Peter Shor - 8.370/18.435 Lecture Notes 2022

Lecture Notes for 8.370/18.435 Quantum Computation from Fall 2022

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Here are the 2022 Lecture notes. I never got around to writing the notes for Lecture 26 --- I may or may not do that at some point in the future.

Lecture 1 --- Introduction and History
Lecture 2 --- The Superposition Principle
Lecture 3 --- Unitary Evolution and the Bloch Sphere
Lecture 4 --- Quantum Measurements
Lecture 5 --- Joint Quantum Systems and Tensor Products
Lecture 6 --- More Tensor Products (Measurements of Joint Systems)
Lecture 7 --- Classical Boolean circuits
Lecture 8 --- Reversible Boolean circuits
Lecture 9 --- Quantum gates I
Lecture 10 --- Quantum gates II
Lecture 11 --- Quantum Teleportation
Lecture 12 --- Density Matrices I
Lecture 13 --- Density Matrices II
Lecture 14 --- The GHZ Experiment (theory)
Lecture 15 --- Quantum Optics and the GHZ Experiment
Lecture 16 --- The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
Lecture 17 --- Classical computational complexity theory
Lecture 18 --- Simon's algorithm
Lecture 19 --- The quantum Fourier transform
Lecture 20 --- Phase Estimation
Lecture 21 --- Quantum factoring algorithm
Lecture 22 --- The Number Theory Needed for the Factoring Algorithm
Lecture 23 --- The Discrete Log Algorithm
Lecture 24 --- Grover's search algorithm
Lecture 25 --- Proof that Grover Search is Optimal
Lecture 26 --- Lecture on Hamiltonian Simulation
Lecture 27 --- Introduction to Quantum error correcting codes --- the 9-qubit code
Lecture 28 --- More on the 9-qubit code
Lecture 29 --- The 7-qubit Quantum Hamming Code
Lecture 30 --- Quantum CSS Codes
Lecture 31 --- The BB84 Quantum Key Distribution Protocol and the Proof of Its Security