1. What are the requirements for admission to the medical school?

Click here to view the requirements

  1. What if I do not have the necessary requirements?

If the required documents cannot be submitted within the application period, your application will not be processed. 

  1. How do I submit my requirements?

All requirements must be uploaded in the application portal. Personal submission of requirements or submission through courier will NOT be entertained by the Office for Admissions (OFAD).

  1. How will I know if I got accepted into the medical school?

Log in to the application portal on the day of release of the results to view your application result.

  1. Is there an age limit on who may be accepted into medical school?

There is no age limit on who may be accepted into the medical school. However, additional procedures (e.g., medical clearance, interview, etc.) may be required if the applicant is 50 years or older at the time of application (cf. Admission Policies #4).

  1. When is the entrance examination given?

The UST-FMS will not administer and entrance examination to the applicants for 2025-2026. However, applicants must take the National Medical Admission Test (NMAT) administered by the Center for Education Measurement (CEM) for AY 2025-2026. Only the NMAT administered on the following dates are accepted: January 2024, February 2024, May 2024, October 2024, January 2025, and February 2025. 

Click on the link for more information on the NMAT:

  1. I am studying abroad. Is there any examination that can take the place of the NMAT?

There is no equivalent examination to the NMAT, since the NMAT is required under The Medical Act of 1959 (Republic Act No. 2382).

  1. Are there any fees to be paid?

Yes. The application fee is Three Thousand Six Hundred Philippine Pesos (PHP 3,600) for Filipino applicants from local schools or Three Hundred Twenty US Dollars (USD 320) or Seventeen Thousand Six Hundred Philippine Pesos (PHP 17, 600) for other applicant categories (Please see Application Requirements).

In addition, the following applicants will have to pay an Out-of-State fee of Fifteen Thousand US Dollars (USD 15,000) ONLY IF accepted into the medical school:

  • Filipino graduates of foreign schools
  • Resident aliens
  • Non-resident aliens
  1. How do I pay for my application?

You may pay the application fee through the University Online Payment Gateway (OPG). The payment link can be accessed in your application portal.

  1. When do I pay for my application?

Application fees should be paid after receiving the verification that your submitted documents are complete.

The Out-of-state fee is paid during enrollment.

  1. Are there other fees to be paid?

Aside from the application fee, there are no other fees related to the application process that have to be paid.

However, once accepted to the medical school, a reservation fee of Fifty Thousand Philippine Pesos (PHP 50,000) or One Thousand US Dollars (USD 1000) must be paid within one (1) week after the release of the admission results. Please note that the reservation fee is non-refundable but will be credited to your tuition fee for the first term of the first year.

  1. Are the fees refundable or transferable?

The application fee, the out-of-state-fee, and the reservation fee are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  1. How are applicants chosen for admission?

Applicants are chosen based on the following criteria:

  • General weighted average in college
  • NMAT score
  • Extracurricular activities (religious, leadership, civic, volunteer work)
  • Professional licensure certificates; other graduate/post-graduate diplomas

The order in which these criteria are listed reflects the relative weight assigned to each. Graduates of UST are awarded loyalty points; however, these points are not sufficient to outweigh poor scholastic performance in college or a low NMAT score.

  1. I am presently enrolled in college and will be finishing in July. May I still apply?

You may apply however, if the official transcript of records cannot be released by your school in time for enrollment, you need to secure a certification from the Registrar of the Dean of your school stating that you are expected to graduate by July. This certificate should be submitted together with the other requirements. If you are not able to graduate by July (e.g., due to failures) your slot and other non-refundable fees paid are forfeited in favor of UST. 

For those graduating in August (or beyond), you may apply for the next school year, instead.

  1. Are there applications that are not processed?

Yes, applications from the following will automatically not be processed:

  • Those who will not be holders of a bachelor's degree from a duly recognized institution at the time of enrollment. The exception are those students who will be graduating after the enrollment date (but not later than the end of July of the year that they are applying for), provided  a certification from the Registrar or the Dean of their school stating that they will be graduating by July is submitted along with the other application requirements.
  • Those who have incurred more than eight (8) units of failures.
  • Those who have advanced credits in Medicine.
  • Those who are transferees from other medical schools.
  • Those who have been convicted of any crime.
  • Those who cannot submit their online application and requirements during the application period.
  1. What happens if I cannot graduate on time due to failures during my final year in college?

Successful applicants who cannot graduate on time due to failures during their final year in college will forfeit their slots.

  1. I made a mistake while entering data. What should I do?

Errors in data encoding may be corrected as long as you have not clicked on the “Submit” button.

Once the “Submit” button is clicked, changes in the application can no longer be made. In the unfortunate event that this happens, please contact the UST Office for Admissions at

  1. When will the results be released?

The results be released in April 2025.

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