Harry S. Truman

Harrison "Harry" S. Truman was an American politician who served as the 33rd President of the United States of America during the final months of World War II and the first years of the Cold War. He was succeeded by Dwight D. Eisenhower.


World War II[]

Harry S. Truman, being the vice president of the United States, assumed the office of the presidency in 1945, after the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

As President, Truman ordered two atomic weapons, the culmination of the Manhattan Project, where Howard Stark and other scientific minds worked, to be dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bringing the war with Japan to a swift end.[3]

Post-War Activities[]

In 1946, when the SSR foiled Johann Fennhoff's plan to kill thousands of citizens of New York City, Truman sent Senator Walt Cooper to thank Jack Thompson for saving the city, unaware that it was Peggy Carter who prevented the tragedy.[4]




In chronological order:


  1. This character's name comes from real life as they are based off of a real life person.
  2. Agent Carter: 2.09: A Little Song and Dance
  3. Iron Man
  4. Agent Carter: 1.08: Valediction

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