Tangled Web

"I keep screwing everything up, May. Nico's mad at me, Mr. Osborn's probably so dissapointed, and I... I feel like there's so much that I have to do, and so many people that I have to do right by, and if I can't handle that responsibility then I'm weak. I'm afraid I'll never be strong enough to be who I'm supposed to be."
Peter Parker to May Parker

Tangled Web is the eighth episode of the first season of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.


Norman gives Spider-Man an ultimatum, causing Peter to do some soul-searching.


YFNSM injured

Severely injured after a showdown with Scorpion, Peter Parker is tended to by Oscorp physicians under Norman Osborn's supervision. Upon waking up, Osborn assures Parker that his secret is still safe and Scorpion is targeted by every law enforcement agency in New York City, while Otto Octavius is the one posing real threat. Parker wants to go after Octavius but Osborn informs him that his Spider-Man Suit is damaged beyond repair, and he needs to stay down and recover. Parker then voices his doubt that he is capable of stopping someone like Scorpion, to which Osborn says that if he cannot push himself to a higher level, their cooperation cannot continue.

Carla Connors asks if Peter got mugged

Parker sneaks out of his room and past the doctors before he hears a scream downstairs and rushes to the laboratory, where his internship group is. It turns out they have been celebrating the successful test of Parker's Magnetic Generator and even Bentley Wittman begrudgingly praises him. Parker apologizes to Carla Connors for missing the demonstration, saying that he had been working with Osborn on a secret project. Connors is worried about Parker's injuries and urges him to go home, saying that Osborn is expecting great things from him, but Parker is convinced that he already let Osborn down.

Aunt May comforts Peter (YFNSM)

Parker returns home and tries to hide his injuries from May, not wanting to worry her, but she finds out anyway. He tries to lie that Harry Osborn has been teaching him skateboard but he had a nasty fall, but May urges Parker to come clean with her. With tears in his eyes, Parker says that he keeps letting people close to him down, like Osborn and Nico Minoru, worrying that he will never be strong enough to handle the responsibility. May assures Parker that being scared does not make him weak, considering how much things are changing for him.

Otto Octavius surrounded

At his laboratory, Octavius works on purchasing vibranium from black market, before the SWAT storms the warehouse to arrest him, as him spreading the enhanced weaponry on the streets was a Sokovia Accords violation. Using his inventions, including a set of mechanical manipulators, Octavius resists arrest and takes out all SWAT officers, before trying to get away with his money. Outside, he gets confronted by Thaddeus Ross who deploys Iron Man and Octavius is forced to surrender.

Lonnie and Pearl Break It Off

Having a nightmare about his failures and Scorpion's threat, Parker calls Minoru and leaves her a voice message, trying to explain why he could not reveal to her that he is Spider-Man. He then receives a call from Pearl Pangan who reminds him about their school project, so Parker rushes to her place, so the two could work together. As Parker and Pangan share a moment together, Lonnie Lincoln shows up, as Pangan has been ignoring his calls since last night. As they talk, Pangan says that with Scorpion on the rise, he has a chance to get away with the 110th Street Gang, but Lincoln refuses and says that he owes them to stick around when the gang needs him. Pangan replies that if he chooses to stay with the gang, then she wants nothing to do with him, to which Lincoln does not argue and walks away.

Tombstone (Tangled Web)

Hearing their conversation, Parker leaves Pangan and rushes after Lincoln, trying to convince him to not go back to the 110th Street Gang. Lincoln appreciates the concern but insists that even if he makes a mistake, it would be his mistake to make, which he is willing to do to ensure his family's safety. Lincoln adds that he does not have a luxury to sit around and do homework with how things are going and Parker would not understand him no matter what. Failing to reach out to Lincoln, Parker returns home and thinking about Ben Parker, he recalls May's words about having someone to speak out to.

Norman wants Peter to kill his enemies

Parker goes to Oscorp Tower, meeting with Osborn and Harry, and the former asks his son to give them time to speak privately, regardless of Harry's protests. Parker voices his concerns to Osborn, saying that Spider-Man is supposed to protect people but he himself cannot even talk his friend out of putting himself in danger. He asks Osborn what should he do to be better, to which Osborn replies that Parker needs to stop being afraid of his own strength and hold back, because his enemies would not show him any mercy. Osborn tells Parker that with great power comes great respect and if Parker cannot achieve respect, then he has nothing.

Lonnie Lincoln meets Chameleon

Lincoln joins Big Donovan and the rest of the gang, as the former got a lead on where Scorpion obtained his upgrade, but the tension among them keep rising. Soon after, Chameleon shows up and once Donovan pays up, he explains that Scorpion was in contact with Octavius, similar to Mila Masaryk. He gives Lincoln an address of Octavius' warehouse and walks away, and although the gang does not feel like it was enough, Lincoln helps Donovan rail them up and go after Scorpion.

Go get 'em tiger (Harry Osborn)

As Osborn leaves to attend to his business, Harry talks to Parker about his night out with Minoru, but Parker is too worried that Osborn might stop working with him. While Parker considers Osborn's words, Harry reminds him that he is Spider-Man, so what Spider-Man should do is up to him and him alone. As they find out about disturbance in the city, Parker wants to go and help but he does not have a suit, but Harry says that he got it covered. Harry reveals that he has been in contact with Oscorp engineers and showed them Parker's sketches, so they came up with a new Spider-Man suit, encouraging him to go out there and be a hero again.


Non-Speaking Characters







To be added

Sentient Species[]





Song title Artist Location(s)
Neighbor Like Me The Math Club feat. Relaye and Melo Makes Music Opening credits.
Floating Space (Pad Stem) Mark Dwane
Candlelight Serenade APM Music
The Avengers Theme Alan Silvestri


To be added


Behind the Scenes[]

To be added


External Links[]

Season One Amazing FantasyThe Parker LuckSecret Identity CrisisHitting the Big TimeThe Unicorn Unleashed!Duel With the DevilScorpion RisingTangled WebHero or MenaceIf This Be My Destiny...