Time Ripper
- "What in the McGuffin is that?"
"That's a Time Ripper, Mr. Wilson. An accelerant. Once completed, it will allow me to destroy the spacetime matrix of your universe." - ―Deadpool and Mr. Paradox[src]
The Time Ripper was a device composed of numerous Reset Charges capable of destroying an entire timeline in an instant.
Paradox's Intentions[]
When Logan died, his universe started slowly decaying due to his status as his world's Anchor Being. The process would take thousands of years; however, Mr. Paradox, who was in charge of monitoring Logan's timeline, did not want to wait that long and resolved to use the Time Ripper, built by his rogue TVA crew, located at a station, to eradicate the timeline instantly. Paradox recruited Deadpool from the universe and informed him of his plan, which was met with stark resistance and a punch to the nose from the merc with a mouth. Deadpool resolved to save his world and recruited a Wolverine from another universe. To keep the two from exposing his actions to the higher-ups in the TVA, Paradox pruned them to the Void.[1]
Hijacked by Cassandra Nova[]
Over the course of their time in the Void, Deadpool and Wolverine were captured by Cassandra Nova but managed to escape from her compound and met the Resistance. Together, they launched an attack on Nova and her henchmen which resulted in Pyro, who had secretly made a deal with Mr. Paradox to kill Nova in exchange for being freed from the Void, shooting Nova while her telekinetic healing abilities were neutralized.

Cassandra Nova uses the Time Ripper
Nova had previously made an agreement with Paradox that she would rule the Void and he wouldn't interfere, but Nova then realized that agreement was broken. In response to this, Nova traveled to Earth-10005, where Paradox was stationed, using a Sling Ring and used her abilities on Paradox to learn of the Time Ripper, resolving to use it to destroy every universe but the Void. Nova began her assault on the Multiverse and very nearly succeeded in destroying Earth-10005; however, Deadpool and Wolverine teamed up to short-circuit the Time Ripper, destroying it and Nova in the process.[1]
To be added
Behind the Scenes[]
- When initially pitching the design for the Time Ripper, Ivan Weightman could not properly communicate how the device would operate with an image. So, Ray Chan had Weightman use a motion capture suit to portray how it would work in a three-dimensional space to help everyone understand before the design was approved.[2]