J. Rivera
J. Rivera is a senior policeman in the Honolulu Police Department.
Escorting Black Bolt[]
Following the arrest of Black Bolt captain Pena tasked Rivera with escorting him to his cell. Rivera asked if he had to put Black Bolt in solitairy, but he was told to bring him to general population, hoping that the other prisoners would rattle him hard enough to make him talk. On their walk Rivera told Black Bolt that one of the agents hurt during his arrest happened to be his brother in law and now had to eat his meals through a straw. One of the inmates, Sammy, told Rivera to bring Black Bolt to his cell for some play time, which he did.
Later that evening Rivera, together with two other guards, entered Sammy his cell and interrupted their game of chess. The two other prison guards scorted Sammy out of the cell, while Rivera told Black Bolt to get outside for some exercise. Before leaving the cell Black Bolt signaled Rivera to wait, played one more move on the chess board and walked out on his own, ignoring Rivera his hand. This surprised Rivera.[1]
Prison Riot[]
Together with a group of prison guards Rivera escorted Black Bolt into the crowded prison courtyard. Rivera told Black Bolt to give him an excuse to mess him up and pushed Black Bolt into the group of prisoners. When some of the other prisoners walked towards him Rivera waited for them to attack Black Bolt. Instead of starting a fight the other prisoners praised Black Bolt for beating up all the cops and even hugged him an annoyed Rivera, together with the other guards walked towards them. Rivera threw some weights on the ground and ordered Black Bolt to pick them up. Black Bolt only looked at him, after which Rivera used his baton to hit Black Bolt. One of the other prisoners threw a basketball towards Rivera, which hit him on the head. The situation escaleted in a prison riot, with more armed guards entering the courtyard, during which Rivera retrieved his gun. Rivera was eventually knocked out by Black Bolt during his escape.[1]
- Oahu County Correctional Facility: To be added