Infiltration into Fort Bryon
- "Well, whole thing's crazy."
"How do you mean?"
"Sneaking into a U.S. military base. The thing I keep thinking about is you know, what if what if one of these guys tries to stop me, right? Am I supposed to kill a U.S. soldier for doing his job? Let's just hope it doesn't come to that." - ―Frank Castle and Micro[src]
The Infiltration into Fort Bryon was a mission organized by the Punisher and Micro aimed at getting to Morty Bennett who could lead them to William Rawlins.
- "Most important thing is that Bennett has to be where you say he is."
"100%. I've accessed his credit cards, bank statements, phone records. I know where he gets his dry cleaning. I know what he got his mother for her birthday. Colonel Bennett entertains at home every Saturday night, like clockwork. Trust me. He's gonna be tied up with company when you arrive." - ―Frank Castle and Micro[src]
Hunting William Rawlins, Frank Castle and Micro traveled to Kentucky to find Gunner Henderson, who was the one who filmed the execution of Ahmad Zubair and shared it with the NSA. Henderson provided Castle with the information about the heroin trafficking ring, used to fund the Operation Cerberus, and that Morty Bennett was the man in charge. However, Rawlins an Anvil team to find and eliminate Henderson, forcing him and Castle to fight back. Castle managed to kill most of the Anvil agents and Rawlins found out that he was still alive through the agents' body cams.

Frank Castle and Micro plan their mission
Although all Anvil agents were killed, both Castle and Henderson were heavily wounded, as Henderson eventually died from blood loss. Micro managed to evacuate Castle and had Curtis Hoyle to tend to his wounds.[2] Castle recovered and started planning how to break into Fort Bryon and extract the information from Bennett. Micro surveyed Bennett's movements and concluded that he will be present at the Fort, where Castle could get to him. Castle made a decision to avoid using lethal force and spare any United States Army soldier present at the base, even Bennett himself, as he was their only lead to Rawlins.
Now aware that Castle was alive and talked to Henderson, Rawlins and Billy Russo realized that Bennett will be his next target. Rawlins knew that Bennett might run away to talk if they put too much pressure on him, so he decided not to inform him about Castle coming for him. Instead, Rawlins ordered Russo to set an ambush at the Fort Bryon to eliminate Castle, using Bennett as a bait. Leading a team of Anvil agents, Russo camped outside of the Fort and got in touch with Bennett's Mistress, so she would warn them if Castle shows up at the base.[1]
With Micro providing him with the support via his drone, Frank Castle broke through the chained fence and entered the Fort Bryon's territory, avoiding the United States Army soldiers guarding the perimeter. Maneuvering through the shadows, Castle broke into Bennett's quarters, where he was engaging with his Mistress in erotic role-play, so the Mistress alerted Billy Russo of Castle's presence. Micro then started to hack into Bennett's phone, breaking through the security protocols, while Castle threatened to kill Bennett who pleaded that Rawlins forced him to obey his orders.

Punisher conceals himself with a smoke
While the hack was in progress, Micro picked up a movement and outside of the quarters and alerted Castle about the hostiles heading his way. Castle then locked Bennett in a closet and used two smole grenades to gain an advantage, before masked Russo and a group of Anvil agents approached the location. The agents were unable to find their target in the smoke, while Castle used their confusion to stealthy take them down, albeit non-lethally. As Micro notified him that the hack was complete, Castle engaged with Russo, being of his identity, and they exchanged gunshots with each other. Russo was unable to follow Castle, who pinned him to the floor with a warning shot and escaped by leaping out of the window.

Punisher and Micro escape from Fort Bryon
The entire base wa put on alert in order to find the intruder, so Micro kept Castle notified about the soldiers' movements, allowing him to get past them. Castle managed to reachan underground passage leading to the exit, however, he was confronted by a single soldier who demanded Castle to surrender. Castle did not want to kill the soldier and walked past him, however, he ended up shooting the soldier in the arm before escaping from the base's grounds. Getting back to their van, Castle and Micro droved away from the Fort Bryon, while Micro would try to trace Bennett's signal.[1]

Billy Russo evacuates Morty Bennett out of Fort Bryon
As Frank Castle escaped from the base, Billy Russo had Morty Bennett to tell the soldiers at the Fort Bryon that all of it was just a training exercise to avoid unneeded suspiciouns. Russo then took Bennett to the CIA Safe House to speak with William Rawlins, as Bennett was furious that they used him as a bait for Castle. Bennett assured Rawlins that he did not tell Castle anything, so Rawlins had Russo to relocate Bennett out of the United States of America with a new identity. However, in reality, Rawlins ordered Russo to eliminate Bennett, as he was too much a liability to be left alive.

Punisher fails to kill William Rawlins
Micro managed to trace a signal from Bennett's phone and pinpointed a location of the CIA facility where Rawlins resided. Arriving at the location, Castle assembled his sniper rifle and took an aim at Rawlins who had been informed by Russo that he completed the mission and got rid of Bennett. Castle took a single shot at Rawlins, however, he was saved by the bulletproof glass that stopped a bullet. As the whole facility was put on alert, Castle had no choice but to forfeit without completing his mission.[1]