- "It was beautiful. Titan was like most planets; too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."
- ―Thanos to Doctor Strange[src]
Titan is the desolated home planet of the race of the same name.
Royal Family[]
Home to Titans, Titan was a rich, lush world with a royal family headed by A'Lars, who sired a son named Thanos.[1] During this time, a Celestial named Arishem the Judge created ten Eternals and stationed them on Titan. One of these Eternals, named Eros, joined the royal family and became an adoptive brother of Thanos. However, Eros eventually abandoned Arishem's ideals and fled Titan, choosing to explore the cosmos.[2]
- "Genocide."
"At random. Dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." - ―Doctor Strange and Thanos[src]
Titan was plagued by overpopulation, which caused a drain on its resources and sent the Titan race hurtling towards a societal cataclysm. Thanos proposed randomly killing half the planet's population as a way to preserve their finite resources, but his plan was rejected as too extreme, and he was cast out as a madman. The predicted catastrophe then hit Titan, causing the mass extinction of most of the planet's lifeforms, with Thanos being one of the few remaining survivors.
The once green and blue world turned burnt orange and brown as the upper atmosphere was ravaged by electrical storms with the broken remains of Titan society littering its surface. Even its moon was not spared, taking on a similar appearance. On a planetary scale, Titan was left eight degrees off its axis with its gravitational pull also significantly affected. Convinced that his plan could have saved Titan, Thanos became dedicated to wiping out half of all life in the universe so as to spare other planets from suffering the fate of his own people.[1]
Infinity War[]

- "The hell happened to this planet? It's eight degrees off its axis. Its gravitational pull is all over the place."
- ―Peter Quill[src]
In 2018, the Black Order were ordered to bring the Time and Mind Stones to Titan. Ebony Maw captured Doctor Strange and brought him aboard his Q-Ship en route to Titan. As he tried to take the Stone, he was slain by Tony Stark and Peter Parker. Stark and Strange then seized control of the Q-Ship and arrived, albeit crash-landing, on Titan. Before they could leave the Q-Ship, they were ambushed by Peter Quill, Drax the Destroyer, and Mantis, who believed they were enemies. After getting their misunderstandings out of the way, they agreed to work together to defeat Thanos and made a plan while exploring Titan.[1]
Battle of Titan[]

Thanos reveals Titan's past beauty
Soon, Thanos arrived on Titan and found himself face to face with Doctor Strange. Thanos told him about Titan's history and used the Reality Stone to show what Titan used to look like. He then explained his plans in balancing the universe. Strange then confronted him, and Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, and Drax engaged him. After managing to effectively stand their ground against Thanos, the arrival of Nebula distracted Thanos enough that Stark, Parker, Drax, and Strange just barely managed to immobilize Thanos long enough for Mantis to subdue him with her powers before they attempted to pry off the Infinity Gauntlet. When Mantis felt that Thanos was in mourning, Nebula deduced that he had killed Gamora, and so Quill angrily attacked Thanos breaking Mantis' concentration. Thanos then attacked them, using the Power Stone to knock out Nebula, Drax, and Quill.

Thanos destroys Titan's moon
Thanos then used the Power and Space Stone to rip apart Titan's moon and sent it hurtling at his foes, effectively separating his enemies. Being the only ones to dodge the debris, Strange and Stark engaged Thanos individually, but Strange was briefly knocked out and Stark was mortally wounded, forcing Strange to barter the Time Stone in order to save Stark's life. Thanos then opened up a wormhole and left Titan.
When Drax, Mantis, Nebula and Peter Quill regrouped with Tony Stark, Peter Parker and Doctor Strange, they pondered what to do next. Suddenly, Mantis disintegrated into dust. Drax, Quill, Strange and Parker disintegrated afterwards. Nebula and Stark were left remaining, and sat down in defeat.[1]

Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and the Guardians of the Galaxy leave Titan
Five years later, as a result of the Blip, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Drax the Destroyer and Mantis were resurrected on Titan. Strange used his Sling Ring to open an Inter-Dimensional Portal from Titan to the destroyed Avengers Compound on Earth to assist the Avengers in the battle taking place there.[3]
Alternate Realities[]
Nexus Event Formed[]
During her quest to gain vengeance against the Time Variance Authority, Sylvie Laufeydottir sent a Reset Charge through a Timedoor to Titan during 1982. The Reset Charge was then detonated, causing a Nexus event and creating a branched timeline. The TVA then traveled to the alternate 1982 Titan in order to prune the branched reality.[4]
Infinity War[]
Battle of Titan[]

The Illuminati on Titan
In an alternate 2018, the Illuminati banded together to fight Thanos on Titan. They used the Book of Vishanti to help them defeat him and used his sword to kill him. Afterwards, Stephen Strange, having caused an incursion in the process, volunteered himself to be executed by his team so that he would not cause any more harm, and was killed by Blackagar Boltagon.[5]
Appearances for Titan |
In chronological order:
Outside of time:
- In the comics, Thanos' homeworld is the real-life moon of Saturn named Titan, rather than a fictional planet of the same name in another solar system.