The Bridge

"Look, I know Union Station could have gone another way. Another team might not have let me out of there alive. I owe you, all of you."
"That's bygones and water under a distant bridge far away."
Mike Peterson and Skye

The Bridge is the tenth episode of the first season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


In a shocking cliffhanger episode, Coulson takes the war back to Centipede, and this time he brings in Mike Peterson for some super-soldier support. As they get closer to the truth, startling secrets are revealed and an unexpected twist threatens the team.



Edison Po is broken out of jail

Edison Po eats his lunch when Brian Hayward and the other Centipede Soldiers explode the roof and break Po out of Havenworth Federal Penitentiary. Po quietly finishes his meal before leaving, being overly calm. Meanwhile, Phil Coulson and Skyetalk about her search for her parents. Skye asks if he could take off her Tracking Bracelet, he refuses. Melinda May and Grant Ward spar until Coulson calls them in to report the break in. Coulson calls in an asset.

SHIELD Training Facility

Mike Peterson pushes the bulldozer

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Facility, Mike Peterson pushes a bulldozer far across a football field. Satisfied with his work, he asks the trainer if it beat Steve Rogers, only to receive the reply that it wasn't even close. Coulson then meets with him and offers a mission, which Peterson gladly takes. On the Bus, Peterson arrives only to feel tension. He apologizes for their past and assures them he is a changed man. Coulson tells him that he likes second chances, but there won't be a third, which Peterson understands.


Mike Peterson on the Bus

Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Ward, and Skye detail Peterson. Ward talks bad about him only to realize Peterson was behind him. Peterson understands the talk and promises he is a different man, being thankful that they saved him instead of killing him. Coulson finds a possible suspect, Brian Hayward. Peterson goes to the lab to get tested. Simmons is amazed at his physique which makes Fitz very jealous. They then change the subject to how Peterson isn't dead. Peterson explains that Fitz-Simmons' Night-Night Gun stabilized his condition and saved him.


Edison Po meets with Raina

Coulson and Ward drive in Ohio and Coulson talks about his former lover, Audrey Nathan. They then arrive at the University of Ohio to find Brian's sister, Laura Hayward. Ward approaches her, saying her brother won the lottery and he gave her a card. Worried about the suspicious conversation, Laura calls Brian to tell him. This is exactly what Coulson wants as he tracks the phone call to Brian's location. On the Bus, Skye thanks May for helping with her search and asks her questions only to be shot down by May, who questions Skye's commitment. Skye then shows her security footage of Po prior to the break in. She could read his words which shows he is talking about the Clairvoyant. Meanwhile, Po meets with Raina and they talk about the Clairvoyant as well as the Centipede Soldiers. Skye meets with Peterson and talks about their past. She then asks about his son, Ace Peterson. Coulson barges in and tells Peterson to get ready.


Phil Coulson shoots at Brian Hayward

At the Oakland Centipede Laboratory, the team looks around until the Centipede Soldiers eventually reveal themselves by walking out of surrounding storage crates. A fight ensues, Ward takes a punch for May. Simmons reads Peterson's vitals and finds that he is crashing. Brian Hayward is eventually knocked down. Coulson tries to ask questions, but he says he won't answer, pleading to someone listening not to be killed. His Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant then snaps, killing him. On the other side, Po and Raina look through his feed after flipping his switch. Raina is amazed that Peterson is alive.


Raina calls Mike Peterson

Back on the Bus, Peterson gets monitored by Simmons while May confronts Ward. She scolds him for taking a punch, but Ward gets mad, claiming that it was strategic. She is faster and if she went down, it would be worse for the team. May apologizes, thinking it had something to do with their relationship, but Ward storms off. Meanwhile, Peterson gets a call from Ace who wants to show him his new friend. Worried, Peterson asks what he's talking about. Raina then answers telling Peterson to give himself up for Ace.


Skye witnesses the explosion

Peterson tells Coulson who wants to help. They think of a plan to save Ace as well as Peterson. At the trade site, Peterson and Coulson walk to Raina. The team waits, preparing to set off a tracker attached to Peterson. They ask for Ace, but Raina reminds them that wasn't the deal, which confuses Coulson. Peterson explains that he gave himself up, but they don't want him, they want Coulson. Coulson understands the dire situation and gives in. He urges Peterson to take Ace and run, which Peterson does. As Peterson runs back to the team, Coulson is sedated and brough into Raina's car. Peterson drops off Ace with Skye, telling her to take care of him. He then runs after Coulson, only for the bridge to be blown up, seemingly killing Peterson. The car holding Coulson then blows up as a misdirection. The helicopter shoots at Ward, who was camping out with a sniper. The team looks on. In the helicopter, Raina tells Coulson that they want to know what happened in Tahiti.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:






Sentient Species[]




Song title Artist Location(s)
Come Undone Duran Duran


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x10 "The Bridge"- Promo

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x10 "The Bridge"- Sneak Peek 1


External Links[]

Season One Pilot0-8-4The AssetEye-SpyGirl in the Flower DressFZZTThe HubThe WellRepairsThe BridgeThe Magical PlaceSeedsT.R.A.C.K.S.T.A.H.I.T.I.Yes MenEnd of the BeginningTurn, Turn, TurnProvidenceThe Only Light in the DarknessNothing PersonalRagtagBeginning of the End
Season Two ShadowsHeavy is the HeadMaking Friends and Influencing PeopleFace My EnemyA Hen in the Wolf HouseA Fractured HouseThe Writing on the WallThe Things We Bury...Ye Who Enter HereWhat They BecomeAftershocksWho You Really AreOne of UsLove in the Time of HYDRAOne Door ClosesAfterlifeMelindaThe Frenemy of My EnemyThe Dirty Half Dozen ScarsS.O.S. Part OneS.O.S. Part Two
Season Three Laws of NaturePurpose in the MachineA Wanted (Inhu)manDevils You Know4,722 HoursAmong Us Hide...Chaos TheoryMany Heads, One TaleClosureMavethBouncing BackThe Inside ManParting ShotWatchdogsSpacetimeParadise LostThe TeamThe SingularityFailed ExperimentsEmancipationAbsolutionAscension
Season Four The GhostMeet the New BossUprisingLet Me Stand Next to Your FireLockupThe Good SamaritanDeals With Our DevilsThe Laws of Inferno DynamicsBroken PromisesThe PatriotWake UpHot Potato SoupBOOMThe Man Behind the ShieldSelf ControlWhat If...Identity and ChangeNo RegretsAll the Madame's MenFarewell, Cruel World!The ReturnWorld's End
Season Five Orientation Part OneOrientation Part TwoA Life SpentA Life EarnedRewindFun & GamesTogether or Not at AllThe Last DayBest Laid PlansPast LifeAll the Comforts of HomeThe Real DealPrincipiaThe Devil ComplexRise and ShineInside VoicesThe HoneymoonAll Roads Lead...Option TwoThe One Who Will Save Us AllThe Force of GravityThe End
Season Six Missing PiecesWindow of OpportunityFear and Loathing on the Planet of KitsonCode YellowThe Other ThingInescapableToldjaCollision Course Part OneCollision Course Part TwoLeapFrom the AshesThe SignNew Life
Season Seven The New DealKnow Your OnionsAlien Commies from the Future!Out of the PastA Trout in the MilkAdapt or DieThe Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the DAfter, BeforeAs I Have Always BeenStolenBrand New DayThe End is at HandWhat We're Fighting For