Red Hulk
- ️Mon Apr 30 2018
- "I have dedicated my entire life to serving this country. The one person who matters doesn't seem to understand. Betty never forgave me for sending the Army after Banner. I had to survive so that my daughter knew that there was more to her father. That I'm the same man that used to take her to see the cherry blossoms."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Sam Wilson[src]
Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross is the former Lieutenant General of the United States Army who had later served as Secretary of State, originally nominated by Matthew Ellis. During his career, he was put in charge of Project Gamma Pulse, with Ross' goal being to recreate the Super Soldier Serum. However, the experiment led to an accident which then transformed the scientist Bruce Banner into Hulk. Following a long chase, Banner got recaptured, only for Emil Blonsky to use all their experiments to transform into the Abomination. In the face of these odds, Ross was forced to accept Hulk as an ally, allowing him to escape after the fight in New York City, while Ross had been left humiliated. Afterwards, Ross had Samuel Sterns take the fall for the incident, imprisoned him at Camp Echo One, and exposed him to gamma radiation in order to further heighten his intelligence and subsequently forced him to work on new ideas.
Ross would leave the military and pursue a political career, being appointed the United States Secretary of State during Matthew Ellis' administration. During this time, Ross had approved of the Sokovia Accords, which aimed to control the actions of enhanced individuals, primarily the Avengers. When Steve Rogers publicly disowned the accords before going on the run, along with Bucky Barnes, Ross instructed Tony Stark to bring them into custody. Ross arrested many of the Avengers, although Rogers would later break them out following the arrest of Helmut Zemo. Ross would also lead a manhunt for Natasha Romanoff, although later deciding to turn a blind eye after she took down the Red Room and had ended Dreykov's plans.
Ross' actions resulted in the divided Avengers failing to stop Thanos from causing the Snap, killing half of all life, including Ross himself. Being resurrected in the Blip, Ross attended Tony Stark's funeral. In the years following, Ross’ health began to decline, and his heart problems became life-threatening. Desperate, Ross tasked Sterns with saving his life in exchange for his freedom, conditional that he also helped Ross secure the presidency. His impending death also made him begin to reflect on his life, including his strained relationship with his daughter Betty, his treatment of superheroes, and whether or not he could become a better person. Sterns ultimately developed pills laced with gamma radiation to stabilize Ross' heart failure.
In 2026, Ross was elected President of the United States, and charged with negotiating a global treaty over adamantium on Celestial Island. Ross broke his promise to free Sterns, prompting Sterns to become Leader and seek revenge. Leader's interference led to a failed attempt on Ross' life at the White House, and later escalated tensions between the United States and Japan over adamantium, although conflict was averted by Captain America. As revenge, Leader activated the latent gamma radiation in Ross' system to trigger his transformation into the Red Hulk at a press conference. Overcome with rage, Red Hulk fought Captain America but was ultimately talked down. Accepting responsibility, he resigned from office and surrendered to the Raft, proving his capacity to change. While imprisoned, he finally reunited with Betty face-to-face.
Early Life[]
Creating Super Soldiers[]
Thaddeus Ross was born on August 22, 1945.[2] In his adulthood, Thaddeus joined the United States Army and served during the Vietnam War, until he returned to the United States at age twenty-seven. Around this time Thaddeus married a woman named Karen Lee, and in 1973 had a daughter named Elizabeth, or "Betty" for short, although they had a tense relationship.[5] Thaddeus lost his wife when she died on July 21, 1993, causing further division between him and his twenty year old daughter.[2] Retaining a military career, Thaddeus rose through their ranks, becoming a three-star general. By the 2000s, he became involved in a research and development program intended to recreate the Super Soldier Serum,[5] known as Project Gamma Pulse.[7]
Creating Hulk[]
Experiments Gone Wrong[]

Ross sees Bruce Banner turning into Hulk
- "Across the hall, they were trying to arm you better. We were trying to make you better. Banner's work was very early phase. It wasn't even weapons application. He thought that he was working on radiation resistance. I would never have told him what the project really was."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Emil Blonsky[src]
General Thaddeus Ross had made an agreement with the scientist Bruce Banner, the boyfriend of his daughter, for working on his government project to the weapon development project, under the guise of it being used to render soldiers resistant to radiation, as Thaddeus did not intend to inform Banner of the experiment's meaning. Involved from early phase research, Banner conducted one test on himself dealing with gamma radiation, instead of vita radiation, being also administered with a myostatin primer developed by Betty, confident it would work.

Thaddeus protecting Betty Ross from Hulk
However, as the experiment began, Thaddeus saw something go wrong as Banner was struck by an immense dosage of gamma radiation, causing an explosion. Following the blast, Banner was transformed into Hulk, a giant and amazingly strong brute fueled by rage who fled after injuring his daughter, leaving her in a coma as well as killing two scientists, a soldier of the United States Army and also crushing Thaddeus' left arm.

Ross furiously confronting Bruce Banner
Thaddeus was left with a badly broken arm following the incident, as well as a deep hatred of Banner, whom he blamed for the entire incident which had almost killed his daughter. When Banner had transformed back to normal and returned in order to visit Betty while she was still recovering from her injuries in the hospital, Thaddeus was furious and threw out Banner who had to go on the run from the General.

Ross ordering Bruce Banner to be captured
Taken by a sense of guilt and rage, Thaddeus put his life into the service of a single cause: to hunt down and capture Bruce Banner. Thaddeus took charge of the Strategic Operations Command Center, focused on recovering the fugitive while in coordination with S.H.I.E.L.D., working along with Nick Fury. Thaddeus' obsession caused a rift between him and Betty Ross, as she loved Banner. Their relationship never recovered from this.[5]
Meeting with Tony Stark[]

Ross returning to his work as General
- "I know you've been distancing yourself from your father's legacy; you claim you're no longer a weapons maker; but now you are the weapon!"
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Tony Stark[src]
Five years following the fatal "Hulk incident," as Tony Stark had become a superhero known as Iron Man, Senator Stern called up Ross as he took a break from his experiments.[9] Together, they worked with Justin Hammer who presented to James Rhodes and Ross the Aerodynamic Marvel, which he considered to be the next step in close-quarter combat with protection and to attack capabilities. Ross had secretly planned to use the vehicle in the place of Iron Man for the military's missions.

Ross continues searching for Bruce Banner
However, the machine was shot down during testing in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[10] When Iron Man was sent in to clean up, Ross held off on an official rescue to witness him in action. Once Iron Man saved the pilot, Ross told him to land on Cairo's West Air Base. There, he confronted Stark over not returning fire against the Congolese Army. Ross claimed that Stark was a weapon, despite distancing himself from his father. Stark warned that if Ross put innocent lives in harm's way, there would be consequences.[4]
Chase of Hulk[]
Building an Elite Team[]

Ross getting updates from Kathleen Sparr
- "Your target is a fugitive from the U.S. government who stole military secrets. He is implicated in the deaths of two scientists, a military officer, an Idaho state trooper and possibly two Canadian hunters. So don't wait to see if he's a fighter. Tranq him and bring him back."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Emil Blonsky[src]
While working in the Pentagon in Virginia, Ross was met by Kathleen Sparr who had received intel that a man in Milwaukee had received a strong case of gamma poisoning after he had drunk a single bottle of Pingo Doce. Looking at that amount of gamma radiation which had been inside the drink, Ross deduced that this must have been caused by Bruce Banner, who must have infected the bottle.

Ross learns of Bruce Banner's whereabouts
Having finally gained his first lead on Banner's location in years, Ross had immediately begun a frantic search for his target, ordering Sparr to track down this factory that had produced that soda, as she had explained was in Rocinha, in Porto Verde. Ross ordered his soldiers and their contacts to look out for a white man who had been working in the factory while noting that the soldiers were not to make any contact with Banner as he would run at the first sign of danger.

Ross and Joe Greller build his military unit
Believing that he was quickly closing in on capturing Banner at long last, Ross had begun putting together a special unit of highly trained soldiers with their sole purpose being to locate and capture Banner. Once he recruited the help of General Joe Greller, Ross not only put together a team of some of the best soldiers he could find, as Greller also managed to hire one of the best operatives at his disposal, Emil Blonsky, and had then sent them to the village of Porto Verde.

Ross briefs unit about Bruce Banner's past
As they traveled to the location, Ross chooses to not disclose the secrets of Banner's condition, believing them to still be top-secret. He told Blonsky and the other soldiers that Banner was a target of the United States government who had stolen military secrets and when Blonsky asked for more details, he refused to share them. He ordered them to ensure that Banner was captured without incident, while not telling them of the risks involved with their mission.[5]
Encounter in Brazil[]

Ross watches Emil Blonsky's team's actions
Upon their arrival in Brazil, Ross remained inside their armored van with Kathleen Sparr while Emil Blonsky led their team of soldiers to the location of Bruce Banner. Ross watched the monitors closely as their team arrived at the location before Ross gave the order and they blasted open the door and shot their darts at Banner, only to discover that Banner had already managed to make his escape.

Ross finally catches up with Bruce Banner
Ross furiously ordered Blonsky and their team to find Banner, as they headed out onto the streets of Porto Verde until Blonsky managed to catch sight of their target and gave chase. Upon seeing this, Ross ordered his soldiers to drive him to Banner's location, with Ross still ordering Blonsky not to lose sight of Banner. As the chase continued, Ross' truck eventually pulled up right in front of Banner, as Ross then stepped out to look at his target in the eyes before Banner fled.

Ross witnesses Banner turning into Hulk
As the chase had continued, Blonsky's men then tracked Banner into a factory, while Ross pulled up outside and watched from the team's body cams as they silently entered the factory, finding Banner in the middle of his confrontation with some tough guys. Just as Blonsky's men had him cornered, Ross watched in horror as Banner began his transformation into Hulk, brutally dispatching the thugs who were trying to beat him up, as Ross ordered them to shoot at Hulk.

Ross watches as Hulk escapes him again
However, the team were incredibly underprepared for their encounter with Hulk, as they were all picked off, one by one, by the beast's incredible strength, as their tranquilizer darts simply bounced off his skin, much to Ross' horror. Eventually, only Blonsky was left alone to challenge Hulk, as he witnessed the beast throw a forklift truck at him, before smashing his way through a wall and escaping, as Ross yelled out in complete frustration as he lost his target once again.[5]
Mission Aftermath[]

Ross and Blonsky return to Banner's home
- "That was Banner. It was Banner."
"You have to explain that statement, sir."
"No, I don't. You've done a good job. Pack up and get our men on a plane. We're going home." - ―Thaddeus Ross and Emil Blonsky[src]
In the wake of Bruce Banner's escape, Ross and Kathleen Sparr had regrouped with Emil Blonsky at Banner's apartment to discuss the situation. Blonsky had presented Ross with the backpack that Banner had dropped during the chase, which included his laptop which Sparr began looking over. Blonsky noticed a picture of Betty Ross on the laptop, questioning who she was as Thaddeus refused to answer him, while he claimed that Betty was no longer a concern, insisting that Banner worked alone.

Ross is asked about Bruce Banner's power
While Ross then ordered Sparr to find out if Banner had been talking with anybody else, Blonsky finally spoke up as he questioned if they were willing to talk about what happened back at the factory. Ross then listened while Blonsky insisted that Banner had not been alone, referring to Hulk, with Blonsky insisting that their team had been attacked by something huge which was protecting Banner, furiously explaining how Hulk had thrown a forklift truck directly at him.

Ross considers losing Bruce Banner again
Ross then spoke up, telling Blonsky that Hulk was gone and that it was Banner. As Blonsky had asked Ross to explain this statement, Ross refused to go into any more detail about how Banner had been able to transform himself into Hulk, much to Blonsky's frustration. Ross then ordered Blonsky and Sparr to collect the rest of their unit and return to the United States of America, as Ross looked out over Brazil, believing he had lost his last chance to capture Banner.[5]
Flight Home[]

Ross looks at the reports on Bruce Banner
- "He wants to neutralize whatever powers the transformation."
"That's not a good thing."
"No, it's not a good thing, Major. But I don't want Banner anyway. God damn it! I want what's inside of him!" - ―Thaddeus Ross and Kathleen Sparr[src]
Following the disastrous mission in Brazil, Ross took the bodies of the members of the Strategic Operations Command Center who had been killed in action as they flew back towards the United States. As Ross stood by the bodies of their soldiers, he listened while Kathleen Sparr had then explained to him exactly how Bruce Banner had managed to avoid any detection for so long.

Ross furiously explaining his need for Hulk
Looking over all of the evidence that they had recovered, Ross finally deduced that Banner had been attempting to figure out a way to cure himself of Hulk. Sparr questioned if this was a good thing or not, as Ross furiously insisted that he had no interest in getting Banner, but that he wanted Hulk that was inside of him, as he could be a major asset to the United States Armed Forces, while Sparr promised that they would still continue their search for Banner regardless.

Ross briefly locking eyes with Emil Blonsky
However, the infuriated Ross complained that this would be no use, as Banner was already on the move and he had proved himself more than capable of avoiding detection whenever he wanted to. As Ross paced around the plane, he locked eyes with Emil Blonsky, who was still considering everything that he had witnessed during their clash with Hulk, as Ross and Blonsky looked at each other before Ross simply walked away without either saying a word to the other.[3]
Updating General Greller[]

Ross explains their situation to Joe Greller
- "Joe, what we are talking about here is something that could be an incredibly dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, and we don't know what his intentions are."
"Put together a new list, but be prepared to explain everything on it." - ―Thaddeus Ross and Joe Greller[src]
Once he had returned to the United States, Ross went to meet with General Joe Greller to explain exactly what had happened in Brazil and how their men had been killed in action, with Ross then telling Greller exactly how Bruce Banner had transformed into Hulk and killed their men. Unsurprisingly, Greller was unconvinced by the story, although Ross insisted that he was being serious.

Ross bringing Emil Blonsky to their meeting
For confirmation of the story, Greller then invited Emil Blonsky in their meeting, who confirmed what Ross had already told Greller, detailing what his own battle against Hulk had been like. As Blonsky had finished his explanation, Greller demanded that Ross explain exactly what was going on with this mission, as Ross admitted that Banner had worked on a Biotech Project, to which Greller questioned if all Ross' Super Soldier Projects were going haywire once again.

Ross requests to search for Bruce Banner
While Greller confronted Ross over his decisions, Ross claimed that what they were dealing with was a potentially dangerous weapon if placed into the wrong hands, noting that they currently had no idea what Banner's intentions with Hulk were. Considering this, Greller gave Ross his permission to continue with his Strategic Operations Command Center, noting that he would be under close scrutiny from this point onwards, as Ross and Blonsky had then left his office.[3]

Ross and Emil Blonsky discussing Hulk
Following their meeting with Greller, Ross and Blonsky walked down the corridors as they discussed the situation, as Blonsky noted that during his career with the United States Armed Forces he had seen several missions going terribly wrong when he and his unit were not given the correct information and were unprepared, but nothing like he had witnessed in Brazil, as Ross had looked down at Blonsky for suggesting that the failure of the mission should rest of his head.

Ross listening to Emil Blonsky's arguments
Blonsky informed Ross that if they were planning on going after Hulk again, then he wanted to be a part of that mission. However, Ross was told that if Blonsky was to be sent out again, then he and his unit should be fully briefed about what to expect while tracking Banner; Blonsky noted that if their united was not prepared and they faced Hulk again, then a lot of professional soldiers would be terrified and they would inevitably lose Banner once again.[5]
Discussion with Emil Blonsky[]

Ross has his discussion with Emil Blonsky
- "But he was so sure of what he was onto, he tested it on himself, and something went very wrong. Or it went very right. As far as I'm concerned, that man's whole body is property of the U.S. Army."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Emil Blonsky[src]
Ross later met with Emil Blonsky once again as Ross had decided to disclose highly classified intel to Blonsky, noting that this information was highly sensitive to the United States Armed Forces as well as to Ross personally. Ross then commented that the Armed Forces had started a weapons development program that was started in World War II, which Blonsky noted was the Super Soldier Serum. Ross confirmed that this is what he meant, noting that Blonsky's wording was an oversimplification of the work they had done.

Ross and Blonsky discussing Super Soldiers
Ross explained that he had restarted this program, which had led to the creation of Project Gamma Pulse, as he noted while Washington, D.C. was attempting to give all the soldiers better weaponry, he was trying to make the soldiers themselves better. With Blonsky clearly intrigued by this, Ross went on to explain how Bruce Banner's work with the project was in their early phases, and he had not known their intentions, believing it was for radiation resistance.

Ross explaining Bruce Banner's past work
Ross then told Blonsky how Banner had been so certain about all his experiments with gamma radiation that he had tested it on himself, and something had gone terribly wrong, or very right depending on how he looked at it, resulting in the birth of Hulk. Ross noted that as far as he was concerned, Banner's entire body was the property of the Armed Forces. Blonsky had then questioned if Ross had been working to build weapons himself during all the experiments.

Ross questions Emil Blonsky's career path
As Blonsky asked about what Ross was working on, he admitted that they had also developed his version of the serum that seemed highly promising for all their work. Blonsky then questioned why Banner had escaped from the United States of America to hide out in Brazil, to which Ross noted that Banner was simply a scientist and not a soldier like them and therefore could never understand their motivations for these experiments in creating super soldiers.

Ross offers to make Emil Blonsky stronger
Changing the subject, Ross asked Blonsky about his age, which Blonsky said was thirty-nine, as Ross noted how advancing age took a toll on the body of a soldier, as Blonsky noted that he intended to be a soldier for as long as he could be. When Blonsky noted how he wished he could put all his experience into the body he had ten years earlier, then he would have become an extraordinary soldier, to which Ross had then noted that something like this could be arranged.[5]
Creating a Super-Soldier[]

Ross collecting their Super Soldier Serum
- "We're giving you a very low dose only. I need you sharp out there and disciplined. First sign of any side effect, we stop and you're off team until you straighten out. Agreed?"
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Emil Blonsky[src]
General Ross and Emil Blonsky then came to an agreement and Blonsky accepted Ross's offer to be injected with an experimental version of the Super Soldier Serum that Ross had developed in order to match the strength of Captain America and be able to stand any chance at battling Hulk. Ross collected the Serum himself from a secure facility where Project Gamma Pulse had previously been conducting their experiments given Banner his powers.

Ross watches Emil Blonsky's experiments
Ross watched closely as Blonsky was injected with the Super Soldier Serum. Once their operation began, Ross had warned Blonsky that if anything went wrong then he would be taken off the team and kept in a hospital until he had recovered. The serum was injected directly in Blonsky's neck and spine, causing him considerable pain but also had increased his strength and agility to superhuman levels, allowing him to rejoin the unit and assist Ross in hunting down Hulk.[5]
Battle at Culver University[]

Ross leading their ambush on Bruce Banner
While the search for Bruce Banner continued, Thaddeus eventually gained intel from Leonard Samson that Banner was in Virginia, since he had reconnected with Betty Ross. Upon learning this, Thaddeus gathered his unit back together, as they stormed into Culver University to capture Banner, who saw them coming at the last moment and fled to the building, as Thaddeus demanded to know who had let themselves be seen by him while Emil Blonsky gave chase, only for Thaddeus to tell Blonsky to stand down.

Thaddeus ordering Betty Ross to be taken away
As Thaddeus' men charged into the building after Banner, Thaddeus' armored truck was blocked by Betty, who then demanded that her father step out and speak to her. Eventually, Thaddeus obliged, while Betty begged him not to attempt to capture Banner, only for Thaddeus to then insist that she simply could not see the situation clearly. Before Thaddeus could have his daughter removed, one of Thaddeus' soldiers spotted Banner in an open corridor, where he became trapped.

Ross watches as Bruce Banner transforms
Thaddeus ordered his men not to engage, as they locked both the doors on either side before firing two gas canisters in the corridor with him. With the room filling with gas, Betty attempted to run to Banner's aid, before Thaddeus had ordered his men to bring her back. However, when Banner witnessed Betty being captured, his rage took over as Thaddeus witnessed his transformation into Hulk. While Thaddeus witnessed the change, he commented to himself that Betty would understand.

Ross ordering his soldiers to shoot at Hulk
As Hulk smashed his way free and roared at all the soldiers, Thaddeus ordered his unit to give him all they had. Thaddeus then watched on as his men fired their guns at Hulk, only for the bullets to simply bounce off his skin, as Thaddeus then ordered their bigger guns to join the battle. However, this only resulted in Hulk furiously smashing through all the Humvees that came after him, proving that their standard soldiers did not stand a chance as Thaddeus ordered Blonsky to join the battle.

Ross ordering Emil Blonsky to battle Hulk
Thaddeus had then watched on with amazement as Blonsky's new found strength and speed allowed himself to fight Hulk single-handedly, proving that the Super Soldier Serum had indeed worked. As Blonsky managed to gain Hulk's attention, Thaddeus then ordered him to bring Hulk towards their Stark Sonic Cannons, which fired their sound waves that stopped Hulk in his tracks. However, Betty continued begging her father not to harm Hulk, as he had her removed.

Ross witnesses Hulk cripple Emil Blonsky
Seeing Betty in distress once again focused on Hulk's attention, as he made a shield to block all the sound waves before destroying the Humvees. Seeing this, Thaddeus ordered their gunship to assist them. However, before their gunship arrived, Thaddeus then witnessed Blonsky challenge Hulk alone, as he ordered him to get back. Blonsky had ignored the order and stood up to Hulk, who proceeded to kick Blonsky across the field, breaking every bone in Blonsky's body.

Ross watches as Hulk manages to escape
Thaddeus had ordered his men to get back as the gunship arrived, only to then realize too late that Betty had walked up to Hulk and was in the firing line. Before Thaddeus could do anything, the gunship fired down at Hulk, who threw his shield at it, causing it to crash and engulf Betty and Hulk in a fireball. Thaddeus then watched in horror while Hulk emerged from the flames with an unconscious Betty in his arms, as Hulk had furiously growled at Thaddeus before he escaped.[5]
Meeting with Leonard Samson[]

Ross asks Leonard Samson for information
- "You did the right thing, calling us. I need to know where they're going. She'll be in incredible danger as long as she's with him."
"From who? He protected her. You almost killed her." - ―Thaddeus Ross and Leonard Samson[src]
Following Hulk's escape, Ross and his unit had then gone to Leonard Samson's home where they had searched for any possible evidence they could find about what Bruce Banner's plans were. While he was there, Ross had spoken with Samson, claiming that he had done the right thing by calling him, before then asking where they were heading.

Ross getting insulted by Leonard Samson
However, Samson noted that the military had put Betty Ross in more danger than Hulk during the battle at Culver University. Although Thaddeus had still insisted that his daughter's safety was always his main concern, Samson claimed that he was lying to him before claiming to not know where they were going. As Thaddeus noted that this meant that she was aiding a fugitive, Samson claimed to finally understand why Betty never talked about her father, as Thaddeus then left the house.[5]
Aftermath of the Battle[]

Ross looking at Emil Blonsky in the hospital
- "We have glimpsed the back part of God and for our nation, and for our way of life I intend to put a harness around it, and history will say that here, at this moment, we confronted our fear."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Kathleen Sparr[src]
In the wake of the battle, Ross went to a medical unit to check on the treatment of Emil Blonsky, as Ross had then asked a doctor whether or not Blonsky would ever walk again following being brutally kicked across the field by Hulk. The doctor had explained that most of his bones basically crushed gravel, while also commenting that Blonsky's heart still refused to stop beating. Ross then looked at Blonsky in his hospital bed, shocked by the state that he was in.[5]

Ross gets his updates from Kathleen Sparr
Disappointed at the situation, Ross returned to the control room and smoked a cigar, until he was joined by Kathleen Sparr who updated him on the search for Bruce Banner. Ross had then noted that he knew that Sparr was still having flashbacks from their latest encounter with Hulk, as Sparr claimed that it was outside her training with the United States Armed Forces, noting that Hulk did not have any agendas that they could combat, as it was nothing but a force of pure rage.

Ross discusses Hulk's incredible powers
Lost in his own thoughts, Ross quoted a great writer who claims that in the clefts of rocks people could see the back part of God and tremble. Ross then told Sparr that there was no training that could prepare her for an encounter with Hulk as this was a new kind of power never before faced. He also stated that such an event was incredibly rare and people always feared this kind of power and it was up to them to stop trembling and step toward to face off against that power.

Ross and Kathleen Sparr refuse to give up
Turning around, Ross told Sparr that they had faced the back part of God, and for the United States of America he had intended to put his harness around that incredible new power, while he then claimed that history would remember them fondly for this. Ross then offered Sparr a final chance to walk away from this fight, but she claimed that she would never forgive herself for surrendering to this battle and leaving someone else to do it, as they both agreed to continue the hunt.[3]
Round Three[]
Emil Blonsky's Return[]

Ross attempts to track down Bruce Banner
- "Good to see you back on your feet, soldier."
"Thank you, sir." - ―Thaddeus Ross and Emil Blonsky[src]
In need of information about Hulk's movements, Ross obtained the World Security Council's permission to extract data from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s systems. A few hours later, Ross had been confronted by Nick Fury himself. Ross had told Fury that he was not going to leave the safety of the world in his hands.[11] Despite the constant questioning from S.H.I.E.L.D., Ross remained clearly focused on his mission and continued to track down Banner, until Kathleen Sparr then pulled him away from his work with an update.

Ross learns of Emil Blonsky's swift recovery
Much to Ross' surprise, Emil Blonsky managed to recover incredibly quickly from the wounds suffered in the battle with Hulk, with his bones all managing to repair themselves in a matter of hours due to the Super Soldier Serum. Ross asked Blonsky what he wanted to do now he was recovered, as he volunteered to under go the procedure again to increase his strength so that he might have another chance of fighting and even possibly defeating Hulk, as Ross agreed.

Ross giving his briefing about Bruce Banner
With Banner still on the run, Ross gathered the Strategic Operations Command Center together for the briefing on how they would track him down. However, despite Sparr noting how the FBI was assisting them in their search for Banner and Betty Ross by tracking their cell phones and credit cards, Ross got up and claimed Banner would not be foolish enough to use anything that could be tracked and that he was not trying to escape, but he would be attempting to find help.

Ross watches Emil Blonsky's procedures
Eventually, using the information that they had gained from their first encounter with Banner in Brazil, Sparr was able to track down his ally as Samuel Sterns who Banner was now attempting to meet at Grayburn College. Having gained a location on Banner, Ross agreed to allow Blonsky to be injected with more of the Super Soldier Serum, in order to make him strong enough to face Hulk again, as Ross stood by and closely watched their entire procedure on Blonsky's body.[5]

Ross and his squad flying to Bruce Banner
- "If you've taken it from me, I'm going to put you in a hole for the rest of your life."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Bruce Banner[src]
With his team prepared for their mission, Ross rejoined them on the helicopter as they made their way to Grayburn College where Bruce Banner was attempting to cure himself of Hulk.[5] Along the way, Ross listened as Kathleen Sparr briefed their team on how they would ambush Banner without actually engaging with him directly, only for Emil Blonsky to question what their plan was in case Banner was able to transform.

Ross discusses Emil Blonsky's mental state
Hearing Blonsky's complaints, Ross then noted that if they failed to capture him without allowing him to transform, then they would have failed to learn from their previous mistakes, insisting that they needed to be ready to let him go. As Blonsky continued complaining, Sparr noted that the people of New York City would be in danger if Hulk was unleashed before questioning Blonsky's mental stability, only for Ross to then note that Blonsky might not be used in the field at all.[3]

Ross watches Emil Blonsky's disobey him
Upon arriving at Grayburn College, Ross remained in their armored van with Sparr while Blonsky led his team inside and the snipers took their positions, finding Banner in with Samuel Sterns while they were discussing the gamma radiation in his blood. However, once snipers lined up their shot on Banner, Blonsky disobeyed Ross' direct orders as he charged upstairs to personally attack him, finding Banner just as he was shot with a tranquilizer dart and knocked unconscious.

Ross speaks to the captured Bruce Banner
With Banner having finally been captured, Ross then watched on as he was taken outside by his men, strapped onto a bed to keep him from escaping. Since they had found evidence that both Banner and Sterns had just completed their experiment to remove Hulk from his body, Ross stood over Banner and calmly warned that if he had managed to destroy Hulk for good, then Ross would ensure that Banner would spend the rest of his life locked inside a prison cell.

Ross' words are rejected by Betty Ross
While Banner was removed, Betty Ross left the college as Thaddeus had attempted to speak with her. However, Betty insisted that she would never forgive her father for what he had done to Banner. Although he tried to argue that Banner was a fugitive, Betty instead insisted that it was Thaddeus who had made Banner the fugitive to cover his failures and protect his own career in the United States Armed Forces, noting she did not consider him her father before she furiously walked away.[5]
Duel of Harlem[]

Riss learning of Abomination's attack
Inside their helicopter, Thaddeus attempted to ignore Bruce Banner as he gently kissed Betty Ross' hands. However, just as they were leaving, Thaddeus had gotten a call from his men on the ground, claiming that Hulk was causing chaos in New York City, much to Thaddeus' confusion as he looked over at Banner in their helicopter. Hearing the soldier's panic, Thaddeus ordered his pilot to turn the helicopter around.

Ross watches Abomination's rampage
As the soldiers turned on their body-cams, Thaddeus then watched on in horror as the footage of Abomination causing utter destruction in the streets was broadcast, as Banner realized that this "Abomination" was Emil Blonsky who had forced Samuel Sterns to expose his body to more of the gamma radiation, causing that transformation. Once Abomination slaughtered his men, Thaddeus tried to make a plan only for Banner to insist he be allowed to fight Abomination himself.

Ross and Bruce Banner discuss their plan
While the skeptical Thaddeus had listened closely, Banner claimed that he needed to be taken back so Hulk could battle Abomination, believing he was the only one who stood a chance at defeating him. As Banner claimed that, while he could not fully control Hulk, he might be able to aim its rage at the correct target, which Thaddeus then questioned. When Banner noted that all three of them had all created Hulk, Thaddeus relented and ordered the pilot to land the helicopter.

Ross sees Hulk challenge Abomination
However, Banner insisted that they keep the helicopter out of harm's way, telling Thaddeus to open the back door as he prepared to jump out, unsure if he would even transform back into Hulk. Once Banner said his emotional goodbyes to Betty, Thaddeus then watched as he fell from the helicopter and landed in the streets, getting back to his feet as Hulk and furiously challenging Abomination to a fight. As the two began to fight, Thaddeus kept a close watch over the battle.

Ross' soldiers shooting at Abomination
Since it became clear that Abomination was far stronger than Hulk, Thaddeus ordered his gunner to begin shooting at Abomination, hoping that this would help. However, this only proved to enrage Abomination who was unaffected by the bullets and instead charged directly at the helicopter. Despite Hulk's best efforts to stop him, Abomination then tore the helicopter from the air, which caused it to crash land, while both Thaddeus and his daughter were still inside.

Ross manages to survive a helicopter crash
With their helicopter having crash landed, Thaddeus and Betty found that they were the only survivors, as they painfully got back on their feet, finding that Hulk was still battling against Abomination. As the Rosses attempted to leave before Abomination could attack and kill them, their helicopter's fuel line burst into flames, causing a massive fireball. However, Hulk had witnessed this and, using his powerful clap, managed to extinguish the flames, saving their lives.

Ross and Betty Ross escape the helicopter
With all the flames out, Thaddeus was helped out of the helicopter by his daughter, only for them to suddenly be spotted by Abomination, who was using a steel chain to beat Hulk into submission. Seeing the man who had helped transform him, Abomination then began furiously swinging the chain around his head in an attempt to kill the General, only for Hulk to return to the fight to save them, causing a small Earthquake that had knocked Abomination off his feet.

Ross watches as Abomination is defeated
Using this brief distraction to his advantage, Hulk then wrapped the chain around Abomination's throat, attempting to chock him to death. Thaddeus and his daughter then watched on as Hulk beat Abomination into submission, even tearing out one of his bones, as continued strangling him until Betty stepped forward and begged Hulk to stop. Seeing the woman he loved, Hulk then calmed down as he tossed the defeated Abomination to the feet of Thaddeus.

Ross allows Hulk to make his escape
With Abomination finally defeated, the attention was then turned towards Hulk, as the United States Armed Forces surrounded the area, only for Thaddeus to order them to lower their weapons, as he knew that he now owed Hulk a debt for saving their lives and defeating Abomination. As Hulk looked down at Betty, more helicopters arrived and lit up the area, Thaddeus then simply allowed Hulk to make his escape, making absolutely no effort to recapture him.[5]
Disastrous Press Conference[]
- "Following Hulk and the Abomination's destruction of Harlem, Ross was criticized for what some called an 'unwarranted outburst' during a press conference. In fact, many blamed Ross for the collateral damage, believing it was his relentless pursuit of Banner's Hulk that led to the rampage."
- ―Sharon Tazewell[src]
Ross spoke at a press conference following the fight between Hulk and Abomination to discuss the events that had transpired in Harlem. Ross was blamed for the damage done to the neighborhood, which enraged him, causing Ross to kick over the podium. Despite the negative response to his outburst from the public, Ross managed to twist the narrative in his favor by pinning the fault on the captured Samuel Sterns, who created Abomination.[2]
Talk with Tony Stark[]
Ross drinks and smokes alone in his despair
- "That Super Soldier program was put on ice for a reason. I've always felt that hardware was much more reliable."
"Stark. You always wear such nice suits." - ―Tony Stark and Thaddeus Ross[src]
In the aftermath of the battle and the humiliating defeat for Ross, the General drowned all his sorrows in bars, drinking and smoking. In order to try and save face, the World Security Council then informed S.H.I.E.L.D. that they wanted to make Emil Blonsky, who was currently in Ross' custody, part of the Avengers Initiative, blaming Hulk for the Harlem incident and keeping Blonsky's reputation intact.

Ross being visited by Tony Stark in the bar
S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Phil Coulson and Jasper Sitwell, with knowledge of the events, sent Tony Stark to speak to Ross about the Avengers Initiative, as their patsy to prevent Ross from letting Blonsky join the Avengers. Stark informed Ross that a team was being put together. The talk ended up with Stark annoying Ross so much that Ross then refused to release Blonsky and tried to have Stark removed from the bar. In reply, Stark bought the bar and scheduled it for demolition.[12]
Using Samuel Sterns[]
- "Ross being Ross, he saw an opportunity. Instead of removing the gamma from Sterns' blood, he upped the dose. Made Sterns his own personal think tank. Creating technology and weapons for the state."
"Holy shit. Why does Sterns go along with it?"
"Camp Echo One was the stick, I imagine a pardon was the carrot." - ―Sidewinder and Sam Wilson[src]
Ross discovered that in addition to Samuel Sterns' physical mutation, his mind had been enhanced from exposure to gamma radiation via Bruce Banner's blood, making his brainpower incredibly higher than that of any other human. Seeing the potential of Sterns' intellect, Ross had him moved to Camp Echo One without a trial. Ross exposed Sterns to more gamma radiation to further increase his mental ability.
Ross forced Sterns to use his mind to solve solutions for him, including coming up with groundbreaking technology and weapons for the United States. Ross kept Sterns as his personal prisoner for years, under the watch of Warden Cooper, and kept his imprisonment a secret so that Sterns' mind could continue to benefit Ross' career. Ross managed to ensure Sterns' compliance by promising him that he would eventually pardon Sterns and give him his life back.[2]
Secretary of State[]
Position in Government[]

Ross is promoted to the Secretary of State
- "Five years ago, I had a heart attack, and I dropped right in the middle of my backswing. Turned out it was the best round of my life because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass, I found something forty years in the Army had never taught me. Perspective."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to the Avengers[src]
While playing golf, Ross suffered from a heart attack which resulted in thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass.[13] By April 2016, General Ross was already retired from the United States Army.[14] He was then swiftly appointed as the United States' Secretary of State by President Matthew Ellis, due to all of Ross' personal experience in dealing with the super-powered and highly dangerous individuals such as Hulk, as well as Abomination, throughout Ross' entire military career.[15]

President Matthew Ellis comments on Ross
Once the United Nations of the world had begun to sought to impose greater accountability on the activities of super-heroes, including but not limited to the Avengers, due to all the devastating events in New York, Washington, D.C., Sokovia, and Lagos, Ross took on an active role in trying to ensure the protection of the world from whom he had viewed as being super-powered vigilantes in the wake of their several battles. Ross oversaw the American government's implementation of the Sokovia Accords that would limit the actions undertaken by these super-powered individuals.[13]
Sokovia Accords[]

Ross having his meeting with the Avengers
- "For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution: the Sokovia Accords."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to the Avengers[src]
Accompanied by Tony Stark, Ross had visited the Avengers at the Avengers Compound to present them with the Sokovia Accords. Ross explained that there were no disagreements among the world's governments about whether the Avengers should all be considered heroes or vigilantes as the unlimited power with which they had operated could have no longer been tolerated since it was almost impossible to control.

Ross showing the footage of destruction
To prove his point, Ross showed his video footage of the destruction caused by the Avengers during the Battle of New York, the Battle at the Triskelion, the devastating Ultron Offensive, and the Attack in Lagos, in which Wanda Maximoff had inadvertently sent the bomb activated by Crossbones in a building occupied by several civilians who had died. Seeing the effect that the footage was having on Maximoff, Steve Rogers had asked Ross to end the presentation.

Ross commenting on the Sokovia Accords
Ross then explained that since the Battle of Sokovia in which the city of Novi Grad had been completely destroyed, and many people were killed, the United States would sign their Sokovia Accords in order to put the Avengers into line, explaining that many other countries were planning to do the same. Ross explained how these Accords meant that the Avengers would only operate under the direct supervision of the United Nations in order to keep them under their close watch.

Ross offers the Avengers a final ultimatum
While Rogers insisted they kept the world safe, Ross noted that they did not even know where Thor and Bruce Banner were, while James Rhodes had asked for more details about the contingency plans that were included with the Accords. As he left to give the Avengers some time to discuss their reactions to the Accords, Ross was then asked by Natasha Romanoff what would happen if they did not sign and he had simply explained that they would be forced to retire instead.[13]
Captain America's Rebellion[]

Ross confronts Tony Stark on the escape
- "Barnes would have been eliminated in Romania if it wasn't for Rogers. There are dead people who would be alive now. Feel free to check my math."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Tony Stark[src]
However, when the United Nations had been suddenly attacked with a bomb during the peace meetings regarding the Sokovia Accords, it resulted in the deaths of several innocent people, including King T'Chaka of Wakanda, all seemingly due to the terrorist actions of Winter Soldier. The former assassin was quickly caught and arrested, but broke out of his holding cell and went on the rampage when his programming was activated by Helmut Zemo. In the ensuing chaos, Zemo took the opportunity to escape, whilst Captain America chased down The Winter Soldier.

Ross orders the capture of Captain America
Furious with what happened, Secretary Ross met with Tony Stark to confront him and demand that he bring Rogers, Falcon and Winter Soldier into justice. Upon hearing this, Natasha Romanoff questioned if Ross was willing to kill Captain America to catch Winter Soldier, which Ross noted he was. Stark then promised he would take their fugitives into custody within seventy-two hours, although Ross had still remained somewhat skeptical and gave Stark just thirty-six hours to deliver Rogers and Barnes.[13]
Arresting the Avengers[]

Ross threatens to have Tony Stark arrested
In the wake of the Battle at Leipzig-Halle Airport, Ross captured the majority of Captain America's team and took them to the Raft where they had been thrown into individual cells. Tony Stark later flew to the Raft and was met by Ross, claiming that Helmut Zemo was to blame for the recent events, although Ross still remained furious about how bad the situation had become and then even threatened to have Stark arrested as well.

Ross watches Tony Stark talk to Sam Wilson
While Stark went to speak to their prisoners, Ross watched from the CCTV cameras as Stark was insulted by his former friends, with Clint Barton especially angry at the recent betrayal. While Stark had been speaking to Sam Wilson about the well-being of James Rhodes who had been badly injured, the audio feeds were then suddenly cut out during their conversation, which Ross had blamed on their technical team before realizing that Stark was most likely to blame for it all.

Ross watches as Tony Stark leaves the Raft
Following his meeting with the Avengers, Stark had then prepared to leave the Raft. As Ross walked Stark back to his helicopter, he asked what Wilson told him about Steve Rogers and all his plans, although Stark claimed it was nothing since Wilson had told him to go to hell, noting he was heading back to the Avengers Compound before taking off to investigate the situation further. As he left, Stark told Ross to call him any time, promising he would put Ross on hold.[13]
Hunting Natasha Romanoff[]

Ross leads his hunt for Natasha Romanoff
As his campaign against the Avengers continued, Ross had a second triple bypass surgery.[16] Following Steve Rogers' escape, Ross suspected that Natasha Romanoff had assisted him.[13] He spoke to T'Challa, who did not give a clear answer but left Ross feeling his suspicion of Romanoff was accurate. Ross then arranged a meeting with the World Security Council to ask for resources to capture Romanoff, where he and Hawley discussed Romanoff's history in depth, although Hawley refused to approve his request due to the lack of solid evidence.[17][18]

Ross being contacted by Natasha Romanoff
Ross and his S.W.A.T. team eventually located Romanoff's tracker sending a signal from a train station in Albany and moved in to arrest her. Once they were inside, Ross was called on the phone by Romanoff. Ross told her to stop running from them as she was alone, since Clint Barton, Sam Wilson and Scott Lang were currently in custody inside the Raft, while Rogers was on the run. However, Ross was then promptly hung up on and discovered that Romanoff had tricked them with the tracker.[16]
Manipulating Rick Mason[]

Ross forces Rick Mason to aid his mission
- "I am serving this very instant, right here in front of you, as I have my whole life. What I don't do is sell myself to the highest bidder, propping myself up like some debonair black market smuggler."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Rick Mason[src]
Seeking to arrest Natasha Romanoff, Ross chose to target her contacts, seeking out anyone who was likely to be offering her support, as he tracked down Rick Mason, putting pressure on him.[16] Eventually, Ross' unit cornered Mason in his hotel room, as they waited for Romanoff to contact him, as they watched their conversation closely, with Romanoff and Mason agreeing to meet at a specific location with a van.

Ross attempts to locate Natasha Romanoff
Ross sent his team to the location Romanoff agreed to meet at, taking Mason with him. Arriving at the location, Ross ordered his men turn the place upside down as they searched for Romanoff. As they searched for her tracker, Ross spoke with Mason, who asked Ross where he served during his time in the United States Armed Forces, to which Ross insisted that he was actually still serving his country, unlike Mason.

Ross demands Rick Mason explain himself
Irritated by this question, Ross had noted that he did not sell his services to the highest bidder, which he believed Mason did, claiming that Mason had been attempting to build a new false image of himself as a demonair smuggler for the black market. Ross had then warned that he would only give Mason five minutes to negotiate a plea deal for himself, which would only happen if he helped Ross to find a line on Romanoff.

Ross learning Natasha Romanoff escaped
However, before Mason could consider cooperating with him, Ross was then interrupted by one of his agents, who explained that they had been unable to locate Romanoff. Ross was then told by the agent that they had found Romanoff's phone inside the café, which had been cleared by the bomb squad, with a note from her to Ross, telling Ross to come after her, which featured the Black Widows' logo and no further information.[19]
Natasha Romanoff's Surrender[]

Ross shows up to arrest Natasha Romanoff
Despite them having no leads on Natasha Romanoff's location for some time, eventually Ross was alerted to the fact that her tracker had been turned on unexpectedly. As a result, Ross led his unit to track down and arrest Romanoff at her location, where they found her stood in the middle of a field, surrounded by destruction of the Red Room Academy. However, Romanoff managed to escaped from him.[16]
Escape from the Raft[]
- "Tony, we have a problem."
"Ah, please hold."
"No. Don't–" - ―Thaddeus Ross and Tony Stark[src]
In the aftermath of the Avengers Civil War, a couple of weeks after the Battle at the HYDRA Siberian Facility, Steve Rogers successfully broke into the Raft and helped the prisoners on the Raft to escape. Ross was notified of the ongoing escape, and contacted Tony Stark for help, only for Stark to fulfill his earlier promises and put Ross on hold and to ignore him much to his annoyance, as he attempted to demand Stark listen to him.[13] Ross then attempted to contact Everett Ross about the escape of the Raft's prisoners, but Everett did not answer him.[20]
Saved by Samuel Sterns[]
- "Because I was dying, God damn it! Because my heart was failing. No one could figure it out until he did. These things kept me alive and in return I gave him hope that he might get his life back. He got a lab to do the work. I even tried to get him moved but–"
"But you couldn't risk losing the pills." - ―Thaddeus Ross and Sam Wilson[src]
With his heart condition worsening, Ross was dying, so he sought help from various doctors, but to no success. Desperate to stay alive long enough so that he could show his daughter that he had changed for the better and hopefully repair their relationship, Ross went to Samuel Sterns for help. Sterns was provided a lab from Ross, and was able to figure out how to save his life.
Ross was given pills that had been developed by Sterns, which he was required to take three times a day, which healed his heart. Ross was grateful for Sterns saving his life and wanted to have him moved out of Camp Echo One, but ultimately, Ross was too scared about losing the pills, so he kept Sterns locked up with the hope that he might be released.[2]
Infinity War[]

Ross continues working inside of his office
- "The world's on fire, and you think all's forgiven?"
"I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight. And if you wanna stay in our way... we'll fight you, too." - ―Thaddeus Ross and Steve Rogers[src]
Because of the strain the events of the Clash of the Avengers put on their own families, Scott Lang and Clint Barton both took deals from Ross that ended up with them being under house arrest, while the others involved with siding with Captain America during their clash still remained at large, despite Ross and his men continuing to hunt them down with the intention of finally bring them all to justice.

Ross has his meeting with James Rhodes
With the arrival of Thanos' Q-Ships into New York City, as well as the sudden disappearance of Vision, Ross contacted James Rhodes at the Avengers Compound when it was found that Vision was rescued by three wanted criminals; Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon. When he and Rhodes had discussed Vision's disappearance, Rhodes claiming that their former allies had only become known as criminals because of Ross, which Ross had merely scoffed at.

Ross confronting the rest of the Avengers
As Ross and Rhodes talked, Rhodes noted that he had some second thoughts about the Accords, before revealing that Captain America and his team had arrived with Vision and Wanda Maximoff. Upon seeing their arrival, Ross confronted Rogers who claimed they were there to assist after Tony Stark had vanished. Ross then ordered Rhodes to arrest the fugitives, but Rhodes instead terminated their connection, which earned him Ross' anger and a court-martial as a result.[21]

Ross shows respect at Tony Stark's funeral
Despite the Avengers' best efforts, Thanos managed to obtain all six of the Infinity Stones and caused the Snap, which killed Ross among trillions of others, including Ross' daughter.[8] However, in five years following the Snap, Hulk then caused the Blip and resurrected them. Ross had later attended the funeral of Tony Stark, who had given his life to defeat Thanos, with Ross standing beside Maria Hill, while they had watched Stark's Arc Reactor being set adrift into the lake.[22]
Enhanced Humans Act[]
In 2024, Ross ordered Major Donavan to mark as classified any information relating to the Enhanced Humans Act.[23]
President of the United States[]
First Hundred Days[]
To be added[2]
Dispatching Captain America[]
To be added[2]
Celestial Island World Summit[]
To be added[2]
Deliberating with World Leaders[]
To be added[2]
Visit to Japan[]
To be added[2]
Confronted by Sam Wilson[]
To be added[2]
Battle of Celestial Island[]
To be added[2]
Losing Control[]
To be added[2]
Imprisoned at the Raft[]
To be added[2]
- "If I'd misplaced a couple of thirty megaton nukes, you can bet there'd be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works."
- ―Thaddeus Ross to Captain America[src]
Decisive and ruthless, Thaddeus Ross is an objective man and his main one is to defend the United States of America by advancing the military, often by unconventional means such as a super-soldier project modified from a similar experiment from World War II. However, Thaddeus is largely motivated by his own personal feelings and his vendetta against Hulk. He can be single-minded and shows an inability to learn from his mistakes as his main priority is to defend the United States, and although having witnessed the destructive capabilities of Hulk as well as injuring him, his daughter and murdering several doctors while being unleashed the first time, he still planned to replicate Banner's gamma radiation to continue the Super Soldier Program he was working on.
Thaddeus can also be a hypocrite: though he loves Betty dearly, he has destroyed his relationship with her due to hunting down the man she loves as a fugitive and the fact that he was the one who made him a fugitive in the first place. He blamed Bruce Banner for injuring Betty, even though he wasn't in control of his actions at the time when he was Hulk and instead of helping him cure his gamma radiation, which Thaddeus was partly responsible for in the first place, he planned to imprison him forever instead. Thaddeus' methods of defense, and if needed offense, amounted to a very "fight fire with fire" sense. His plan to combat the Hulk was injecting his top soldier, Emil Blonsky, with a Super Soldier Serum. Similarly, when Blonsky mutated himself into Abomination and began causing havoc across Harlem, he ordered his men to assist Hulk, believing he was the only one who could match him in battle.
Despite having a personal incentive to kill Banner, Thaddeus is not without reason to be concerned regarding individuals with near-unlimited power. Having continuously witnessed the casualties and destruction of several incidents regarding powerful super-humans, such as the Battle of Sokovia, events that happened without supervision or jurisdiction from the government which caused the Avengers to run freely, he began viewing the Avengers as loose cannons, and that the Sokovia Accords, which would keep them on constant government watch was best for the world, although this would later spark a civil war. Even after Helmut Zemo was revealed to be the true culprit behind the Bombing of the Vienna International Centre, he still called Captain America and the other rogue Avengers fugitives and ordered their arrest, thus earning him the anger of James Rhodes, who had once respected him, with the latter choosing to cut Thaddeus off and disobey the Accords during the Infinity War.
However, Thaddeus wasn't entirely without reason. He had enough empathy for Scott Lang, Clint Barton, and their families to agree to not put the two back in the Raft and instead place them under house-arrest, likely not wishing them to have a similar situation to him and his daughter. When Tony Stark, his most trusted ally during the Avengers Civil War, had to give up his life to kill Thanos and his forces, thus saving millions of lives and the entire universe, Thaddeus was shown to grieve Stark enough to attend his funeral along with the Avengers to pay his condolences, demonstrating that his hatred towards the Earth's mightiest heroes is gone or at least somewhat diminished.
After becoming the U.S. President, Ross wanted to change his attitude and his public reputation. He opted to negotiate diplomatic treaties to share Adamantium worldwide rather than start conflicts over it and was more willing to work with the Captain America, even requesting him to bring the Avangers back together understanding that the world needs them. However, as Samuel Sterns' campaign to destroy Ross' legacy started his past mistakes continued to haunt him and drove him to become more hostile as he was before, something that rapidly tarnished his reputation and made others doubt his claims of wanting to turn over a new leaf. At the same time, Ross demonstrated guilt and shame over his exploitation of Sterns yet could not risk letting his corrupt and underhanded means of rising to power become public. More than anything Ross wished to clean his public image so that his daughter Betty could finally forgive him over hunting Banner for years in his old quest to obtain the Hulk's power for military purposes.
Ironically, Ross himself became contamined with Hulk blood after years of taking the heart medicine Sterns developed which he secretly poisoned with Gamma Radiation. Ross became aware of his condition and that Sterns' true goal behind his campaging was to stress Ross enough that he Hulks out, so he attempted as much as possible to maintain his composure, but ultimately Sterns allowing himself to be captured and leaking everything Ross did to him was the breaking point that made Ross transform into the Red Hulk in public.
Ross' first transformation into the Red Hulk was very reminiscent of Banner's early Hulk transformations. He was unable to think rationally and could only act on impulsive anger, being driven only to savagely attack whatever caused him distress causing disastrous amounts of colateral damage as he rampaged through Washington. Red Hulk could momentarily realize his condition when looking at his reflection on a window, but this only enraged him further. Captain America could draw Red Hulk's attention away from civilans, but this only made Red Hulk single-mindedly focus all his rage on Captain America. Despite this, much like Banner before, enough of Ross' personality remains within Red Hulk that Captain America managed to calm him down by reminding him of Betty and his resolution to prove the world he was better than the war-mongering general from his past.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Artificially Enhanced Physiology: When Ross' developed a heart condition, he turned to Samuel Sterns' help in developing a medicine to save his life, unknown to Ross, Sterns laced the pills with gamma radiation, which Sterns activated after his attempt on Ross' life failed, transforming Ross into a being called Red Hulk.
- Transformation: Similar to Bruce Banner, Ross' transformation was triggered by intense moments of stress, but his first transformation was triggered by Leader activating the gamma radiation in Ross' body. When Captain America calmed Ross down, he was able to revert back to human form.
- Superhuman Strength: Red Hulk possesses immense levels of superhuman strength, as he was easily capable of throwing cars, crushing and throwing a helicopter, smashing through trees, destroying most of the White House by clapping his hands together and leaping huge distances across Washington. A single punch caused serious stress on Captain America's Vibranium Wings due to the sheer amount of kinetic energy being absorbed, rag-dolling and launching Sam across the battlefield several times even when his wings and shield absorbed much of the impact. After a short but intense 1-on-1 battle with Captain America, Red Hulk managed to tear off one of his wings and crush his helmet. The kinetic force absorbed from Red Hulk's punches was powerful enough to decimate much of the surrounding street in a kinetic explosion, destroying what was left of Captain America's wings.
- Superhuman Durability: Red Hulk possesses immense levels of superhuman durability. Bullets from handguns and miniguns simply bounce off his skin and lasers from Redwing Drones barely affect him. His skin can be pierced by Vibranium weapons, however these wounds did not inflict lasting damage, doing little more than angering him. Red Hulk also withstood a kinetic explosion at point-blank rage that was powered by his own attacks without suffering any notable damage.
- Superhuman Speed: Red Hulk was able to chase Captain America through Washington DC, able to keep up with and eventually catch Sam despite him flying at high speed. He also caught him off guard with a leaping attack that launched him through the White House.
- Superhuman Agility: Red Hulk can leap huge distances with a single jump. He was able to catch Captain America mid-flight with a leaping attack. He was also able to keep up with and eventually catch Sam after chasing him through Washington despite Sam flying at high speeds and flying through a dense forest to slow him down.
- Superhuman Stamina: Red Hulk was able to fight off military forces and Captain America without showing any signs of exhaustion. Even after being caught in a kinetic explosion that decimated the streets, Red Hulk was still able to fight, forcing Sam to try to reason with him.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Red Hulk's reflexes are fast enough that he could destroy two Redwing drones with his fists and could catch Captain America's shield with one hand while attempting to crush the Vibranium wings with his other hand.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Red Hulk appears to have a healing factor, as wounds from Vibranium daggers and wings that pierced his skin had no lasting effect. He also quickly recovered from a kinetic explosion that destroyed the streets and launched a car on top of him.
- Heat Generation:
Red Hulk igniting a car
- Transformation: Similar to Bruce Banner, Ross' transformation was triggered by intense moments of stress, but his first transformation was triggered by Leader activating the gamma radiation in Ross' body. When Captain America calmed Ross down, he was able to revert back to human form.
- "Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have."
- ―War Machine to Falcon[src]
- Master Tactician:
Ross leading his hunt on Natasha Romanoff
- Master Combatant: As a general with decades of military experience, Ross is highly skilled in combat. Despite his advanced age, he easily knocked out a gunman with one punch during the attempt on his life at the White House. Even after his transformation into Red Hulk, despite being in a state of intense rage, Ross still retained some level of combat awareness. He targeted Sam Wilson's vibranium wings when Wilson tried to retreat after absorbing a barrage of punches, tearing his left wing off and leaving him almost helpless. He also anticipated Wilson's attempt to free himself with a ricochet shield throw attack, swiftly catching the shield and slamming it into the ground.
Other Equipment[]
- Super Soldier Serum: Ross had his men develop a type of Super Soldier Serum that could recreate Project Rebirth. He gave this imperfect serum to Emil Blonsky, turning him into an Abomination.
- Uniform: Ross uses two different uniforms, the Army Service Dress uniform, and the utility uniform.
- Humvee: Ross pursued Hulk at Culver University driving a Humvee at very high speeds.
- Helicopter: Ross flew in a helicopter to Brazil in pursuit of Bruce Banner. Later, he apprehended Banner and watched from the sky as Abomination rampaged through Harlem. Abomination eventually took the helicopter down.
- Air Force One: To be added
- Pentagon: Ross did much of his searching for Bruce Banner in the Pentagon. He got report of a gamma sickness in Milwaukee.
- Fort Johnson: Ross met with his unit at this base. Among these people was Emil Blonsky.
- United States Department of State Headquarters: Ross used the United States Department of State Headquarters to confer with his subordinates, colleagues, and superiors.
- Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building: Following the escape of Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Bucky Barnes, Ross arrived at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building to order Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff to apprehend them.
- Raft: Ross used the Raft to imprison enhanced individuals who chose to violate the Sokovia Accords. When Tony Stark was about to leave the Raft after questing Sam Wilson on the whereabouts of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, Ross asked him if Wilson had the answer. Stark lied by saying that Wilson told him to "go to hell." Following his transformation into Red Hulk and subsequent resignation of the presidency, Ross voluntarily had himself imprisoned at the Raft.
- White House: During his time as President, Ross resided at the White House.
- Thaddeus Ross' blood type is AB.[2]
- In the comics, Thaddeus Ross was the nephew of Jeffrey Mace and a General in the United States Air Force who eventually becomes a Hulk himself called Red Hulk.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Thaddeus Ross in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the second live-action incarnation of the character, following an incarnation portrayed by Sam Elliott.
- Bryan Cranston was initially considered to be recast as Thaddeus Ross in Captain America: Civil War in case William Hurt refused to reprise the role as shown in early concept art.
- Thaddeus Ross' alter ego Red Hulk was early considered to make an appearance in Captain America: Civil War, but according to Joe Russo, the idea was dropped as they already had the film crowded of characters and they had to include a backstory which did not fit into the film's narrative. However, he did not discard the possibility of using Red Hulk in further installments.[24]
- According to Nate Moore, William Hurt was very eager to portray the Red Hulk side of Ross before his passing. Moore said "He was very excited to come back, to be quite frank. When he passed, it was a surprise. You figure out if it's worth proceeding with the story you have or trying something else".[25]
- Thaddeus Ross is one of the few characters who were played by different actors in different films. The others are James Rhodes, Howard Stark, Bruce Banner, Bambi Arbogast, Fandral, Thanos, Red Skull and Cassie Lang.
- In Ross' case, this was due to William Hurt's passing on March 13, 2022.
- Before taking over the role of Thaddeus Ross, Harrison Ford was already good friends with William Hurt.[26]
- According to Captain America: Brave New World director Julius Onah, there was no version of the film where Red Hulk explicitly died despite rumors of the contrary, but there were certain versions where the public did not know about his fate after the Duel of Washington, D.C., opining that they wouldn't kill off a massively popular fan-favorite character.[27]
- Duncan McLeod was a stunt double for William Hurt in the role of Thaddeus Ross.
- Steven F Thompson was a stand-in and photo double for William Hurt in the role of Thaddeus Ross.
- ↑ Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 Captain America: Brave New World
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 The Incredible Hulk Deleted Scene
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Iron Man 2: Public Identity, Issue 3
- ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 The Incredible Hulk
- ↑ 4/30/2018 on Scott's laptop in Ant-Man and the Wasp
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Avengers: Endgame script
- ↑ Iron Man 2: Public Identity, Issue 1: 'No Reason'
- ↑ Iron Man 2: Public Identity, Issue 2
- ↑ The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week, Chapter 6
- ↑ Marvel One-Shot: The Consultant
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Captain America: Civil War
- ↑ WHIH Newsfront: 2.01: AVENGERS IMPACT: A WHIH Newsfront Special Report
- ↑ WHIH Newsfront: 2.04: WHIH Newsfront Exclusive: President Ellis Discusses the Avengers
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Black Widow
- ↑ Black Widow Prelude, Issue 1
- ↑ Black Widow Prelude, Issue 2
- ↑ Black Widow Deleted Scene
- ↑ Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey
- ↑ Avengers: Infinity War
- ↑ Avengers: Endgame
- ↑ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Credit Sequence
- ↑ Red Hulk And Iron Spider Were Considered For Captain America: Civil War
- ↑ Marvel Actor Was ‘Really Excited’ To Return To MCU Before Passing: Captain America 4 Producer Reflects On William Hurt's Surprise Passing Before Playing Red Hulk
- ↑ Thunderbolts: Harrison Ford Rumored to Be Marvel's Top Choice To Replace William Hurt's Thaddeus Ross
- ↑ ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Director Julius Onah Explains Those Cameos, Reveals What the Reshoots Replaced and Defends Harrison Ford: ‘He Was an Utter Professional’