Stained Glass

Stained Glass is the third episode of the first season of the television series Cloak & Dagger.


Tandy is on the run as Detective O'Reilly closes in on her, but the detective may not be after her for the reasons Tandy thinks. Tyrone is desperate for answers and turns to Evita and her Auntie Chantelle, a Voodoo priestess, for help.


Following her car crash, Tandy Bowen recognizes Tyrone Johnson as both the young man she attempted to rob and the boy she found herself with on a beach after the Destruction of the Roxxon Gulf Platform. She abruptly leaves despite her injuries, leaving behind Tyrone who is puzzled as he has no idea how he transported himself in front of Tandy's car. Tandy goes to her mother Melissa's house to reclaim some of her stuff.

Brigid O'Reilly visiting Rick

Detective Brigid O'Reilly visits Rick Cotton in the hospital and interrogates him about the night he claims he was assaulted, but she ends up suspecting that he attempted to rape Tandy after he encountered her. She goes to Melissa's house, looking for Tandy, but Melissa hides the fact that Tandy is in the house. O'Reilly chooses not to insist and departs after telling Melissa that she believes Tandy is the victim of an assault.

Tandy leaves her mother's house and decides to leave New Orleans by bus. However, once on the bus, she has a strange Lightforce-based vision in which she encounters a younger version of Tyrone. Tandy watches him as he plays with his now deceased brother Billy. However, in this vision, Billy stays with Tyrone instead of going with his friends, which would have avoided his death in the real world.

Tandy then has another vision, now facing a teenage Tyrone picking up a gun and firing it at James Connors, the officer responsible for Billy's death. Tyrone is then chased by police officers under Tandy's helpless eyes, before the vision is resumed and Tyrone is chased once again. As the vision starts over, Tandy attempts to stop Tyrone and manifests a Lightforce dagger she puts in front of Tyrone, who takes it and turn it into a pair of handcuffs he brings in front of Connors.

Meanwhile, Tyrone manages to return to New Orleans after Tandy left him behind. In the next day, he goes to his St. Sebastian's Preparatory School and begins praying, talking to his deceased brother Billy and voicing how he thinks he is cursed. His speech is overheard by Evita Fusilier, who claims that she can help him and invites him to a Damballah Voodoo Tours & Shop tourist tour she handles. Once the tour is over, Tyrone is brought to meet Evita's aunt, Chantelle.


Chantelle sits with Tyrone, and advises that he should undergo a cleansing bath. He gathers the necessary ingredients with Evita's help, and takes his bath, during which he has a Darkforce-based vision that leads him to a young version of Tandy. He watches the girl dance on the roof of a Roxxon Corporation building, before having another vision, in which a teenage Tandy watches her father Nathan in a some sort of macabre Roxxon meeting where he is tortured. However, instead of helping Nathan, Tandy runs away.


Tyrone attempts to chase Tandy, but the vision is resumed, and Tandy flees once again. Tyrone is able to convince her to stop running by halting her with a stream of Darkforce. Tandy then manifests a Lightforce dagger, which creates another vision. In this one, Tyrone watches a young Tandy give sacramental bread to different people, who all collapse. He then touches a piece of stain glass, unaware that the real Tandy, in her own visions, is standing behind the other side. As they both touch the glass, both visions end and the teenagers regain consciousness.

Tandy calls O'Reilly, who has been approached by Connors, giving her information that seemingly clears Cotton's name, even though O'Reilly still feels that something is awry; and Tandy claims that she will face the situation. Tandy meets with O'Reilly, who explains that there is not much to be done about what happened to her. Meanwhile, Tyrone has a walk with Evita and they grow closer, eventually sharing a kiss. Tyrone then recognizes St. Theresa's Church as the church he saw in his vision and goes inside, waiting for Tandy to arrive. Once she is here, Tyrone tells her that they should talk.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:






To be added

Sentient Species[]




Song title Artist Location(s)
Get What I Came For The Phantoms
  • A device starts forming on a 3-D printer.
  • Repeats as the object continues being printed.
  • Tandy Bowen leaves after telling Detective Brigid O'Reilly her story.
  • The figurine finishes printing.
  • Tyrone Johnson tracks down Tandy and says they need to talk.
  • End credits.
Wanderlust (Rakhi Edit) Empara Mi
  • Tandy Bowen makes another attempt to leave town, but ends up running out of gas.
Harlem Cathedrals
  • Tandy Bowen puts on headphones, then gets on a bus while still experiencing a high-pitched ringing in her ears.
American Funeral Alex da Kid & Joseph Angel
Goodnight, Irene (String 3) Eve Nelson
Goodnight, Irene (Choir) Eve Nelson



External Links[]

Season One First LightSuicide SprintsStained GlassCall/ResponsePrinceton OffenseFunhouse MirrorsLotus EatersGhost StoriesBack BreakerColony Collapse
Season Two Restless EnergyWhite LinesShadow SelvesRabbit HoldAlignment ChartB SidesVikingtown SoundTwo PlayerBlue NoteLevel Up