Fun & Games

"Why does Kasius have people fighting downstairs, Grill?"
"All part of the fun and games."
Flint and Grill

Fun & Games is the sixth episode of the fifth season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


With Daisy's life on the line, an unexpected friend attempts to rescue her.



Vicar begins another Terrigenesis ceremony

Tess finds Phil Coulson, Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez and informs them that the Kree have gathered some teenagers for a Terrigenesis ceremony. Among the harvested teenagers is Flint, a friend of Tess. When the crystal is broken, Flint is the only one to be wrapped into a Terrigenesis husk. When it finally shatters, Flint has vanished: he has been taken to the Salvage by Rodriguez, who wants to protect him from being sold to bidders. They are joined by Tess, Coulson and Mackenzie and they plan to hide Flint from the Kree on the Trawler. Tess leaves and is interrogated by the Vicar, the Kree responsible for organizing the Terrigenesis ceremonies, as to whether she knows where Flint is. She denies any knowledge, but she is eventually arrested and killed by the Kree.

To comfort him, Rodriguez tells Flint the story her own Terrigenesis and how she had trouble controlling her powers. Unfortunately, Grill has been eavesdropping, and now intends to deliver Rodriguez and Flint to Kasius. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents try to dissuade him but Grill refuses to listen to them. However, Flint ultimately gains control of his power, which turns out to be geokinesis, and uses it to assemble a massive rock which he uses to kill Grill. Flint, Coulson, Rodriguez and Mackenzie hide in Grill's office. Afterwards, Coulson and Mackenzie leave and discover that Tess has been killed.

At the upper levels of the Lighthouse, Enoch introduces to Leo Fitz several bidders who have come for purchasing Inhumans and tells him to pose as Boshtok, a highly dangerous and rich Marauder. Fitz finds Jemma Simmons and approaches her from behind. Telling her not to turn around, he declares his love for her and his determination never to be parted again, and proposes to her. Unfortunately, he is unaware that Simmons is unable to hear a word he says because of her silencing device. When Kasius arrives Fitz gets him to allow Simmons to hear again, and only then does she becomes aware of his presence on the Lighthouse.


Kasius has dinner with all of his guests

Kasius and all the bidders, including Fitz, meet for dinner with the slave Inhumans in the background. Daisy Johnson apologizes to Ben for having involved him into her fight. During the dinner, Fitz manages to gain Kasius' favour by antagonising another bidder, Gaius Ponarian. Kasius then leads the bidders to the arena, where Ben has to fight Melinda May who has been captured by Sinara. After a conversation with Kasius about their respective fathers as the fight rages, Fitz decides to save May, who is still injured and struggling against Ben, by feigning boredom and advising Kasius to send her to the surface of the Earth, giving her an opportunity to escape.

After the fight, the bidders gather to put a price on Ben. However, Kasius reveals that he has discovered that Ben lied to him to protect Johnson and Simmons. Ben telepaths to Daisy not to blame herself as he is executed by Sinara. Simmons and Johnson later meet and plan to work with Fitz to escape from Kasius. Fitz and Simmons almost reunite but something interferes that require their attention: Kasius' own brother, Faulnak Kasius, comes to the demonstration. Fitz and Enoch decide to carry on their plan and Enoch gives Fitz an I.C.E.R. before leaving.

FitzSimmons reunited

Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons are reunited

The next fight pits Johnson against - at Faulnak's request - no less than Sinara herself. After a fierce battle, Johnson ultimately defeats her. Fitz and Simmons decide to use the moment to rebel against Kasius. Although Johnson is hurt trying to attack Faulnak, the three of them manage to escape the arena. In the process, Fitz and Simmons share a passionate kiss and resolve to marry (as they flee Fitz tries in vain to convince Jemma he has already proposed to her). Elsewhere, Enoch, disguised as a Kree, shoots a guard and takes the elevator to the surface of the Earth.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:







Sentient Species[]





External Links[]

Season One Pilot0-8-4The AssetEye-SpyGirl in the Flower DressFZZTThe HubThe WellRepairsThe BridgeThe Magical PlaceSeedsT.R.A.C.K.S.T.A.H.I.T.I.Yes MenEnd of the BeginningTurn, Turn, TurnProvidenceThe Only Light in the DarknessNothing PersonalRagtagBeginning of the End
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