau. She also examines Zoë Noble and Bret Johnson.[88][164]
  • Rambeau overhears Bianchi telling Pierre that the women would be a full lap behind him during the foot race.[88][164]
  • Each group gets called up one by one to be tested by Chen and Resendiz on pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and the mile run.[88][164]
  • Bianchi and Pierre win the pull-up test.[88][164]
  • Rambeau wins the push-up test.[88][164]
  • Danvers wins the sit-up test.[88][164]
  • The groups start the mile run with Bianchi, Pierre, Rambeau, and Danvers in the lead. As they start, Danvers gets an early lead and feels great. Danvers finishes in first and Rambeau in second. The two women compliment each other until Pierre and Bianchi cross the finish line, having spent the race half a lap behind Danvers and Rambeau. Danvers and Rambeau talk about Bianchi's reaction to losing, and Danvers remarks to Rambeau that Bianchi could be as boring as he wants as long as he does not get in the way of her piloting. Bianchi overhears this and gets into an argument with Danvers, saying that she could come in first all she wants, but will never be a pilot like him. Chen calls Bianchi and Danvers in to the group, so they break up their argument.[88][164]
  • During breakfast, Rambeau asked if Danvers really wanted to fly combat. Danvers replies that she does and gets angry, so Rambeau gives her bread to scream into , letting out her anger. Rambeau asks if she feels better, but Danvers does not, suggesting that Bianchi could be wrong if they prove themselves to be the best. Rambeau tells suggests the Flying Falcons, but is interrupted by a superior before she can elaborate.[88][164]
  • In their dorm room, they continue their talk. Rambeau shows Danvers a pamphlet for the elite squadron of flyers known as the Flying Falcons. Rambeau explains that if they could be top of their class and be in this group, nobody could say no to them. Danvers admits that they will try, but Rambeau simply says to let them.[88][164]


  • In Carol Danvers' first dorm inspection, a speck of dust is found on her top shelf. Danvers is scolded for the dust.[88][165]


  • In their third week of Introduction to Air Force Combatives, Carol Danvers and Tom Bianchi face off in a combat exercise. Danvers wins, causing Bianchi to storm off. Danvers approaches him, hoping to talk out their differences, but Bianchi at first shuts him down. Danvers asks Bianchi to consider how he would feel working as hard as he does without recognition as Maria Rambeau pins Garrett Pierre in their combat training. Bianchi understands and puts his head back saying it is not personal, but Danvers tells him it feels personal. The two then sit in silence until they decide to leave.[88][164]



  • Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers eat breakfast in preparation of field day, when their flight will form a squadron with upperclassmen to compete. Danvers reveals that she learned that Captain Jenks leads the Flying Falcons, suggesting that he would not be able to turn them away if they win Honor Squadron. Rambeau insists that they would need to win for themselvse, not to prove something to Jenks, though Danvers gets her to agree to make it twenty percent about Jenks. The two women play through how would they approach Jenks.[88][164]
  • Danvers, Rambeau, Tom Bianchi, Garrett Pierre, and Erik Del Orbe are put on a squadrom together known as the Aggressors. As the trainees prepare for opening ceremonies, Chen and Resendiz explain the schedule and remind the cadets which activities they will participate in. As the cadets line up for opening ceremonies, Rambeau and Danvers pull Bianchi, Pierre, and Del Orbe aside and discuss the problems they had been having collaborating. The five agree to call a truce for the sake of winning.[88][164]
  • Danvers observes Bret Johnson barking orders at his team and deciding to participate in events himself, causing his squadron to fall behind while the Aggressors stand out.[88][164]
  • Johnson gets mad at Danvers' squadron for being ahead and asks Danvers if she should be playing softball or figure skating. Danvers replies asking if he wants to get beat at those too, which gets a laugh from Bianchi. Bianchi asks if he used to sound like Johnson. Danvers responds by talking about her experience as a waitress when a baby cries and would only stop when another baby is crying louder. Danvers says this makes the baby realize how it is acting, comparing Bianchi to the baby.[88]
  • The upperclassman in charge of the Aggressors asks whether to place Danvers first or last, so Danvers confidently tells him to put her last and notes that Captain Jenks is watching. The race begins, and Danvers watches the upperclassman compete in the first leg, finishing third place. Bianchi competes in the third leg as Johnson snarkily wishes Danvers luck, but Danvers ignores him. Johnson is given the baton and leaves, then Bianchi gives Danvers the baton and she starts running. She runs past Johnson easily and wins.[88][164]
  • At the end of Field Day, the Aggressors are named Honor Squadron. The cadets all celebrate and congratulate each other, and Danvers and Bianchi smile at each other.[88][164]
  • Rambeau and Danvers see Jenks and approach him. Jenks takes a moment to remember his first interaction and becomes embarassed, choosing to compliment Rambeau on her leadership in the tug-of-war. They talk about their plans to sign up for the Flying Falcons, so Jenks simply says they need a private pilot's license. Rambeau and Danvers explain that they do not have the licenses, so Jenks says that the Flying Falcons need ground support before walking off. The two briefly worry before agreeing that they would find a way.[88][164]


  • During the Second Beast in Jacks Valley, Carol Danvers crawls on her back through barbed wire and she uses Jenks words as motivation. She can no longer remember a time in her life where she was not covered in mud. They run an assault course as well as learn basic first aid, which she uses when she leaps.[88][164]


  • Captain Marvel (film) 21

    Carol Danvers struggles with the rope challenge

    During training for the United States Air Force, Carol Danvers partakes in an exercise wherein she has to jump from one rope to another and catch onto it, but is unsuccessful. She lands in the icy water three times, giving herself a rope burn.[88] She is taunted by her male colleagues, who say she does not have the strength and will end up killing herself. Despite her best attempt, Danvers does not manage the jump and falls to the dirt below. The other trainees laugh, with one standing over her and saying they will never let her fly. Refusing to let herself be humiliated, she picks herself up to stand up to the other trainees.[7] On the seventh try, Danvers is able to scale a six-foot wall.[88][164]
  • At night, Danvers eats in a Quonset hut and falls asleep on a cot to the sound of nature and her fellow cadets snoring.[88][164]


  • Early in the morning, Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau talk about how sore their arms are. The troops are brought to start their Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear test. As they arrive at the site, they are taught about their gear and told about possible scenarios that could occur during training. They try to get in line, knowing the chemicals get worse as it goes on, but Erik Del Orbe cannot zip his zipper. Rambeau and Danvers are forced to wait for him as Tom Bianchi helps his wingman. As the flight lines up, Danvers reminds herself that she can do anything for ten minutes, and Rambeau agrees.[88][164]
  • The group walks in as the smoke starts filling the room and elevate their heart rates as gas starts to fill the room. Danvers immediately feels the pain in her neck and tries to stay calm. At the orders of her commanding officer, she puts the mask to her chest and recites her reporting statement before making a T with her arms and walking out.[88][164]
  • Danvers and Rambeau step out of the room. They go on their two lap walk that they were required to do as tears come out of their eyes. They notice Garrett Pierre hurled over on the ground puking violently. Rambeau asks Danvers if she is okay, noticing Pierre, but not going up to him. On the second lap, they see Pierre in the same position and walk over to him. They help Pierre to his feet and carry him off.[88][164]
  • Everyone eats their meal while Pierre jokes that the exercise finally took away his cold. Rambeau admits to worrying about that training since before she enlisted. Pierre said the same thing, referring to Rambeau by her last name. Rambeau introduces herself and Danvers with their first names, and Pierre does the same, realizing that he did not know anyone's first name. Danvers notes that they would not call each other their first names anyways.[88][164]
  • Bianchi and Del Orbe arrive, asking to join. Rambeau and Danvers introduce themselves with their first names, and Del Orbe and Bianchi do the same. Hearing that Bianchi's name is "Tom," everyone states that they would not have expected that, joking about names they would have expected, such as Brock, Chip, and Lance. Afterwards, Danvers comments on Bianchi helping Del Orbe put on his zipper. Bianchi simply states that Del Orbe is his wingman.[88][164]


  • Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau march to the Acceptance Day Parade, where they are presented with the Warhawk award. Each person goes through the line as Danvers struggles to hold in her excitement. During the ceremony, planes fly over head and Danvers struggles not to smile at them. The recruits single the national anthem and recite the Honor Oath before joining their academic year squadrons. As Danvers' squadron presents themselves, Danvers turns to Rambeau and restrains herself from screaming with excitement.[88][164]
  • Finally graduated, Danvers and the rest of the class celebrate and hug. Chen and Resendiz deliver parting words, and Erik Del Orbe excitedly hugs Danvers and Garrett Pierre. Tom Bianchi and Danvers congratulate each other, and Bianchi looks away from Danvers as he admits that he was wrong about her. Danvers asks him to clarify, but he only manages to repeat his words. Danvers realizes that she wanted to rub her success in Bianchi's and Jenks' faces, reminding herself of Wright's suggestion to let herself learn. She explains that she did not realize that in order to be a good pilot, she also needs to be a good human, expressing hope that she does not lose her integrity. Rambeau approaches them, and Bianchi congratulates her before leaving to find Del Orbe and Pierre. Rambeau reaveals that she has a plan to get their private pilot's license.[88][164]


  • Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers leave the United States Air Force Academy and drive towards Rambeau's plan to get a private pilot's license. Danvers gets worried as Rambeau attempts to find a good song to listen to. Danvers attempts to force herself to relax, causing Rambeau to ask what she is doing. The pair joke about Danvers' inability to relax. The car passes the intersection where Danvers was pulled over by Wright, so Danvers thinks about thanking the state trooper for her motivation. They share their experiences being belittled for their spirit, and Danvers confesses that she wants to prove people wrong. Rambeau advises Danvers to get out of her own head as they arrive at their destination.[88][164]
  • Danvers and Rambeau hear the engine of a plane flying overhead, and Danvers recognizes it as the plane she failed to identify on her first day at the Academy. They admire the plane as it lands. As the pilots leave the plane, Danvers get excited to learn that one is a woman. The pair cheerfully greet Rambeau, who introduces them to Danvers as Jack Thompson and Bonnie Thompson, saying they flew with Rambeau's father. Danvers asks about the plane, which Jack calls Mr. Goodnight and says that Danvers and Rambeau will be flying it.[88][164]
  • Danvers, Rambeau, and the Thompsons go into the hangar, where Bonnie reveals that she was not allowed to be a fighter pilot. Danvers and Rambeau share their plan to join the Flying Falcons in order to change the United States Air Force's mind about letting them fly, and the Thompsons deliberate before agreeing to help the women get their license. However, Jack says they have to learn integrity first and tells them to clean Mr. Goodnight.[88][164]
  • As Rambeau and Danvers clean, the Thompsons give them insight on what each part of the plane does, which Danvers appreciates. Jack takes apart Mr. Goodnight's engine, and Danvers feels a sense of belonging.[88][164]
  • A few hours later, Rambeau and Danvers made their way back to their dorms, agreeing about how dirty they had gotten. They return to their dorms and shower as they prepare to start classes the following day, and they examine their schedules. They turn the lights out, but Danvers struggles to sleep due to worry about possible scenarios.[88][164]


  • Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau wake up bright and early ahead of their first day of classes. They go to run with Tom Bianchi, Erik Del Orbe, and Garrett Pierre, and talk with them about how they were all assigned to play flickerball, which Rambeau recognizes as a mix of football and dodgeball, as their intramural sport. They start running, and and Bianchi asks where Danvers and Rambeau were the day before. Danvers contemplates whether she wants to say it, but decides not to. Thinking he overstepped, Bianchi apologizes, but Danvers assures him it is purely out of worry she would jinx it. She then catches up to Rambeau, who is skeptical of Danvers' decision.[88][164]
  • At 5:00 A.M. local time, the group return to their dormitory buildings to shower. Danvers and Rambeau run into Zoë Noble. Danvers introduces herself and Rambeau with their first names, but Noble introduces herself with her last. Danvers pushes, so Noble reveals her first name before awkwardly leaving.[88][164]
  • At 7:30 A.M., the students at United States Air Force Academy attend their first class.[88][164]
  • At the start of his first Introduction to Soaring class, Captain Jenks pairs the cadets with an instructor pilot. Carol Danvers is given the Cadet Instructor Pilot Wolff, whom she already decided she did not like based on his demeanor. She glared over at Maria Rambeau and Erik Del Orbe, who had Cabot, an instructor who Danvers thought highly of.[88][164]
  • Danvers listens to Wolff who, to her surprise, asks her to go into the cockpit. Danvers feels a surge of excitement as she guides her hands through each piece of the plane. Wolff asks what Danvers sees, so Danvers replies that she sees power. However, Jenks suddenly appears and says that he sees restraint. Wolff and Jenks disagree on whether liberation can be found in the cockpit, and Jenks and starts subtly speaking ill of Danvers. Wolff defends her, which Danvers greatly appreciates as Jenks leaves and Danvers exits the plane. Danvers watches as Wolff's other trainees are given advice, then the class continues as Wolff explains the basics of flying.[88][164]
  • Danvers attends the rest of her classes for the day, focusing on what it felt like to be in the cockpit.[88][164]
  • Danvers sits with Rambeau and the rest of her friends to study together. Danvers sees Zoë Noble and invites her to join, but Noble refuses. Rambeau tells Danvers about an air show which the airmen would all be attending, and they discuss the planes which will be flying. Noble mentions how she heard Jenks was kicked out of the United States Air Force Thunderbirds, but does not know why. This intrigues Danvers, who wants to know more. However, Rambeau heavily cautions Danvers about trying too hard to find the truth and makes Danvers promise not to.[88][164]








  • Bonnie Thompson takes Maria Rambeau into the air for her first time flying in Mr. Goodnight. She returns happily and goes over the flight with Thompson. The two discuss their flight, and Thompson tells Rambeau that she will teach Rambeau to perform a slow barrel roll.[88][169]
  • Carol Danvers and Jack Thompson prepare their first flight and how Danvers will use an air horn to communicate. Thompson gets clearance and launches the plane, exciting Danvers. Once they reach cruising speed, Thompson gives control to Danvers, who turns the plane left and gets excited as Thompson guides her through leveling the plane and turning right. Once it is time to return to the hangar, Danvers realizes that she does not know where it is, so Thompson retakes control and brings Mr. Goodnight back to the hangar.[88][169]
  • Danvers rushes to Rambeau and hugs her as Jack and Bonnie compliment their students. Against Bonnie's warning, Jack tells Danvers that she will learn to do a power-off stall. The group go to get cherry pie to celebrate as Rambeau and Danvers agree that it was the best day ever.[88][169]




  • In Winslow County, New Jersey, children at a carnival ride a carousel.[171][172]
  • Clint with his mother (1984)

    Clint and Edith Barton enjoy the county fair

    Clint Barton goes to the fair with his mother, Edith. As the pair walk, they talk about Robin Hood. A man bumps into Edith, who discreetly robs the man. The man calls Edith Clint's sister, and Clint says that she is his mother. Edith tells her not to continue the conversation, so Clint apologizes.[171][172]
  • Edith looks through the stolen wallet and is disappointed to only find a few dollars. She throws away the wallet, and Clint reveals that he stole a watch, making Edith proud.[171][172]
  • Edith takes Clint to a shooting game, where Clint misses. The vendor says that it was bad luck, and Edith says that the game is rigged. Clint adjusts and exhales, shooting two targets with pinpoint accuracy. Edith and Clint then request a prize.[171][172]
  • That night, the Bartons eat dinner in a car. Clint asks what happens if someone catches them, and Edith tells him not to worry about it. Clint says that they are stealing, but Edith says that they are stealing from people who can afford to give back but choose not to. Clint asks how she knows, and Edith says that some people have more than they want but do nothing to help.[171][172]
  • Clint asks if Edith is saying it is okay to do bad things to bad people. Edith says that the only way to know right from wrong is to listen to one's heart. Edith says that while their victim will not notice his missing money, that money allowed them to afford dinner. Edith tells Clint that she will never put him in danger.[171][172]
  • Edith and Clint talk about the house they wish to buy, and Clint gets sad, wondering if they will actually buy the house. Edith tells her son that she will do whatever she can to buy them a house, asking if he believes her. He says yes, and Edith tells him to go to bed. Edith tells Clint that the next night they will not sleep in the car.[171][172]


  • Barton (1984)

    Clint Barton misses the shot

    Clint Barton sits awkwardly in the car, as Edith Barton asks what is wrong and if he needs to rehearse. Clint tells her that he does not like lying, she tells him that it is make-believe. She tells him that it will be easy and that no one will get hurt. Clint hesitantly gets out of the car.[171][172]
  • Clint goes inside a gas station store and looks around. He knocks down cans, prompting a cashier to ask him to pay for them. Clint says that he does not know where his mother is, so the cashier tries to help while Clint fakes panic. Edith robs the register while he is distracted, but is caught by the cashier, who rushes over to her.[171][172]
  • Edith pulls out a gun from behind the counter, and she and the cashier struggle for it. The gun falls and Clint picks it up while the cashier grabs Edith. Clint aims the gun while Edith says they need to leave and the cashier asks him to put the gun down. Clint shoots a nearby police car, shocking Edith.[171][172]
  • Edith is arrested, and Clint apologizes to his mother for missing the shot. Edith replies that he never misses and is put in the police car.[171][172]











  • Playing flickerball at United States Air Force Academy, Erik Del Orbe pushes Garrett Pierre to the ground and laughs. Carol Danvers laughs and agrees with Tom Bianchi that Del Orbe pushed him on purpose. Danvers tells Bianchi that she and Maria Rambeau are taking flying lessons in order to try out for the Flying Falcons, and Bianchi asks for the specifics. Danvers tells Bianchi that their trainers had flown with Rambeau's father, who was a Tuskegee Airman, impressing Bianchi.[88][182]
  • Bianchi realizes that Danvers and Rambeau's goal is to fly combat while Pierre scores his first goal. Danvers tells Bianchi about Mr. Goodnight, making him laugh. Danvers continues to tell Bianchi about the plan to impress Jenks to convince him to let them fly combat. Bianchi starts to tell Danvers that the plan might not work, but Danvers interrupts him. Rambeau joins them, realizing that Danvers had told Bianchi about their lessons, and Bianchi tells Del Orbe and Pierre. Del Orbe jokes about having been right in his guess that they were watching planes and the group speculates about the reason for Mr. Goodnight's name.[88][182]
  • The group walks toward the dining hall and see Jenks, all standing to attention in response. Jenks tells Danvers that he expects the air show the following day to be educational for her and to observe the difference between herself and the pilots. He suggests it should only take a cursory glance, and the group salutes as he leaves. The group check on Danvers as she struggles to support herself, and Danvers asks why Jenks hates her. Del Orbe assures that it is because she's the best, and Bianchi adds that Jenks believes himself to be protecting the sanctity of the Air Force. Danvers starts to question whether Jenks is right about her.[88][182]


  • At an air show, Tom Bianchi takes drink orders from his friends, but panics when he forgets and gets everyone the same soda. The group laugh at him as the show starts, and Garrett Pierre retells the story of having seen the first group as a kid and them making him want to fly. Erik Del Orbe gets the group to agree to see John Glenn. Mr. Goodnight starts performing in the air show and performs a power-off stall, impressing Carol Danvers, who suggests that it was the reason for the plane's name.[88][182]
  • The United States Air Force Thunderbirds prepare their performance, and Danvers becomes determined to touch one of the planes. Danvers and the rest of the group realize that all of the pilots look like Captain Jenks, so Pierre brings up Lloyd "Fig" Newton, a black pilot who joined the Thunderbirds and did not look like Jenks, giving inspiration to Danvers and Maria Rambeau. The Thunderbirds perform, impressing the crowd. Bianchi, Del Orbe, and Pierre leave to talk to Glenn while Danvers and Rambeau meet one of the Thunderbirds, who wishes that his daughter could see women who were cadets. The Thunderbird becomes surrounded by kindergartners, so Danvers and Rambeau take the opportunity to touch the plane.[88][182]


  • Maria Rambeau has her final flying lesson with Bonnie Thompson, who guides Rambeau to perform a series of slow barrel rolls in Mr. Goodnight. Her first time trying, she freezes while upside down. Thompson finishes the roll, and eventually guides Rambeau to success, impressing Carol Danvers.[88][182]
  • At Danvers' final flying lesson with Jack Thompson, Thompson tries to get her to perform a power-off stall. She uses her air horn to signal that they are crashing, but Thompson gets her to level out the plane. He has Danvers do it repeatedly, but she continues to pull up too early while performing the power-off stall. Danvers successfully does the maneuver and uses the air horn to celebrate, and Thompson has her do it three more times. Danvers lands the plane, and Thompson asks Danvers if she is proud of herself. She tries to water down her emotions in her head, but eventually confesses that she is. Thompson tells Danvers that she is a good pilot, and Danvers thanks him.[88][182]
  • Danvers and Rambeau take their private pilot's license tests. They ask the woman administering the test when they will receive their results, and she says it should take one to two months.[88][183]
  • Danvers and Rambeau drive back to United States Air Force Academy, and Rambeau tells Danvers about the barrel rolls. Still reflecting on her conversation with Thompson, Danvers tells Rambeau that she is a good pilot, complimenting her barrel rolls. Rambeau fights herself, but thanks Danvers.[88][182]
  • That night, the two get ready for bed, and Rambeau asks if Danvers is alright. The two discuss that they are nervous about everything and the feeling that they do not deserve what they know they worked hard for. They realize that integrity comes from how one treats others as well as themselves and laugh about the realization sounding cheesy. Rambeau and Danvers confidently refer to themselves as good pilots before again laughing at themselves for sounding cheesy.[88][182]









  • Tom Bianchi finds a notebook in class. Needing to know to whom it belongs, he looks through briefly and finds Zoë Noble's name, and also learns that Noble wants to be an astronaut.[88][194]
  • Carol Danvers walks to Introduction to Soaring Class, but is stopped by Bianchi. Bianchi gives Danvers Noble's notebook and asks her to return it to Noble. Bianchi promises that he did not purposefully read the journal to find the page, but notes that it mentions her wanting to be an astronaut, surprising Danvers. Danvers recognizes that she was wrong about Bianchi, who then goes to his group.[88][194]
  • Captain Jenks sees Danvers and scolds her for having the notebook as Noble appears and freezes in horror. Danvers claims that the notebook is hers, and Jenks asks whether she still believes Cadet Instructor Wolff to be correct about Danvers' ability to be taught. Danvers says that at a cursory glance, Danvers does not appear to fit in with the United States Air Force Thunderbirds, but that further exploration reveals Jenks to be a relic. Jenks scolds Danvers about "relic" not being an accurate word, so Danvers gets angry and claims that she and Maria Rambeau had gotten their private pilot's licenses and would be trying out for the Flying Falcons. Jenks declares his intention to prevent them from trying out and leaves. Danvers struggles to make it through class.[88][194]
  • At the end of class, Danvers apologizes to Rambeau, who scolds Danvers for continuing to believe that Jenks' way is the only way. Rambeau tells Danvers that she needs to figure it out on her own before walking away to join Bianchi and Garrett Pierre. Noble appears and asks for notebook, telling Danvers that she did not have to lie to Jenks. Noble takes a piece of paper out of the notebook and offers it to Danvers, showing her what she was protecting. Danvers looks at the paper and sees a drawing made by Noble as a young girl of herself as an astronaut. Noble takes the picture back and asks if Danvers will be okay, and Danvers says that she is working on it.[88][194]
  • Danvers goes to where her friends are sitting in the mess hall, finding them arguing about whose family has the best food. Danvers sits next to Rambeau, causing an awkward silence which Rambeau breaks by continuing the argument, smiling at Danvers. Danvers listens silently and berates herself for risking her friendship. The group walks to the library, but Danvers leaves to think alone. She sits on a boulder behind the mess hall and tries to get her to focus on why she feels sad and scared. Danvers paces, hoping to find a way to apologize to Rambeau, but cannot see a path for herself. She determines that while Jenks' way could help her feel validation, she needed to find her own way to do things.[88][194]
  • Danvers returns to her sleeping quarters and finds Rambeau in there, wanting to be there when Danvers returned. Danvers starts to apologize for revealing their plans to Jenks, but Rambeau says that she was not upset about that. Rambeau and Danvers realize that Wolff's beliefs about whether Danvers can be taught is similar to Wright's advice to let oneself learn, and that both ideas are scary. Rambeau shares her realizes that they can get the validation they wanted from Jenks from each other, and the two hug. The two agree that they will never fit in with Jenks' world and that it is a good thing.[88][194]


  • Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau receive mail with the results of their private pilot's license exams. However, they are both too nervous to open the envelopes, so they let them sit.[88][195]


  • As they prepare for their morning run, Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau agree to finally open the envelopes continaing the results of their priate pilot's tests. They go to the track, worried about the results, and meet with Tom Bianchi, Erik Del Orbe, and Garrett Pierre, who briefly worry about another fight between them. Del Orbe suggests opening both at once, but Danvers gets worried that only one passed. Bianchi loses patiences and takes the envelopes, opening them and revealing that they both passed.[88][196]
  • The group celebrates, but Danvers notices that something is wrong with Bianchi. Danvers pulls Bianchi aside, and he shares his concern that despite her and Rambeau being the best flyers and him being a distant third, he is upset that he knows he is more likely to make the Flying Falcons than they are. Danvers says that she and Rambeau already know, so Bianchi asks why they would bother to try out. Danvers says that it feels like the right thing to do, and the pair return to their friends, who had been joined by Zoë Noble. Bianchi asks if Danvers will think less of him for making the team, but Danvers assures him that she will not. Bianchi voices hope that he can influence change from the inside, and Danvers agrees he can do it.[88][196]
  • That afternoon, Rambeau and Danvers find the place to sign up for the Flying Falcons, and Danvers compliments the eyeshadow of the receptionist. The receptionist gives them the signup sheet, and Danvers and Rambeau realize that of the seventeen people, all are men except the two of them.[88][196]



  • In Kingston, Jamaica, Cornell Stokes splashes his cousin, Mariah Stokes, as he plays in a pool. John McIver delivers towels. His aunt, Ingrid, sends him to the bell captain to get more bags.[120][185]
  • BenDonovanFlashback1

    Gwen McIver argues with Mabel and Peter Stokes

    As he walks, he overhears his mother Gwen McIver, arguing with Mabel and Peter Stokes. Gwen asks for her fair share of her late husband, Quincy's estate. The Stokes' lawyer for the case, Benjamin Donovan, says they owe nothing. Gwen's lawyer reveals that he has the signed napkin from Quincy's agreement with Buggy Stokes for a 50:50 split of everything. When Gwen's lawyer requests 50% of the profits, the Stokeses laugh. Mariah Stokes finds John eavesdropping and tells him to get her something to drink.[120][185]
  • Destruction of McIver Residence: The Stokes family throw Molotov cocktails of Bushmaster Rum into Gwen and John McIver's home. Gwen ushers John to safety, but she does not make it herself, and he is left to watch as his house burns, his mother inside. Mabel Stokes walks past throws the paperwork from the deal into the fire, and tells John that she told his mother she would not deal with any lawyers, walking away.[120][185]




  • Carol Danvers, Maria Rambeau, Tom Bianchi, and sixteen others prepare to try out for the Flying Falcons. Captain Jenks walks the group through the procedure of the tryouts. The group sit down as the first three people try out, including Bret Johnson, and Rambeau and Danvers mouth silent motivation to each other. They laugh, making Bianchi roll his eyes. Johnson does his audition with Jenks, while Wolff and Cabot work with their airmen more actively. The three airmen perform their tryout, and Danvers enjoys watching them.[88][199]
  • Bianchi takes his turn to tryout and works with Wolff. Danvers and Rambeau express to each other how impressed they are. Bianchi flies gracefully and lands without bouncing the plane, making the other airmen nervous. Bianchi exits the cockpit and salutes Wolff before returning to his seat with pride. Rambeau is called next, and she walks up to Jenks. She effortlessly works through the safety checks and has the best takeoff so far. The airmen next to Danvers compliments Rambeau's abilities, and Danvers agrees. Danvers sees how impressed everyone is and realizes that the two of them are representing women, not just themselves. Rambeau executes a slow barrel roll, causing the airmen to applaud. Rambeau confidently returns to her seat once the plane lands.[88][199]
  • At Danvers' turn, she goes straight to Jenks, who takes her through safety checks. Danvers climbs into the cockpit and realizes that the military plane is easier to fly than Mr. Goodnight, and Jenks comments that Danvers is impressive when the plane is on the ground. At Jenks' orders, Danvers starts the plane and waits for permission to takeoff. She notices small, human details about Jenks, making her realize that Jenks is simply one man. They get clearance, and Danvers takes off and takes the plane to the appropriate altitude.[88][199]
  • Jenks asks why Danvers is trying out, prompting her to claim that she is the best and therefore she has earned the right to do so. Jenks tries to end the tryout, claiming that Danvers is unsuitable for the United States Air Force, insulting her. Jenks claims to be giving Danvers a gift and lets the plane fall, reducing the power to idle. However, Danvers performs a power-off stall, saving the plane, and tells Jenks that despite being emotional and impulsive, she allows herself to learn, suggesting she try it. Danvers lands the plane as Jenks remains silent.[88][199]
  • Rambeau, Danvers, and Bianchi go to Jack and Bonnie Thompson's hangar to celebrate the tryouts with Garrett Pierre and Erik Del Orbe. Danvers and Rambeau recount the events of the tryout while they help with the setup for the meal. Jack asks what Danvers and Rambeau's plans are, so they say that they will find a new way to become the first female fighter pilots. Jack starts to suggest other paths, but Bonnie interrupts and insists they eat. Bianchi asks to fly in Mr. Goodnight, but Jack suggests that he could not handle it. The group toast to flying and eat together as the Thompsons tell war stories.[88][199]
  • Danvers looks around the group and gets overwhelmed with emotion as her newfound family enjoy their time together. Rambeau and Danvers discuss their shared happiness, and Rambeau tells Danvers about a conversation she and Bonnie had had earlier. Bonnie helps Danvers realize that her dream is about flying, not necessarily flying combat, suggesting they find a new goal. Danvers is reminded of Wright's advice to let herself learn and tells the rest of the group about her experience with Wright. Jack and Bonnie gift each of the airmen with a silver dollar from the year they were born, which Del Orbe notes had been rubbed smooth. The airmen thank the Thompsons, and they all eat cherry pie together.[88][199]




  • On the second day of Recognition, Carol Danvers wakes up for her daily run with Maria Rambeau and realizes that they will not be roommates much longer. Rambeau teases Danvers about having made the realization first. The two get ready, and Danvers interrupts to tell Rambeau that she thinks of her as a sister. Rambeau and Danvers recount their first day flying Mr. Goodnight, and Rambeau says that they had been sisters since then. Danvers and Rambeau marvel at their friendship and hug.[88][199]
  • Danvers and Rambeau join Tom Bianchi, Erik Del Orbe, and Garrett Pierre on the track and suggest that they take it easy. Danvers tells her friends that she will miss them, causing Pierre to start getting emotional. As the group besides Bianchi get emotional, they turn to him expectingly. Bianchi asks to be allowed to put off his emotions until the end of Recognition, and the group agree. Rambeau insists that they take a group photo at the end.[88][199]
  • As 7:00 A.M. local time, the cadets begin an intense obstacle course, which they do not complete until 4:00 P.M. At one point during the course, Danvers gets yelled at while carrying a fellow cadet on her back. The course guides them through the Academy and includes a high number of sit-ups, pull-ups, and push-ups. Danvers flips a tire across a field. At the end of the day, Danvers has dinner.[88][199]
  • Danvers leaves the mess hall after dinner, feeling the soreness of her body. Suddenly, she realizes that the results of the Flying Falcons tryouts had been posted. Danvers goes to check the list with Rambeau and Bianchi, finding the list and seeing that Bianchi and Bret Johnson had made the team, but not Danvers and Rambeau. They all express disappointment before agreeing to change the world themselves. Rambeau and Danvers congratulate Bianchi, who says that he is putting off the feelings until the next day.[88][199]


  • Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers stand in their dorm room at United States Air Force Academy, which gets inspected. They dress and rush to meet the rest of the recruits for the final part of Recognition, the Run to the Rock.[88][199]
  • The recuits all patiently wait to start their run, and Danvers looks around at her friends. Chen and Resendiz yell inspirational material to each cadet. Chen reaches Danvers and commends her for proving to both the United States Air Force and to herself that she is capable of great things. Chen tells Danvers that she is proud, and the two recognize each other as women who had experienced Jenks' dismissiveness. Danvers thanks Chen, who moves on to the next airman.[88][199]
  • Resendiz compliments Rambeau about her integrity.[88][199]
  • Chen compliments Erik Del Orbe for his determination.[88][199]
  • Chen commends Garrett Pierre for his kindess.[88][199]
  • Resendiz commends Tom Bianchi for his leadership.[88][199]
  • Each squadron is cleared to start the Run to the Rock, and all the airmen ascend the mountain while Danvers acknowledges to herself that she had earned the right to be there. They all make it to the top, and Danvers is hugged by Pierre, Del Orbe, and Rambeau, who are then joined by the rest of their squadron. The group find Bianchi holding a camera and wiping tears. They all hug and eventually separate, still holding each other. Bianchi explains that his mom had sent him the camera, and the group ask Zoë Noble to take five pictures of them, one for each to keep. Noble responds with sarcasm, but gets the group to acknowledge that they love her. Noble takes the five pictures as the group gets increasingly emotional.[88][199]
  • The group decide to say that they will see each other around rather than goodbye. Danvers wishes farewell to Bianchi, and they agree that they were happy to be wrong about each other. The cadets shower and go to their Recognition dinner, each receiving a pin. Danvers holds hers in her hand, feeling the weight of it.[88][199]
  • Danvers and Rambeau walk back to their room at the end of the dinner, but are stopped by Brigadier General Whalen, surprising the airmen by knowing their names. Whalen reveals that he was at the Flying Falcons tryouts and was impressed with their efforts. The women explain that they were trained by Jack and Bonnie Thompson, and Whalenlaughs with them about Mr. Goodnight. Whalen asks if they had considered becoming test pilots, offering to make a call and saying that he will be in touch. Danvers and Rambeau get excited as he leaves, realizing that becoming test pilots is their new goal. Rambeau realizes that Whalen having flown with Bonnie implies that she was a spy, and the two laugh about it. They talk for hours before finally going to bed, acknowledging that it is alright to let herself learn.[88][199]


  • Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau sit and eat together, starting to listen to planes and identifying their model by the sound of their engines. They laugh about Rambeau's visual interpretations of the sounds, and Rambeau guesses the model correctly. Danvers guesses the next one, and the two agree that they will be friends forever. The next plane comes, which Danvers and Rambeau recognize immediately as Mr. Goodnight. The two wave and yell, hoping that Jack and Bonnie Thompson can hear them. Danvers hears an airhorn in response.[88][199]



  • A renaissance fair is held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. People socialize while others, dressed in Renaissance outfits, wrap a maypole.[146][201]
  • Three men dressed as friars talk about hold drinks.[146][201]
  • A man dressed like a dwarf with a staff passes a shop.[146][201]
  • A woman who needs the job to work talks to a man at an ale booth.[146][201]
  • Two women tend to miniature ponies next to a sign announcing the ponies' presence.[146][201]
  • The Falconry Show performs as a guest at the Renaissance fair.[146][201]








  • Since the moment he was born, Kevin Thompson quickly developed a serious brain malfunction which required a great deal of treatment. Thompson spent much of his young life going through seemingly never ending tests alongside extremely painful treatments which included injections into the back of his neck by his parents Albert and Louise. On June 29, 1985, his parents filmed one of several videos of the results of their test on him.[208][209]





  • A girl named Tilda is born to Mariah Stokes, the father being Mariah's uncle Peter Stokes, having raped his niece. Tilda is given to the Johnson family and given the surname Johnson, but still sees her mother. Mariah would later lie to her daughter about when she was born, claiming she was not born for some years after so as to hide her real father's identity.[120][212]








Lil kilgrave

Kevin Thompson undergoes testing on Halloween

  • Albert and Louise Thompson film the results of tests on their son, Kevin again. Eventually, he developed the power to control people's minds and make them do as he commanded with ease.[208]
















  • Mariah Stokes and Jackson Dillard agree to a mutually beneficial fake relationship, as it helps Stokes give her daughter, Tilda, a proper father figure, and makes it seem to Dillard's homophobic parents that he is not homosexual, which he in fact is. Dillard's parents are so pleased that he is seemingly heterosexual that they do not even mind that Stokes already has a child with another man.[231][212]





The following section contains information from media marked as Dubious Canon.

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Bus Blueprints

Bus Blueprints






  • Mariah Stokes and Jackson Dillard get engaged, furthering their mutually beneficial fake relationship. Dillard can further convince his family he is not homosexual, and Stokes is eager to take the Dillard surname and get away from her family legacy, as well as wanting her daughter, Tilda, to think Jackson is her father, rather than learn she was born of her own great uncle raping her mother.[231][212]











  • The Psychology of Language and Communication by Geoffrey Beattie and Andrew Ellis is published.[4][27]





Disappointed Young Cottonmouth

Stokes plays the piano for Mama Mabel

  • Cornell Stokes plays the keyboard, and Peter Stokes states that he is talented and should go to a top school. Mama Mabel is unimpressed, however, saying he should keep it down, as Mariah Stokes is trying to study to be a lawyer. Pop arrives to pick up Cornell, with a young man called Donnie. When Mabel notices Donnie, she tells Pop to go so she can deal with him. She angrily asks him why he sold drugs for her, when drugs were always the thing that the Stokes family stayed away from. Mabel cuts off his finger, then says that it is time for Cornell to learn their ways, having him follow Pete as they take Donnie out to kill him. Cornell then returns, shocked at the murder, and Mabel clasps his bloodied hands.[120][113]

















Infiltration into East Berlin

  • Infiltration into East Berlin: Pym begins his mission in Berlin using his Ant-Man Suit. Having shrunken down to about the size of an ant, Pym is able to easily break into the facility. Unfortunately, a guard dog finds Pym. Pym comes up with an immediate plan that helps him escape the dog. He soon finds a flying ant and rides on it in order to find the radicals more easily. All he finds though are the blueprints for a HYDRA weapon. He soon hears screams and follows them to find HYDRA operatives testing on a man. In order to stop the tests, Hank jumps onto the shoulders of one of the soldiers and makes him think he is going insane by speaking into his ear. Pym then causes a small explosion in the lab, startling all who were present. He also frees the prisoner and defeats all the soldiers in the room.[265]












Ant-Man and the Wasp

  • Hank Pym, using his Ant-Man Suit and Janet van Dyne in her Wasp Suit, try to stop a Soviet ICBM from hitting the United States. After finding no way to disarm the missile, Janet turns her suit's regulator off to make herself small enough to enter the missile. Janet managed to turn the missile off, at the cost of shrinking indefinitely into the Quantum Realm, supposedly leading to her death. Due to the loss of Janet, Pym stored his suit in his basement vault in the Pym Residence, and sends his daughter Hope off to boarding school. This causes a strain in their relationship.[3][141]





  • Meredith and Peter Quill spend some time together lying in a field, listening to music and enjoying each other's company.[13]














  • Psychology, Ethics and Change by Susan Fairbairn and Gavin J. Fairbairn is published.[4][27]










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The following section contains information from media marked as Dubious Canon.

This concludes information from media marked as Dubious Canon.



  • After Kevin Thompson uses his powers to control his mother Louise and make her burn her own face with an iron, she and her husband Albert leave their home in England, forced to abandon their 10-year-old son for the safety of all three involved.[208]



  • Peter Quill receives his report card from St. Charles Elementary, with a D in math and science, a C in reading and social studies, and a B in PE. His teacher notes that he does not apply himself, that he is disruptive, is consistently inapropriate, and that he talks too often in class. They also note that he has great participation.[2]













The following section contains information from media marked as Dubious Canon.

  • Police officers handling a homicide at Northwestern State University start to get criticized for the way they handled a case, which remains unsolved.[281][289]
  • The Police Captain acknowledges the public's frustration regarding the case, promising that they were doing everything as fast as they could.[281][289]

This concludes information from media marked as Dubious Canon.




The following section contains information from media marked as Dubious Canon.

  • The bodies of two murdered college students, having been burned alive, are found in Thomas Park after several people in the area reported what they believed to be arson. The police at first believe it to be a poorly-executed hazing, although they later determine it to be a double homicide.[281][290]
  • While investigating the bodies, the Police Chief says that the method in which the students were killed is extreme and takes effort.[281][290]
  • Officials from the students school take measures to increase security and help students feel safe. They restrict access to residence halls and offer free door-to-door rides to students in evenings, and plan to have security escorts available to students, faculty, and staff.[281][290]
  • The students' school, as well as Northwestern State University and the police, offer a $10,000 reward for knowledge which helps identify the killer in any open homicide cases.[281][290]
  • M. Fisher writes an article about two college students being murdered. However, publication gets delayed.[281][290]


  • Louisiana schools start offering a "safe walk" for female students. M. Fisher interviews a student about it for their article, and the student says that the goal was to bring students together, wanting to stay safe while maintaining their freedom and not being afraid to walk home from a night class.[281][290]
  • Fisher's article about the murders gets published, titled "Two College Students Murdered."[281][290]

This concludes information from media marked as Dubious Canon.



The following section contains information from media marked as Dubious Canon.

  • A Louisiana university begins offering 24-hour security escorts to students, faculty, and staff.[281][291]

This concludes information from media marked as Dubious Canon.










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  • Carol Danvers sits in Pancho's Bar when one of her colleagues from the Air Force approaches her and belittles her, saying that being a pilot is for men. Danvers ignores his attempt to hurt her.[302][7]
  • Danvers has a fun night with Maria Rambeau, playing pool at Pancho's.[302][7]








Old Reinhartd-TTWB

Werner Reinhardt after decades in prison

  • After serving 44 years of his life sentence in the Rat, Werner Reinhardt is set free by Alexander Pierce.[305]
  • Men claiming to be S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but who were in truth members of HYDRA, go to China to Calvin Johnson's clinic and demand that Jiaying be handed over. Johnson and Jiaying resist, but their efforts are in vain, as she is kidnapped nonetheless. He then leaves his daughter Daisy among people he trusts, and sets off to search for his beloved wife.[305]
  • Werner Reinhardt is brought to his old base in Austria by a group of HYDRA Operatives.[305]
  • In this base, HYDRA is holding the elders of a Chinese village in the Hunan Province, including Jiaying, whom Reinhardt recognizes as the same woman he wanted to experiment on 44 years earlier. After noticing Jiaying had not aged in all these years, he experiments on her body, trying to discover what made her special. In the process, Jiaying is supposedly killed. After the experiments, he tells his men to dispose of her corpse. With the results of the experiments, he turns his body back to how it was in 1945. Reinhardt changes his name to Daniel Whitehall and loses his German accent.[305]
  • CalvinZabo-Jiaying-Horror-Discovery

    Calvin Johnson discovering his wife's corpse

    Calvin Johnson travels to Austria in search of his wife, Jiaying. He finds her body in a forest. Johnson refuses to allow his beloved wife to die and puts her body back together by using his medical skills.[305]
  • Calvin Johnson concocts a formula which makes him stronger, but also much more volatile.[306]
  • Massacre in Hunan: Calvin Johnson and Jiaying return to the Chinese village in the Hunan Province in search of their daughter, Daisy. After finding out she was rescued by a S.H.I.E.L.D. team, Jiaying has Johnson help her kill the entire village so she can heal, absorbing their lives with her Inhuman powers.[307]
  • Daisy is designated as an 0-8-4 by S.H.I.E.L.D. and taken to the United States, while each member of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team is hunted down and killed by Johnson.[308]
  • Only Agent Richard Lumley survives and Daisy is placed in the Saint Agnes Orphanage, where she is given the name Mary Sue Poots. The girl eventually grows up to adopt the name "Skye".[308]
  • In an attempt to find his daughter, Calvin Johnson comes across a gifted individual, Wendell Levi. With Levi, Johnson was able to look at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Index, but could not find Daisy on it. With all his attempts failed, Johnson returns to his wife.[306]
  • Jiaying divorces Calvin Johnson after the loss of their daughter. Johnson later changes his surname to Zabo.[188]


Carol Danvers Singing

Rambeau and Danvers singing in a bar



  • Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology in the Schools: A Comprehensive Handbook by Jan N. Hughes and Robert James Hall is published.[4][27]






S.H.I.E.L.D. files about Skye's youth


  • Carol Danvers and 5-year-old Monica Rambeau look at the stars together. Maria calls them in to eat, and Danvers plays with Monica, pretending she's a pilot and saying to prepare to take off. Calling her Lieutenant Trouble, she picks up Monica and carries her, allowing Monica to pretend she is flying.[296][7]




Carol Danvers '89

Danvers meeting with Wendy Lawson

  • Early in the morning, Carol Danvers talks to Dr. Wendy Lawson at Edwards Air Force Base. Lawson points out that her "cat", Goose, likes Danvers, and says she did not sleep in the night, too absorbed with her work that needed to be done. She notes the wonderful view, though Danvers points out she prefers the view when flying.[302][7]




  • Carol Danvers steps out to do a test flight for Dr. Wendy Lawson. Maria Rambeau joins her and the duo agree they are ready to show the other, male pilots that they are more than good enough. Danvers reminds Rambeau of their motto to always go "higher, further, faster", and they get into their respective planes, Rambeau sporting the call-sign "Photon" and Danvers "Avenger".[302][7]
  • The two women each fly their jet planes for the test.[302][7]



Pym threatens the S.H.I.E.L.D. board in 1989




  • Assassination of Mar-Vell:
    • Carol Danvers does a test flight with Dr. Wendy Lawson in the back. Lawson gives her coordinates to fly to her "laboratory", which Danvers does not understand. As they fly, a ship appears behind them and starts firing at their jet.[302][7]
    • Mar-Vell & Carol Danvers

      Carol Danvers and Wendy Lawson under attack by Starforce

      Lawson explains that their attackers want her and her work, saying she should never have brought Danvers along. Danvers expertly maneuvers the jet to avoid the attackers and manages to slip around them and get behind. However, as she lines up a shot, the attackers fire backwards and the jet begins to fail.[302][7]
    • As Danvers crash-lands, she does her best to lessen the impact. With the jet destroyed, she climbs out and checks on Lawson, who is bleeding blue blood.[302][7]
    • Lawson tells Danvers she has to destroy the jet before the attackers get to them. She admits that while their work strives to end wars, the wars are bigger than just Earth - she is really called Mar-Vell, and comes from a planet called Hala.[302][7]
    • Mar-Vell implores Danvers to remember the coordinates, saying she has to save "them" without her. As Danvers asks who, Mar-Vell goes to shoot the jet's engine, but is shot in the chest.[302][7]
    • Captain Marvel (film) 43

      Danvers absorbing the Tesseract energy

      Danvers grabs a gun as a figure, Yon-Rogg, steps out from the dust clouds and asks where the energy core is. Trusting Mar-Vell, Danvers takes it upon herself to destroy the energy core by her side and shoots it.[302][7] As the core blows, the energy it contained, which had come from the Tesseract, imbues itself in Danvers, leaving her unconscious and teeming with power.[302][7]
    • Minn-Erva arrives to help Yon-Rogg and fire, but he tells her not to. Walking over to Danvers, he finds half of her broken dog tag, saying the latter half of her surname "vers", and sees the power coursing through her. He decides they will take her with them back to Hala.[302][7]















  • The Ancient American Civilizations is published.[4][55]









Peter, Yondu and Kraglin

Yondu Udonta disaproves of the festivities

  • On the Eclector, Peter Quill tells Kraglin Obfonteri about Christmas and suggest they decorate a Christmas tree and get gifts for all the Ravagers.[24][323]
  • Quill and Obfonteri decorate their Christmas, but are interrupted by Yondu Udonta yelling at them. Quill explains what Christmas and presents Udonta with a gift, which Udonta refuses. Udonta scolds Quill for showing sentiment and Obfonteri for encouraging him. He demands that they clean the Christmas tree and destroys it, declaring that he hates Christmas. He storms off, leaving Quill sad.[24][323]
  • Udonta passes the garbage bin and sees Quill's gift for him. He opens it and finds a doll. He laughs to himself and decides to give Quill a present.[24][323]
  • Quill finds a present from Obfonteri in his room on the Eclector and opens it, seeing a pair of Quad Blasters. He happily holds them up.[24][323]
  • Udonta places his doll on the dashboard of the ship and is joined by Quill. They playfully hit each other before Udonta takes off. Quill excitedly puts his hands up as the ship flies away.[24][323]


  1. James Gunn on Twitter - May 8, 2023
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Ant-Man
  4. 4.000 4.001 4.002 4.003 4.004 4.005 4.006 4.007 4.008 4.009 4.010 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.014 4.015 4.016 4.017 4.018 4.019 4.020 4.021 4.022 4.023 4.024 4.025 4.026 4.027 4.028 4.029 4.030 4.031 4.032 4.033 4.034 4.035 4.036 4.037 4.038 4.039 4.040 4.041 4.042 4.043 4.044 4.045 4.046 4.047 4.048 4.049 4.050 4.051 4.052 4.053 4.054 4.055 4.056 4.057 4.058 4.059 4.060 4.061 4.062 4.063 4.064 4.065 4.066 4.067 4.068 4.069 4.070 4.071 4.072 4.073 4.074 4.075 4.076 4.077 4.078 4.079 4.080 4.081 4.082 4.083 4.084 4.085 4.086 4.087 4.088 4.089 4.090 4.091 4.092 4.093 4.094 4.095 4.096 4.097 4.098 4.099 4.100 4.101 4.102 4.103 4.104 4.105 4.106 4.107 4.108 4.109 4.110 4.111 4.112 4.113 4.114 4.115 4.116 4.117 4.118 4.119 4.120 4.121 4.122 4.123 4.124 4.125 4.126 4.127 4.128 4.129 4.130 4.131 4.132 4.133 4.134 4.135 4.136 4.137 4.138 4.139 4.140 4.141 4.142 4.143 4.144 4.145 4.146 4.147 4.148 4.149 4.150 4.151 4.152 4.153 4.154 4.155 4.156 4.157 4.158 4.159 4.160 4.161 4.162 4.163 4.164 4.165 4.166 4.167 4.168 4.169 4.170 4.171 4.172 4.173 4.174 4.175 4.176 4.177 4.178 4.179 4.180 4.181 4.182 4.183 4.184 4.185 4.186 4.187 4.188 4.189 4.190 4.191 4.192 4.193 4.194 4.195 4.196 4.197 4.198 4.199 4.200 4.201 4.202 4.203 4.204 4.205 4.206 4.207 4.208 4.209 4.210 4.211 4.212 4.213 4.214 4.215 4.216 4.217 4.218 4.219 4.220 4.221 4.222 Sometimes the Marvel Cinematic Universe alludes to events that happened in our world, and it is assumed they happen on the same dates in the universe, for timeline purposes.
  5. Marvel Television Live Auction Lot #602: Mariah Dillard's Scrapbook
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Hawkeye: 1.02: Hide and Seek
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 7.31 7.32 7.33 7.34 7.35 7.36 7.37 7.38 Captain Marvel
  8. Secret Invasion: 1.01: Resurrection
  9. Martin Wallace's AAR File in Resurrection
  10. 10.0 10.1 Conflicting information is presented throughout Agatha All Along regarding Alice Wu-Gulliver's early life being raised by Lorna Wu. In Circle Sewn With Fate / Unlock Thy Hidden Gate, Agatha Harkness says to Wu-Gulliver, “What if you could finally answer the question that has been haunting you for most of your life? 'What happened to Mommy?'” This suggests that Wu-Gulliver was young when Wu died. However, she cannot have been younger than 13 years old, as that is the age Wu-Gulliver says she was when Wu made her get a tattoo of a protection spell. In If I Can't Reach You / Let My Song Teach You, a poster of a tour Wu went on is hung up with other posters for tours which are dated to May 1977, and Wu-Gulliver explains that “Two years after this tour, [Wu] had to sell the catalogue to keep our house,” suggesting that Wu was alive still in 1979. Furthermore, this being Wu-Gulliver's most notable example of the Wu Family Curse impacting the family in 1979 further suggests that Wu did not die until at least the following year. In If I Can't Reach You / Let My Song Teach You, several records are shown to be from a company called Audio Fidelity, which in the real world stopped releasing records under that name in 1984.
    Wu is very heavily associated with the 1970s, and the trial on the Witches' Road which was designed to reveal information about Wu's death is themed for the decade, as Joe Locke confirmed in The Making of Agatha All Along, noting “We all have been transformed into 70s rock amazingness” for that trial. However, Wu's version of the Ballad of the Witches' Road has a copyright date of 1978 as shown on its record in Familiar by Thy Side. Furthermore, while living as William Kaplan, Billy Maximoff says, “[Wu] wrote the most famous version of the Ballad. My mom went to see her last tour right before she died.” Rebecca Kaplan is portrayed by Maria Dizzia, who was 17617 days old while filming her scenes in Agatha All Along, suggesting that Rebecca was born in either October 1971 or February 1977, depending on whether she survived the Snap. If Wu had indeed died in 1980, this would make Rebecca at most nine years old when she attended Wu's concert, which would make her very young.
    Overall, Wu and her death are heavily associated with the 1970s and Wu-Gulliver's early age. Overall, to fit all of the implications as best as possible, it can be taken that Wu-Gulliver was born in approximately December 1962, the tour with the poster in May 1977, the Ballad's release in 1978, Wu selling her catalog in May 1979, Wu-Gulliver getting her tattoo in June 1979, and Wu's death in January 1980. This allows Wu's death to be as close as possible to the decade with which it is associated while allowing selling the catalog to be a highly notable event and therefore separate from the year of Wu's death, and lets Wu-Gulliver be as young as possible to fit the implication of Wu-Gulliver having wondered what happened for “most of [her] life.” Rebecca Kaplan seeing the concert can be taken to have also happened in January 1980, letting her be as old as possible while fitting with Maximoff saying it was Wu's last tour.
  11. Agatha All Along: 1.02: Circle Sewn With Fate / Unlock Thy Hidden Gate
  12. 12.0 12.1 Agatha All Along: 1.04: If I Can't Reach You / Let My Song Teach You
  13. 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
  14. Based on Nathan Hurd's age during the filming of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 1 and working backward from his episode's setting, Man-Bull would have been born on in May 1977 if he survived the Snap and October 1982 if he did not. Man-Bull's birth can therefore be approximated to February 1980.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Luke Cage: 2.02: Straighten It Out
  16. Jay Klaitz began high school in Florida in 1991, meaning he was born between September 2, 1979 and September 1, 1980 - approximately March 2-3, 1980. He only appears alive in AKA Start at the Beginning, the middle of filming for which was approximately April 9-10, 2017, meaning he was approximately 13,552 days old. The average date of Whizzer's scenes is April 25, 2017, which, working back 13,552 days, would make his date of birth roughly March 1980.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 In Guardians of the Galaxy, it is shown that the Kidnapping of Peter Quill was "1988", and then the Battle of Morag was "26 years later". The Battle of Morag is dated as August 1, 2014, ideally putting the Kidnapping of Peter Quill around August 1, 1988. In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, it is shown that Ego and Meredith Quill spent a day together in "1980", and then the Battle on Sovereign was "34 years later". The Battle on Sovereign is dated as October 17, 2014, ideally putting this scene around October 17, 1980. However, Quill is at least 8 years old at his kidnapping, plus realistically at least two weeks to keep his mother's death clear from his birthday. At a realistic maximum, Meredith Quill is 8 weeks pregnant in the 1980 scene, putting at least 30 weeks between that scene and Peter's birth. If the 1980 scene were October 17th, the earliest Peter could be born is May 15, 1981. If the 1988 scene were August 1st, the latest Peter could be born is July 18, 1980. The average of these two dates is December 15, 1980, putting the date of the 1980 scene as May 19th, and the 1988 scene as December 29th. Peter's clothing at his kidnapping indicates the 1988 scene should not be any earlier than early-to-mid-November. So with that at the latest date of November 10, 1988, this would put Peter's birthday around October 27, 1980, and the 1980 scene at March 31, 1980. This is all somewhat corroborated by James Gunn in a Twitter post. This is further corroborated in Magnum Opus when Quill is shown to have an ALF comic, which is shown to have released on "4 JUN," in space, suggesting he was kidnapped after the comic's release.
  18. In You Know My Steez, a flashback is shown of Willis training Carl at boxing. In the background is a notice about an event coming up on "Friday November 15" (which would be 1996) and then "Monday 6-10 January" (1997), placing this around early November 1996. It is shown in Take It Personal that in May of whichever year (it refers to the car being a "1993" model, so at least 1994 or 1995 to refer to it as such), when Willis was 18 and Carl was 17, they stole a 1993 corvette. It can be assumed, considering the fact that the actors already look older than 16 and 18 in the November 1996 flashback and Mike Colter's age at the times of filming suggesting Luke would have turned 17 around the early 1990s, as well as the way the brothers' story is told, it can be assumed that they stole the car in the first May after the November 1996 flashback, May 1997. In Take It Personal, Luke says, "He was 2 years older than me," and in Now You're Mine, Willis says, "And everything was good until the preacher's wife, 2 years later, had a baby boy." With the paper saying they are 17 and 18 in May 1997, it can be assumed that they are about 1 year and 10 months apart in age, with Carl having just turned 17 and Willis about to turn 19, placing their dates of birth in April 1980 and June 1978 respectively.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Luke Cage: 1.10: Take It Personal
  20. Luke Cage: 1.13: You Know My Steez
  21. Antoine Triplett's S.H.I.E.L.D. Badge
  22. 22.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 22.05 22.06 22.07 22.08 22.09 22.10 22.11 22.12 22.13 22.14 22.15 22.16 22.17 22.18 22.19 22.20 22.21 22.22 22.23 22.24 22.25 22.26 22.27 22.28 22.29 22.30 22.31 22.32 22.33 22.34 22.35 22.36 Sometimes the Marvel Cinematic Universe alludes to people who existed in our world, and it is assumed they were born on the same day in the universe, for timeline purposes.
  23. Jessica Jones: 1.01: AKA Ladies Night
  24. 24.00 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.05 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special
  25. In Cold Steel, it is shown that Rawlins graduated senior year in 1980. Most high school graduations are around early June.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 The Punisher: 1.08: Cold Steel
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 Jessica Jones: 3.04: AKA Customer Service is Standing By
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
  29. Captain America: Civil War
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.05: Rewind
  31. 31.0 31.1 Runaways: 1.05: Kingdom
  32. Peter's To-Do List
  33. Spider-Man: Far From Home - Extended Cut
  34. Daredevil: 3.03: No Good Deed
  35. Daredevil: 3.04: Blindsided
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 Iron Man
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 Iron Man 2
  38. 38.0 38.1 Spider-Man: Far From Home
  39. Based on a weighted calculation from Chadwick Boseman's age at the time of filming Captain America: Civil War, Black Panther, and Avengers: Infinity War and working back from his scenes, and from Ashton Tyler's age at the time of filming Black Panther and working back from his scenes. The calculations for these dates and the dates that flashbacks are set are all relative to each other, and can be found in detail here.
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 Avengers: Endgame
  41. In Code of the Streets, Pop says that he last saw Reva Connors, until 2014, when he was "5". With her date of birth approximated to February 1975 (see 1970s references), specifically February 28, 1975, the middle of Connors' time as a 5-year-old (as an approximation for when she last saw Pop) would be August 28, 1980.
  42. Cloak & Dagger: 1.03: Stained Glass
  43. 43.0 43.1 Runaways: 3.06: Merry Meet Again
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Runaways: 1.06: Metamorphosis
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 I Am Groot: 1.05: Magnum Opus
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.6 Hawkeye: 1.04: Partners, Am I Right?
  47. Using Jay Ali's age at the time of filming Daredevil: Season 3, working back from the setting, Ray Nadeem would have been born around December 1980.
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 Moon Knight: 1.02: Summon the Suit
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 Ms. Marvel: 1.05: Time and Again
  50. Time and Again shows a ticket stub for when Muneeba Khan saw Bruce Springsteen on "16 1980," with the month obscured. The only real world concert that matches was in December 1980 in Boston. Springsteen never performed in Pakistan, so it can be taken that Khan saw the concert in Boston as part of her rebellious years.
  51. Jessica Jones: 2.06: AKA Facetime
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.06: Just Jen
  53. MPower: 1.01: The Women of Black Panther
  54. Jessica Jones: 3.12: AKA A Lotta Worms
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 55.5 Moon Knight: 1.01: The Goldfish Problem
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.07: The Retreat
  57. 57.00 57.01 57.02 57.03 57.04 57.05 57.06 57.07 57.08 57.09 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  58. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.08: Ribbit and Rip It
  59. In The Basement, it is said that Ridenhour and Dillard were in a relationship when Ridenhour was in "ninth, tenth, and eleventh" grade. With Ridenhour's date of birth approximated to January 1964 (see 1960s references), by the New York system, he would be in ninth grade from early September 1980 to late June 1981. Approximating when they broke up by using the middle of the school year, they would have broken up around approximately January 28, 1981.
  60. Luke Cage: 2.06: The Basement
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.06: No Normal
  62. In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Peter Quill says, "Like, he's a 45-year-old man, able-bodied, and I'm mowing his lawn" on September 14, 2026, referring to his time mowing his neighbor's lawn since returning home on September 7, suggesting that his neighbor was 45 years old the entire duration of his time so until that point. This suggests that he was born between September 17, 1980 and September 7, 1981. His birth can therefore be approximated to the midpoint of these dates, March 13, 1981.
  63. Based on a weighted calculation from Lupita Nyong'o's age at the time of filming Black Panther and working back from her scenes, and from Lidya Jewett's age at the time of filming Black Panther and working back from her deleted scene. The calculations for these dates and the dates that flashbacks are set are all relative to each other, and can be found in detail here.
  64. In Black Panther, it is shown that T'Chaka's reign lasted 35 years. With his death dated to June 22, 2016 (see references on 2016), taking into account the possibility of the simple math of "2016 - 1981 = 35" as well, a weighted average for 35 years prior gives approximately June 25, 1981.
  65. 65.0 65.1 Black Panther
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 66.3 66.4 Spider-Man: No Way Home
  67. 67.0 67.1 Captain America: The First Avenger
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 Luke Cage: 1.04: Step in the Arena
  69. Doctor Strange
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 Luke Cage: 2.05: All Souled Out
  71. Daredevil: 3.02: Please
  72. Runaways: 3.09: The Broken Circle
  73. 73.0 73.1 Echo: 1.01: Chafa
  74. 74.0 74.1 74.2 74.3 Marvel Television Live Auction Lot #503: New York Nine Newspaper Clipping
  75. 75.0 75.1 Cloak & Dagger: 2.01: Restless Energy
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 Jessica Jones: 3.02: AKA You're Welcome
  77. 77.0 77.1 Echo: 1.04: Taloa
  78. 78.0 78.1 Based on Katarina Ziervogel's age at the time of filming Echo: Season 1 and working back from the setting of her scenes, Taloa Lopez can be taken to have been born in November 1981.
  79. 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 Luke Cage: 2.04: I Get Physical
  80. Marvel Television Live Auction Lot #129: Small New York Bulletin Laminated Press Vehicle Pass
  81. 81.0 81.1 81.2 81.3 81.4 Jessica Jones: 3.10: AKA Hero Pants
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 82.3 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.01: A Normal Amount of Rage
  83. 83.0 83.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.01: Pilot
  84. Maria Hill's S.H.I.E.L.D. ID Badge
  85. 85.0 85.1 85.2 85.3 85.4 85.5 85.6 85.7 Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
  86. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.21: The Force of Gravity
  87. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.17: The Honeymoon
  88. 88.000 88.001 88.002 88.003 88.004 88.005 88.006 88.007 88.008 88.009 88.010 88.011 88.012 88.013 88.014 88.015 88.016 88.017 88.018 88.019 88.020 88.021 88.022 88.023 88.024 88.025 88.026 88.027 88.028 88.029 88.030 88.031 88.032 88.033 88.034 88.035 88.036 88.037 88.038 88.039 88.040 88.041 88.042 88.043 88.044 88.045 88.046 88.047 88.048 88.049 88.050 88.051 88.052 88.053 88.054 88.055 88.056 88.057 88.058 88.059 88.060 88.061 88.062 88.063 88.064 88.065 88.066 88.067 88.068 88.069 88.070 88.071 88.072 88.073 88.074 88.075 88.076 88.077 88.078 88.079 88.080 88.081 88.082 88.083 88.084 88.085 88.086 88.087 88.088 88.089 88.090 88.091 88.092 88.093 88.094 88.095 88.096 88.097 88.098 88.099 88.100 Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster.
  89. In Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., the narrative says, "I follow Chen to the area where the women can opt for a short cut-unless, like me, they have spent the last two years growing their hair out so that it'll all pull back into a tight bun that's a maximum of three inches in circumference and doesn't touch the top of the collar." This line is during a scene set July 6, 1984 (see other references), so it can be taken that Danvers started growing out her hair in July 1982.
  90. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.19: Failed Experiments
  91. In Failed Experiments, on June 20, 2016 (see 2016 references), JT James says, "I'm James. Single, 33, originally from Brisbane. I'm a Leo, with a little dab of Scorpio thrown in there for good measure." In astrology, Leos are born between July 23 and August 22. With James being 33 on June 20, 2016, he would have been born between July 23 and August 22, 1982. His date of birth can be approximated to the midpoint of this range, August 7, 1982.
  92. Marvel's The Punisher Online Auction Lot #206: Set of Krista Dumont's Accessories
  93. 93.0 93.1 Luke Cage: 1.11: Now You're Mine
  94. 94.0 94.1 94.2 Luke Cage: 2.12: Can't Front on Me
  95. 95.0 95.1 95.2 95.3 Serinda Swan says that Black Bolt went through Terrigenesis at 14, and that Medusa "was the only one that was brave enough to walk into a room where, with one breath, he could kill her, and from 14 they build this language together, so there's this like, there's this bond between them." This means they met at age 14, both around the same age. Based on a weighted average working with this information, Anson Mount, Serinda Swan, Eme Ikwuakor, Iwan Rheon, and Isabelle Cornish's ages at the middle of filming for Inhumans: Season 1, working back from when it is set, as well as Lofton Show, Aidan Fiske, and Leila Bootsma's ages at the middle of filming for the show, the characters' dates of birth would be Black Bolt around October 1982, Medusa around April 1983, Gorgon around May 1985, Maximus around June 1985, and Crystal around September 1991, with Black Bolt and Medusa meeting when Medusa is nearly 14½ and Black Bolt is about to turn 15, in September 1997. To see the maths and calculations, check here.
  96. 96.0 96.1 96.2 Inhumans: 1.01: The First Chapter - Behold... The Inhumans!
  97. 97.0 97.1 97.2 Inhumans: 1.03: Divide -- And Conquer
  98. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.05: Truth
  99. In The Star-Spangled Man and Truth, it is said that Isaiah Bradley was held in prison for "thirty years" after his imprisonment in 1952. Since Bradley was broken out of prison rather than released, this does not necessarily refer to "exactly thirty years," but could also refer to "three decades later," so in the 1980s, or "during the thirtieth year after," so during 1982. A weighted calculation would place his escape on approximately November 20, 1982.
  100. Based on Lucia Scarano's age when filming the first season of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law/Season One and working back from the setting of her episode, Cheryll would have been born in approximately March 1980 if she was killed in the Snap and August 1985 if she was not. Her birth can therefore be approximated to the midpoint of these dates, December 1982.
  101. Based on Ben Barnes' ages at the times of filming The Punisher: Season 1 and 2 and working back from the settings of each season, Billy Russo would have been born around July 1981. However, Russo's date of birth is given as "11/19/1977" on Marvel's The Punisher Online Auction Lot #144: Billy Russo's Tooth and Accessories, "12/03/82" on Marvel's The Punisher Online Auction Lot #218: Frank Castle's Hospital Gown with Three Billy Russo Hospital Bracelets, and "09/10/83" on Marvel's The Punisher Online Auction Lot #186: Billy Russo's Plain White Mask and Hospital File. Given December 3, 1982 is the closest option to July 1981, as well as the fact that it is the median of these three dates, Russo can be taken to have been born on this date.
  102. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.01: Orientation Part One
  103. 103.0 103.1 Stark Expo: 1.05: Fujikawa: A Stark Industries Subsdiary
  104. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.19: The Dirty Half Dozen
  105. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.03: The Asset
  106. 106.0 106.1 Runaways: 1.01: Reunion
  107. 107.0 107.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.04: Code Yellow
  108. Runaways: 3.02: The Great Escape
  109. 109.0 109.1 Cloak & Dagger: 2.04: Rabbit Hold
  110. Cloak & Dagger: 2.08: Two Player
  111. 111.0 111.1 Cloak & Dagger: 2.10: Level Up
  112. Runaways: 3.04: Rite of Thunder
  113. 113.0 113.1 113.2 Luke Cage: 1.07: Manifest
  114. 114.0 114.1 114.2 114.3 114.4 Black Widow
  115. 115.0 115.1 115.2 115.3 115.4 Hawkeye: 1.05: Ronin
  116. 116.0 116.1 116.2 116.3 116.4 116.5 Ms. Marvel: 1.02: Crushed
  117. Ms. Marvel: 1.03: Destined
  118. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
  119. Based on Rhys Coiro's age during the filming of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season One and working backward from the setting of his scenes, Donny Blaze can be taken to have been born in March 1983.
  120. 120.00 120.01 120.02 120.03 120.04 120.05 120.06 120.07 120.08 120.09 Through a series of calculations, taking into account actor ages working back from present events and flashback settings, and evidence from Luke Cage, it can be found that Nandi Tyler was born around April 1983, Misty Knight was born around April 1984 (fitting with her being said in Wig Out to have been 5 when Mike Tyson first lost on February 11, 1990, and with it being said in Straighten It Out that Tyler was the school year above Misty Knight), the "mid 80's [sic]" The Creator flashbacks are set around February 11, 1985, Tilda Johnson was born around August 1985 (fitting with it being said in For Pete's Sake that she was 3 at some point after Peter Stokes' death, dated to April 6, 1987 (see other references)), Pop visiting Mama Mabel's and Cornell having to kill Donnie is set around January 13, 1987, the "two years later" The Creator flashbacks are set around March 18, 1987 (fitting as "two years later" after February 11, 1985 but before Peter Stokes' April 6, 1987 death), and Pop and his crew being photographed by Jamel Shabazz is set around February 14, 1988. The full calculations can be found here.
  121. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.11: Aftershocks
  122. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.06: The Good Samaritan
  123. 123.0 123.1 123.2 123.3 Eternals
  124. Based on a weighted calculation from Michael B. Jordan's age at the time of filming Black Panther and working back from his scenes, and from Seth Carr's age at the time of filming Black Panther and working back from his scenes. The calculations for these dates and the dates that flashbacks are set are all relative to each other, and can be found in detail here.
  125. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.04: Eye-Spy
  126. Marvel's The Punisher Online Auction Lot #258: Dinah Madani's Sunglasses, Watches, and Hospital Tags
  127. 127.0 127.1 127.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.02: Window of Opportunity
  128. In Captain Marvel, Akira Akbar, who plays Rambeau in the main events (1995), is credited as "Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old)" (with this also externally confirmed), making Rambeau approximately 11.5. Akira Akbar herself was 11.6 years old during filming, suggesting Rambeau is slightly closer to 11.99 than 11.0. Overall, 1995 Rambeau's appearances would suggest she was born around December 1983.
    Azari Akbar, who plays Rambeau in flashbacks (late 1980s), is credited as "Monica Rambeau (5 Years Old)", making Rambeau approximately 5.5. Azari Akbar herself was 6.7 years old during filming, suggesting Rambeau is slightly closer to 5.99 than 5.0. Working forwards from December 1989, her appearances would then be around mid-1989. They cannot be later than June 21, 1989, with Danvers disappearing on June 22, 1989 (see 1980s references) and the appearances set before then.
    Two photos are shown of Azari Akbar's 5-year-old Monica Rambeau in the film: one from a Halloween, and one from a Christmas, both before Danvers' disappearance. So, the closest Halloween and Christmas to the ideal mid-1989 placement for Azari Akbar's appearances, while still being pre-June 22, 1989, are Halloween 1988 and Christmas 1988.
    With these then firmly placed, working back from Rambeau being roughly a little over 5.5, this would then suggest Rambeau was born around April 1983. Combined with the aforementioned evidence for around December 1983, taking a weighted calculation, Rambeau's date of birth can then overall be approximated to September 1983. The full details of the calculations may be found here.
  129. 129.0 129.1 Cloak & Dagger: 1.02: Suicide Sprints
  130. Spider-Man: Far From Home - Deleted Scene
  131. Using Wilson Bethel's age at the time of filming Daredevil: Season 3, working back from the setting, Benjamin Poindexter would have been born around November 1983.
  132. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.01: Orientation Part One
  133. In Time and Again, pictures of Muneeba Khan are described as being from when she was the age Kamala Khan is during the events of the episode. Kamala is said to be sixteen in Generation Why, and Muneeba's birth is approximated to May 1967 (see 1960s references). The photos can therefore be approximated to November 1983.
  134. In Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., the narrative says that "the driver's-side front door has been busted for months now" as of July 6, 1984 (see other references). "Months" could realistically refer to more than two months and less than a year, meaning the door would have broken between July 1983 and May 1984. The door can therefore be approximated to have broken in December 1983.
  135. 135.0 135.1 135.2 Luke Cage: 1.01: Moment of Truth
  136. 136.0 136.1 136.2 136.3 136.4 136.5 136.6 136.7 136.8 Runaways: 1.04: Fifteen
  137. 137.0 137.1 Hawkeye: 1.06: So This Is Christmas?
  138. 138.0 138.1 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
  139. The narrative in Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster. says that Carol Danvers was "eighteen" when she received advice from her favorite high school teacher. With Danvers' birth dated to September 1965 (see 1960s references), this conversation would have occurred between September 1983 and June 1984, during the school year in which Danvers turned eighteen. The midpoint of these dates can be used to approximate the conversation, placing it in January 1984.
  140. 140.0 140.1 In Cold Steel, Sarah Lieberman says on November 28, 2016 that she has kissed no one other than David for "15 years", implying that her first kiss with David was 15 years ago, in 2001. David later says that their first kiss was in "junior year", implying they would have been born around 1985. However, Ebon Moss-Bachrach was 39 and Jaime Ray Newman was 38 at the time of filming The Punisher: Season 1, set in late 2016, suggesting they were born closer to 1977-1978. Overall, it can be calculated that they were born around February 1984, juniors 2000-2001, and first kissed around February 7, 2001. The details of the calculations can be found here.
  141. 141.0 141.1 141.2 141.3 141.4 141.5 141.6 Ant-Man and the Wasp
  142. Jessica Jones: 3.03: AKA I Have No Spleen
  143. Jessica Jones: 3.11: AKA Hellcat
  144. 144.0 144.1 Jessica Jones: 3.13: AKA Everything
  145. 145.0 145.1 145.2 145.3 145.4 Guardians of the Galaxy
  146. 146.0 146.1 146.2 146.3 146.4 146.5 146.6 Loki: 1.02: The Variant
  147. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.01: Laws of Nature
  148. 148.0 148.1 Cloak & Dagger: 1.06: Funhouse Mirrors
  149. 149.0 149.1 149.2 149.3 149.4 149.5 149.6 149.7 It is said in Stick and The Perfect Game that Matt Murdock was "9" when he lost his sight. With that dated to May 12, 1994 (see 1990s references), he would have been born between May 13, 1984 and May 12, 1985. Him starting college is dated to Fall 2003 (see 2000s references), which would imply he was around 18 at the time, suggesting he was born between September 1, 1984 and August 31, 1985, so overall likely between September 1, 1984 and May 12, 1985. It is implied in Stick that Murdock is no longer 9 by his first meeting with Stick, as he refers to being blinded when he was 9. With that scene dated to January 12, 1995 (see 1990s references), this would mean he was 10 by then, so born no later than January 12, 1985, and thus likely between September 1, 1984 and January 12, 1985.
    In Revelations, Maggie Grace is said in flashbacks to be 3 weeks from taking her vows as a nun when she meets Jack Murdock, and in present day explains when she conceived Matt, she had not yet taken her vows. So, Grace becoming a nun must have been shortly after Matt's conception, about 9 months before his birth. This would mean she became a nun approximately between December 1983 and April 1984. She states in September 2017 (see 2017 references), in Resurrection, that she has been a nun for "30 years". So, while she must be rounding down whatever the case, April 1984 works best, and therefore an approximate early January 1985 date of birth for Matt Murdock.
    Assuming Murdock's 30th birthday must occur in January 2015 before the events of Daredevil: Season 1, the latest Murdock could have been born is January 8, 1985. Assuming his date of birth is around then, 267 days earlier (an average pregnancy from conception to birth) would put Jack Murdock and Maggie Grace sleeping together as around April 16, 1984. Assuming that this was later in the 3-week span between them meeting and Grace becoming a nun, rather than earlier, it can be estimated to around 2 days before her vows (not the day before, as she would likely mention that detail when saying it was before her vows, were that the case). So, Grace becoming a nun can be approximated to April 18, 1984, and her meeting Jack Murdock therefore March 28, 1984.
    With Murdock appearing to be roughly 3-4 months old in the scene showing Grace's post-partum depression, this is estimated to 3.5 months after his approximate date of birth, so April 23, 1985.
  150. 150.0 150.1 150.2 150.3 150.4 Daredevil: 3.09: Revelations
  151. 151.0 151.1 151.2 151.3 151.4 Luke Cage: 2.03: Wig Out
  152. Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster. describes Carol Danvers' experience being accepted into the United States Air Force. Danvers started at United States Air Force Academy on July 6, 1984 (see other references), and the Air Force Academy sends acceptance letters in April, so it can be taken that Danvers received her acceptance then.
  153. 153.0 153.1 Ant-Man: Larger Than Life
  154. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.04: Is This Not Real Magic?
  155. Aaron Davis' NYPD file
  156. 156.0 156.1 Spider-Man: Homecoming
  157. In Cold Steel, it is shown that Rawlins graduated college in 1984. Most college graduations are around late May.
  158. 158.0 158.1 158.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.04: Seeing Red
  159. Helstrom: 1.01: Mother's Little Helpers
  160. In Black Widow, an ultrasound image of Natasha Romanoff is shown. Romanoff is slightly bigger than a twelve-week old fetus. The average pregnancy lasts 280 days, and Romanoff can be taken to be roughly 12.5 weeks into her development in the ultrasound. The ultrasound can therefore be placed 194 days before Romanoff's December 3, 1984 date of birth (see other references), on May 24, 1984.
  161. Based on weighted calculations from Zoe Saldana's age at the time of filming Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and Avengers: Infinity War working back from the dates each film is set, and Ariana Greenblatt's age at the time of filming Avengers: Infinity War working back from when the Massacre of the Zehoberei takes place. The Massacre of the Zehoberei's placement is also connected to these calculations, all explained here.
  162. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.12: The Real Deal
  163. In Fifteen, Brooks Watten is shown to have been "17" when he died. With his death dated to April 2002 (see 2000s references), Watten would have been born between April 1984 and April 1985, so approximately October 1984. Josh Pafcheck was 25 at the time of filming, however, suggesting Watten was born earlier in that range, so his date of birth may ultimately be approximated to July 1984.
  164. 164.00 164.01 164.02 164.03 164.04 164.05 164.06 164.07 164.08 164.09 164.10 164.11 164.12 164.13 164.14 164.15 164.16 164.17 164.18 164.19 164.20 164.21 164.22 164.23 164.24 164.25 164.26 164.27 164.28 164.29 164.30 164.31 164.32 164.33 164.34 164.35 164.36 164.37 164.38 164.39 164.40 164.41 164.42 164.43 164.44 164.45 164.46 164.47 164.48 At the start of Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., the narrative says, "I start at the United States Air Force Academy today." Behind-the-scenes photos for Captain Marvel reveal a flashback to Carol Danvers' time in basic training, in which she struggles to climb a rope, as occurring in "1984." This is further supported by Higher, Further, Faster., as during Danvers' basic training, Erik Del Orbe says, "I heard they might be flying the brand-new F-Sixteens instead of those old T-thirty-eights." Although the F-16 Fighting Falcons were introduced in 1978, the F-16C/D variants were introduced in 1984, with the changeover happening in the 1983 season. The first day of processing for recruits in 1984 started on July 6, placing the first day then. Chapter 3 then picks up the following day, followed by Danvers making amends with Tom Bianchi in "week three" of training, placing the scene on July 28, 1984. The rest of the chapter then occurs on what is described as "the final day of First Beast." First Beast lasts twenty-seven days, placing the rest of the chapter on August 3, 1984.
    In Chapter 5, one of the trainers yells "You won't last a week!" This suggests that the insult is yelled during the first week of the Second Beast, but the narrative then says, "We're in the thick of Second Beast in Jacks Valley," suggesting it has been several days. It is later said that basic training lasted "thirty-seven days," making the Second Beast ten days long. The three events which occur during the Second Beast: Danvers crawling through mud; Danvers attempting the rope challenge, including the flashback from Captain Marvel; and the recuits going through Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear training. The events can be placed among the first five days of the Second Beast, putting them on August 6, 8, and 9, 1984, respectively.
    Chapter 6 is then on the final day of Basic Training, placing it thirty-seven days after July 6, so on August 13, 1984. Danvers and Maria Rambeau then meet Jack Thompson and Bonnie Thompson the following Sunday, August 19, and the first day of classes is said to be "tomorrow," placing the latter portion of Chapter 8 as well as Chapter 9 on August 20.
  165. In Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., Carol Danvers is said to have gotten scolded for dust in her "first dorm inspection." Danvers' time in her residence hall is very limited on her first full day of training, July 7, 1984 (see other references), so it can be taken that dorm inspections started the following day, July 8, 1984.
  166. Jessica Jones: 2.10: AKA Pork Chop
  167. In All Souled Out, Cockroach Hamilton says he started fighting when he was "8". With his date of birth approximated to March 1976 (see 1970s references), specifically March 4, 1976, the middle of Hamilton's time as an 8-year-old (as an approximation for when he started fighting) would be September 2, 1984.
  168. WandaVision: 1.08: Previously On
  169. 169.0 169.1 169.2 In Chapter 10 of Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., the narrative says, "After weeks of ground lessons with Jack and Bonnie, it's finally time to fly." "Weeks" could refer to between two and seven weeks before becoming "months," suggesting that it has been approximately five weeks after they started their lessons on August 19, 1984 (see other references), placing the chapter's events on September 23, 1984. This aligns with Chapter 11 saying, "We've gone from fall into the beginnings of winter," suggesting that Chapter 10 was still set in the fall.
  170. Using Deborah Ann Woll's ages at the times of filming Daredevil: Seasons 1 and 2, The Defenders: Season 1, The Punisher: Season 1, Daredevil: Season 3, and The Punisher: Season 2 and working back from the settings, Karen Page would have been born around February 1985. This partially informs the dating of the flashback events of Karen to March 2004 (see 2000s references), with it said to be her gap year, but at the same time other evidence also places it in March 2004, thus suggesting Page graduated high school in Spring 2003, making her most likely born between September 1984 and August 1985, so also around early 1985. On Marvel Television Live Auction Lot #368: Karen Page's New York Bulletin Press Badge and News Agency Identification, it is shown that Page is supposed to be "31" (even though the ID says male, it is intended to be hers) during the main events of Daredevil: Season 2 in October-November 2015 (see 2015 references), so likely born around the first half of 1984. Overall, a calculation gives approximately October 1984 for Page's date of birth.
  171. 171.00 171.01 171.02 171.03 171.04 171.05 171.06 171.07 171.08 171.09 171.10 Hawkeye - Deleted Scene
  172. 172.00 172.01 172.02 172.03 172.04 172.05 172.06 172.07 172.08 172.09 172.10 In the Hawkeye deleted scene "You Never Miss," a baseball game can be heard on the radio, which matches a game played on October 10, 1980 in the real world. However, a title card shows the scene to be set in "1984." It can therefore be taken that this game happened four years later than in the real world, and that the deleted scenes are set on October 9th and October 10th, 1984.
  173. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.15: Spacetime
  174. In Time and Again, pictures of Muneeba Khan are described as being from when she was the age Kamala Khan is during the events of the episode. Kamala is said to be sixteen in Generation Why, and Muneeba's birth is approximated to May 1967 (see 1960s references). The photos can therefore be approximated to November 1983.
  175. In If It Ain't Rough, It Ain't Right, it is said that Shades and Comanche met when they were both "7". With Shades being born on May 11, 1977 (stated in Can't Front on Me) and Comanche's date of birth approximated to May 1977 (see 1970s references), specifically May 21, 1977, the period when they were both 7 would be May 21, 1984 to May 10, 1985. Approximating with the middle of this period, they likely met around November 14, 1984.
  176. 176.0 176.1 Luke Cage: 2.08: If It Ain't Rough, It Ain't Right
  177. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.07: Toldja
  178. 178.0 178.1 Luke Cage: 1.12: Soliloquy of Chaos
  179. Donald Blake's Birth Date - November 21, 1984
  180. Leah Gibson was born on January 3, 1985, making her 11,860 days old at the middle of filming for Jessica Jones: Season 2 on June 24, 2017. The middle of the season is set on May 22, 2017, which, working back 11,860 days, would make her date of birth roughly December 1984.
  181. Runaways: 3.01: Smoke and Mirrors
  182. 182.0 182.1 182.2 182.3 182.4 182.5 182.6 182.7 182.8 In Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., Carol Danvers asks, "I mean it's been how many months since you first asked us where we go when we leave campus?" Tom Bianchi then responds, "Three and a half, really almost four." Bianchi first asked on August 20, 1984 (see other references). A weighted calculation places this chapter on December 13, 1984, aligning with the chapter saying "We've gone from fall into the beginnings of winter."
    In Chapter 12, the narrative says, "I look over at her beaming face, finally beginning to let go of the lingering stench of yesterday's run-in with Jenks," referring to events from Chapter 11. This places the chapter on December 14. The following chapter then describes Danvers and Maria Rambeau's next lesson with Jack and Bonnie Thompson, which occurs on Sundays, placing the scene on December 16, 1984.
  183. In Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau are briefly said to take their private pilot's license tests in Chapter 14. The narrative then says, "I'd been fully expecting him to come back over to me at the next Soaring class and ask if I'd learned anything at the air show like he'd asked," later adding, "But Jenks hasn't so much as looked my way for the last several weeks." This implies that the private pilot's license test, which happened after Danvers and Rambeau's final lesson on the Sunday after the air show, occurred before the next Introduction to Soaring class after the air show. Danvers is shown having Introduction to Soaring on Mondays, so it can be taken that Danvers and Rambeau took the test on Sunday, December 16, after their lesson.
  184. In The Creator, it is said that Bushmaster and Sheldon met when they were "11". With both dates of birth approximated to June 1973 (see 1970s references), specifically June 16, 1973 for Sheldon and June 23, 1973 for Bushmaster, the time when they were both 11 would be June 23, 1984-June 15, 1985, so the middle of their shared time as 11-year-olds (as an approximation for when they met) would be December 19, 1984.
  185. 185.0 185.1 185.2 185.3 185.4 185.5 185.6 185.7 Luke Cage: 2.11: The Creator
  186. Babies tend to be in diapers for around 2-3 years. Using this average, the latest Danvers could have helped change Monica Rambeau's diapers is around March 1986. The midpoint of this date and Rambeau's September 1983 birth (see other references) can be used for the incident, placing it on December 24, 1984.
  187. 187.0 187.1 187.2 The Marvels
  188. 188.0 188.1 188.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.18: The Frenemy of My Enemy
  189. In The Goldfish Problem, a sign on a store says that it is "CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF BUSINESS" in April 2025 (see 2025 references). It can therefore be taken that the store opened in 1985.
  190. Iron Fist: 1.08: The Blessing of Many Fractures
  191. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.14: The Devil Complex
  192. Cloak & Dagger: 1.05: Princeton Offense
  193. 193.0 193.1 193.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.01: Generation Why
  194. 194.0 194.1 194.2 194.3 194.4 194.5 In Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., the narrative says, "But Jenks hasn't so much as looked my way for the last several weeks" since the air show on December 14, 1984 (see other references). A weighted calculation places this chapter, as well as Chapter 15, which is set on the same day, on January 17, 1985.
  195. In Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., the narrative says, "Without uttering a word, Maria and I have both gone about our days, careful not to disturb or even acknolwedge the envelopes in any way," implying that it was several days before they opened their emvelopes on January 31, 1985 (see other references). They are still waiting during Chapters 14 and 15, which are set on January 17, 1985 (see other references), so they can be taken to have received the results between these chapters, approximately January 24, 1985.
  196. 196.0 196.1 196.2 In Chapter 14 of Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster., the narrative says, "When we asked how long it'd take to get our results, the woman shrugged her shoulders and estimated a month or two. If it takes one month, everything is fine. If it takes two, all this was for nothing." Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau then receive their envelopes in time to sign up for Flying Falcons tryouts in Chapter 16, placing the events of the chapter between one and two months after they took their tests on the reasoned date December 16, 1984 (see other references). They have class that day, so the events of the chapter can be placed on the nearest weekday to the midpoint of one and two months after the test, placing the chapter on January 31, 1985.
  197. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Stephen Strange says that he and Donna Strange were "kids" when Donna died. Stephen's birthday is approximated to August 1976. Children start to form memories at two years old, so this would have happened between then and Stephen's seventeenth birthday. It can therefore be approximated that Donna died on the midpoint of these birthdays, February 18, 1985. This fits with being winter, when a lake would be frozen.
  198. Thor: Love and Thunder
  199. 199.00 199.01 199.02 199.03 199.04 199.05 199.06 199.07 199.08 199.09 199.10 199.11 199.12 199.13 199.14 199.15 199.16 199.17 199.18 199.19 199.20 Chapters 19 and 20 of Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster. are set over the three days of the Recognition ceremony at the end of the 1984-1985 academic year at Untied States Air Force Academy. In March 2019, which shared the same days of the week as March 1985, Recognition spanned Thursday, March 7-Saturday, March 9, so the events of these chapters can be taken to span March 7-9, 1985. This fits with Carol Danvers saying, at the end of the second day, that it is "Friday," which fits with Recognition seemingly spanning Thursday-Saturday based on the March 2019 dates. Danvers and Rambeau then listen to planes together the following day, March 10, 1985.
    On Friday, Jenks posts the results of the Flying Falcons tryouts which occur in Chapter 17. In that chapter, it is said that, "At the end of the week, Jenks will post the names of the two people who have made the team outside of that weird little office with the cool secretary where Maria and I signed up." Later that day, in Chapter 18, Danvers and Maria Rambeau celebrate the tryouts with Jack and Bonnie Thompson, with whom they had been meeting on Sundays. It can therefore be taken that these chapters occur the Sunday prior to Recognition, March 3, 1985.
  200. In Fifteen, Adam Cooper is shown to have been "18" when he died. With his death dated to October 2003 (see 2000s references), Cooper would have been born between October 1984 and October 1985, so approximately April 1985.
  201. 201.0 201.1 201.2 201.3 201.4 201.5 Throughout Loki, various alternate timelines are presented which were created as a result of time travel, with the histories of those timelines being identical until the arrival of the time travelers. It can therefore be taken that certain events after the arrival, which are unaffected by the intervention of the time travelers, happened in the main timeline of the MCU as well.
  202. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.22: Ascension
  203. Inhumans: 1.07: Havoc in the Hidden Land
  204. Based on Olli Haaskivi's age at the time of filming The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and working backward from the setting of his episode, Power Broker, considering his disappearance in the Snap for 5 years, 4 months, and 18 days, Wilfred Nagel would have been born in approximately May 1985.
  205. Trish Walker is in the same New York school year as Jessica Jones. With Jones born in 1985 (see other references) and the New York school years being based on calendar year of birth, this means Walker would also be born in 1985, making her date of birth approximately mid-1985 (July 2, 1985). However, a calculation based on Rachael Taylor's age at the times of filming Jessica Jones: Season 1, The Defenders: Season 1, and Jessica Jones: Season 2 and working back from each season's timeline setting, then taking a weighted average, would place Walker's date of birth around March 1984. Since this is a little earlier than mid-1985 and Walker's date of birth is flexible within 1985, it can be assumed that she was born slightly earlier than the approximation of the middle of 1985, around June 1985.
  206. 206.0 206.1 In Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff is briefly shown as a baby. She appears to be approximately six months old. A weighted average would place this within the sixth month after she was born on December 24, 1984 (see other references), so on June 7, 1985.
  207. 207.0 207.1 Agatha All Along: 1.01: Seekest Thou the Road
  208. 208.0 208.1 208.2 Jessica Jones: 1.09: AKA Sin Bin
  209. Jessica Jones: 1.08: AKA WWJD?
  210. Runaways: 1.02: Rewind
  211. 211.0 211.1 211.2 211.3 Agatha All Along: 1.06: Familiar by Thy Side
  212. 212.0 212.1 212.2 212.3 212.4 212.5 Luke Cage: 2.09: For Pete's Sake
  213. The Punisher: 2.02: Fight or Flight
  214. In Time and Again, a ticket for the Day on the Green is shown on the same page as a ticket for a Bruce Springsteen concert in "1980" in a photo album. Springsteen performed the Day on the Green in 1985 and 1988. In order to keep the tickets on the same page closer together, it can be taken that Muneeba Khan attended the 1985 performance.
  215. In AKA Take a Bloody Number, it is shown that the medical bills for Jessica following her family's car crash are from "04/13/00", meaning the crash was in April 2000, presumably leaving for an Easter holiday. In AKA You're a Winner!, it is shown that the least time the Jones family updated Jessica's height on the height chart was at "Jessica 14 yrs", and in AKA WWJD?, Kilgrave discusses how he returned everything to how the family left it on the day of the crash, and says, "Just imagine little 14-year-old you." With her being 14 in April 2000, this would mean she was born around October 1985.
  216. Jessica Jones: 1.12: AKA Take a Bloody Number
  217. Moon Knight: 1.04: The Tomb
  218. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.15: Rise and Shine
  219. 219.0 219.1 In Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King, it is said that Trevor Slattery's mother "passed in 1986", but he was busy in America with Caged Heat when it happened. Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline dates the event of him being cast through to his mother's death as "1985-1986", implying he was likely cast at the beginning of traditional U.S. TV "pilot season" around December 1985, then filming around February 1986 when his mother died.
  220. 220.0 220.1 Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King
  221. 221.0 221.1 221.2 221.3 Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline
  222. In AKA The Double Half-Wappinger, it is said that when Sallinger killed Silva in April 2003 (see 2000s references), he was in "senior year". So, Sallinger's date of birth, by the New York school year cutoff system, would be in 1985. In AKA I Wish, Jessica Jones has a file for a "John Smith" among the Sallinger files, with a "12/12/1985" date of birth. Given it is part of Sallinger's files and matches his 1985 year of birth, it can be taken that the "John Smith" name is for an unidentified male subject and refers to Sallinger, making his date of birth December 12, 1985.
  223. Jessica Jones: 3.05: AKA I Wish
  224. Daredevil: 3.05: The Perfect Game
  225. Daredevil: 3.08: Upstairs/Downstairs
  226. Echo: 1.02: Lowak
  227. Brian 'Sene' Marc was born in February 1986, with the middle of filming for Luke Cage: Season 1 being December 2015. Chico's scenes are set in November 2015, so working back, he would have been born around January 1986. In Moment of Truth, Chico says, "[my father] walked out on me and moms when I was 9," placing this around July 1995.
  228. 228.0 228.1 Luke Cage: 1.02: Code of the Streets
  229. The Punisher: 2.08: My Brother's Keeper
  230. Using Meredith Salenger's age at the time of filming No Good Deed, working back from the setting, Lily Ellison would have been born around January 1970. However, using Chris Carfizzi's age at the time of filming No Good Deed, working back from the setting, Jason Ellison would have been born around April 1975. Jason says Mitchell and Lily Ellison renewed their wedding vows when he was 8, but, using these ages, Lily would have only been around 13. So, Lily Ellison must have been born earlier than January 1970, and Jason later than April 1975. Adjusting so that Lily was at least 18, it can be calculated that Lily was born around January 1968 and Jason late January 1977, with the vows renewed around January 28, 1986, just after Lily turned 18 and before Jason turned 9. The details of the calculation may be found here.
  231. 231.0 231.1 In For Pete's Sake, Mariah Dillard reveals that her previous comment about only becoming pregnant with Tilda just before Jackson's death was a lie, and that as Tom Ridenhour commented in On and On, her age is also a lie. She reveals that Tilda was already born when she got together with Jackson, just that Jackson's parents did not care as they were delighted that he seemingly was not homosexual. She also reveals that she was engaged at the time of Peter Stokes' death. So, them entering into the relationship and getting engaged is between Tilda's date of birth, approximated to August 1985 (see other references), specifically August 20, 1985, and Peter Stokes' death on April 6, 1987 (see other references). Therefore, them entering into the relationship can be dated to approximately ⅓ between these dates: March 6, 1986, and them getting engaged can be dated to approximately ⅔ between these dates: September 20, 1986.
  232. The Avengers - Deleted Scene
  233. In Fifteen, Jamie Baxter is shown to have been "18" when he died. With his death dated to October 2004 (see 2000s references), Baxter would have been born between October 1985 and October 1986, so approximately April 1986.
  234. In Containment, Gabriella Rosetti reads on Florence Williams' file that she is "age 34" on October 20, 2020 (see 2020 references). This places Williams' birth between October 21, 1985 and October 20, 1986. The midpoint of this range can be used to approximated Williams' birth, April 20, 1986.
  235. Helstrom: 1.04: Containment
  236. The Defenders: 1.04: Royal Dragon
  237. In Captain Marvel, a photo is shown of Carol Danvers with a drink after she "graduated". While this could be taken as graduating high school, Danvers looks to be at least in her 20s, and seems to have an alcoholic drink, which would make her at least 21 since she is in California. It can therefore be taken as graduating college, and since this is likely spring, at least 1986 (with Danvers' date of birth approximated to August 1964, see 1960s references). Using 1986, since this is already 4 years after finishing high school - plausible for finishing college, but any later years become decreasingly plausible. So, approximately May 1986.
  238. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.09: ...Ye Who Enter Here
  239. Iron Man 3 Prelude
  240. 240.0 240.1 Agatha All Along: 1.08: Follow Me My Friend / To Glory at the End
  241. Luke Cage: 2.01: Soul Brother #1
  242. Abilash Tandon's New Jersey Driver's Licence
  243. WandaVision: 1.04: We Interrupt This Program
  244. Avengers: Infinity War
  245. Bus Blueprints
  246. In Danger Close, Marion James says on December 13, 2016 that she has worked for the country for "30 years". This would specifically suggest December 1986 (30 years before December 2016), if not generally (so approximately mid) 1986 (30 years before 2016), if not even more generally (so approximately mid) 1980s (30 years before the 2010s). Putting more weight in specifically December 1986 than mid-1986, and more weight in mid-1986 than the mid-1980s, it can be calculated that James began her work around August 30, 1986.
  247. The Punisher: 1.11: Danger Close
  248. Hawkeye: 1.01: Never Meet Your Heroes
  249. Iron Fist: 1.09: The Mistress of All Agonies
  250. In The Mistress of All Agonies, Harold Meachum enters the passcode for a Rand Enterprises door, remembering it to be "Ward's birthday." He enters "091986", meaning Ward's birthday is 09/19/86 - September 19, 1986. In Snow Gives Way, Ward says, "I was 15 when [the Rands] died." This definitively places the air crash between September 19, 2001 and September 18, 2002.
  251. Runaways: 3.10: Cheat The Gallows
  252. 252.0 252.1 252.2 Werewolf by Night
  253. 253.0 253.1 Niches in the Bloodstone Manor's mausoleum
  254. Jessica Jones: 2.08: AKA Ain't We Got Fun
  255. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.08: The Last Day
  256. In Take It Personal, Jake Smith states that he has been working for the New York City Police Department for 28 years since December 2nd, 2015 (see 2015 references). 2015 - 28 = 1987: Therefore, Smith joined in the NYPD in 1987.
  257. Loki: 1.06: For All Time. Always.
  258. An article in Iron Man says that Stark invented his two robots at "only 16" years old. Stark was born on May 29, 1970, placing this invention between May 29, 1986 and May 28, 1987. The article goes on to say that Stark was presented with the "MIT Robot Design Award," which matches an annual competition held at MIT in January. Stark inventing the robots and winning the award can therefore be placed in January 1987.
  259. Iron Fist: 2.02: The City's Not for Burning
  260. In The Star-Spangled Man, John Walker says that he was "two years out of West Point when Steve Came back on the scene," referring to when Steve Rogers was unfrozen in October 2011 (see 2011 references). This would mean that Walker graduated from West Point in May 2009. West Point is a four-year school without a graduate program, so Walker was likely in the high school graduating class of 2005, meaning he was in kindergarten in the 1992-1993 school year. In Georgia, where Walker went to high school, the cutoff date to join kindergarten in the 1990s was to be five years old by September 1. This means that Walker was born between September 2, 1987 and September 1, 1988. Walker's birth can therefore be approximated to March 2, 1987.
  261. Marc Spector's Passport
  262. In For Pete's Sake, on August 30, 2017 (see 2017 references), James Lucas says it has "been 30 years" since he "thumped anything harder than a Bible". This would suggest approximately August 30, 1987. However, it may more roughly just mean "2017 - 1987 = 30", so any time in 1987 (using mid-1987 as an approximation), or even more roughly just mean "2010s - 1980s = 30", so any time in the 1980s (using mid-1980s as an approximation). Putting more weight in the specific date than just the year, and more weight in the year than the decade, a weighted calculation gives roughly March 27, 1987 for the last time he threw a punch.
  263. In Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange says, "And they shot an episode of The Equalizer here in the '80s." The Equalizer aired from 1985 through 1988, so the filming of this episode can be approximated to April 1987.
  264. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.03: The People vs. Emil Blonsky
  265. 265.0 265.1 265.2 265.3 Ant-Man Prelude
  266. In The Creator, it is shown that Peter Stokes' body was found in a river on "4/13/1987". He was likely killed about a week earlier (1, 2), so approximately April 6, 1987.
  267. 267.0 267.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.05: Girl in the Flower Dress
  268. In Eternals, Makkari is shown to know what a DVD player is, but not what a Kindle is. The DVD player was invented in November 1966, and the Kindle was released in November 2007. Makkari can therefore be taken to have moved into the Domo in May 1987.
  269. In Cold Steel, it is shown that Rawlins finished post-graduate college in 1987. Most college post-graduates finish around late May.
  270. In The Fury of Iron Fist, Albert says, "When I was 12 years old, I almost joined the Hatchets." With Albert's date of birth approximated to November 1975 (see 1970s references), specifically November 28, 1975, the middle of his time as a 12-year-old (as an approximation for this event) would have been roughly May 29, 1987.
  271. In Iron Man, Tony Stark is said to have graduated from MIT "at age 17." With Stark's birthday on May 29, 1970, he would have graduated in 1987. MIT's graduation ceremony in 1987 was held on June 5, 1987.
  272. 272.0 272.1 272.2 In Wig Out, Mariah Dillard says, "The day I found out I was pregnant was the day that [Jackson Dillard] was shot and killed by the Contras." It is later revealed that this is a lie, and Tilda Johnson does not know her real age either. However, the timeline must approximately line up with Johnson's fake date of birth to not arouse suspicion. It is said in For Pete's Sake that Mariah and Jackson were engage at the time of Peter Stokes' death, which is dated to April 6, 1987 (see other references). So, their wedding, Jackson starting his work in Nicaragua, and Jackson being killed all occur after April 6, 1987, and then about 8 further months occur before Johnson's fake date of birth, meaning that date of birth cannot be earlier than December 1987. Assuming Johnson's birthday was kept the same, just the year changed, then with her real date of birth approximated to August 1985 (see other references), specifically August 20th, then her fake date of birth can be assumed as the first available August 20th after December 1987: August 20, 1988. If Jackson was killed about 242 days prior (the approximate amount of time between a woman finding out she is pregnant and giving birth), for Mariah's lie to be believable, then he would have died around December 21, 1987. The wedding and move to Nicaragua can then be distributed evenly between April 6, 1987 and December 21, 1987, giving approximately July 3, 1987 for the wedding and September 30, 1987 for the move to Nicaragua.
  273. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.12: Seeds - Deleted Scene
  274. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.06: Inescapable
  275. Moon Knight: 1.03: The Friendly Type
  276. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.07: The Hub
  277. In One Bad Day, Wendy says on May 9, 2018 (see 2018 references) that she is "30", meaning she was born between May 10, 1987 and May 9, 1988. Her month of birth can therefore be approximated to November 1987.
  278. Luke Cage: 2.07: On and On
  279. Hawkeye: 1.03: Echoes
  280. Agatha All Along: 1.05: Darkest Hour / Wake Thy Power
  281. 281.00 281.01 281.02 281.03 281.04 281.05 281.06 281.07 281.08 281.09 281.10 Doctor Hastings' Files: Two College Students Murdered
  282. In Doctor Hastings' Files, an article published "Monday, September 14, 1988" says that a similar murder had happened "earlier in the year" at Northwestern State University. Given how close the article's publication was to the start of the semester, the Northwestern State murder likely happened during the Spring 1988 semester. Approximating the beginning and end of the semester and finding the middle, the student's death can be approximated to March 10, 1988.
  283. Nick Fury's S.H.I.E.L.D. ID
  284. In Fifteen, James Braswyck is shown to have been "20" when he died. With his death dated to October 2008 (see 2000s references), Braswyck would have been born between October 1987 and October 1988, so approximately April 1988.
  285. In Mother's Little Helpers, it is said that Victoria Helstrom began drinking when she was three months pregnant with Daimon Helstrom. With Daimon's birth approximated to November 4, 1989 (see other references), his conception can be approximated to 280 days, the average length of pregnancy, prior to that, January 29, 1988. Victoria can then be approximated to have started drinking three months later on April 29, 1988.
  286. 286.0 286.1 286.2 286.3 286.4 286.5 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.07: Chaos Theory
  287. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.17: Melinda
  288. In Ant-Man and the Wasp, Bill Foster is shown to be approximately 56 (Laurence Fishburne's age at the time of filming) in Spring 2018, and Ava Starr is shown to be approximately 28 (Hannah John-Kamen's age at the time of filming) in Spring 2018. The flashbacks showing a young Ava show Bill Foster through a mix of Laurence Fishburne's son, Langston, 29 at the time of filming, and deageing Laurence Fishburne to how he looked c. 1986, aged 25. Ava is shown to be approximately 7 (RaeLynn Bratten's age at the time of filming). Overall, it can be calculated that Foster was born around July 1965 and Starr around August 1988, and the flashbacks are approximately November 2-4, 1995, when Foster is 30 and Starr is 7.
  289. 289.0 289.1 In Doctor Hastings' Files, an article published "Monday, September 14, 1988" says that police had "recently" begun getting criticized for their mishandling of the case. This could not be referring to more than a month and a half before publication, so could be between August 1, 1988 and September 13, 1988. This and the police's response can therefore be approximated to August 22, 1988.
  290. 290.0 290.1 290.2 290.3 290.4 290.5 290.6 In Doctor Hastings' Files, an article published "Monday, September 14, 1988" says that two college students had been found murdered "this morning." However, the rest of the article refers to the bodies as having been found on "Sunday." It must be taken that this article was written on Sunday, but then publication was delayed to Monday as new information came in and that the mention of "this morning" was an error. The article describes many events as having happened on "Sunday" or "Monday," and can therefore be taken to happen on the 13th or 14th, respectively. The reward for information would be put out soon, so it can taken to have happened on Sunday.
  291. In Doctor Hastings' Files, an article published "Monday, September 14, 1988" says that security escorts would start being offered "Friday." This can be taken to mean the Friday in the same week, so September 18, 1988.
  292. 292.0 292.1 292.2 The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.04: The Whole World Is Watching
  293. In The Whole World Is Watching, Sam Wilson says his aunt passed away "when I was a kid." Wilson's birth is dated to September 23, 1978 (see 1970s references), and since Wilson remembers the incident, it would not be before explicit memories started forming, which happens at two years old. Since Wilson refers to himself as a "kid," the absolute oldest Wilson could have been is 18. Using Wilson's second and eighteenth birthdays as the minimum and maximum, Wilson's aunt's death can be approximated to September 23.
  294. 294.0 294.1 In The Whole World Is Watching, Sam Wilson says that ceremony for his aunt lasted "about a week." Since Wilson's aunt's death is approximated to Friday, September 23, 1988 (see other references), the ceremony can be approximated to the during of the following week, Sunday, September 25-Saturday, October 1, 1988.
  295. Luke Cage: 1.05: Just to Get a Rep
  296. 296.0 296.1 296.2 In Captain Marvel, three instances are shown of a young child Monica Rambeau: a photo of her with Carol Danvers at Halloween, a photo of her with Danvers at Christmas, and a memory of her with Danvers looking at the stars. Judging from Rambeau being credited as 11 in June 1995 and actress Akira Akbar being 11.6 at the time of filming, Rambeau's date of birth would be approximated to December 1983 (see final approximated date of birth, September 1983, references for further explanation).
    Azari Akbar is credited as "Monica Rambeau (5 Years Old)", making Rambeau approximately 5.5. Azari Akbar herself was 6.7 years old during filming, suggesting Rambeau is slightly closer to 5.99 than 5.0. Working forwards from December 1989, her appearances would then be around mid-1989. They cannot be later than June 21, 1989, with Danvers disappearing on June 22, 1989 (see other references) and the appearances set before then.
    So, the closest Halloween and Christmas to the ideal mid-1989 placement for Azari Akbar's appearances, while still being pre-June 22, 1989, are Halloween 1988 and Christmas 1988. This then also had an effect on finally placing Rambeau's date of birth as September 1983 (see other references).
    Finally, placing the memory with the stars, with Azari Akbar credited as playing "Monica Rambeau (5 Years Old)", Rambeau would be approximately 5.5. Again, Azari Akbar herself was 6.7 years old during filming, suggesting Rambeau is slightly closer to 5.99 than 5.0.
    With Rambeau's date of birth dated to September 1983, so it can be calculated that this scene takes place around roughly April 25, 1989. The full details of the calculations may be found here.
  297. 297.0 297.1 In Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline, Elihas Starr's work with/ousting from Pym and Foster and Mar-Vell's arrival on Earth are placed, in that order, after Peter Quill's abduction, which takes place in November 1988 (see other references). With Mar-Vell well-established at Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. by June 1989 (see other references), it should be taken that she arrived as early as possible in this window: also November 1988. With the Starr events also placed in between, they must also be placed in November 1988.
  298. Based on Tom Austen's and Nolan Hupp's ages at the time of filming Helstrom, Daimon Helstrom's date of birth can be approximated to November 4, 1988. This aligns with Helstrom saying in Leviathan that he was twelve years old when he had Victoria Helstrom committed on November 22, 2000 (see 2000s references). Full calculations can be found here.
  299. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.06: One World, One People
  300. In On a Very Special Episode..., Wanda Maximoff is said to have been born in "1989", though shown on a file to have been born in "1988". The dialogue takes precedence, but it can be assumed that the Maximoffs were born early in 1989 to be as close as possible to fitting both. It is also shown that their parents died the day before "March 31, 1999", and stated in the episode and in Avengers: Age of Ultron that the twins were "10" at the time, meaning they were born between March 31, 1988 and March 30, 1989. This would suggest c. September 1988 as an approximation, but again, the "1989" dialogue takes precedence, so early 1989 may be taken as a best approximation.
  301. WandaVision: 1.05: On a Very Special Episode...
  302. 302.00 302.01 302.02 302.03 302.04 302.05 302.06 302.07 302.08 302.09 302.10 302.11 302.12 302.13 302.14 In Captain Marvel, as the Skrulls cycle through Carol Danvers' memories, they first see the memory of Danvers with Maria Rambeau about to perform a test flight. They then go back to Danvers as a child, but have gone too far back, so go forward and see her doing rope training, presumably some time before the test flight because it is at the training stage, but also because they are trying to narrow down to the right memory. This memory then continues into one with Danvers being belittled in Pancho's Bar and, seemingly the same day (Danvers is in the same T-shirt), her playing pool with Rambeau. This continues into another memory of Pancho's Bar, karaoke. Following this, there is a memory of Danvers as a child watching the stars, then her with the Rambeaus watching the stars. There is no reason the Skrulls would have gone further back than the go karting to see an ever younger Danvers, knowing this to be too far back, so her as a child can be taken as a memory within Danvers' memory of watching the stars with Monica Rambeau, something she recalled as she did it, in which case the stars follows on from the karaoke and is still before the test flight with Maria Rambeau. Norex then finds the moment of Danvers with "Lawson". Since they are narrowing down where the memory is, it should presumably still be between the stars and the test flight.
    So, the chronology is the rope scene, then the man and pool at Pancho's, then karaoke at Pancho's, then watching the stars, then Lawson, then the test flight. And we know that, after all of this, was Danvers' crash with Lawson/Mar-Vell and her being abducted by Starforce.
    The abduction is said through the film, mostly on June 12, 1995 (see other references), and through external sources, to be both "6 years ago" and in "1989". So, it can be taken to be somewhere between exactly 6 years prior - June 12, 1989 - and the approximation for "1989" of the exact middle of 1989 - July 2, 1989 - making the crash and abduction roughly June 22, 1989.
    With the watching the stars dated to April 25, 1989 (see other references) and the abduction dated to June 22, 1989, Lawson and the test flight can be approximated as ⅓ and ⅔ between the two, so May 14, 1989 and June 3, 1989 respectively.
  303. Avengers: Age of Ultron
  304. In For Pete's Sake, Mariah Dillard says Mama Mabel had her first stroke when Tilda Johnson was "3". With her date of birth approximated to August 1985 (see other references), specifically August 20, 1985, the middle of Johnson's time as a 3-year-old (as an approximation for when the stroke happened) would be February 18, 1989.
  305. 305.0 305.1 305.2 305.3 305.4 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.08: The Things We Bury
  306. 306.0 306.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.13: One of Us
  307. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.22: S.O.S. Part Two
  308. 308.0 308.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.12: Seeds
  309. In Black Widow, Yelena Belova is said to be "6" on September 4, 1995 (see 1990s references). Her birthday does not pass during the events of the flashback, so this would place her birthday between September 6, 1988 and September 2, 1989, the midpoint of which is March 5, 1989.
  310. In Fifteen, Xavier Marquez is shown to have been "17" when he died. With his death dated to December October 2006 (see 2000s references), Marquez would have been born between October 1988 and October 1989, so approximately April 1989.
  311. In Fifteen, Tim Bennett is shown to have been "16" when he died. With his death dated to October 2005 (see 2000s references), Bennett would have been born between October 1988 and October 1989, so approximately April 1989.
  312. In Captain Marvel, Nick Fury says on June 12, 1995 (see 1990s references) that he has "been riding a desk for the past 6 years". This could specifically refer to 6 years prior, roughly June 12, 1989, or more generally "1995 - 6 = 1989", so approximated with mid-1989, July 2, 1989. Putting more weight on specifically 6 years rather than just general, a weighted average gives him starting the job as approximately June 19, 1989.
  313. In 2022, Kenedy McCallam-Martin, who portrayed young Monica Rambeau, was playing six years old in 2022, around when The Marvels was filmed. It can therefore be taken that the flashback in which she appears occurred when Rambeau was six years old. Based on her September 1983 date of birth (see other references), this places the some time after September 1989. However, Carol Danvers was taken away from Earth in the Summer of 1989 (see other references). To allow Rambeau to be as old as possible for this flashback to match McCallam-Martin's age, the flashback can be taken to have been set the day before her abduction, placing it on June 21, 1989.
  314. Luke Cage: 2.07: On and On
  315. In On and On, Shades and Comanche discuss the time they stole hot dogs from Coney Island. Shades and Comanche met on November 14, 1984. This would therefore be the earliest possible date for them to have stolen the hot dogs. The story involves Comanche’s mother beating him, implying that Comanche has not yet turned 18, meaning his 18th birthday, May 5, 1994, is the latest possible date for it to happen. Using these two dates as the minimum and maximum, respectively, they would have stolen the hot dogs on August 14, 1989.
  316. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.01: Missing Pieces
  317. Luke Cage: 2.10: The Main Ingredient
  318. Runaways: 3.08: Devil's Torture Chamber
  319. Echo: 1.03: Tuklo
  320. In AKA God Help the Hobo, Marlene is shown in May 2017 (see 2017 references) to be "27", making her date of birth between May 1989 and May 1990, approximately November 1989.
  321. Jessica Jones: 2.04: AKA God Help the Hobo
  322. Moon Knight: 1.05: Asylum
  323. 323.0 323.1 323.2 323.3 323.4 In The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Peter Quill is shown to be accustomed to life with the Ravagers during a flashback to his attempt to celebrate Christmas with them. The rest of the Ravagers are not aware of Christmas, implying that it is the first Christmas since Quill was abducted on November 10, 1988 (see other references). Since the first Christmas is very close to his kidnapping, it can be taken that Quill did not attempt to celebrate the holiday until the following year, placing the flashbacks on December 24, 1989.