
Uru is a metal forged in the furnaces of Nidavellir. It is known for its immense durability, resulting in the only way to melt it down for forging is with the power and heat of a star.



Gungnir is a spear of Asgardian royalty capable of sending forth blasts of energy. The wielder of the weapon is deemed the ruler by the Destroyer armor, granting control over it. The spear can also be used in place of Hofund to physically unlock the Bifrost Bridge.


"It was made from this special metal from the heart of a dying star."
Thor to Korg[src]

The weapon Mjølnir was forged from Uru in Nidavellir, per the request of Odin, the king of Asgard. The Dwarves used their forge, powered by the heart of a dying star, to produce the hammer.[1][2]

Infinity Gauntlet[]

"I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. I made what he wanted: a device capable of harnessing the power of the Stones."
Eitri to Thor[src]
AoU Thanos

Thanos acquiring the Infinity Gauntlet

In order to harness the power of the Infinity Stones, Thanos traveled to Nidavellir to commission the device. When the Dwarf king Eitri refused, Thanos threatened his subjects, with the Dwarf relenting, crafting a Gauntlet using an uru mold. With the gauntlet completed, Thanos killed all 299 of Eitri's subjects. To further prevent anyone else from receiving such powerful equipment of Eitri's design, he then proceeded to encase the Dwarf's hands in molten metal, leaving him to become crippled and to suffer all alone.[2]


"Wait, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?"
"The Thanos-killing kind."
"Don't you think that we should all have a weapon like that?"
Star-Lord and Thor[src]
Stormbreaker (Forged)

Stormbreaker is forged from Uru

Thor, Rocket, and Groot traveled to Nidavellir to claim a new weapon in order to kill Thanos before he could complete the Infinity Gauntlet. Upon arrival, the trio discovered a somber Eitri, who agreed to help the trio kill Thanos for taking his hands and killing his people. Selecting the most powerful Uru mold, the group created Stormbreaker, with Groot using his own arm as the handle for the weapon, as Eitri misplaced the original.[2]

Alternate Universes[]

Used Against Mangog[]

In an alternate universe, Mjølnir was forged from Uru and used by Thor to fight several Frost Giants. The enchanted Uru allowed Thor to control any mechanism which used runes across the Nine Realms as he found himself stranded on Vanaheim. He then traveled to Muspelheim and infused the Uru with Scabrite, which he used to defeat Mangog.[3]

Stolen by Dark Elves[]

In an alternate universe, the Dwarves used Uru to create several powerful weapons including Mjølnir, the Bloodaxe and the Sword of Torunn. The Dark Elves attacked Nidavellir, stealing the Bloodaxe and the Sword of Torunn. Thor and his allies tracked them down and recovered them.[4]


Uru is incredibly dense, as it requires a temperature of 50,000K (89,540.33°F/49726.85°C) to liquefy.[5]

Notable Uru Items[]

Alternate Versions[]


Appearances for Uru

In chronological order:


External Links[]