
"He didn't drink the potion."

Orville is a member of the New York City Live Action Role Players.


Meeting Hawkeye[]

Duel for Ronin's Suit[]

Clint Barton vs. Ronin

Orville spectates the fight between Clint Barton and Grills

"Cling. Cling. Cling. Cling. Cling."

Orville attended a LARPing event at Central Park in December 2024 themed around Vikings and samurais, dressed as a Viking. When Clint Barton and Grills dueled over the possession of Ronin's Suit, Orville spectated, imitating the noises of swords striking as the LARPers fought with their foam weapons.[1]

A Favor For Hawkeye[]

Grills & Orville

Orville and Grills practice their formation

"Hey, Orville, you hear that? We gettin' new costumes."
"New costumes?""
Grills and Orville[src]

A few days later, Orville was at Central Park with his guildmates, practicing their weapon formation. When Missy and Wendy Conrad were approached by Kate Bishop, who stated she was there on behalf of Hawkeye on Avengers business, Orville and Grills overheard and took interest in the conversation. Bishop explained that she needed help from an NYPD officer, which Conrad reveals herself as and agrees to help in exchange for something in return, although Grills interjected that all four of them should be reciprocated. When Bishop agreed to these terms, Orville offered her a fist bump.

Afterwards Orville, his guildmates, and Bishop left to Grills' apartment. Orville was in the next room when Grills called him over to tell him that Bishop and Barton would be providing them with the materials for new costumes.[2]

Battle at Rockefeller Center[]

Orville, Grills, Missy, and Wendy Conrad were enlisted by Clint Barton and Kate Bishop to aid them in protecting Eleanor Bishop at the Bishop Christmas Party. Orville worked undercover at the coat check for the party. He greeted Yelena Belova as she came in, not realizing her to be a threat and asking if he could take her coat, which she declined.

After Kazi Kazimierczak began firing shots into the building, Orville retrieved Barton's bag with his bow and quiver and brought it to him, while Barton tasked Orville with finding Eleanor Bishop. Orville rushed to the room where Kate Bishop had left her mother, but Eleanor was absent, and Orville informed his allies of this via comms.

Orville later regrouped with his allies and the guild members all redressed in their LARPing attire. Orville and his allies took responsibility for evacuating the civilians from the Rockefeller Center as the Tracksuit Mafia attacked. Orville managed to take down one assailing Tracksuit with a body slam.

In the aftermath of the battle, Orville, Missy, and Grills were questioned about the events of the night by an NYPD officer. The LARPers explained that they were allies of Hawkeye, with Orville claiming that they were essentially Avengers.[3]


Orville is enthusiastic about LARPing, regularly attending the weekly campaigns organized by the NYC LARPers. He takes LARPing seriously and gets extremely into character during a campaign.

Orville demonstrates himself as a brave individual, assisting Clint Barton and Kate Bishop in protecting Eleanor Bishop, taking responsibility for ensuring the safety of civilians during the Battle at Rockefeller Center, and even fighting a member of the Tracksuit Mafia head on.



  • Foam Axe: Orville used a foam axe while LARPing as a Viking.
  • Roleplaying Staff: Orville uses a wooden pole as a staff while roleplaying, with foam wrapped around each end of the pole to soften strikes from the staff.


  • Central Park: Orville regularly utilized Central Park along with his guild for roleplaying activities.





In chronological order:
