Jackson Dillard

"Jackson Dillard is out of the picture."

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"Because I'm not the doctor my daddy was? Or is it because his light skin and green eyes somehow skipped me?"
"That man was not your father. I did love him. Hard. In the ways a straight woman could love a gay man."
Tilda Johnson and Mariah Dillard[src]

Doctor Jackson Dillard was a physician, the husband of Mariah Dillard and the legal father of Tilda Johnson.


The Stokes[]

"Yeah, he came from money. They were so happy he 'wasn't gay,' they didn't care how Black my ass was. That's how bad the idea of a gay son was to them. They didn't care I already had a kid; they'd make any lie work."
Mariah Dillard to Tilda Johnson[src]

Jackson Dillard was a very accomplished doctor who graduated from Howard Medical School. One day, he met a younger woman named Mariah Stokes on the quad, who was eight years younger than him. The two were in a relationship and were eventually married.[1] In reality, Jackson was gay, but his family was very traditional and were so happy that he was in a relationship with a woman rather than another man that they overlooked the fact Mariah was African-American.[2] However, Dillard went off to Nicaragua in order to help people in the area. It was there where he was killed by the Contras, leaving his unborn daughter behind.[1]


Jackson's daughter, Matilda Dillard grew up believing her father was a hero and even became a doctor herself. However, she did not know that she was born out of rape from Peter Stokes, meaning Jackson was not the father. Due to the grief, Mariah Dillard abondoned Tilda, leading to her growing up with the Johnson's.[2] When the truth came out, Tilda was so heartbroken and angry that she killed her mother, poisoning her.[3]





In chronological order:
