Wasp's Stingers

"Wings and blasters. I take it you didn't have that tech available for me?"
"No, I did."
Scott Lang and Hank Pym[src]

Wasp's Stingers are a set of gauntlets integrated with the Wasp Suit, capable of multiple functions, including firing bolts of energy.


Chase for the Mobile Laboratory[]

The new Wasp Suit used by Wasp featured specialized gauntlets with several capabilities. In 2018, during the fight at the Oui, Wasp used the blasters to take down two of Sonny Burch's henchmen, and later fired a Pym Particle Disc at a salt shaker, causing it to significantly increase in size to block Uzman and knock him unconscious. However, Wasp's Stingers later proved to be ineffective against Ghost, as the blasts simply went through her.

Wasp did manage to hit Ghost with her blaster during a successful attempt to escape from Ghost's Hideout.

Wasp once again used her blasters against Burch's men during the Chase for the Mobile Laboratory. She launched a Pym Particle Disk at a bike used by one of the henchmen to shrink it, causing him to fall, but she failed to hit a second a target due to Ant-Man's unsure driving and accidentally hit the Watcher Informant's car with it. She then fired a disk to inflate Luis' candy dispenser, incapacitating another of the pursuers.

The blasters were later used with mixed results against Ghost, as Wasp was able to hit her on several occasions but also sometimes missed her when her chaotic phasing caused her to become intangible.[1]

Battle of Earth[]

In 2023, Wasp used her Stingers' blasters with proficiency during the battle against an alternate Thanos and his alien army at the ruins of the Avengers Compound. She notably fired them alongside Pepper Potts' blasters and Shuri's Vibranium Gauntlets to knock alternate Thanos to the ground.[2]

Trapped in the Quantum Realm[]

In 2026, Hope, after being sucked into the Quantum Realm, used her stingers to fight Kang the Conqueror in the Quantum Realm. She notably used them to prevent Kang from escaping the Quantum Realm.[3]

Alternate Universe Versions[]

Zombie Apocalypse[]

To be added


  • Blaster: The Stingers are capable of firing bolts of energy that are powerful enough to send a hostile flying backward.
  • Grappling Anchor: The Stingers are able to fire a grappling line that can anchor and tether the user to the surface she fired at, with the line then being attached to the waist.
  • Pym Particle Disk Launcher: The right Stinger can launch a Pym Particle Disc at a target.

Alternate Versions[]


Appearances for Wasp's Stingers


  • In the comics, Wasp is able to harness and augment her body's natural bio-electric energy, releasing it from her hands in powerful electrical force bursts. While she originally required the gauntlets to produce the blasts, Wasp eventually was able to create them naturally.
