Happy Sam Sawyer

Captain Samuel "Happy Sam" Sawyer is an officer of the United States Army Rangers and a member of the Howling Commandos.


World War II[]

Sam Sawyer became a captain in the US Army Nisei Division; Private Jim Morita was a member of his unit.[2]

Howling Commando[]

A year after World War II, Happy Sam Sawyer joined the Howling Commandos, alongside Dum Dum Dugan, Junior Juniper, and Pinky Pinkerton and were stationed in Russia. They were called upon to assist Strategic Scientific Reserve agents Peggy Carter, Jack Thompson, Rick Ramirez, and Mike Li in an infiltration mission on the Red Room Academy, in Belarus.

When Ramirez realized they were working with the Howling Commandoes, Sawyer remarked at how much he hated that name. As they ambushed the academy, they soon heard a girl crying and walked into a room to see Eva. Dugan approached her, but she stabbed him and killed Juniper. They ran to a prison and found a doctor named Johann Fennhoff and his partner, Nikola. As tensions grew hot since the enemies arrived, Nikola got scared and decided to put Swayer at gunpoint as a trade. Fennhoff saved Sawyer by killing his own partner. As the troops retreated, Carter decided to take Fennhoff to the states with her, and the Howling Commandoes departed.[1]


  • Expert Marksman: Sawyer handled his modified pistol with precision as he shot multiple guards in the Red Room Academy. However, when trying to shoot Eva, he missed her small stature.



  • Colt M1911A1: The Colt M1911A1 was Sawyer's weapon of choice, customizing it with a suppressor, and using it during the infiltration mission into a facility in the Soviet Union, to kill some of the guards inside and during a shootout against Leviathan soldiers, until running out of ammunition.







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