United States Secret Service
- "Sweep every floor. Lock down the elevators. National security threat."
- ―Secret Service Agent[src]
The United States Secret Service is an American federal law enforcement agency that is part of the United States Department of Homeland Security. The U.S. Secret Service has two distinct areas of responsibility: Financial crimes and protection of current and former national leaders and their families.
Kidnapping of President Ellis[]
A group of Secret Service agents were aboard Air Force One to secure the plane and President Matthew Ellis. However, when Eric Savin impersonated Iron Patriot to kidnap President Ellis, many of the agents were killed by Savin.[1]
Protecting Vice President Rodriguez[]
When Vice President Rodriguez was contacted by Tony Stark and James Rhodes warning him of an upcoming attack on the President, a Secret Service agent handed him his phone. Despite assuring Stark and Rhodes that he would alert the President, he didn't pass on the order to the Secret Service agent, with Rodriguez assuring him that everything was fine.[1]
Cybertek Tour[]
While giving General Jacobs and Admiral Jolnes a tour of the Cybertek Manufacturing Facility, Ian Quinn proposed selling the United States Armed Forces 1,000 Deathlok Soldiers to replace the special ops units, like the Secret Service and the Navy SEALs.[2]
Protecting President Ellis[]
Several Secret Service agents protected President Matthew Ellis when he had a meeting with S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Phil Coulson at the apartment of Rosalind Price, the late head of the Advanced Threat Containment Unit.[3]
Protecting the GRC[]
- "One world."
"One people." - ―Secret Service Agent and Security Guard[src]
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Protecting President Ritson[]
Motorway Assault[]
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Hospital Security[]
- "What about the others?"
"Tell 'em to start hunting." - ―Secret Service Agents and "James Rhodes"[src]
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Protecting President Ross[]
To be added