
The Multiverse is the aggregate of all dimensions and parallel realities in existence. Although dimensions are just portions of reality within a universe, there are also parallel universes that coexist with one another.[1] The Multiverse is believed to be explained by the eternal inflation system;[2] however, the exact nature of its existence is largely unknown to its inhabitants.

Once the first Multiversal War came to an end, a scientist named Victor Timely chose a collection of universes that followed the same baseline and isolated it from the rest of the Multiverse.[3][4] This collection was dubbed the Sacred Timeline and was assigned to the Time Variance Authority for protection.[5] The Time Variance Authority's secret work was to prune and delete the timelines that branched off either by time travel or unscripted decisions by individuals who lived in the Sacred Timeline that could cause the return of an evil version of He Who Remains which could lead to a new Multiversal War.[3]

The Multiverse is always in fluctuation,[3] and the several outcomes of certain events, which could result in the creation of alternate timelines,[6] can be perceived and studied. Machines like Victor Stein's time machine[7][8] and the Chronicoms' time stream[9] were able to sense the nearest possible outcome within the timestream of the Multiverse. Realms where time is irrelevant, like the Quantum Realm, are a mechanism to travel either through time or access alternate timelines.[10][11] Travel between dimensions of the Multiverse is also possible. Some places located in other dimensions, such as K'un-Lun, could be accessed from Earth only in certain periods of time,[12] while others could be visited through the use of Sling Rings.[13]

With the death of He Who Remains at the hand of Sylvie Laufeydottir and the Sacred Timeline breaking free, numerous branches were created across different points in time, which paradoxically gave birth to alternate universes that had always been part of what individuals like the Ancient One and The Watcher knew as the Multiverse.[4][13] Since the Sacred Timeline was unleashed, the Temporal Loom, a failsafe that deleted the branching timelines that were not supposed to exist within the Sacred Timeline, started to overload which threatened the existence of the TVA.[14] To prevent this, Loki and other TVA agents tried to expand the loom's capacity to no success. Loki, who had obtained the ability to time slip across time, went back to the moment before He Who Remains' death. There, Loki discovered the loom's true purpose and that the only way to allow the infinite branches to exist is for him to replace it with his newly gained abilities. As Loki wove the branches together by hand, he created a new loom centered around him at the Citadel at the End of Time.[15]

In the aftermath of Loki's sacrifice, the TVA's new mission was to monitor the many evil versions of He Who Remains, who had been able to establish contact with the Multiverse and were trying to take control of it.[4][15][16]


Isolating the Sacred Timeline[]

Multiversal War[]

Multiverse Discovered

Victor Timely discovers the Multiverse

"My Variants. Throughout the Multiverse. Playing with time, like children. But I saw how it ends. I saw their chaos spreading across realities. Universes colliding. Endless Incursions. I saw the Multiverse. And it was dying. All because of them."
Kang the Conqueror[src]

Eons ago, a Variant of He Who Remains in the 31st Century discovered the existence of infinite universes as other Variants also made the same discovery. Making contact with each other, the Variants made peace until other Variants had the idea to conquer other universes.[4] Realizing that his Variants' actions inevitably led to Incursions and the collapse of the Multiverse itself, Kang the Conqueror decided to take control by conquering as many timelines as possible in order to protect them from his Variants' actions.[16][17] This eventually led into the Multiversal War where each Variant fought each other for dominance.[4]

He Who Remains and A-23 Partnership

He Who Remains and Renslayer observe the Sacred Timeline

During the war, the Variant later known as He Who Remains enlisted the assistance of Ravonna Renslayer who led his army in order to fight the likes of Kang and the Council of Kangs.[18] Eventually, He Who Remains brought the war to an end by weaponizing the creature Alioth.[4] In order to protect the Multiverse from his Variants, He and Renslayer built the Citadel at the End of Time and created the Time Variance Authority.[18] He later chose a collection of realities and isolated them from the rest of the Multiverse and dubbed it the Sacred Timeline. These realities shared the same baseline despite being different from one another as they all only led to the birth of He Who Remains and prevented the birth of any evil Variants of him.[3] He tasked Renslayer and the TVA to prune every timeline that deviated from this baseline so the Sacred Timeline did not connect to the rest of the Multiverse, preventing the return of his Variants as it was inaccessible to them.[19][20]

Despite the war coming to an end, the Council of Kangs continued to exist in their own timelines, waiting for a chance to gain entry to the Sacred Timeline.[15]

The Time-Keepers Story[]

TVA Narrative Commission

The TVA's fake narrative

"But then, the all-knowing Time-Keepers emerged, bringing peace by reorganizing the multiverse into a single timeline, the Sacred Timeline. Now, the Time-Keepers protect and preserve the proper flow of time for everyone and everything. But sometimes, people like you veer off the path the Time-Keepers created."
Miss Minutes[src]

For a while, He Who Remains did not keep himself hidden from the TVA. A statue based on his likeness was erected in the center of the TVA headquarters and he directly gave orders to them, like allowing 63 branches to occur.[14][18] However, he eventually altered the memories all of the TVA members, including Ravonna Renslayer, and made them believe they were created by beings known as the Time-Keepers. He Who Remains' story dictated that the Time-Keepers founded the Time Variance Authority and were the ones who ended the Multiversal War by reorganizing everything into a single timeline.[5][21] Every member of the TVA came to believe they were created by the Time-Keepers, ignoring that they had been plucked off from their timelines.[21][22] This narrative was provided to the rest of the TVA by Miss Minutes, He Who Remains' personal artificial intelligence.[15][5][4]

Loki Stills 132

The many timelines that comprised the Sacred Timeline

Unaware of the true nature of the Sacred Timeline, the TVA continued to prune the timelines that were becoming too dangerous to continue to exist (like Classic Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir's)[22][23][24] and those whose immediate existence deviated from the main baseline and posed a threat.[3][5] While there were other universes outside of the Sacred Timeline,[20] they were not monitored by the Time Variance Authority, and their existence remained a secret to them.[4]

Void at the End of Time[]

Alioth Loki

Alioth was tasked with hiding the Citadel at the End of Time

At the end of time, a dimension known as the Void existed. It became the place where the Time Variance Authority sent anything they destroyed, including a number of Loki Variants. The Loki Variants teamed up and developed inner politics, with some remaining loyal to Kid Loki and others to President Loki. He Who Remains tasked Alioth to live in the Void, in order to guard him in his residence and to consume everything that was sent to the Void. This dimension became an amalgam of alternate realities that were pruned by the TVA.[4][24]

He Who Remains' failsafe[]

Temporal Loom

The Temporal Loom managed to prevent branching timelines from existing

"The Temporal Loom is the heart of the TVA. It's where raw time is refined into physical timeline."
Ouroboros to Loki[src]

He Who Remains also designed a device which he called the Temporal Loom. The loom was a device that refined raw time into a physical timeline and its function was to delete the branching timelines that were not supposed to grow within the Sacred Timeline in case the TVA did not fulfill their purpose. With this contingency plan, He Who Remains got a tight grip over the Multiverse managing to keep his Variants at bay, control everyone's life by removing their free will and ensure the integrity of the Sacred Timeline as well as his domain,[15][14] while the Time Variance Authority exercised his will over all known realities.[4]

Discovery of the Multiverse[]

Search of Evidence[]

"Sorry, you're saying there's a multiverse? I thought that was theoretical. That changes how we understand the initial singularity. We're talking about an eternal inflation system. How does that even work with all the quantum...?"
Spider-Man to Mysterio[src]

The existence of the Multiverse was a plausible possibility to scientists and physicists. It was theoretically attributed to an eternal inflation system, which supported the possibility of other universes coexisting next to each other.[2] In quantum physics, the Multiverse theory was used to explain that for every universe there were infinite parallel universes.[6] This theory also explained that every choice that was made by inhabitants of a specific timeline spun out a different timeline into the cosmos and that due to the presence of infinite parallel universes one could move between them.[25] The possibility of moving between these timelines provided a framework within which time travel was theoretically possible.[7][8][10][25][26][27][28]

BVzgk8d - Imgur

Erik Selvig explaining the existence of parallel worlds

By 2013, astrophysicist Erik Selvig firmly believed that the Multiverse was a reality. On his board, while explaining the Convergence, Selvig pointed out that there were dimensions within their universe, such as the Crossroads, that served as a nexus point for other multiple dimensions. He also pointed out that it was possible to interact with other realities by using the Observational Plane which could be accessed through the interdimensional rift known as the Fault.[29]

Sorcerer Supreme and Masters of the Mystic Arts[]

"This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end. Some benevolent and life-giving. Others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places, where powers older than time lie... ravenous... and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse, Mr. Strange?"
―The Ancient One to Stephen Strange[src]

While to some the existence of the Multiverse was purely theoretical, to others it was an absolute certainty. As the Multiverse is not only comprised of alternate and parallel realities but dimensions (or worlds) that exist within them,[1][16] the first Sorcerer Supreme, Agamotto, became the first to detect the presence of other dimensions. He dedicated his life to protecting the Earthly Realm from extra-dimensional threats using magic. Agamotto also founded the Masters of the Mystic Arts in order to protect the world from mystical threats such as Dormammu.[13]

Explored by Uatu[]

The Watcher, What If...? 1x1 last shot

Uatu observes the Multiverse

"Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. Each a reflection of what could have been."

As a fifth dimensional being,[30] the individual known as Uatu was able to observe all universes in existence. He spent his time in the Observational Plane watching how universes diverged from one another. Uatu often compared their differences noting the point of divergence.[31] Uatu would also see how many worlds in the Multiverse died every day, an occurrence he would get accustomed to.[32]

Ta Lo[]

"The realm of Ta Lo stretches far beyond the shores of our small village. We have cities that surpass any in your universe, rich with culture and history."
Ying Nan[src]

Beyond the Earthly Plane, which encompassed Earth and the rest of the Nine Realms, as well as numerous planets and galaxies, there exists a diverse array of alternate dimensions—distinct portions of reality within a given universe. Some of them could be accessed through Earth.

Ta Lo Water Portal

The portal to Ta Lo

Thousands of years ago, the people of Ta Lo, a dimension in the Multiverse, prospered in peace until the Dweller-in-Darkness and his armies attacked and nearly escaped into the earthly realm. However, the leaders of Ta Lo created an army consisting of the greatest warriors to combat this threat, but it nearly failed until the Great Protector helped. Together, they drove the Dweller back to its realm behind the Dark Gate, being guarded over ever since.[33]



The temple of the Order of the Crane Mother on K'un-Lun

"K'un-Lun. Where is that?"
"It exists in another dimension."
"Another dimension?"
"Yeah. It only appears on this earthly plane every fifteen years, give or take, depending on the celestial tilt."
Paul Edmonds and Danny Rand[src]

Some Humans took residency in the dimension known as K'un-Lun. There, people began studying and discovered that dragons' bones could be used to grant immortality. The Order of the Crane Mother was developed, although five members of the order wanted to use the dragon bones. These five members were exiled from K'un-Lun and sent out of K'un-Lun and formed the Hand, determined to maintain their immortality.[34] The Order of the Crane Mother worked continued studying and began training people to develop the Iron Fist title, the holder of which was sworn to protect K'un-Lun from the Hand and other threats.[12] One such Iron Fist was recorded protecting the barrier from the Chinese military in 1948.[35]

The existence of K'un-Lun remained a secret. However, by 2015 theories about a mystical lost city eventually spread to New York City as reported by the New York Bulletin.[36][37][38]

Escape of a Demon[]

A powerful demon known as the Spirit of Vengeance[39] was able to escape from the obscure realm known as Hell to Earth becoming one of the many entities that travelled between dimensions. In order to survive, he bonded himself with humans transforming them into the Ghost Rider.[40]

First Recorded Contact[]

The Rift - Agent Carter 2x08

Inter-Dimensional Rift through the Dark Dimension

"Zero matter is always drawing energy into itself. It'll always be the coldest object in the room because it is literally devouring any nearby energy."
Jason Wilkes[src]

During the 1940s, scientists began experimenting with nuclear energy; during one such experiment performed by Isodyne Energy, a rift was created where a substance dubbed Zero Matter entered the Earthly plane. Eventually, the scientists Whitney Frost and Jason Wilkes became infected with the substance.[41] Frost actively sought more of the Zero Matter and reopened the rift; however, Wilkes entered the opening.[42] Upon his return, he described his experience in another dimension outside the Earth realm. The rift was later permanently closed.[43]

Trapped in the Quantum Realm[]


Janet van Dyne being trapped in the Quantum Realm

In 1987, while on a mission with his wife Janet van Dyne, Hank Pym witnessed his partner shrinking into a subatomic size in order to break through a missile's titanium shell and disable it. Although the mission was a success, van Dyne was lost in the Quantum Realm, an alternate dimension where time and space become obsolete notions.[44]

Kang's Campaign[]

Kang is Banished

Kang the Conqueror is banished to the Quantum Realm

As the Time Variance Authority Office and the Citadel at the End of Time exist outside of time, the events witnessed by those located in them are perceived in a non-linear chronology happening at different points in time.[4][5][14][22] At the Citadel at the End of Time, He Who Remains was murdered by Sylvie Laufeydottir which led to the liberation of the Sacred Timeline which connected to the greater Multiverse enabling the Council of Kangs and Kang the Conqueror to establish contact with the timeline.[4][19] Deeming him too dangerous, Kang was ambushed and exiled to the Quantum Realm of Earth-616, a place outside of space and time entirely.[16]

Janet working with Kang

Janet van Dyne and Kang the Conqueror working together to repair the Time Sphere

Since the Quantum Realm existed outside of time,[44] this realm remained largely unaffected by events that transpired outside of it, including those that happened at a multiversal level. Due to the nature of the realm, despite his banishment happening as a result of an event that happened at the End of Time, Kang the Conqueror was able to encounter Janet van Dyne who had been trapped inside the realm since the year 1987 of the 616 timeline. Kang revealed to van Dyne that his Time Sphere was sabotaged, leaving him trapped, and that if they could repair it, they could escape from their confinement. Together, the two were able to repair the Chair's energy core, but van Dyne hesitated to go with Kang after witnessing his campaign against the Multiverse and his actions during the Multiversal War.[17] Not wanting him to cause any more destruction, van Dyne used her Pym Particle Discs to temporarily destroy the energy core, trapping herself and Kang within the Quantum Realm.

Kang the Conqueror (Quantumania)

Kang ruling over the Quantum Realm

However, Kang was able to regain his armor, giving back Kang his powers and allowing him to rebuild an empire within the realm.[16]

K'un-Lun's Newest Resident[]

In the early 2000s, a plane crash in China claimed the lives of Wendell and Heather Rand, leaving their son, Danny Rand, alone. Rand was found by Chodak and Tashi, two residents of K'un-Lun, and was brought past the barrier into the other dimension.[45] Rand was trained as a warrior and became a master in every martial art which he was taught,[46] befriending a fellow trainee named Davos.[47]

Roxxon Gulf Platform Explosion[]


Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen are exposed by an energy explosion

By 2009, Roxxon Corporation had discovered the presence of a power source deep within New Orleans.[48] Peter Scarborough oversaw the creation of a drilling platform in Lake Borgne in order to extract Darkforce and Lightforce as energy sources from the Dark Dimension.[49] Scientist Nathan Bowen tried to warn Scarborough that an incoming storm was threatening the stability of the platform. When Bowen was driving his daughter Tandy home from ballet practice, the rig exploded, and debris released a wave of energy into the Lake. The Bowens crashed into the Lake and Tandy as well as Tyrone Johnson were engulfed by the energy.[48]

While Bowen earned the ability to channel the Lightforce, the incident created a connection between Johnson and the Dark Dimension. Johnson became able to channel the Darkforce and to travel between the Earthly plane and the Dark Dimension, and also being able to transport people there.[48][50] Andre Deschaine was also imbued with Lightforce and Darkforce energy which gave him the ability to feed off of others' pain and to access the Dark Dimension.[51]

Escape from the Quantum Realm[]

AM Quantum Realm 3

Ant-Man shrinks into the Quantum Realm

In 2015, Hank Pym gave Scott Lang the Ant-Man Suit and warned Lang about the danger of shrinking to a too great extent and ordered him never going beyond the suit security boundaries. However, after Lang went to protect his daughter at his ex-wife's house, he had to shrink to a subatomic level to break through the titanium of the Yellowjacket Suit to disable it. Lang succeeded in stopping Darren Cross, however, he became trapped in the Realm. Lang began desperately searching for a way to return home rather than be trapped within there forever. In his resolution to return to his daughter and survive, Lang retrieved a Pym Particle Disc and placed it into the regulator of his Ant-Man Suit, bringing him out of the Realm.[44] Unbeknownst to Lang, he crossed paths with Janet van Dyne, who had been trapped there since 1987, becoming quantum-entangled to her.[52]

Attack on K'un-Lun[]

Lead Horse Back to Stable

Danny Rand realizes that the portal to K'un-Lun has opened

In 2016, Danny Rand earned the title of Iron Fist and later chose to return to his dimension,[12] leaving K'un-Lun without its defender.[35] Davos was sent by his mother to return Rand to K'un-Lun,[53] although Davos was too late, as the Hand attacked K'un-Lun before Rand and Colleen Wing arrived to defend it.[54]

Visits to the Astral Plane[]

"The Astral Dimension. A place where the soul exists apart from the body."
Ancient One[src]

In 2016, Doctor Strange studied to become a Master of the Mystic Arts, and struggled to learn how to enter the Astral Dimension.[55]

Meanwhile, in Wakanda, T'Challa was sent to the Astral Plane by the Heart-Shaped Herb, where he talked to his father and told him that he did not feel ready to be King of Wakanda, but his father comforted him before T'Challa was taken out.

BP - N'Jobu Smiling With Erik

N'Jobu and Erik Killmonger meet in the Ancestral Plane

Later, Erik Killmonger visited the Astral Plane after becoming King himself, where he found his father. Killmonger talked to him about his mission and why he had kept his home secret before being pulled out. T'Challa then took another another trip to the Astral Plane, where he scolded his father for refusing to help people liberate themselves around the world. T'Challa declared his work was not done and swore to help others, leaving the Plane.[56]

Astral Projection (Mystic Apprentice) - 02

Strange studies inside the Astral Plane

Strange's studies continued, and he asked for advice from various sorcerers, including Grem, B'sso, and Wong. Wong advised him that not knowing where to start is often a good start, confusing him. While studying, he accidentally fell asleep, causing him to successfully project his astral form. He flew around the Astral Dimension, happy to have succeeded.[55]

Attack on the Sanctums[]

When Kaecilius became disillusioned to the teachings of the Ancient One, he and his Zealots launched a campaign to save the world by offering it as a tribute to the entity Dormammu. After tapping into Dormammu's dimension for power, Kaecilius and the Zealots attacked the London Sanctum, destroying it and part of the Sanctums' nexus in Kamar-Taj in his attempt to break down the mystical shields that protect Earth from the Dark Dimension.

Doctor Strange 54

The Dark Dimension leaking into Hong Kong

During his studies, Doctor Strange needed a place to study. The Ancient One taught Strange how to enter the Mirror Dimension and offered it as a place to study. Kaecilius attacked the New York Sanctum, which caused Strange to trap him in the Mirror Dimension, which made them stronger. The ensuing battle saved the Sanctum, but also allowed Kaecilius and his Zealots to escape.

Dormammu 1

Dormammu confronts Doctor Strange inside the Dark Dimension

Since he failed to destroy the New York Sanctum, Kaecilius moved on to Hong Kong, where he was met by Wong and the other Masters of the Mystic Arts. However, the Masters proved no match, as Kaecilius defeated them and destroyed the Hong Kong Sanctum, allowing the Dark Dimension to bleed into the Earthly Plane. However, Doctor Strange was able to reverse the destruction after brokering a deal with Dormammu, turning Kaecilius and the Zealots into Mindless Ones and restoring the Hong Kong Sanctum shortly afterward.[13]

Terror in New Orleans[]


Cloak and Dagger absorb the Lightforce and Darkforce

In 2017, the pipe valves that Roxxon Corporation had implemented across New Orleans next to the Roxxon Gulf Platform began to emit the mysterious Lightforce-Darkforce energy from the Dark Dimension. When people became infected with it, they were instantly turned into feral individuals with superhuman strength, making them very hostile toward other people leading them to attack anyone that came in their way. The Terrors started to infect other people, which led to the Outbreak in New Orleans.[57] Tandy Bowen and Mina Hess learned from Peter Scarborough that the pipeline could be shut down from the core energy compartment. Teaming up with Tyrone Johnson, Bowen managed to make her way through New Orleans. They took down a bunch of Terrors with the assistance of Brigid O'Reilly. While Bowen and Johnson proceeded to enter the Roxxon Gulf Operations Facility, O'Reilly was attacked by corrupt police detective James Connors who shot her multiple times. Connors left her for dead, unaware that she had been engulfed by an outburst of Darkforce and Lightforce which split her into two beings.[58]


Cloak and Dagger release the energy into the sky

Connors reached to the operations facility as well, and tried to kill Johnson, who was protected by his Darkforce powers, which were triggered by fear. Johnson absorbed Connors himself trapping him inside the Dark Dimension. Upon reuniting with Bowen, both of them absorbed all the energy that was leaking from the pipe valves and released it into the sky, which spread through the city turning all the Terrors back to Humans, ending the Terror in New Orleans.[50]

Trapped Between Dimensions[]

Fitz Portal

Leo Fitz and Phil Coulson try to reach an Inter-Dimensional Gate to escape Dark Dimension

On a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission to rescue the supposed 'endangered' Eli Morrow, who was actually creating a machine powered by Quantum Batteries, a lethal amount of inter-dimensional energy was expelled throughout the Roxxon Power Plant. This subsequently transported the nearby Leo Fitz, Phil Coulson and Robbie Reyes to the Mirror Dimension, where they were getting dragged toward the Dark Dimension.[39] During this time, these three men could see and hear everything that occurred in their dimension, yet were unable to communicate and interact with anything.

Having figured out that Coulson, Fitz and Reyes were trapped, Aida, who had begun reading the Darkhold, began constructing an Inter-Dimensional Gate to rescue them. After some time, in which they, Reyes in particular, were being dragged to Hell, Aida finished the portal and brought them back into their dimension.[40]

Ghost Rider's Stay on Hell[]

Ghost Rider returns from Hell 2

Ghost Rider returns from Hell

"It's hard to describe. The main thing is, there, I'm just a passenger. Ghost Rider drives. And by "drives," I mean fights and kills. It's kind of all we did."
―Robbie Reyes to Daisy Johnson[src]

In the aftermath of the Battle at the Chinatown Crew Headquarters, Robbie Reyes ended up trapped in the Dark Dimension after falling through the Hellmouth.[59] Inside the hellish dimension, the Spirit of Vengeance took full control of Reyes and went on a killing spree.[60][61] Weeks later, Reyes finally found his way back to the Earthly plane when a tear ruptured in Hell after Aida used the power of the Darkhold to create a human body for herself.[62] Once Aida was defeated by Phil Coulson, using his Hellfire Chain, Reyes opened a portal back to the Dark Dimension taking the Darkhold with him.[60]

D'Spayre and the Loa[]


Mayhem entering the Dark Dimension

Months after the Outbreak in New Orleans, Cloak and Dagger crossed their paths with women traffickers in New Orleans. During one of these confrontations, they encountered Brigid O'Reilly's evil counterpart, Mayhem, who was hunting down the traffickers and killing them.[63] When Mayhem tried to kill one of the kids that were involved with them, Cloak's powers were triggered and sucked Mayhem onto himself using the Darkforce transporting her to the Dark Dimension.[58] Inside this specific domain of the dimension, where the Loa resided and the Darkforce originated from, the realm brought to life the fears of the people who entered it and constantly adapted to its visitors by recreating places from the real world.[64]


Dagger finds the recreation of a record store inside the Dark Dimension

Dagger decided to go to the Dark Dimension in order to bring back Mayhem. Upon entering it, she found Papa Legba who allowed her to continue. Inside The Esplanade, the recreation of a mall from the real world, Dagger and Mayhem reunited. They discovered the recreation of a record store where each album contained the name of a missing woman. There, they were met by James Connors who had been trapped inside the Dark Dimension. When Johnson opened the portal, Connors and Bowen managed to get out, except for Mayhem who stayed behind.[64]

D'Spayre in Game

Cloak and Dagger face the videogame recreation of D'Spayre

Bowen was eventually kidnapped by Lia Dewan who was part of the trafficking group, following the orders of Andre Deschaine.[65] Deschaine, whose powers allowed him to enter the Dark Dimension and use it to feed off people's despair in order to ease his migraines, had been able to use the record store to manipulate people's emotions at his will.[66] Cloak was able to find and rescue Bowen. However, his constant use of his powers led Johnson to collapse.[67] This led Bowen to enter the Dark Dimension in order to liberate Johnson. Inside the dimension, Bowen realized that it had taken the form of an arcade, ran by the Loa Baron Samedi. At the arcade, Johnson was playing a game called Duel to D'Spayre and the only way for him to leave was if he stopped playing. Bowen tried to help him to no avail. Evita Fusilier, Johnson's ex-girlfriend, decided to marry Samedi as it also was a way to get Bowen and Johnson out of the dimension. Both, Johnson and Bowen, next to Mayhem who merged with O'Reilly, left the Dark Dimension.[68]

Cloak & Dagger Costume

Cloak and Dagger enter the Dark Dimension to defeat D'Spayre

Back on the Earthly plane, Cloak and Dagger found out that Deschaine had decided to turn himself into a Loa, a god-like being, as a permanent solution to his migraines. Deschaine's plan was to drown all of New Orleans in despair for him to feed off of it by using his control over the Dark Dimension. After his vévé was finished, everyone whose hope he had drowned were transported to the Loa's domain where his ascension to Loa was to be completed.[51] Fusilier used a vévé in order to send both Cloak and Dagger to the Dark Dimension so they could stop D'Spayre. After a lengthy battle, the duo managed to defeat Deschaine by using his powers against him placing him in a loop where his record exploiting his despair kept playing for eternity. The heroes and Deschaine's victims left the Dark Dimension.[69]

Destroyed Earth Reality[]

Destroyed Earth

An alternate future where Earth was destroyed

"Planet Earth went from smooth to chunky, and Quake is the one who did it."
"And you don't think I'd remember that?"
"Well, actually, not according to the Multiverse theory. You probably never heard of it, but in quantum physics, there's a theory that, for every universe, there are infinite parallel universes."
Deke Shaw and Daisy Johnson[src]

In an alternate universe, Quake was involved in a battle with Glenn Talbot in Chicago,[70] which led to the destruction of the Earth.[71] Polly Hinton began sensing that her native universe was going to end up like that one, so Enoch[72] sent S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Alphonso Mackenzie, and Yo-Yo Rodriguez to the future of that reality in the year 2091, where they met Deke Shaw,[73] Tess,[71] and Flint.[6]

SHIELDTeam White Monolith

S.H.I.E.L.D. prepares to go back to their timeline

The universe's native Leo Fitz joined the rest of his team in the future, along with the native Enoch, by cryogenically freezing Fitz.[72] The team began to work to stop the Kree, who had enslaved humanity in this alternate future, resulting in a revolution against the Kree.[74] Rodriguez then met her future self, who warned Rodriguez that it was her team's attempts to save Phil Coulson's life that led to the Earth being destroyed. The team then escaped the future[75] and returned to their own timeline, where they began their work to prevent the future from coming to pass. They soon discovered that Shaw had come to their universe from the alternate future as well.[76]

An Opened Gateway[]

Permanent Closure Fear Dimension

The Gravity Containment Device closing the rift to Izel's Realm

Upon arriving home, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents began operating out of the Lighthouse, where three Di'Allas were being held. HYDRA leader Hale had Piper use the Kree Beacon to lure the agents to the St. Louis Aerospace Facility, where they were attacked by Hale's daughter, Ruby. The agents brought the Kree Beacon to the lighthouse, where it was blown up, destroying the Di'Allas.[76] This resulted in the opening of a gateway to Izel's Realm, which began manifesting recreations of the agents' fears.[77] Phil Coulson closed the doorway,[78] but it was not complete fix as cracks began opening. A more permanent solution came when S.H.I.E.L.D. recovered Gravitonium from the Principia and used it to seal the device and therefore the rift.[79]

Glimpse to Another Universe[]


Chase Stein sending a warning to his father

Victor Stein's time machine managed to receive a message from a future Chase Stein who tried to warn him to not pick up the Fistigons,[7] as the result of Victor using them would lead to the Magistrate's successful escape which would eventually destroy Los Angeles in a massive earthquake.[7][8] However, this outcome was avoided with the destruction of the Magistrate's Ship during the Battle at the PRIDE Construction Site which meant Victor's machine tapped into an alternate timeline.[80]

Nico Minoru's Corruption[]


Nico Minoru draws energy from the Dark Dimension

As the daughter of Tina Minoru, Nico Minoru came into possession of the Staff of One, an ancient relic that drew energy from the Dark Dimension in order to cast magic spells.[81] While Nico and the rest of the Runaways were unaware of its true origins, Nico and Karolina Dean started to sense how the Staff started to corrupt her.[80] During the Siege of the Hostel, the Staff finally subdued Nico enabling her to channel a lot of energy from the Dark Dimension in order to cast a powerful spell to vanquish AWOL and his strike team to the dark realm.[82] The Staff once again took control over Nico when she fought her parents.[83]

Morgan le Fay's World Domination[]

Banishment to the Dark Dimension[]


Morgan le Fay tries to taunt Nico Minoru

Having been trapped in the Dark Dimension for centuries,[84] Morgan le Fay posed herself as a person of trust to Nico Minoru who was under great stress due to the Runaways' fight with the Gibborim. Le Fay encouraged her to use the Staff of One.[85] In the days that followed, le Fay kept telling Nico to embrace her witch side, and to accept the Staff, offering herself to tutor her.[86] As a last resort to defeat Jonah's family, Nico finally gave in to le Fay and the Staff. Nico manifested the Staff out of herself and used power from the Dark Dimension to make the Gibborim vanish. Nico was unaware that le Fay was manipulating her, and that the spell she had used released her from her prison in the Dark Dimension trapping her, the rest of the Runaways and some PRIDE members in the hellish dimension instead.[87]

Portal - Runaways 305 - Enter The Dreamland

The Runaways exit the Dark Dimension

Inside the Dark Dimension, the Runaways found themselves in a specific domain that took the shape of their worst fears adapting to them and slowly erasing their memories making them forget who they were. The team met a man named Quinton the Great who told them where to find Tina Minoru, Victor Stein, Stacey Yorkes and Alex Wilder. The Runaways went through recreations and simulations of their own memories before managing to find everyon but Wilder. As the Dark Dimension slowly started to consume them, they decided to go back to Earth and that they would later return to rescue Wilder. Using magic, Nico and Tina opened a portal that allowed them to go back to Earth. There, they realized that they had been trapped in the Dark Dimension for six months.[88]

Devil's Torture Chamber 3

The Runaways, Cloak and Dagger inside the Dark Dimension

The Runaways found out that Morgan le Fay had taken over Wizard and had begun to advertise a new product called Corvus WizPhone in order to enthrall people on Earth making them her servants and army.[89] After getting a spell from the Darkhold, Nico Minoru proceeded to cast it by using the Staff of One opening a portal. However, she was met by Cloak and Dagger.[90] Cloak explained to Nico that the spell she had attempted to do caused a big disturbance in the Dark Dimension, one very big that allowed him to feel it since he was connected to it. Nico explained that she was trying to rescue Alex Wilder and the duo agreed to help. Eventually, Cloak took Dagger, Minoru, Gert Yorkes, Karolina Dean and Chase Stein to the Dark Dimension in order to save Wilder. The group found Wilder, who had been tortured by the recreations inside the dimension. Cloak returned them all to the Earthly plane before him and Dagger bid them farewell.[91]

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Morgan le Fay is sent back to the Dark Dimension

When they returned, they were unaware that Morgan le Fay was trying to merge the Dark Dimension and the Earthly plane by sacrificing Molly Hernandez in order to user her as a power source for her spell. The surviving members of PRIDE rescued Hernandez and went to the Hostel where they warned the Runaways. They all teamed up to prevent le Fay from enthralling Humans via her Corvus phones, bringing back her dark army from her domains and merging the dimension with theirs.[92] In the battle that ensued at the Hostel, le Fay managed to subdue the Runaways members, who were not match for her powers. However, before she could take possession of Minoru and the Staff of One, she was confronted by a time-traveled version of Chase Stein. She then tried to attack him only to realize he was being protected by an alternate version of Nico Minoru and Karolina Dean. Unbeknownst to le Fay, Stein and the others had time-traveled to prevent Gert Yorkes' death. Le Fay then mortally wounded alternate Stein who collapsed on the floor not before completing the circle of magic salt that made her unable to escape. This allowed Tina Minoru to cast a spell that banished her back into the Dark Dimension.[28]

Gert Yorkes' Death[]

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Gert Yorkes dies after le Fay's defeat

In an alternate universe where Gert Yorkes died in the Battle at the Hostel trying to defeat Morgan le Fay, in 2028, Chase Stein built a time machine to go back in time and prevent her demise. Before going back to 2018, Stein had to travel back to an alternate 2021 as an evil version of Alex Wilder had also time-travelled but wanting to kill the Runaways instead as one of the 2028 versions of them tried to kill him. Enlisting the help of Nico Minoru, Karolina Dean, Molly Hernandez and Alex Wilder from 2021, Stein managed to stop 2028 Wilder. Then he revealed to his teammates that he planned to save Yorkes. While 2021 Wilder returned to his timeline, the rest of them time-traveled to the original one allowing the events that led to Morgan le Fay's defeat in the original timeline, and thus preventing Yorkes' death, with 2028 Stein taking her place instead.[28]

Rescued from the Quantum Realm[]

Hank Pym walking in the Quantum Realm

Hank Pym inside the Quantum Realm

In 2018, Hank Pym created a Quantum Tunnel and a Quantum Vehicle in his Mobile Laboratory in order to access the Quantum Realm. After receiving word from Scott Lang about a message from Janet van Dyne, Pym traveled into the realm and was able to locate van Dyne. After being reunited with each other, they returned through the Tunnel. Weeks later, Lang returned into the Realm to collect quantum healing particles for Ava Starr, but became trapped inside the Realm for five years due to Thanos erasing half of all life in the universe.[52]

Alternate Future Prevented[]

Centipede Quake

Quake manages to defeat Graviton preventing Earth's destruction

S.H.I.E.L.D. learned that the Spirit of Vengeance had removed the GH.325 from Phil Coulson's system, and that he was being killed slowly,[78] and discovered that he could be saved with the Centipede Serum,[25] and Jemma Simmons began developing a cure for Coulson.[93] However, the same serum was necessary to stop Glenn Talbot from destroying the world in the same way as in the universe they had been to.[94] Despite Melinda May's attempts, Coulson chose not to be rescued so that Talbot could be stopped. The native Polly Hinton realized that the future of their reality was being changed as Daisy Johnson killed Talbot.

Although Shaw theorized that he would disappear after Talbot's defeat due to his future no longer occurring in the timeline he was from,[70] he did not disappear.[27] His nature of being from the alternate universe caused Sarge's Shrike Detector to believe that he was a Shrike,[95] which caused Sarge and his Sarge's Squad to attack Shaw.[27]


Thanos & Gamora (Child) in Soulworld

Thanos meets Gamora in the Soulworld

When Thanos successfully snapped his fingers to erase half of all life across the universe, he was transported to the dimension known as Soulworld, where he saw an illusion of Gamora, whom he had sacrificed to receive the Soul Stone. Gamora asked Thanos, whether he had succeeded, and Thanos said that he had, yet it had cost him everything. Thanos was taken out of the Soulworld and returned to the moment after he snapped.[96]

Interactions with Izel's Realm[]

Fear Dimension New Life

Izel's Realm

Although the rift to Izel's Realm had been sealed, Izel herself arrived and stole the Gravity Containment Device which was containing the rift. Izel's attempts to steal it led Leo Fitz to realize that Izel and Sarge were natives of the dimension, as Izel possessed Yo-Yo Rodriguez in order to get Alphonso Mackenzie to let her take the rift. Izel, Mackenzie, and Rodriguez left with the rift.[77] While Izel held Mackenzie and Rodriguez hostage, as the three picked up Marcus Benson, who had information on the location of the Temple of the Forgotten. Benson refused to give Izel the location, causing her to use the energy from the rift to create Benson's husband, in order to torture Benson with the belief that he was responsible for his husband's death. Izel destroyed the recreation of Benson's husband, threatening to create several more.

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Melinda May kills Izel before going back to the Earthly plane

Benson gave Izel the location, and she again used the rift to recreate Flint, an Inhuman from an alternate future who could rebuild the Di'Allas.[97] The recreation was possessed by Izel, who rebuilt the Di'Allas and used them to open a gateway to her realm, hoping to bring its other inhabitants to destroy Earth. Hoping to stop her, Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, and Sarge arrived at the Temple of the Forgotten. However, Sarge gave into his nature and killed May, sending her into his native realm with his Sarge's Sword.[98] However, May did not die due to the nature of Izel's Realm, where life and death did not hold meaning, and she killed three of the members of Izel's species before they could open the door. Izel went to her own realm and dueled May, who managed to defeat her while Johnson and Alphonso Mackenzie defeated and killed Sarge.[99]

Chronicom Colonization of Earth[]

Triskelion Destroyed

The Triskelion is destroyed in an alternate timeline

In an attempt to conquer Earth by destroying S.H.I.E.L.D., the Chronicoms traveled to an alternate 1931 in order to prevent S.H.I.E.L.D. from being founded.[100] Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz came up with a plan to follow them and use Kora to destroy their fleet, so they sent Simmons to the past without her memory to lead the rest of her S.H.I.E.L.D. team to stop the Chronicoms.[11] S.H.I.E.L.D. stopped the Chronicoms' plan in 1931,[101] causing the Chronicoms to attempt again in 1955[102] and in the 1970s.[103] The Chronicom Sibyl partnered with Nathaniel Malick,[104] resulting in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s destruction.[105]

Quantum Realm - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Chronicoms travel back to the original timeline through the Quantum Realm

The remains of S.H.I.E.L.D. gathered, and a device was used to bring Leo Fitz to the new timeline through the Quantum Realm. Deke Shaw chose to stay in the past and rebuild the organization as its new Director, while the rest of the team returned to their native timeline through the Quantum Realm, bringing the Chronicoms with them and destroying their fleet.[11]

Time Heist[]

Avengers Quantum Realm

The Avengers travel through the Quantum Realm

In 2023, Scott Lang was released from the Quantum Realm and met with the Avengers to tell them about his time there, which felt like five hours even though it was five years. Tony Stark supplied the team with Time-Space GPS's to navigate the Quantum Realm and helped Rocket build a large Quantum Tunnel for entry into the Quantum Realm, hoping to use time travel to reverse the effects of the Snap. Clint Barton went on the first test run into the Realm and traveled to an alternate 2018. Following this, Stark, Lang, Barton, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Rocket, Thor, Bruce Banner, James Rhodes, and Nebula suited up in quantum suits and traveled the Realm to alternate timelines on their mission to retrieve Infinity Stones.

However, Nebula accidentally became entangled with an alternate version of herself and made an alternate Thanos from an alternate 2014 timeline aware of the Avengers' plans. The alternate Thanos captured Nebula in his warship and used an alternate Nebula to transport him and his army to the Avengers' timeline. However, Stark used the Infinity Stones to defeat the alternate Thanos and his army.[10]

Afterwards, Steve Rogers used the Quantum Realm again to return the Stones and Mjølnir to their timelines, but also went to live in an alternate 1949 with an alternate Peggy Carter. After Carter's death,[106] Rogers returned to his timeline to pass the mantle of Captain America onto Sam Wilson.[10]

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Loki is captured by the Time Variance Authority

An alternate version of Loki that managed to escape S.H.I.E.L.D. during the Time Heist was later captured by the Time Variance Authority as his escape was not meant to happen within the Sacred Timeline.[5]

Fracturing of the Multiverse[]

Bombing of the Sacred Timeline[]

Branch Timelines

The Sacred Timeline is bombed

Seeing the Time Variance Authority's actions as cruel since they prevented people from having free will and had pruned her timeline, Sylvie Laufeydottir swore to bring an end to them.[22] After Loki and the Time Variance Authority failed to stop her in 2050, multiple Reset Charges were scattered throughout various points in time of the Sacred Timeline, creating multiple branched timelines that were not meant to exist disrupting the Multiverse. However, the TVA were quickly able to stabilize the Sacred Timeline by pruning the branches.[107]


Journey Into Mystery 11

The Citadel at the End of Time is found by Loki and Laufeydottir

Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir were later captured on Lamentis-1 and brought back to the Time Variance Authority Office. There, Loki tried to explain to Mobius M. Mobius, one of the TVA agents, that the TVA was all a lie, that they were Variants and that the Time-Keepers were not real. Mobius later relayed this information to Hunter B-15, who began to remember memories of her life in her native timeline due to Laufeydottir's pervious enchantment on her. After doing some digging, Mobius found a recording of Hunter C-20 where she reported back to Ravonna Renslayer telling her that she was aware of her Variant nature. When Renslayer pruned Mobius, he was sent to the Void.[22] He was later met there by Loki and Laufeydottir who were also pruned. They told him that they were determined to find the true creator of the Time Variance Authority, with Laufeydottir claiming that whoever they were they could be found if they managed to neutralize Alioth whom she theorized was working as the TVA's creator's gatekeeper.[24]

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The fracturing of the Multiverse

While Mobius went back to the TVA in order to inform everyone of their true Variant nature, Loki and Sylvie found the Citadel at the End of Time, where they were met by He Who Remains. He explained the Multiversal War to them and why he established the TVA. He then told them that if they killed him, his Variants would run free, and the Multiverse would be ruined. Conflicted whether he was telling the truth, Loki tried to stop Sylvie from attacking He Who Remains. However, Sylvie ignored Loki's concerns, killing the TVA's creator. Immediately, the Sacred Timeline expanded and several timelines began to branch off it and off each other in infinite proportions eventually tapping to the the rest of the Multiverse.[19][20] As the timelines connected to the larger Multiverse, this enabled other Variants of He Who Remains to establish contact with the Sacred Timeline.[4][19]

Due to Sylvie Laufeydottir's actions, the Sacred Timeline was no longer isolated and other regions of the Multiverse became more accessible. The reactivated connection to the Multiverse made it easier for supernatural beings to hop between universes that were not within the Sacred Timeline.[108][109][110]

Newly Formed Universes[]

Observed by Watcher[]
The Watcher, What If...? 1x1 last shot

Watcher observes Captain Carter's universe

In the aftermath of He Who Remains' death, the Multiverse welcomed many other alternate universes which were later observed by Uatu, the Watcher.[110][31]

One of the first alternate universes observed by Watcher was during World War II in an alternate 1943, where Peggy Carter chose to stay in the room during Project Rebirth, which inadvertently changed events so that she became Captain Carter and Steve Rogers became the HYDRA Stomper.[31]

Uatu (The Watcher) seeing Kid T'Challa

Watcher observes Star-Lord's universe

Another universe observed by Watcher was in 2008, when Yondu decided to outsource his search of Peter Quill to the Ravagers, which resulted in T'Challa being kidnapped instead, changing events so T'Challa became Star-Lord.[111]

Continuing to observe, Watcher came upon a universe where in 2010, the founding members of the Avengers had died by the hand of Hank Pym, who became Yellowjacket due to the death of his daughter.[112]

Watcher's presence is noted by Strange

Strange Supreme feels Watcher's presence

In another universe, Christine Palmer decided to join Stephen Strange to go to the ceremonial dinner in 2016, resulting in Palmer's death and causing Strange to go on a quest to find a way to revive her only to lose himself to dark magic and discover the rest of the Multiverse. The Ancient One revealed that this universe was split into two after using dark magic from the Dark Dimension. Watcher was troubled by this, but could not intervene as he watched Strange Supreme throughout his transformation and his attempt to revive Palmer after the crash. As Strange asked Watcher to save him, he reprimanded him on his past mistakes, wishing that he could intervene, but could not due to his oath. However, Strange tried to forgive him and regretted his actions as he was trapped in a Mirror Dimension bubble and witnessed Palmer disappear in his arms as his universe collapse.[113]

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Watcher observes the zombieverse

Moving on, Watcher observed a universe where Janet van Dyne had contracted a virus, known as the quantum virus, from the Quantum Realm. She spread it on to her husband when he came to rescue her in 2018, thus starting a global zombie apocalypse.[114]

The Watcher watches Erik Killmomger

Watcher observes Erik Killmonger

Later on, he found a universe where in 2008, Erik Killmonger had saved Tony Stark from the Ten Rings attack in Kunar. By exposing Obadiah Stane, killing Stark, James Rhodes, and his cousin, Killmonger had deliberately started a war between Wakanda and the United States of America.[115]

Uatu (The Watcher)-Season 1 Episode 7

Watcher observes Thor's universe.

Afterward, Watcher found a universe where in 2010, Thor was the only child raised by Odin and Frigga and held a worldwide party on Earth. However, when Watcher was about to move on to another universe, a portal opened in front of Thor, unleashing another universe's Ultron with the Infinity Stones and his army upon Thor's universe.[116]

Age of Ultron[]
The Watcher after being discovered by Ultron2

Watcher realizes that Ultron could destroy the Multiverse

"I have seen everything that has ever happened, ever will happen, ever could happen, and yet, what the hell is this? If a hunger like that were to be unleashed upon the Multiverse... even I can not imagine the horrors that might follow."

Following this attack, Watcher went to Ultron's universe, commenting that this particular story broke his heart. In this timeline, Ultron successfully uploaded himself into the vibranium body in 2015, granting him greater power. Defeating the Avengers, Ultron decimated Earth, leaving it near-unlivable. After his victory, Thanos arrived in order to take the Mind Stone, but was quickly killed by Ultron. Taking the remaining Stones, Ultron gained knowledge of other planets throughout his universe. He began a campaign of destruction, going from planet to planet and exterminating all life, until his universe was empty. With his purpose complete, Ultron reached a higher form of being, and as Watcher narrated, Ultron managed to sense his presence. Seeing into the Observational Plane, Ultron realized that there were universes beyond his own, which frightened Watcher, as the Multiverse could be in danger.

Hawkeye give up2

Watcher thinks about interfering

Panicked by this, Watcher believed that this universe still had one last hope. He turned his attention to that universe’s Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, the two surviving Avengers, as they searched the KGB Archives in Russia for a way to defeat Ultron. They eventually found their solution, a copy of Arnim Zola’s AI, hidden at the HYDRA Siberian Facility. atcher repeated that this universe still had hope, only for Ultron to burst into the Nexus and begin attacking him. Back on Earth, the two heroes managed to upload Zola into one of Ultron's sentry drones, but he was ultimately unable to connect to Ultron. As sentry bots swarmed the heroes, Barton sacrificed himself so that Romanoff and Zola could escape.

Uatu the Watcher vs. Ultron

Watcher battles Ultron across the Multiverse

Meanwhile, the fight between Watcher and Ultron continued, as the two made their way through several different universes of the Multiverse. Watcher fought as best he could but failed to stop Ultron. On the brink of death, Watcher escaped through a portal, abandoning the Nexus and allowing Ultron to usurp him, giving him complete access to the entire Multiverse. Watcher sought out the help of the only other being who knew he existed, Strange Supreme, who he previously abandoned. However, Strange sympathized with him and agreed to help.[117]

Guardians of the Multiverse[]
Guardians of the Multiverse

The Guardians of the Multiverse

Deciding that Strange would not be enough to defeat Ultron, Watcher decided to put together a team of individuals from across the Multiverse. He recruited Captain Carter, T'Challa Star-Lord, Gamora, Erik Killmonger, and Thor, with Strange joining them as well. Watcher deemed them the "Guardians of the Multiverse" and gave the six heroes their mission: Destroy the Infinity Stones with the Infinity Crusher, and transported them to an uninhabited universe, where they could fight Ultron alone. After a brief fight with him, they managed to steal the Soul Stone and escape to Ultron's home universe. With that universe's Natasha Romanoff joining the team, the group fought united against Ultron. When the Infinity Crusher failed to destroy the stones, they were able to improvise and managed to upload Arnim Zola's analog consciousness into Ultron. Zola then subsequently erased Ultron from existence from the inside.

The Watcher Broke His Oath? - The Watcher (2)

Watcher vows to protect the Multiverse

While celebrating their victory, they were betrayed by Killmonger, who took the Stones and Ultron's armor for himself. However, once Zola took over Ultron's body, he also attempted to take the Stones. As the two fought over the Stones, they were separated as Strange managed to capture both Killmonger and Zola, along with the Stones, in a pocket dimension, which Watcher shrunk down to hand-held size. Bringing Strange back to his home universe, he entrusted him with guarding the pocket dimension, which Strange happily agreed to. Watcher then returned everyone to their home universe, except for Romanoff, who refused to return to her destroyed world. Instead, Watcher brought her to the universe where her counterpart had died, which was currently in the middle of Loki's invasion. Watcher then watched over the collective Multiverse, stating how every world and every story was his home, and that he would protect it to the end.[118]

Reading the Darkhold[]

Scarlet Witch Darkhold

Scarlet Witch reads the Darkhold in the Astral Dimension

Wanda Maximoff learned from Agatha Harkness that her magic was an immensely powerful form known as Chaos Magic.[119] Wanting to learn about her magic, Maximoff found a hideout and learned to enter the Astral Dimension while maintaining control of her physical form. Maximoff used this to study her magic and read from the Darkhold in the Astral Dimension while relaxing on the Earthly Plane. She unknowingly tapped into the Multiverse sensing the presence of other realities where her children existed.[120][108]

Defending Ta Lo[]

Ta Lo Cave

The dimensional gateway into Ta Lo

In 2024, Xu Wenwu received false messages from the Dweller-in-Darkness, pretending to be his deceased wife. The Dweller convinced Xu that his wife was being held by the residents of Ta Lo. Wenwu went after the Eyes of the Dragon owned by his children, Shang-Chi and Xu Xialing. However, Shang-Chi and Xialing learned of Wenwu's plan to destroy Ta Lo, so they escaped Wenwu's custody with Katy Chen, Trevor Slattery, and Morris, and went to Ta Lo, following Morris' instructions to enter the dimensional universe. Days later, Wenwu and his men entered and fought the Ta Lo Armed Forces, until the Dweller attacked. Shang-Chi, Xialing, Chen, and the Great Protector killed the Dwell-in-Darkness and stopped it from leaving Ta Lo.[33]

Spider-Man Multiversal Crisis[]

Spider-Man NWH trailer 76

The spell causes damage to the Multiverse

"Parker, don't you realize that in the Multiverse, there are an infinite number of people who know Peter Parker is Spider-Man?"
Doctor Strange to Peter Parker[src]

In 2024, Peter Parker, who had his identity as Spider-Man exposed, wanted it to be fixed, so he asked Stephen Strange at the New York Sanctum to cast a spell which would remove everyone's memory of his identity. Strange agreed to cast the spell, although after he started, he told Parker that the spell would also remove the memories of those who were close to him. Parker asked Strange to make sure the spell did not include certain people, causing Strange to alter the spell several times. However, the alterations led to the spell going wrong. As the spell travelled the dark borders between known and unknown reality, the reactivation of the Multiverse caused it to reach infinite universes.[110] Strange managed to contain the spell, but the effects of it caused a few that knew Parker's identity as Spider-Man from different universes to be transported into their universe.

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A fissure in the Multiverse transports people aware of Spider-Man's identity over

As a result, Curt Connors, Otto Octavius, Norman Osborn, Max Dillon, Flint Marko, Eddie Brock, Venom, and two counterparts of Parker were transported from their universes over to the native Parker's universe. One of the Parker counterparts quickly realized that he was in another universe, having studied multiversal theories. Strange captured Lizard in the sewers and put him in a cell in the undercroft of the Sanctum. He then captured Octavius and revealed to Parker the effects of the failed spell and the handful that had slipped through a crack in the Multiverse, demanding Parker, Michelle Jones, and Ned Leeds capture all of the visitors from other universes.

Doctor Strange and Peter Parker

Peter Parker is sent into the Astral Dimension by Doctor Strange

Parker successfully captured Dillon, Marko, and Osborn. Strange then prepared to use the Macchina di Kadavus to send them to their native universes, until Parker discovered that many of them would die soon after returning. Refusing to allow them to die, Parker attempted to steal the Macchina, but was instead sent by Strange into the Astral Dimension. However, Parker maintained control over his body while in the Dimension, surprising Strange.

Shattered Dimensions

The Mirror Dimension gets shattered

Parker returned to his physical body and was sent into the Mirror Dimension where he continued to evade Strange. Eventually, he managed to trap Strange in the dimension and gave the Macchina to Leeds and Jones.

Multiversal Rift

A rift in the Multiverse forms due to the destruction of the Macchina di Kadavus and release of the unstable spell

After Parker cured Octavius, Osborn transformed into his Green Goblin persona. Dillon and Marko then escaped before Parker could help them. While looking for Parker, Leeds and Jones discovered his alternate selves, and they went to talk to their Parker, who was angry and emotional about Osborn killing his aunt. The three Parkers gathered in Midtown School of Science and Technology to work on making cures for Connors, Dillon, Marko, and Osborn.

Multiversal Rift (Statue of Liberty)

The fissure in the Multiverse opens up above New York City

During battle at the Statue of Liberty, Osborn caused the Macchina to explode, releasing the unstable spell. This caused the Multiversal rift to begin to open again, causing every person across the universe who knew Parker's identity to move toward his universe. While Strange attempted to contain the spell, everyone was still coming in. Peter then told Strange to cast the original spell, but to make everyone forget Peter Parker instead. While Strange initially refused to make everyone forget him because that included Parker's loved ones, he ended up being persuaded by Parker. Strange then cast the spell, leading to all of the visitors subsequently being sent to their native universes, including those who had arrived prior, sealing the breaks in the Multiverse for the moment.[109]

Scarlet Witch's Multiversal Madness[]

DSIMoM America Chavez's Star Portals

America Chavez opens a portal to escape from the Ribboned Creature

As the Multiverse expanded and became more accessible,[110] Scarlet Witch, who had been studying the Darkhold for over a year, learned that America Chavez could travel through universes and sent Ribboned Creature and Gargantos after her, hoping to take her power so she could reunite with alternate versions of her children. The Ribboned Creature attacked Chavez on Earth-617, where she was saved by Defender Strange. Deeming her to be too dangerous because of her powers, and believing her incapable of controlling them, Strange tried to take Chavez's power. As he was distracted, the Ribboned Creature killed him. Chavez's powers triggered another portal which sent her to another Earth. When Gargantos pursued Chavez into Earth-616, Doctor Strange and the Masters of the Mystic Arts decided to protect Chavez. Strange realized that Gargantos had been summoned via witchcraft, so he decided to enlist Maximoff's assistance in protecting Chavez. However, she revealed to him that she was the one who was hunting down Chavez and that she wanted to be with her children. Realizing that Maximoff had been consumed by the Darkhold, Strange, Wong and the Masters of the Mystics Arts fortified Kamar-Taj in order to fight Maximoff and protect Chavez.


Maximoff is trapped inside the Mirror Dimension

Maximoff laid siege to Kamar-Taj, taking out several masters and students and destroying parts of it. Strange trapped her inside the Mirror Dimension but this was proven to be useless as Maximoff managed to escape from it. She eventually cornered Wong, Strange and Chavez, but as she was about to take Chavez, the girl unwillingly opened a portal. Chavez and Strange went through it travelling through multiple dimensions and parallel realities, ultimately ending on Earth-838. Maximoff then restrained Wong and used the Darkhold to try to complete the spell to dreamwalk, which would enable her to possess an alternate version of her from another universe. The connection to her alternate self was broken when Sara Wolfe destroyed the Darkhold. Maximoff then forced Wong to reveal where she could find another copy of the book. After torturing some of the survivors, Wong finally revealed that the book was a copy of Chthon's dark magic, which was carved onto the walls of Mount Wundagore. Maximoff ordered Wong to take her there.

Doctor Strange Statue America Chavez

Strange and Chavez explore Earth-838

On Earth-838, Strange and Chavez discovered how in that universe Doctor Strange died fighting Thanos. They both then went to the Sanctum Sanctorum where they met an alternate version of Baron Mordo who welcomed them into the Sanctum. They both warned him about the threat the Scarlet Witch posed to his universe but they both passed out as Mordo had poisoned the tea. They woke up in the Illuminati Headquarters, where they met an alternate version of Christine Palmer who worked there as a scientist. Later, Mordo arrived with Ultron Sentries telling Strange he was going to take him to the Illuminati, a group of super powered individuals who watched over his universe and the Multiverse. The team, comprised of Captain Carter, Black Bolt, Captain Marvel, Mister Fantastic and Professor X, confronted Strange and revealed that to them Scarlet Witch posed no threat to their universe, but Strange did. They told him how their Strange had inadvertently caused an Incursion by dreamwalking during the Infinity War destroying another universe competently after using the Darkhold and that he was executed by Black Bolt. Before the trial continued, the headquarters were invaded by Wanda Maximoff who had used the spells carved on Mount Wundagore and had possessed her 838 self by dreamwalking.

Mister Fantastic, Black Bolt, Captain Carter & Captain Marvel

The Illuminati confront Scarlet Witch

The Illuminati head off to face Scarlet Witch, dying one by one. After a brief fight with Mordo, Strange escaped the trial room and went to rescue Chavez, who had been previously liberated by Palmer. Maximoff pursued the trio into the Gap Junction, a dimension located outside of time where the Book of Vishanti, the Darkhold antithesis was kept. However, Maximoff destroyed the book and used Chavez's powers to transport Palmer and Strange to another universe. She then transported Chavez to Earth-616 before letting her 838 self break free.

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Sinister Strange's universe collapsing due to an Incursion

Strange and Palmer realized they were in an universe that was getting destroyed due to an Incursion. They went to the New York Sanctum of that reality finding a sinister counterpart of Doctor Strange who had also been corrupted by the Darkhold. Strange fought his sinister counterpart ultimately defeating him. In order to save Chavez and protect the Multiverse from Maximoff, Strange decided to use the Darkhold to dreamwalk into his native universe. He dreamwalked into the corpse of his 617 counterpart, which had arrived there with Chavez when she opened a portal to escape from the Ribboned Creature. Strange and Wong were no threat to the Scarlet Witch. Strange motivated Chavez into fighting Maximoff, inspiring her and helping her to control her powers in the process. Chavez used her powers to give Maximoff what she wanted: her children. She opened a portal to Maximoff Residence on Earth-838 where 616 Maximoff's corrupted look scared her alternate children. Realizing what she had become, Maximoff broke free from the Darkhold's influence and proceeded to destroy the Darkhold across the Multiverse and destroying the Darkhold Castle, apparently killing herself in the process bringing her personal campaign to an end.[108]


Clea opens a portal to the Dark Dimension

Clea opens a portal to the Dark Dimension

Incursions were known to be the direct result of a prolonged multiversal travel, especially by Dreamwalking, that eroded the boundaries of one or more universes causing them to collapse and be entirely destroyed.[108] Alternate versions of Doctor Strange as well as Variants of Kang the Conqueror were known to have caused Incursions across the Multiverse.[16][108] In 2024 of Earth-616, Clea sensed that 616 Doctor Strange had caused an Incursion as a result of his actions during the Battle on Mount Wundagore. Clea approached Strange in New York City and told him that him and she had to fix the Incursion he had caused. Clea then opened a portal to the Dark Dimension daring him to come with her. Strange donned his suit and agreed to help her with both of them entering the hellish dimension.[108]


Marc Spector Steven Grant

Spector and Grant realize they co-exist at the same time inside the Duat

Marc Spector, who had developed an alter called Steven Grant after suffering abuse from his mother following his brother's death, was resurrected by the Egyptian god of the moon, Khonshu transforming him into his Moon Knight.[121] As a result, Spector became tied to the Egyptian underworld, the Duat, that meant that if he were to die, his soul would end up in the Egyptian paradise.[122] In 2025, trying to stop Arthur Harrow from liberating the goddess Ammit, Spector, who had lost his powers after Khonshu's incarceration,[123] was shot and killed.[124] His soul was sent to the Duat, where he realized his alter's soul existed separately from his. Inside the underworld, Spector and Grant came to reconcile their differences as they learned the true nature of their origin.[121] When Khonshu was liberated by Layla El-Faouly, Spector and Grant were allowed to come back to life in the Earthly plane.[125]

Shuri's Journey[]

Killmonger and Shuri in Ancestral Plane

Erik Killmonger talks to Shuri in the Ancestral Plane

When T'Challa passed away, Shuri lost faith to her belief in the Wakandan afterlife. After her mother Ramonda was killed by Namor during the Talokanil-Wakandan War, Shuri consumed a synthetic Heart-Shaped Herb in order to become the new Black Panther. As a part of the ritual, she was taken to the Ancestral Plane where she was hoping to meet her mother. Instead, she found Erik Killmonger, her cousin, waiting for her. Killmonger told her that they were not different from each other as they were both driven by revenge. Shuri protested that she was not at all like him, but Killmonger continued to ignore her asking her if she was ready to fight Namor with honor or with the intentions of murdering him.

Ramonda Ancestral glimpse

Ramonda guides Shuri

In the final confrontation against Namor's Talokanil forces, Shuri was close to killing Namor, but she got glimpses from the Ancestral Plane with her mother's soul visiting her instead of Killmonger's, giving her words of encouragement so she could fight her demons and spare Namor's life, which she did.[126]

Donny Blaze's Magic[]

Portal of Ice and Snow

The demons are sent to the dimension they came from

The stage magician Donny Blaze opened a portal to an unknown dimension using his Sling Ring during a magic show. Blaze accidentally sent Madisynn King to a type of hell dimension where she was met by a goat demon who made her sign a contract before returning her to Earth. King found herself inside Wong's bedroom and spoiled the show Wong was watching. Knowing that Blaze was behind the incident, Wong hired She-Hulk's attorney service. At another magic show, Blaze opened a new portal accidentally allowing bird demons into their world. Incapable of stopping them, Blaze asked for Wong's assistance, who in return asked for She-Hulk's. Together, they sent the demons back to their realm closing the portal and making sure Blaze never used magic imprudently again.[127]

Noor Dimension[]

Light Dimension Portal

The Noor Dimension

Centuries ago, the Clandestines, a group made of Najma, Aadam, Aisha, Fariha, and Saleem, were exiled to Earth from their home in the Noor Dimension. They were trying find a way back to their home believing the Quantum Bands capable of doing that. Knowing that opening a portal to their dimension would endanger the life of people on Earth, especially her family, Aisha hid the bangle from Najma which led to her murder at the hands of Najma. Before dying, Aisha told Najma that one of the quantum bands would not work.[128][129] In 2025, Kamala Khan, Aisha's great-granddaughter was gifted the bangle that belonged to Aisha by her grandmother Sana Ali. When Khan put on the bangle, her dormant ability to draw energy from the Noor Dimension was awakened. When using the bangles, she was transported into the dimension.[130]

Noor Dimension portal

Ms. Marvel and Najma see the rift to the Noor Dimension

Najma and the Clandestines contacted Khan and asked for her help. Having been warned by Bruno Carrelli that it would be dangerous, Khan hesistated to assist them which led to a conflict between Khan and the Clandestines. Khan then traveled to Karachi wanting to learn more from the bangle's origin. There, she met Karachi leader of the Order of the Red Daggers, who also told her that opening the rift to the Noor dimension would be able to consume Earth.[131] During a brief skirmish, a portal to the Noor dimension was activated when Najma hit one of the bangles. When Khan reminded her that keeping portal open could kill everyone on Earth, including Najma's son, Kamran, Najma sacrificed herself in order to close the rift between the two planes in the Multiverse.[129]

Gorr's Vow[]

Gorr makes a wish

Gorr makes a wish

Gorr the God Butcher became in possession of the All-Black the Necrosword, which told him to find Eternity. In order to do so, he needed a means to open the Bifrost Bridge, which would open up the portal leading to Eternity's Realm. After an encounter with Thor, Gorr stole Stormbreaker and was able to access the space at the center of the Multiverse, where statues of several cosmic entities were. He then placed Stormbreaker in position to open the gateway. Thor freed Stormbreaker and gave it to Axl Heimdallson, so he and the other children, could return to their universe. Concurrently, Warsong brought Mighty Thor there, in which she joined in the fight against Gorr, ultimately destroying the Necrosword. The gateway was then opened and Gorr, Thor, and Mighty Thor were brought into Eternity’s dimension. Thor was able to persuade Gorr to ask for his daughter instead, in which Eternity resurrected her. Once this was done, Foster died, and Gorr asked Thor to watch over his daughter before he died as well. Following this, Thor and Gorr's daughter were transported out of the dimension back into their universe.[132]


Valhalla 1

Heimdall welcomes Foster into Valhalla

Since their existence, Asgardians believed that if they died in battle, their souls would be transported to the Asgardian afterlife, also known as Valhalla where they would live forever.[133][134] When Jane Foster passed away due to her cancer, Foster's spirit was allowed to enter the afterlife realm. There she was greeted by Heimdall.[132]

Sucked Into the Quantum Realm[]

Scott and Cassie in the Quantum Realm

Scott Lang and Cassie Lang enter the Quantum Realm

"There are worlds here... worlds within worlds. It's a place outside time and space. It's a secret universe... beneath ours."
Janet van Dyne to Hank Pym[src]

In 2026, Cassie Lang revealed to Scott Lang, Hank Pym, Janet van Dyne and Hope van Dyne that she had built a Quantum Satellite, which was designed to send a signal into the Quantum Realm. Knowing Kang the Conqueror was trapped inside the depths of the realm and fearing that he could escape, Janet urged Cassie to turn it off. However, due to M.O.D.O.K. hacking the signal, the group is dragged into the Quantum Realm discovering there was life inside it. Scott and Cassie met the Freedom Fighters and discovered that they were trying to fight Kang, who had been oppressed them ever since he recovered his powers. Meanwhile, Janet took Pym and Hope to Axia, a city beneath the realm, to meet Krylar, an old ally of hers. Scott, Cassie and the rest of the Freedom Fighters are attacked by Kang's forces and M.O.D.O.K., whom to their shock was revealed to be Darren Cross who survived his final fight with Lang eleven years prior. The Langs were captured and taken to Kang.


Kang fights Ant-Man, Wasp and Stature

Janet realized that Krylar was now working for Kang, and with Hope and Pym they fought their way out, successfully escaping capture. In the meantime, Kang forced Lang to retrieve the Multiversal Engine Core, the power source to his Time Sphere, which would allow him to escape his confinement in the Quantum Realm. With Wasp's assistance, Lang managed to recover the core, which was immediately stolen from them by Kang. Afterwards, Kang once again reunited with Janet told her that his plan was to thwart the Council of Kangs. Cassie Lang freed the Freedom Fighters in order to fight back against Kang's oppression. In the battle that followed, Cassie, Ant-Man and Wasp faced Kang. Thanks to the ants and the technology they had built when they underwent centuries of evolution in the Quantum Realm and M.O.D.O.K., who had a change of heart due to Cassie's words of encouragement, Kang was incapacitated. Janet managed to open a portal back to Earth but before everyone managed to go through it, Kang attacked Lang. Wasp jumped in to help Lang and managed to have Kang sucked in by the disrupted power core killing him. The family then left the Quantum Realm believing Kang's threat to be over.[16]

Gathering the Council of Kangs[]

Immortus and Multiverse

Immortus discusses the threat heroes of Earth-616 pose to them

"None of us killed him. They did. They're beginning to touch the Multiverse. And if we let them... they will take everything we've built. So let's stop wasting time."
Immortus to Centurion and Rama-Tut[src]

Upon learning that Kang the Conqueror had been defeated by Ant-Man and the Wasp of Earth-616, Immortus, Rama-Tut and Centurion felt their dynasty and control of the Multiverse were threatened. Due to recent events, Immortus pointed out that more and more heroes from said Earth were discovering the existence of the Multiverse, and how if they kept finding out, their entire work would be destroyed, thus leading to him calling every Variant who was a part of the Council of Kangs to discuss and fend off the upcoming threat.[16]

Trapped in Another Universe[]

Monica Rambeau Seals the Rift

Monica Rambeau starts to close the rift

"My theory? That you fell through a tear in space time. You are now in a reality parallel to your own."
Beast to Monica Rambeau[src]

In her attempt to restore Hala, Dar-Benn attempted to use the Quantum Bands to use the energy of the Sun to restore Hala's. Her plans were foiled due to the Marvels so she then proceeded to use the bands to tear open a hole in space. The act destroyed Dar-Benn but not without leaving a rupture between realities. Kamala Khan used the bands and combining the bands' energy with Captain Marvel's they energized Monica Rambeau allowing her to close the hole from the other side while leaving her trapped in a parallel universe.

Beast & Binary

Beast and Binary discuss Monica's presence in their universe

Later, Rambeau woke up in the X-Mansion headquarters where she was greeted by an alternate version of her mother and Mutant Hank McCoy who explained to her that she was in a parallel reality to hers.[135]

Loki's Sacrifice[]

Loki Time Slip

Loki time-slipping inside the TVA

"I know what I want. I know what kind of god I need to be. For you, for all of us."

At the Time Variance Authority Office, immediately after the branching of the Sacred Timeline and the murder of He Who Remains, Loki realized that he had gained the ability to time slip across time, moving between past and future inside the TVA, which was deemed to be impossible. Enlisting the help from Ouroboros, Loki and Mobius used the Temporal Aura Extractor to prevent Loki from jumping across time since he was not able to control his newly gained abilities. While Loki and others explained to the TVA's Minutemen that the Time-Keepers were fake, a rogue faction led by General Dox decided to keep up with the TVA's work of pruning the branches from the Sacred Timeline, firmly believing that while the Time-Keepers' story was a lie, there was still real danger if they left the timeline to be freed.[14][136]

Pruning Timelines

The branching timelines are pruned

Loki and Mobius then set off a mission to stop the rogue Minutemen, who were trying to find Sylvie Laufeydottir whom they had deemed to be a threat to the entire timeline. Loki and Mobius found Laufeydottir in an alternate timeline where she was working at a McDonald's. The three of them are told by Brad Wolfe that Dox was planning to prune all the branches by setting up Reset Charges. They tried to stop her, but they failed seeing how many timelines are erased from existence along with all of their inhabitants. Not wanting to deal with the TVA, using He Who Remains' TemPad, Laufeydottir returned to her timeline. Back at the TVA, Ouroboros revealed that the Temporal Loom is a device that was made to overhaul the timelines was about to overload, and if it continued to grow, the TVA would be destroyed and the timelines would perish.

1893 Chicago Illinois World Fair (Branched Timeline)

The 1893 branching timeline where Victor Timely exists

In order to prevent the loom from exploding, Loki and Mobius decided to find Miss Minutes who was travelling with Ravonna Renslayer as Miss Minutes was the only one capable override the system in order to expand the loom's capacity. Casey managed to track Renslayer's TemPad to an alternate 1893 timeline,[136] where they watched a Variant of He Who Remains who went by the name of Victor Timely. Unbeknownst to them, Timely had branched off from the Sacred Timeline after Renslayer and Miss Minutes gave him a copy of the Time Variance Authority Official Handbook when he was a child in order to ensure his role as leader of the TVA. Loki then came to the realization that they could use Timely's temporal aura to fix the loom as he had the same temporal aura as He Who Remains. Laufeydottir traveled to the alternate timeline as well attempting to kill Timely. After a brief skirmish, Loki convinced Laufeydottir to let Timely live as they needed to fix the loom in order to save all the innocent lives that lived within the new branched timelines. Laufeydottir then used her TemPad to send Renslayer to the Citadel at the End of Time. There, Miss Minutes revealed Renslayer her role in the Multiversal War and how He Who Remains had ordered to delete her memories as well as the TVA's minutemen's.[137] Enraged, they both decided to take over the TVA.

Temporal Loom Nears Its End

The Temporal Loom explodes

At the TVA, Timely was introduced to Ouroboros and Casey and they got to work on the Throughput Multiplier as they intended to use it to increase the loom's capacity so it could contain the infinite branches that were happening due to the fracture of the Sacred Timeline. Meanwhile, Loki explained to Laufeydottir that the death of He Who Remains was not enough to let people have free will, as one could not simply walk away and should make sure to oversee the Multiverse. Due to Miss Minutes and Renslayer's intervention, the task to complete the throughput multiplier was interrupted. Loki and Laufeydottir managed to save Timely by shutting down Miss Minutes and pruning Renslayer. Timely used his temporal aural to override the system and open the gates, he then proceeded to run at the Temporal Loom in order to install the Throughput Multiplier but the radioactivity that emanated from the loom shredded him and the device to pieces. The loom then exploded destroying the TVA and killing everyone,[18] except Loki who time-slipped back in time in the TVA way before the loom exploded.[138]

Sylvie's Timeline Spaghettifies

Sylvie Laufeydottir's timeline collapses

Loki then continued to time slip across different points in time, meeting new versions of Mobius M. Mobius, Hunter B-15, Ouroboros and Casey who had no recollection of their lives in the TVA, realizing he was talking to alternate versions that were not plucked off their timelines by the TVA, like their original counterparts. By talking to the Variant of Ouroboros, Loki realized that he could control his time slipping abilities by focusing on coordinates of the temporal aura of people he knew. Loki managed to reunite everyone but Sylvie Laufeydottir, who despite remembering everything before the Temporal Loom's explosion, did not want to deal with it. However, when her timeline collapsed due to the instability of the Multiverse, she told Loki he was right, and the Multiverse needed saving. When his friends began to disappear as their timelines crumbled, Loki tried to hang on to them, by doing so, he realized how to control his time slipping, which he could do by trying to find who he wanted and not what he wanted. Loki then time-slipped to the time before the Temporal Loom exploded and urged Ouroboros, Casey and Timely to work faster in order to prevent what went wrong the first time.[138][15]

Loki Far Shot

Loki gives new life to the Sacred Timeline's branches

They tried multiple times, to no avail. After several attempts, Loki's efforts continued to be in vain. Ultimately, he realized that they could not scale the loom's capacity because the Multiverse and its branches are infinite, and you could not scale for infinity. When Laufeydottir complained that none of that would have happened had she not killed He Who Remains, Loki time-slipped to the Citadel at the End of Time before He Who Remains' death. He tried to stop Laufeydottir from killing him, realizing that no matter what he did, the only way to do that was by killing her. Loki then decided to have a talk with He Who Remains, who revealed the true nature of the Temporal Loom and that its purpose was to destroy everything once the Sacred Timeline continued to branch. Loki then came to the realization that with his abilities he could fill the loom's function. By realizing that a glorious purpose came with great burden he could let the Multiverse be free. Loki time-slipped to the moments before the loom's destruction where he used his telekinesis to rip the loom and destroy it. He then grabbed the dying timelines and carried them with him to the end of time, sitting down at the remains of the Citadel, creating a new loom centered around him, assuming his new role as the new keeper of time, as well as keeping the Multiverse free and safe by remaining alone for the rest of eternity.[15]

TVA's New Purpose[]

Kang TVA File

The TVA monitoring Kang the Conqueror

In the aftermath of Loki's sacrifice, the Time Variance Authority shifted its focus to protecting the Multiverse by monitoring and tracking down the Variants of He Who Remains. Before leaving the TVA, Mobius M. Mobius made a report on the Uprising in Axia, noticing how Ant-Man and the Wasp from Earth-616 had managed to defeat one of them.[15]

Uatu's Return to Narrating[]

What If S2 TV Spot (31)

Uatu observes the Multiverse through the Observational Plane

In the ever-growing Multiverse, Uatu continued watching the many alternate universes that existed. He visited a universe where Nebula found redemption by joining the Nova Corps and successfully saved Xandar by defeating a corrupt Irani Rael and Ronan the Accuser.[139] Uatu then moved onto another universe where Yondu delivered Peter Quill to Ego which prompted his expansion to start as early as the 80s. He watched how a version of the Avengers teamed up and stopped Ego's expansion on Earth with Quill's help.[140] He then entered a universe where Justin Hammer tried to take over the Avengers Tower during Christmas.[141] Following this, he returned to review the story of Gamora's universe before she was recruited into the Guardians of the Multiverse.[142] Uatu decided to visit the universe of another Guardian of the Multiverse, he went to Captain Carter's universe to check up on her despite him not usually doing sequels. He saw how Carter found out that Steve Rogers had survived World War II and had become a Red Room assassin. Following the Destruction of the Red Room, Uatu was in shock as he saw Captain Carter be drawn into another universe via Magic.[143] Before following Carter, Uatu surveyed Kahhori's universe and how she tried to change the world for the better with her new powers. Uatu then observed how another member of the Guardians of the Multiverse, Strange Supreme, arrived to apprehend her.[144] Before going to see what happened to Carter, Uatu made a last stop at a universe where Hela was banished to Earth instead of Hel. He saw how Hela met Xu Wenwu and eventually went to Ta Lo where under Jiayi's tutelage, she learned about humility and mercy. Uatu left the universe after watching how Hela recovered her powers and with her newfound compassion forged an alliance between Asgard's forces and the Ten Rings to help other worlds outside the Nine Realms even coming to stop Thanos when he was attacking the Zehoberei.[145]

1602 Temporal Anomaly[]

What If...? Trailer (54)

Rogers hits the Time Stone

"The sad truth is that there are worlds among the Multiverse simply meant to die. But every once in a while, a glimmer of hope can emerge. With their world collapsing in on itself, a band of heroes gathered together to save their reality."

In an alternate 2018, during the Infinity War, Thanos arrived in Wakanda and was confronted by Captain America who accidentally hit the Time Stone activating it and displacing himself and other inhabitants from his universe to the 1600s. Watcher finally entered this universe as he was checking on where Captain Carter had been taken to. He saw how she had been summoned by Scarlet Witch in order to help this reality which was on the verge of collapse. He learned that this universe had most of its present-day heroes in the 1600s due to a time displaced person. Uatu saw how Carter was unable to save Queen Hela and how her brother Thor blamed Carter and sent the royal forces on her. As she was on the run, Uatu told her that he could return her to her universe, but Carter told him she wanted to stay there and prevent that universe from dying.

Captain Carter (1602)

Carter trapped in 1602

Carter then went to see Tony Stark and requested his help in creating a machine that could detect who was the time displaced person. In order to activate the machine, they needed Thor's scepter. Carter established contact with the Avengers and hired them to help her. Rogers, who was the leader, was surprised to see Carter in this time. The group went to a bar where Rogers and Carter bonded, however, they were attacked by the royal forces, who were led by Happy Hogan. In the skirmish, Carter let herself be captured and locked up in a cell so Rogers and the others could escape and steal the scepter. Shortly after, Carter escaped from custody with the help of Hulk.

Doctor Strange in 1602

Strange approaching Carter

Carter and the others ambushed Thor while Scarlet Witch was trying to contain another rift in space. During the fight, they successfully stole Thor's scepter, placing the stone in Stark's machine, which revealed the time displaced person to be Steve Rogers. Despite them not wanting to say goodbye, they agreed to let Stark activate the device and send everyone to their era. Carter went to a bar where she was met by her former teammember, Strange Supreme who wanted her to help him with something.[32]

A Reborn Universe[]

Sanctum Infinitum

Strange shows Carter the Sanctum Infinitum

"In his pursue to save Christine Palmer, he destroyed his soul, his sanity, and his universe. But it was only as the world collapsed around him that he saw the error of his ways. Now two legends must band together to face a threat unlike any the Multiverse has ever faced."

In his isolation, Strange Supreme became obsessed with the idea of saving his universe and Christine Palmer as the demons he had absorbed further corrupted his mind. Strange built the Sanctum Infinitum where he imprisoned the most powerful individuals from their respective realities that could power his Forge which would resurrect his universe. However, he did not disclose his real intentions to Captain Carter and instead told her that he was capturing universe destroyers and that he had been unable to imprison one and that is why he was requesting for her help.

Peggy Carter with The Watcher

Uatu warning Carter of the events that are about to transpire

Strange used the Rotunda of Gateways inside his Sanctum to send Carter to the universe where the "universe destroyer" was hiding. Inside this reality, the Watcher approached Carter insisting that she did not need to protect other universes and should just go back to hers. Carter told him that they would never agree on the matter as she could not stay back and watch things unfold if she could help others. Watcher replied that he did not watch but see how things played out. Carter told him that Strange found a way to watch and see and get involved, thus making a difference. Watcher told Carter to be careful as he could not bear to narrate what would happen next.

What If...? Trailer (72)

Kahhori transports the Multiversal prisoners back to their universes

In the Badlands, Carter eventually found the "universe destroyer", Kahhori. Both fought each other but stopped when Kahhori revealed that Strange was actually the bad guy and he was just capturing powered individuals for his Forge, which shocked Carter. Back in the Sanctum Infinitum, Carter confronted Strange and realized that he was trying to bring back Palmer. Strange told her that he thought she would understand. Carter and Kahhori teamed up to save the Multiversal prisoners. They decided to destroy the Forge, so Carter created a diversion by freeing the Multiversal prisoners, who started to fight each other. In the ensuing battle, Carter and Kahhori went to the Forge. Strange managed to fight them off while he activated the Forge and started throwing all the Multiversal prisoners in it. Realizing what they were trying to do, the prisoners tossed their weapons to Carter and Kahhori so they could defeat Strange. The duo managed to stop Strange long enough for Kahhori to return them all back to their universes. Strange fell inside the Forge as he was separated from the demons he had absorbed. As he came back to his senses, he fought the demons to prevent them from harming Carter and Kahhori. Strange and the demons were destroyed when they fell into the Forge. Watcher sent Kahhori back to her world and took Carter to the Observational Plane while the Forge destroyed the Sanctum Infinitum.

Multiverse What If

Uatu shows Carter the Multiverse

Carter asked Uatu what had happened, and he replied that he rescued her and Kahhori. Carter took a look where she was at and realized Uatu observed all universes in existence from there. He then took them both to a universe where they spotted Christine Palmer. Uatu explained to Carter that the energy that came from Strange and the demons allowed the Forge to recreate Strange's universe but without Strange in it. Carter then lamented Strange's suffering and how he would never see Palmer's new life. Uatu consoled her telling her that she was right for trying the see the good in Strange. He confessed he had seen what was going to happen, but he could not intervene. Carter said she was ready to go back to her universe but would not mind taking a detour as there was surely something worth seeing. Uatu smiled and agreed there was something and allowed her to see the new shape of the Multiverse.[146]

Cassandra Nova's Banishment[]

Cassandra Nova (D&W)

Cassandra Nova in the Void

Under the Time Variance Authority's jurisdiction, in one of the many alternate universes they oversaw, Cassandra Nova, Charles Xavier's twin sister, tried to kill Xavier inside the womb by strangling him with her umbilical cord but Xavier psychically killed her.[147] This event alerted the TVA who pruned Nova, sending her to the Void. Nova rapidly became one of the most powerful individuals in the Void, recruiting individuals that the TVA pruned from other worlds into her community. She eventually found resistance from other individuals that were pruned, such as Elektra, Daredevil, Magneto, Quicksilver, X-23, Blade, Gambit, Punisher and Human Torch. The group fought back against Nova and her henchmen, which resulted in the loss of several of their members, including Quicksilver, Punisher, Daredevil and Magneto. She also melted the latter's helmet to prevent the remaining members of the Resistance from using it against her. Due to the Resistance's failed attempts, Nova continued to exert her will over the Void killing Variants who were unwilling to obey her. Nova also was able to kill multiple versions of her twin brother and a version of Doctor Strange stealing one of the Xavier's wheelchair and Strange's Time and Reality Stone infused Sling Ring and cloak. At one point, she was approached by Paradox, a rogue agent from the TVA, who offered her a bargain that allowed her to deal with the Variants sent to the Void however she wanted as long as she never left her newly dominated kingdom.[148]


Deadpool's Time Travel[]

On Earth-10005, Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, used his Cable's Time-Travel Device to change some events in the history of his universe. He prevented the murder of his girlfriend Vanessa Carlysle at the hands of Sergei Valishnikov and the death of his X-Force teammates such as Peter Wisdom and Shatterstar. He then traveled to 1979 and killed Weapon XI before he fought James Howlett. After successfully rewriting his timeline, he was able to travel to another universe where he killed Ryan Reynolds as he read the script of Green Lantern and then went back to his universe. Deadpool's actions on his timeline were noticed by the Time Variance Authority.

Wilson and Hogan

Wade Wilson meets with Happy Hogan on Earth-616

Struggling with his identity as a hero and his achievements in life, after finding out of the existence of the Avengers, Wilson was able to travel to 2018 of Earth-616 where he met Happy Hogan. He told him that he wanted to become a member of the team as he needed to be part of something. Hogan said that the Avengers were heroes who protected people because they needed them, not to fulfill a personal goal. Wilson was turned down and went back to his universe. He broke Cable's time-travel device and left his life as Deadpool as he fall into depression. He broke up with Carlysle and dedicated to sell cars at Drive Max.[148]

Death of an Anchor Being[]

"Your anchor died in an act of self-sacrifice so epic, that it sent shivers down the timeline. I am referring of course to Logan. The Wolverine."
Mr. Paradox to Deadpool[src]

In 2029 of Earth-10005, James Howlett, also known as Wolverine, a respected member of the X-Men, gave his life to save his daughter Laura. Due to a deteriorated healing factor, which was caused by adamantium poisoning,[149] Wolverine succumbed to his wounds. Wolverine's sacrifice made him a selfless hero not only in his universe but in the Multiverse, as he was admired by several members of the TVA.

However, as he was the anchor being of his timeline (a being whose existence stabilized their world), Earth-10005 became to unravel, starting a decay process that would last up to 2000 years. Renegade TVA Agent, Mr. Paradox, who was tasked with observing Wolverine's world, decided to give the universe a fast death and planned to use a newly constructed Time Ripper to complete the process.[148]

Preservation of Earth-10005[]

Paradox's Offer[]
Deadpool & Wolverine Teaser Trailer (53)

Paradox offers Deadpool to be part of the Sacred Timeline

Paradox established a TVA outpost on Earth-10005 where TVA agents assembled the Time Ripper and kept tabs on Wade Wilson, who caught Paradox's attention. In 2024 of that timeline, during Wilson's birthday party, under Paradox's orders, TVA agents arrived at Wilson's apartment and abducted him. At the Time Variance Authority Office, Paradox told Wilson that he considered him a great asset and offered him the chance to live in the Sacred Timeline with the Avengers. Wilson accepted and was provided with a new Deadpool suit and adamantium blades. Wilson told Paradox that he was eager to share the news with his friends but then he learned that due to Wolverine's death in his universe, his universe was decaying and given Paradox's current disagreement with the new TVA leadership he was planning to accelerate Wilson's universe's destruction. Deadpool turned on Paradox and stole a TemPad which he decided to use to save his universe.

Deadpool and Logan at a bar

Deadpool confronts a new Wolverine

Deadpool traveled years into the future and went to Wolverine's grave. He dug up his corpse only to find out that he had not regenerated and thus his universe was doomed. Deadpool was found by TVA Minutemen and used Wolverine's remains to fight them off. After defeating them all, even pruning one of them, Deadpool traveled through the Multiverse in order to find a new Wolverine who could replace his universe's Wolverine as the new anchor being. He found and was attacked by many Wolverine Variants who were too hostile and uneager to collaborate with him. Deadpool eventually arrived at an alternate universe in Canada where he met a Wolverine who was drinking alone in a bar. He rejected Deadpool's offer before passing out due to drunkenness. Deadpool used the TemPad to take him and this new Wolverine into Paradox's headquarters. There, he was told that the Wolverine he retrieved was considered to be the worst Wolverine in the Multiverse as he prompted the death of all of his teammates. Both Deadpool and Wolverine were then pruned by the TVA and sent to the Void.[148]

Encountering Cassandra Nova[]
Johnny Storm (Deadpool & Wolverine)

Deadpool and Wolverine meet Human Torch

In the Void, Wolverine got mad at Deadpool for getting him pruned and attacked him. They bought fought until Deadpool revealed that he could convince the TVA to help him undo the death of his teammates in his universe. Begrudgingly, Wolverine agreed to stop fighting and find a way to go back to the TVA. They were met by Human Torch, a former member of the Fantastic Four who was part of the Resistance, who was initially believed by Deadpool to be a version of Captain America. They were encountered by a small group of Cassandra Nova's henchmen, led by Sabretooth and Pyro. Wolverine beheaded Sabretooth while Pyro depowered Storm. Toad activated a magnet attached to the Candarm, both of which were attached to the Mag Truck, trapping Deadpool and Wolverine and attracting a leg of a Sentinel, knocking them out. The trio and the Minuteman were ultimately captured and taken along with the leg to Nova's compound, a base built in the corpse of Giant-Man. On their way, Storm explained to Deadpool and Wolverine about the Void and Nova, vowing to violently murder the latter.

Deadpool & Wolverine Final Trailer (11)

Alioth arrives at Nova's compound

At the compound, Nova introduced herself to Deadpool and Wolverine briefly telling them how she ended up in the Void. Deadpool engaged in a conversation with her, revealing all of Storm's insults toward her. Despite repeatedly denying them, Storm was killed by Nova, who used her telekinesis to remove all of Storm's skin from his body. Nova proceeded to incapacitate Wolverine and torture Deadpool by using her powers to hijack his memories. They eventually fought her off until Alioth showed up. Upon his arrival, all of Nova's henchmen and Nova herself hid in order to avoid being devoured by Alioth. While they were hiding, Alioth consumed some of the henchmen. Deadpool and Wolverine managed to escape on another Sentinel leg and land near a diner and decided to find other members of the Resistance so they could leave the Void.

Nicepool, Wolverine, Dogpool, and Deadpool

Nicepool introduces himself to Wolverine and Deadpool

The duo crossed paths with Dogpool and her owner Nicepool. The latter ignored Deadpool's aggressiveness toward him and gave them directions of how to travel to the Void's borderlands where other members of the Resistance hide. He warned them about the Deadpool Corps before lending them a car. While driving through the Borderlands, Deadpool accidentally revealed that he did not really know if the TVA could rewrite Wolverine's timeline. Enraged, Wolverine lashed out a Deadpool which led to a fight between the two. Due to their healing factor, they fought until they were too exhausted to continue and fell asleep. Laura, also known as X-23, found them and drove them to the Hero Hideout.[148]

Teaming up with the Resistance[]
Laura talking to Logan

Laura talks to Wolverine

Deadpool and Wolverine woke up and were met with the surviving members of the Resistance: Elektra, Blade, and Gambit and X-23. Deadpool identified X-23 as the girl whom Logan from his universe saved in 2029. They revealed they were sent to the Void by the TVA as they deemed their worlds to be doomed. Deadpool convinced the group to team up and help them take on Nova in order to avoid Human Torch's death, omitting his involvement on said event. Elektra agreed to help them out, but Wolverine did not want to fight anymore believing their plan to be doomed to fail. He was approached by X-23, who told him of the story of how her and Wilson's Wolverine saved her and other kids by sacrificing himself. Wolverine replied by saying that he was not that Logan and that he was the wrong guy explaining how the X-Men of his universe were brutally murdered by humans and he was too drunk to help them out. Laura replied that her Logan was also the wrong guy, until he was not.

Resistance Assemble

The Resistance prepares to fight Nova's henchmen

The Resistance then went to Nova's compound, planning to use Juggernaut's helmet to neutralize her powers since Nova melted Magneto's helmet, which would have had the same effect. With Wolverine's help, the Resistance successfully attacked Nova's compound. They fought Bullseye, Azazel, Callisto, Lady Deathstrike and other Variants who were pruned. Together, Deadpool and Wolverine managed to subdue Nova by putting Juggernaut's helmet on her. They were surprised by Pyro who revealed to have teamed up with Paradox in executing Nova since the rogue TVA agent had decided his original deal with Nova was no longer sustainable. Since the helmet neutralized Nova's powers, she began to succumb to her injuries.

Deadpool & Wolverine Everyone (17)

Deadpool and Wolverine escape from the Void

Nova revealed to Deadpool that if she died, then they were not going to be able to escape the Void since she was the only one who knew how. Wolverine convinced Deadpool to free Nova since his Charles Xavier would have never let someone die. Nova healed herself and subdued Pyro. She used the Sling Ring she had previously stolen from Strange and opened an Inter-Dimensional Portal to Earth-10005. Just as Alioth arrived at the compound, Deadpool and Wolverine escaped through the portal. Nova learned of Paradox's betrayal from Pyro before killing the latter.[148]

Cassandra Nova's New Plan[]
Wolverine & Deadpool

Deadpool and Wolverine prepare to fight the Deadpool Corps

Cassandra Nova also escaped from the Void and made her way into Earth-10005 where she planned to use Paradox's Time Ripper to turn the entire Multiverse into the Void. In order to prevent Deadpool and Wolverine from interfering with her plans, Nova enlisted the assistance of the Deadpool Corps. Outside of the TVA outpost, Deadpool and Wolverine were met again by Dogpool and Nicepool, who came through a portal Nova opened. The members of the Deadpool Corps arrived and opened fire on the group. Deadpool used Nicepool as a human shield expecting him to regenerate afterwards. However, to everyone's shock, Nicepool did not have the healing factor other Deadpool Variants had. As he did not like him, and wanted to keep Dogpool and Nicepool's guns, Deadpool had the latter killed by using him again as a human shield on the pretense that he was going to get him to safety. Donning his newly gained guns, Deadpool and Wolverine fought the other Deadpool who keep coming back due to their healing factor. The Deadpool Corps stopped attacking them when Peter Wisdom showed up since they all had a Peter Wisdom in their universes.

Deadpool & Wolverine Final Trailer (17)

Cassandra Nova attempts to destroy the Multiverse

Taking advantage of their distraction, Deadpool and Wolverine entered the TVA outpost where Paradox revealed to them Nova already took control over the Time Ripper. He told them that they could cause a short-circuit the device by disrupting its power source which was in the chamber of matter and anti-matter. They headed off to disrupt the machine not without being warned that their interaction with the Time Ripper's energy would kill them despite their regeneration powers. Wolverine attempted to sacrifice himself since Deadpool had a life to go back to, but he was double-crossed by Deadpool who locked himself inside the chamber and proceeded to short-circuit the core. However, Wolverine managed to break in and help Deadpool successfully destroying both the Time Ripper and Nova in the process.

Deadpool and Wolverine Slow-Mo Walk

Deadpool and Wolverine after destroying the Time Ripper

The event is detected by Hunter B-15 and other TVA agents whom were aware of Paradox's renegade actions. They arrived to apprehend him. B-15 then talked to Deadpool and Wolverine revealing that their actions managed to replace Earth-10005's previous anchor being and that his universe was stabilizing. Deadpool asked her if she could rewrite Wolverine's timeline while she said she would consider it, B-15 pointed out that if it were not for the events that happened, Wolverine would have never been able to save the Multiverse.

Deadpool & Wolverine Everyone (15)

Deadpool and Wolverine are allowed to continue their lives on Earth-10005

The TVA eventually restored the remaining Resistance members and sent them back to their timelines, including Laura, who was allowed to return to Earth-10005, albeit in the past, while Deadpool rekindled his relationship with Vanessa Carlysle.[148]

The Hero of the Multiverse's Intervention[]

Council of Titan

Council of Titan and Starfox during Thanos' trial

In an alternate universe, Vision began to die due to the decay of his Mind Stone. Vision's wife, Infinity Witch attempted to change his husband's impending death in their universe only to discover it was an absolute point. Maximoff realized she could use the Infinity Stones to reshape her husband. Learning of Uatu's existence, Maximoff disguised as him. As Watcher, Maximoff enlisted the help of Wong so he could train the Hero of the Multiverse to use the Hand of Agamotto a spell that allowed someone to use the Infinity Stones outside of their respective universes. Wong reluctantly agreed and took the Hero of the Multiverse to Timeline 724, a universe where a world was completely obliterated by the Space Stone. After teaching them how to use the Hand, the Tao Mandalas and the sealing spell (which trapped people in the Soulworld), the duo were sent to Timeline 351, where Thanos was judged by the Council of Titan for trying to destroy Xandar in his attempt to retrieve the Reality Stone to save Titan. Despite his brother Starfox's intervention, Thanos doubled down on his decision and broke free using the Reality Stone. With the help of Centurion Carol Danvers, the hero of the Multiverse defeated Thanos by trapping him in the Soulworld, ultimately reclaiming the stone.

World war 2 what if game

Hero of the Multiverse enters Timeline 926

"Watcher" then sent the hero of the Multiverse to Timeline 926 to recover the Power Stone. There, they observed a bandaged man trying to retrieve the Stone from the HYDRA Siberian Facility. The man was confronted by Red Guardian who fought him. With the help of the hero of the Multiverse, Red Guardian managed to defeat the man who got distracted when he saw Bucky Barnes in a Cryostasis Chamber. They were then sent to Wong's universe, Timeline 657, where the Time Stone had been stolen by Hela who attempted to sell the Stone to the Collector on Knowhere in order to get Fenris, who was in Collector's Museum. Collector betrayed Hela and attacked her after seeing Wong and the hero's arrival. After defeating the Collector, the hero used the Time Stone to heal Fenris, which annoyed Wong.

Wanda Peers Into the Multiverse

Maximoff studying the Multiverse

"Watcher" made an act of presence and revealed herself to be Scarlet Witch in disguise, manifesting her intention to redo the Multiverse to save her dying husband. She trapped everyone in the Soulworld and took the Infinity Stone the hero had collected. In the Soulworld, the hero met with Maximoff's husband who explained to them how they had been manipulated by Maximoff showing him how each of the individuals they defeated had been wrongly accused by Maximoff. The hero discovered the reasons why Hela wanted the Time Stone to save Fenris. They also learned that Thanos intended to use the Reality Stone to save his world despite the Council's refusal and that the bandaged man was Steve Rogers, who was disfigured by a failed Project Rebirth and intended to steal the Power Stone to help the allies on defeating HYDRA. Having earned a new perspective, the hero sought to enlist all of their help to defeat Maximoff. Wong revealed he did not trust the "Watcher" and revealed he hid the book of Agamotto's spells which contained one that could help them escape from the Soulworld.

Attack on Scarlet Witch

The hero of the Multiverse leads their allies into fighting Maximoff

The group escaped and fought Maximoff who was trying to make a new Multiverse. Uatu observed the battle as it ensued, while their allies were imprisoned by Maximoff, the hero of the Multiverse managed to use the Infinity Stones against her succesffully defeating her. In order to leave with his wife, Vision handed his Mind Stone to them, revealing he and Maximoff would isolate themselves in the Soulworld, where time was irrelevant and he would not die. With Maximoff and Vision gone, Uatu approached the hero and told them that it would be their choice whether to destroy the stones and allow their allies' universes to continue their natural course, or use the Infinity Stones to control their destinies and alter their natural course.

Carter in What If Game

Carter talks to the Hero of the Multiverse

Uatu observed the two scenarios unfold. In the first scenario, Uatu saw how the hero destroyed the stones and let their allies return to their universes: Thanos understood there were things people could not change and became a leader for Titans taking them to live to another world, Rogers recruited Red Guardian and Winter Soldier into the Tri-Musketeers to defeat HYDRA and Hela accepted Fenris' death and became the Goddess of Life. Afterwards, Watcher, proud of the hero's choice, took them to meet Captain Carter. Carter tested the hero's skills by throwing her shield at them, which the hero caught. Impressed, Carter told Uatu he was going to have to do employee evaluations if he was going to recruit more heroes to help him look over the Multiverse. Carter then told the hero that they had a Multiverse to protect.

Deadpool in What If Game

Deadpool greets the Hero of the Multiverse Variant

Uatu also observed the second scenario, where an alternate hero used the stones to reshape their allies' worlds to their will which resulted into different outcomes: Hela/Tyrant Hela went back to her world and became a tyrant, Steve Rogers/American Super Soldier Army gave the Power Stone to Howard Stark who used it to create an army of super soldiers to fight HYDRA and Thanos was able to revive Titan looking to do the same to the rest of hs universe. The creation of these new alternate timelines alerted the Time Variance Authority who sent Miss Minutes to assess the situation. She found the hero and Watcher who were talking about the dangerous choice they had made. Miss Minutes noticed how the divergence in the timelines had created continuity errors in the Multiverse, labelling the hero one of those errors. Uatu asked Miss Minutes what she intended to do. While she entertained the idea of pruning the hero, she decided to recruit them into the TVA after Uatu defended their role in saving the Multiverse from Maximoff. Miss Minutes introduced the hero into their new partner: Deadpool. Wilson became elated by the hero which creeped her out. Miss Minutes then told the hero they needed to begin their training to become an agent at the TVA.[150]

Kahhori's Adventures[]

Kahhori in Earth-616

Kahhori is sent to Earth-616 outside of the Sacred Timeline

When Loki, King of Jotunheim, attempted to retrieve the Sky World Crown from Sky World, which was able to grant the user the powers of the Space Stone, he was confronted and defeated by Kahhori. In the aftermath of the attack, Kahhori set up new defenses and told Loki to never come back. Kahhori had tasked Eitri to get a seed of the Flora colossi so she could plant it in Sky World soil. However, she was interrupted when Loki returned. Loki claimed that he did not care about her since he had already gotten the crown, which was what he wanted. He manifested his intention to conquer other worlds before teleporting himself and Kahhori to Earth-616, which was outside of the Sacred Timeline. They both arrived at a New York City parade for the Avengers.

Kahhori vs. Loki

Kahhori fights Loki

She fought Loki at a construction site, which drew the attention of Daredevil and Echo. They fought Loki together. Before she tried to teleport Loki somewhere else, a portal opened up behind Loki, the portal also sent Kahhori to another place, where she fell in the middle of the Midnight Mission. There, she encountered Moon Knight. Kahorri attacked Moon Knight telling him that just because she wielded the power from the Moon, that did not mean he was the only one who understood it. Kahhori told him that the Moon was Haudenosaunee Confederacy's grandmother as they considered her family. Loki returned and attacked her and Moon Knight. As Moon Knight was incapacitated, Kahhori summoned a giant ball of energy and charged at Loki, sending him and her back to Akwesasne. Kahhori then noticed the dark portal Loki had created, she failed to contain it. Due to his abuse of the its power, the crown started to melt off Loki's head. Kahorri let Loki know that by abusing the Space Stone's powers, he would be vanished to the Planet of Lost Souls, which ended up happening.[151]

Judgment of Uatu[]

To be added.


Yggdrasil end credits

In addition to the "Earthly Plane", the dimension where Earth is located, alongside other eight realms and a vast number of other planets and galaxies, there are a wide variety of another dimensions (portions of reality within a universe):

Dimension Image
Fifth Dimension
Quantum Realm
Ancestral Plane
Mirror Dimension
Astral Dimension
Mandelibus Dimension
Actiniaria Dimension
Grass Jelly Dimension
Flowering Incense Dimension
Quadriverse -
Realm of Madness
Dark Dimension
Izel's Realm
Time Variance Authority Office
Citadel at the End of Time
Ta Lo
Gap Junction
Noor Dimension
Eternity's Realm
Shadow Dimension -
Sky World
Nightmare Dimension -


More information and other universes: List of Alternate Universes
For universes through dreams: Dreams
Branch timelines
Universe Image
Sacred Timeline
New York Time Heist Universe
Asgard Time Heist Universe
Cosmic Time Heist Universe
Camp Lehigh Time Heist Universe
Time Heist Test Universe
Captain America's Full Life
Goddess of Mischief Universe
Statesman Survivor Loki -
Infinity Stones Acquirer Loki Universe
Kid Thor Killed Universe
Alligator Loki's Home Reality
President Loki's Home Reality
Other Loki Variants' Home Realities
Realities Interfered by the TVA
Giant Yellowjacket Universe
Thanos-Branded Helicopter Universe
USS Eldridge Pruned
Hot Rod Red Skull Coupe Universe
Timeline Bombed Ego Universe
Void Items' Home Realities -
Victor Timelys' Home Realities
Sylvie Employed Universe
(Branch 3311987)[152]
Temporal Marvels Universe
Temporal Loom Destroyed Universe
Organic Webbing Spider-Man Universe
Rageful Vigilante Spider-Man Universe
Lethal Protector Venom Universe
Illuminati Assembled Universe
Utopian Parallel
Variant Killer Strange Universe
Blue Magic Doctor Strange Universe
Living Tribunal Statue World
Blue Void World Universe
Onslaught Canyon World
Mirror World
Honeycomb World
Underwater World
Alt New York
Pipe World
Skeleton World
Savage Land
Comic Book World
Post-Apocalyptic World
Cube World
Paint World
Pyramid World
Futuristic City World
Misty City World Universe
Volcanic World
Green-Cloak Kang Universe -
Black-Armor Kang Universe
Purple-Cloak Kang Universe
Long Hair Kang Universe
Green Reptilian Kang Universe
Blue Reptilian Kang Universe
X-Men Ally Binary Universe
Anchor Being Wolverine Universe
Void Analyzing Fantastic Four Universe
Universe Defender Blade Universe
Forgotten Elektra Universe
AT4 Owner Punisher Universe
Cassandra Nova Birthed Universe
Mutant Genocide Universe
Eyepatch Wearer Wolverine Universe
Hulk Fighter Wolverine Universe
Henry Cavill Look-Alike Wolverine Universe
Short Wolverine Universe
Amputee Wolverine Universe
Old Man Logan Universe
Crucified Wolverine Universe
Baby Deadpool Universe -
Canadian Emblem Deadpool Universe
Corps Leader Deadpool Universe
Cowboy Deadpool Universe
Detective Deadpool Universe
Distant Future Deadpool Universe
Gas Mask Deadpool Universe
Jester Deadpool Universe
Kid Deadpool Universe
Non-Regenerative Deadpool Universe
Pirate Deadpool Universe
Red-Hooded Deadpool Universe
Regal Deadpool Universe
Rich Deadpool Universe
Ronin Deadpool Universe
Scottish Deadpool Universe
Short Deadpool Universe
Welsh Deadpool Universe
White Hat Deadpool Universe
Winged Deadpool Universe
Young Adult Deadpool Universe
Zen Deadpool Universe
Zombie Head Deadpool Universe
Forehead Scar Bullseye Universe
Infinity Stone Sling Ring Universe
Blue Flag Avengers Universe
Fantasti-Car Pruned Universe
Scarlet Witch Statue Pruned Universe
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier Pruned Universe
NASA Staircase Pruned Universe
Super Soldier Peggy Carter Universe
Ravager T'Challa Universe
Avengers Assassinated Universe
Corrupted Doctor Strange Universe
Zombie Outbreak Universe
Killmonger's War Universe
Party Prince Thor Universe
Age of Ultron Universe
President Steve Rogers Universe
Sakaarian Iron Man Universe
Barren Wasteland
Nova Corpsman Nebula Universe
Celestial Invader Ego Universe
Gamma Enhanced Happy Hogan Universe
Tesseract Powered Kahhori Universe
Merciful Hela Universe
Forerunner Steve Rogers Universe
Project Rebirth Destroyed Universe
Invading Gamma Beasts Universe
Cosmic Queen Agatha Harkness Universe
Stark Assassination Prevented Universe
Emergence Destroyed Earth Universe
Wild West Heroes Universe
Animal Asgardians Universe
Showman Ultron Universe
Pirate Crossbones Universe
Reflective Infinity Ultron Universe
Hybrid Ironheart Killed Universe -
Mjølnir-Wielding Storm Universe
Asgardian Hulk Universe
Berserker Drax Universe
Celestial Star-Lord Universe
Einherjar General Thor Universe
Empty Vision Universe
Galactic Avenger Universe
Great Detractor Universe
Gunslinger Loki Universe
Hireling Black Order Universe
Insurgent Korg Universe
Mad Viking Thor Universe
Old Man Wenwu Universe
Scarlet Warlock Howard Universe
Sorcerer Collector Universe
Weaponized Cyborg Rocket Universe
Zombie Controller Hela Universe
Black Panther Ororo Munroe Universe
Masked Storm Universe
Nova Byrdie the Duck Universe
Duck-Billed Byrdie the Duck Universe
Armored Byrdie the Duck Universe
Captain America Kahhori Universe
Cloak Kahhori Universe
X-Man Kahhori Universe
Black Knight Peggy Carter Universe
Sabretooth Peggy Carter Universe
Elektra Peggy Carter Universe
Deathlok Peggy Carter Universe
Valkyrie Peggy Carter Universe
Wolverine Peggy Carter Universe
Glowing Eyes Peggy Carter Universe
Six-Armed Spider-Man Universe
Samurai Ghost Rider Universe
Punisher Riri Williams Universe
Bride Gamora Universe
Weapon X Thanos Universe
Iron Man Kingo Universe
Wasp Ms. Marvel Universe
Dragon Hawkeye Universe
Silver Surfer Jubilee Universe
Howard Stark-Sersi Romance Universe
Arsenal-Wielding Deadpool Universe
Star-Lord Shang-Chi Universe
Disfigured Steve Rogers Universe
(Timeline 926)
American Super Soldier Army Universe
Runaway Hela Universe
(Timeline 657)
Tyrant Hela Universe
Reality Stone Seeker Thanos Universe
(Timeline 351)
Revived Titan Universe
Dying Mind Stone Universe
Loyal Daughters of Thanos Universe
Locked Space Stone Universe
(Timeline 724)
Multiversal Hero Chosen Universe
Destiny Defying Multiverse Hero Universe -
Australian Resident Thor Universe
Destroyed Earth Universe
History Altered by Chronicoms Universe
Healing Algorithm
Time-Traveling Runaways Universe
Quantum Gravity Time Travel Universe
Tandy Bowen's Perfect Life Universe
Tandy Bowen Engineer Universe
Tandy Bowen Drug Addict Universe
Andre Deschaine's Torture Universe -
Tyrone Johnson Killed Universe
Duel to D'Spayre
Norman Osborn-Mentored Spider-Man Universe
Avengers Campus Recruitment Universe

Inter-Dimensional Travel[]

Traveling between dimensions is incredibly difficult and usually requires a lot of energy. Yet several shortcuts do exist. The Masters of the Mystic Arts use Sling Rings to travel between dimensions, as long as they can invoke a clear enough image in their minds as to where they want to go. However, it has been shown that some dimensions can be accessed without the use of the Sling Ring, but only by extremely powerful and knowledgeable people. Notable dimensions that have been accessed without the Sling Ring are the Quantum Realm, Dark Dimension, Astral Dimension, Mirror Dimension, K'un-Lun Dimension, Soulworld, and Ta Lo.

The Astral Dimension can be accessed by souls through Astral Projection; physical bodies cannot enter that dimension. Similarly, the Mirror Dimension can be accessed without using a Sling Ring; however, one needs a Sling Ring in order to get back to the Earth plane, otherwise they get stuck in the Mirror Dimension.[13]

Others have also been able to travel between dimensions. Aida, with the help of the Darkhold, constructed an Inter-Dimensional Gate to free Phil Coulson, Leo Fitz and Robbie Reyes from being trapped between two dimensions.[40] The Ghost Rider also developed the ability to open inter-dimensional portals between the Earthly Plane and Hell Dimension with his Hellfire Chain.[60]

Once in a few years, the gates to the K'un-Lun Dimension open naturally in the mountains of China and the transition between Earth and the dimension is free.[12]

The creature called the Abilisk is capable of crossing between alternate dimensions.[160]

When the time, creation and space Monoliths were destroyed by an explosive Kree Beacon, they created a rift to Izel's Realm which leaked to Earth.[78]

In order to travel to Ta Lo, one has to make it through a forest maze that is nearly impossible to travel through due to its rapidly changing form as well as a gateway behind the waterfall at the end of the maze. Shang-Chi, Xu Xialing, Katy Chen, and Trevor Slattery were able to make it past these obstacles with the help of Morris.[33]

The Observational Plane could only be accessed and noticed by those that have great power such as having all the Infinity Stones as seen when Ultron noticed the Watcher observing him. Ultron could break through the barriers to the Nexus using the Infinity Stones. With such force, it is possible to break through into other universes within the Nexus as seen during Uatu's fight with Ultron.[117]

America Chavez is able to traverse dimensions and alternate universes within the Multiverse by creating star-shaped portals, which she used to bring her and Doctor Strange to the universe of the Illuminati. She also opened this portal during her confrontation with Wanda Maximoff in the Darkhold Castle.

With the Darkhold, powerful sorcerers and witches are able to dreamwalk, thus taking the form of alternate versions of themselves. Wanda Maximoff was able to dreamwalk into an alternate version of herself and communicate with another universe. Doctor Strange was able to dreamwalk into a corpse of his alternate self and reanimate him.[108]

Kang the Conqueror was able to traverse the Multiverse using his Time Sphere, powered by a Multiversal Engine Core. Using his Chair to travel, Kang was able to severe the connections of multiple parallel realities from the rest of the Multiverse.[16]


Behind the Scenes[]

  • The tree-like design of the Multiverse was created as a collaborative effort between the creative teams of Loki and What If...?, both of which needed the designs in the finales of their second seasons at a similar deadline.[171]
  • In Deadpool: Samurai, Chapter 18, a Loki Variant came to help Deadpool. He recapped the end of the second season of Loki and mentioned that Loki became "Yggdrasil" to hold the timelines together. The Loki Variant recruited Deadpool to face a threat to the Multiverse.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kevin Feige Teases Marvel Cinematic Universe's Magic Future
  2. 2.0 2.1 Spider-Man: Far From Home
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Creator Michael Waldron Answers Our ‘Loki’ and ‘Heels’ Questions
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 Loki: 1.06: For All Time. Always.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Loki: 1.01: Glorious Purpose
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.03: A Life Spent
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Runaways: 1.05: Kingdom
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Runaways: 1.07: Refraction
  9. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.06: Adapt or Die
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Avengers: Endgame
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.13: What We're Fighting For
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Iron Fist: 1.01: Snow Gives Way
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Doctor Strange
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Loki: 2.01: Ouroboros
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 Loki: 2.06: Glorious Purpose
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
  17. 17.0 17.1 Legends: 2.16: Variants
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Loki: 2.04: Heart of the TVA
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Director Kate Herron Reveals Secrets of the Loki Universe (Spoilers Ahead!!)
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 EXCLUSIVE: ‘Loki’ Director Kate Herron Explains Marvel’s Interconnected Multiverse
  21. 21.0 21.1 Loki: 1.03: Lamentis
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Loki: 1.04: The Nexus Event
  23. Was Captain America's Avengers: Endgame Ending a Nexus Event? Loki Director Responds (Exclusive)
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Loki: 1.05: Journey Into Mystery
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.19: Option Two
  26. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.08: The Last Day
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.04: Code Yellow
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Runaways: 3.10: Cheat The Gallows
  29. Thor: The Dark World
  30. I Am Groot: 2.05: Groot and the Great Prophecy
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 What If...?: 1.01: What If... Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?
  32. 32.0 32.1 What If...?: 2.08: What If... The Avengers Assembled in 1602?
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
  34. The Defenders 1.04: Royal Dragon
  35. 35.0 35.1 Iron Fist: 1.10: Black Tiger Steals Heart
  36. Daredevil: 1.10: Nelson v. Murdock
  37. Daredevil: 1.12: The Ones We Leave Behind
  38. Daredevil: 2.05: Kinbaku
  39. 39.0 39.1 Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Four
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.07: Deals With Our Devils
  41. Agent Carter: 2.02: A View in the Dark
  42. Agent Carter: 2.08: The Edge of Mystery
  43. Agent Carter: 2.10: Hollywood Ending
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Ant-Man
  45. Iron Fist: 1.02: Shadow Hawk Takes Flight
  46. Iron Fist: 1.04: Eight Diagram Dragon Palm
  47. Iron Fist: 2.10: A Duel of Iron
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 Cloak & Dagger: 1.01: First Light
  49. Cloak & Dagger: 1.05: Princeton Offense
  50. 50.0 50.1 Cloak & Dagger: 1.10: Colony Collapse
  51. 51.0 51.1 Cloak & Dagger: 2.09: Blue Note
  52. 52.0 52.1 Ant-Man and the Wasp
  53. Iron Fist: 2.05: Heart of the Dragon
  54. Iron Fist: 1.13: Dragon Plays with Fire
  55. 55.0 55.1 Doctor Strange: Mystic Apprentice
  56. Black Panther
  57. Cloak & Dagger: 1.09: Back Breaker
  58. 58.0 58.1 Cloak & Dagger: 2.03: Shadow Selves
  59. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.08: The Laws of Inferno Dynamics
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.22: World's End
  61. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season Four Declassified
  62. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.21: The Return
  63. Cloak & Dagger: 2.02: White Lines
  64. 64.0 64.1 Cloak & Dagger: 2.04: Rabbit Hold
  65. Cloak & Dagger: 2.05: Alignment Chart
  66. Cloak & Dagger: 2.06: B Sides
  67. Cloak & Dagger: 2.07: Vikingtown Sound
  68. Cloak & Dagger: 2.08: Two Player
  69. Cloak & Dagger: 2.10: Level Up
  70. 70.0 70.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.22: The End
  71. 71.0 71.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.02: Orientation Part Two
  72. 72.0 72.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.05: Rewind
  73. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.01: Orientation Part One
  74. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.09: Best Laid Plans
  75. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.10: Past Life
  76. 76.0 76.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.11: All the Comforts of Home
  77. 77.0 77.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.10: Leap
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.12: The Real Deal
  79. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.13: Principia
  80. 80.0 80.1 Runaways: 2.07: Last Rites
  81. Runaways: 1.03: Destiny
  82. Runaways: 2.10: Hostile Takeover
  83. Runaways: 2.13: Split Up
  84. Women of Marvel Gets Mystified with 'Marvel's Runaways' Star Elizabeth Hurley
  85. Runaways: 3.01: Smoke and Mirrors
  86. Runaways: 3.03: Lord of Lies
  87. Runaways: 3.04: Rite of Thunder
  88. Runaways: 3.05: Enter The Dreamland
  89. Runaways: 3.06: Merry Meet Again
  90. Runaways: 3.07: Left-Hand Path
  91. Runaways: 3.08: Devil's Torture Chamber
  92. Runaways: 3.09: The Broken Circle
  93. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.20: The One Who Will Save Us All
  94. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.21: The Force of Gravity
  95. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.05: The Other Thing
  96. Avengers: Infinity War
  97. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.11: From the Ashes
  98. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.12: The Sign
  99. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.13: New Life
  100. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.01: The New Deal
  101. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.02: Know Your Onions
  102. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.03: Alien Commies from the Future!
  103. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.05: A Trout in the Milk
  104. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.07: The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D
  105. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.11: Brand New Day
  106. Director Joe Russo answers pivotal questions about ‘Avengers: Endgame’ plot
  107. Loki: 1.02: The Variant
  108. 108.0 108.1 108.2 108.3 108.4 108.5 108.6 108.7 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
  109. 109.0 109.1 Spider-Man: No Way Home
  110. 110.0 110.1 110.2 110.3 How ‘Loki’ Led Us to the ‘Multiverse of Madness’
  111. What If...?: 1.02: What If... T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?
  112. What If...?: 1.03: What If... The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?
  113. What If...?: 1.04: What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
  114. What If...?: 1.05: What If... Zombies?!
  115. What If...?: 1.06: What If... Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?
  116. What If...?: 1.07: What If... Thor Were an Only Child?
  117. 117.0 117.1 What If...?: 1.08: What If... Ultron Won?
  118. What If...?: 1.09: What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath?
  119. WandaVision: 1.08: Previously On
  120. WandaVision: 1.09: The Series Finale
  121. 121.0 121.1 Moon Knight: 1.05: Asylum
  122. Moon Knight: 1.01: The Goldfish Problem
  123. Moon Knight: 1.03: The Friendly Type
  124. Moon Knight: 1.04: The Tomb
  125. Moon Knight: 1.06: Gods and Monsters
  126. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
  127. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1.04: Is This Not Real Magic?
  128. Ms. Marvel: 1.03: Destined
  129. 129.0 129.1 Ms. Marvel: 1.05: Time and Again
  130. Ms. Marvel: 1.01: Generation Why
  131. Ms. Marvel: 1.04: Seeing Red
  132. 132.0 132.1 Thor: Love and Thunder
  133. Thor
  134. Thor: Ragnarok
  135. The Marvels
  136. 136.0 136.1 Loki: 2.02: Breaking Brad
  137. Loki: 2.03: 1893
  138. 138.0 138.1 Loki: 2.05: Science/Fiction
  139. What If...?: 2.01: What If... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?
  140. What If...?: 2.02: What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?
  141. What If...?: 2.03: What If... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?
  142. What If...?: 2.04: What If... Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?
  143. What If...?: 2.05: What If... Captain Carter Fought the HYDRA Stomper?
  144. What If...?: 2.06: What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World?
  145. What If...?: 2.07: What If... Hela Found the Ten Rings?
  146. What If...?: 2.09: What If... Strange Supreme Intervened?
  147. Marvel Entertainment on TikTok - July 29, 2024
  148. 148.0 148.1 148.2 148.3 148.4 148.5 148.6 148.7 148.8 Deadpool & Wolverine
  149. Deadpool & Wolverine | Final Trailer
  150. What If...? – An Immersive Story
  151. Kahhori: Reshaper of Worlds
  152. Loki: 2.01: Ouroboros Deleted Scene
  153. 153.00 153.01 153.02 153.03 153.04 153.05 153.06 153.07 153.08 153.09 153.10 153.11 Alternate Earth Numbered List on the Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  154. As depicted in the film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
  155. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Audio Commentary
  156. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5
  157. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #4
  158. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5
  159. What If...?: 3.07: What If... The Watcher Disappeared?
  160. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
  161. Marvel Producer Says T'Challa Will Never Be Recast In MCU 616 Universe
  162. The Dawn Of Iman Vellani
  163. X-Men 97 Creator on Beau DeMayo Morph Nonbinary Backlash Original Show
  164. X-Men ‘97 Executive Producer Breaks Down Marvel Animated Show’s Grand Return
  165. 'X-Men '97' Season 1 Interview With Brad Winderbaum
  166. Is 'X-Men '97' Canon to the MCU? Kevin Feige Considered It
  167. Beau DeMayo on X - May 1, 2024 - Post 1
  168. Beau DeMayo on X - May 1, 2024 - Post 2
  169. Beau DeMayo on X - May 1, 2024 - Post 3
  170. Ryan Reynolds Reveals Nicolas Cage Almost Reprised This Iconic Marvel Role in ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ [Exclusive]
  171. What If..? Season 2 Live Q&A With Creative Team (A.C. Bradley, Matthew Chauncey, Bryan Andrews)

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