
Lithuania, officially the Republic of Lithuania, is a country in Northern Europe and one of the three Baltic states. Formerly known as the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, it was part of the Soviet Union from 1940 to 1941 and then from 1944 to 1990.


Nazi Occupation[]

On March 20, 1939, Nazi Germany delivered an ultimatum to Lithuania demanding that they cede control of the Baltic port of Memel, or the Wehrmacht would invade. The Lithuanians accepted the Nazi terms, and the port was handed over two days later on March 22. On March 23, Schutzstaffel troops disembarked from ships to occupy the town, with Schneider was among the occupying force. For his participation in the event, he was awarded the Memel Medal.[1]

Entrance to the Soviet Union[]

The Howling Commandos acted as a tactical team for a Strategic Scientific Reserve team led by Jack Thompson that included Peggy Carter. Thompson tried to cross the Soviet border from Poland, but Dum Dum Dugan, knowing the terrain much better than him, proposed to head to Lithuania and cross the border through the city of Ashmyany in Belarus.

Dugan showed Thompson a pair of trucks they would use to travel through Lithuania and Belarus, and boarded one of them with Carter to talk to his friend while crossing the countries.[2]

Raid of the GRC Supply Depot[]

Dovich and Karli Morgenthau

Karli Morgenthau speaking with Dovich

In 2024, the Flag Smashers launched an attack on a Global Repatriation Council supply depot in Lithuania. They stole a stockpile of supplies, including food and medicine. Karli Morgenthau, leader of the anti-nationalist group, then subsequently burned down the depot by setting off a car explosion,[3] killing three and injuring eleven others.[4]



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