Phase Two: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
"Come on. I never totally fit in with the gang, anyway." The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story that has been officially deemed to be non-canonical to the primary continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its events instead occur in another reality within the Multiverse. |
Phase Two: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is a book based on the film of same name. The audiobook version is narrated by MacLeod Andrews and is included in Phase Two Box Set.
An action-packed, epic space adventure, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy tells the story of a group of cosmic misfits - Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket, and Groot - who band together to protect a mysterious orb against Ronan, a powerful villain with ambitions that threaten the entire universe.
For the first time in print, experience the excitement of the complete origin story as told in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
To be added
- Peter Quill/Star-Lord
- Gamora
- Drax the Destroyer
- Rocket
- Groot
- Groot
- Yondu
- Kraglin Obfonteri
- Nebula
- Ronan the Accuser
- Korath the Pursuer
- Irani Rael
- Rhomann Dey
- Garthan Saal
- Thanos
- Taneleer Tivan/Collector
- Carina
- Meredith Quill
- Jason Quill
- Fitzgibbon
- Broker
- Kree Ambassador
- Sacrifice Nova Corpsman
- Other
- Head Riot Guard
- Mean Guard
- Angry Guard
- Monstrous Inmate
- Moloka Dar
- One Legged Prisoner
- Krylorian Attendant
- Eson the Searcher
- Horuz
- Toothless
- Vorker
- Maskless Sakaaran
- Xandarian Ladies' Man
- Kidnapping of Peter Quill
- Quest for the Orb
- Kree-Nova War (mentioned)
- Massacre of Drax's Species (mentioned)
- Massacre of the Zehoberei (mentioned)
- Big Bang (mentioned)
- Infinity Stones
- Power Stone
- Space Stone (hologram)
- Reality Stone (hologram)
- Mind Stone (hologram)
- Time Stone (hologram)
- Soul Stone (hologram)
- Star-Lord's Helmet
- Quad Blasters
- Star-Lord's Walkman
- Awesome Mix Vol. 1
- Awesome Mix Vol. 2
- Plasma Sphere
- Holo-Map Projector
- Lock Pick
- Jet Boot Attachments
- Gravity Mine
- Energy Bolas
- Yaka
- Yaka Arrow Controller
- Godslayer
- Drax the Destroyer's Knives
- Hadron Enforcer
- Laser Cannon
- Nova Machine Gun
- Security Band
- Necroblaster
- N20-75 Disrupter Rifle
- Cosmi-Rod
- Krehalium
- Eson the Searcher's Staff
- Quarnyx Battery
- Electroshock Batons
- Kyln Hoverbots
- Space Throne
- Thanos' Armor
- Troll Doll
- Units (mentioned)
Sentient Species[]
- Humans
- Celestials
- Centaurians
- Zehoberei
- Halfworlders
- Flora colossi
- Luphomoids
- Kree
- Xandarians
- Titans
- Sakaarans
- Krylorians
- Exolon
- Sneepers
- Rajaks (mentioned)
- Orlonis
- F'saki
- Dogs
- Space Whales (mentioned)
- Raccoons (mentioned)
- R'sani (indirectly mentioned)
- Frogs (mentioned)
- Maggots (mentioned)
- Fireflies (mentioned)
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Ravagers
- Nova Empire
- Tivan Group
- Exolon Monks
- Kree Empire
- Power Stone Group (mentioned)
- Black Order (mentioned)
- Ego
- Jemiah the Analyzer
- Ovette
- Camaria
- Kree Emperor
- Kevin Bacon
- Gamora's Mother
- Gamora's Father
- Ronan the Accuser's Father
- Ronan the Accuser's Grandfather
- Ronan the Accuser's Great-Grandfather
- Karman-Kan (indirectly)
- Duranna (indirectly)
- Billy the Kid
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Footloose (indirectly)
- This book is included in Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase Two Book Boxed Set and Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years Anniversary Collection
Behind the Scenes[]
The book contains some discrepancies with the canon of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Korath is identified as being Sakaaran, not Kree, and Irani Rael is identified as being human, not Xandarian. Bereet is also not on the Milano following the Battle of Morag. Moreover, Peter Quill has heard of the name "Ronan" when Korath mentions him on Morag rather than learning about who Ronan is for the first time from the Broker, although the scene in which Quill meets the Broker still plays out in the same manner as in the film despite this. The ship being piloted by Rocket during the Battle of Xandar which he crashes into the Dark Aster in an attempt to kill Ronan is also identified as the Milano instead of the Warbird. Xandar is also stated to have only one sun rather than three. Therefore, this book has been deemed non-canon as per our Canon Policy.