Suspension Gel

Suspension Gel is a gel matrix which is used to put Inhumans into statis, akin to a medically induced coma.


When Inhumans started to appear as a result of the Terrigen Mist spreading across the world, the Advanced Threat Containment Unit developed the Suspension Gel to put recovered Inhumans in stasis until they could develop a cure for their condition.

The gel was used on an Inhuman when Rosalind Price showed Phil Coulson the ATCU Facility.[1]

When Lash had been captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the ATCU, Price offered Melinda May to use the gel on Andrew Garner to delay his permanent transformation into Lash.[2]

TIM George Talbot

George Talbot getting put inside the Suspension Gel

George Talbot was put in stasis in a Suspension Gel Chamber and hidden in a truck at the Symposium on Alien Contagion when he was kidnapped by HYDRA operatives sent by Gideon Malick, who was trying to blackmail George's father Glenn Talbot. However, George was rescued by S.H.I.E.L.D..[3]

Hive was suspended in the gel after his capture by S.H.I.E.L.D., but was later freed by newly formed Primitives in the Playground's hangar.[4]


In chronological order:

