Space Throne
The Space Throne was Thanos' personal floating seat in Sanctuary, where he received his subordinates such as Other and Ronan.
Quest for the Tesseract[]
In 2012, Thanos sat on his throne in the Sanctuary when Other came to speak with him regarding Loki.[1]
Quest for the Orb[]
In 2014, Thanos summoned Ronan the Accuser and Nebula to Sanctuary. Thanos sat in his throne facing away from Ronan as he started throwing all the blame upon Gamora. Ronan then murdered Other when he lectured him for not showing the proper respect to Thanos, and insisted Thanos take this matter seriously. Turning his throne around to face Ronan, Thanos declared he couldn't care less for Ronan or his politics, comparing his demeanor to that of a whiny child and for alienating his favorite daughter. Thanos ordered Ronan to return to his task and bring him the Power Stone so he might fulfill his end of their deal, and threatened to bathe the starways in his blood if he failed.[2]
Moved to the Sanctuary II[]
By 2018, Thanos had moved his throne to his warship, the Sanctuary II. Thanos used the Space Stone to transport himself and Gamora to the throne room. He sat on his throne and tried to talk to her. She expressed her hatred for the throne as Thanos explained that he hoped that it would be hers one day. When Thanos offered her some food, she threw the bowl at the throne.[3]
Alternate Universe Versions[]

Cassandra Nova sitting on a Space Throne with the Cloak of Levitation on it
A version of the Space Throne was pruned by the Time Variance Authority and later used by Cassandra Nova as her throne in the skull of her Giant-Man compund. She also used to keep Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation on it.[4]
Alternate Versions[]
Appearances for the Space Throne |
In chronological order:
- In the comics, the Space Throne allows Thanos to travel faster than light and to teleport between different dimensions.