
An Item (アイテム Aitemu) is an object within the games that can be collected by the player's character that are often beneficial. Items have varying functions, like recovery and equipment, and some are needed to progress further into the story.

Note: Only the items of mainline platformer games are listed below. For items in other types of games, see their respective pages.

Recurring items[]


A 1-UP, also known as Extra Life, is an item present in all platform Mega Man games that grant an extra life to the player. The player can have a maximum of nine lives in most appearances, usually starting with two lives. However, when the number of lives says 0, dying once will trigger a Game Over, so 9 lives counts as 10 lives before a Game Over. The EX Item increases the amount of initial extra lives.

The extra life had various appearances, the first being a head of the player's character (Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, and X) from the first Mega Man game to Mega Man 7, Mega Man 9 to 11, Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge to Mega Man V, Mega Man: The Wily Wars, Mega Man X, Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3.

Later, the item changed to the helmet of the player's character (the four previously mentioned characters, Zero, and Vile) in Mega Man 8, Mega Man & Bass, Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha, Mega Man X4 to X7 (glowing into an energy sphere), Mega Man Xtreme, Mega Man Xtreme 2, and Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. The item is named Spare Body (スペアボディー Supea Bodī) in Mega Man & Bass and Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha.

In Mega Man: Powered Up, it is named Stock Heart (ストックハート Sutokku Hāto) and has the shape of a heart. In Mega Man X8, extra lives are Retry Chips. In Mega Man Network Transmission, they appear as Backup Chips (バックアップチップ Bakkuappu Chippu, "BckupChp"). MegaMan can only carry two at the start, but can increase the maximum to the traditional nine.

In the Mega Man Zero series, the item is called Z Panel (Zパネル Zetto Paneru), and like its name, it has the shape of a "Z". The Z Panel has two alternate appearances in Mega Man Zero 3, which can be set by using the Mod Cards #8 () or #59 (). In the Mega Man ZX series, the 1UP Item has the shape of a "ZX" in Mega Man ZX and an "A" in Mega Man ZX Advent.

Life Energy[]

Life Energy

Big and small Life Energy items in the original Mega Man series

Life Energy (ライフエネルギー Raifu Enerugī), also known as Life Recovery (ライフ回復 Raifu Kaifuku), Energy (エネルギー Enerugī), Energy Pellet, and Power Capsule, is an item that recovers health. It usually comes in two sizes, "Small" ( Shō) and "Large" ( Dai). Some games have "Extra Large" (特大 Tokudai) versions of them that usually restore to full health. Depending of the game, the small ones traditionally restore between 2-4 units of the player's health, while the big ones restore between 8-10 units.

In the Mega Man Legends series, the item is a red cube, that called Energy Cube (エネルギーキューブ Enerugī Kyūbu), also known as Recovery Cube.

Weapon Energy[]

Weapon Energy

Big and small Weapon Energy items in the original Mega Man series

Weapon Energy (武器エネルギー Buki Enerugī), also known as Special Weapon Energy (特殊武器エネルギー Tokushu Buki Enerugī), Weapon Energy Recovery (武器エネルギー回復 Buki Enerugī Kaifuku), and Weapon Capsule, recovers the energy for Special Weapons. Like Life Energy, it usually comes in two sizes, Small and Large. They restore an equal amount of weapon energy as the same sized Life Energy items. In some games like Mega Man 8 and Mega Man X5, it also comes in extra large versions that restore full weapon energy.

In the Mega Man Legends series they are called Special Weapon Recharge Cube (特殊武器回復キューブ Tokushu Buki Kaifuku Kyūbu), that recharges the energy of the equipped Special Weapon.

In Mega Man ZX and Mega Man ZX Advent, similar items are called Biometal Energy, or Livemetal Energy (ライブメタルエネルギー Raibumetaru Enerugī) in Japan, it recovers the energy of Biometal not special weapons, and the larger ones can be sliced with a saber weapon to create smaller and different types of energy.


Energy Tank
Energy Tank

Main article: Tank

Tank, known as Can in Japan, is a recovery item from the original series that can be carried by the player to be used when needed. The first type to appear was the Energy Tank (E Tank) in Mega Man 2, which replenishes a player's life energy. The player can usually carry several of those at once, up to a maximum of four or nine, depending of the game.

Other versions include the Weapon Tank, which replenishes one of the player's Special Weapons; the Super Tank, which replenishes a player's life and the energy of all special weapons; the Mystery Tank (M Tank), which acts like the S Tank and has the bonus effect of turning all on-screen foes into Extra Lives if used while the player's character is at full health and all weapons have full energy. There are more variants, like Mini E Tanks and ? Cans. There are also L Tanks, used in Proto Man's Castle, Stage 4. It restores all of the users health. However, it refills it upon touch, unlike E tanks/cans that can be stored for a later use.

E Tank and W Tank also appear in the Mega Man ZX series.

Sub Tank[]

The Sub Tank is an item similar to the E Tank, but instead of being used once, it remains with the player and can be refilled after usage, usually by picking up more life energy when the player's life energy bar is already full. It appears in the Mega Man X, Zero and ZX series. In Mega Man X4, X5, and X6, the tanks fill with energy regardless of whether the player's health is full at the time a Life Energy capsule is obtained. Also depending on the game, using a Sub Tank may drain all of its saved energy despite the player having lost only a couple of units worth.

Life Up[]

MMX Life Up concept

Life Up concept art from Mega Man X

Life Up (ライフアップ Raifu Appu), also known as Heart Tank, is an item from the Mega Man X and Mega Man ZX series that increases the maximum life energy capacity of whichever character obtains them.

Energy Up[]

Energy Up (エネルギーアップ Enerugī Appu), also known as Weapon Up (ウェポンアップ Uepon Appu), increases the maximum weapon energy capacity of whichever character obtains them. It first appears in Mega Man X5 as an item that can be created. In Mega Man X6 and Mega Man X7 they are obtained from some Injured Reploids, and in Mega Man X7 one is obtained by the character that gives the finishing blow against a boss. Much like with Life-Ups in these three games, only one character can collect each Energy Up that is found. In Mega Man X8, this is made easier by buying them as Chips in three different purchases per character.

In Mega Man ZX Advent, the BM Upgrade, or Livemetal Up (ライブメタルアップ Raibumetaru Appu) in Japan, increases the Biometal gauge. There are four of them, located in the Oil Field 2, Highway 1, Quarry 3, and Bio Lab 2.

Mega Man series[]

Score Ball[]

Score Ball (スコアボール Sukoa Bōru), also known as Bonus Ball (ボーナスボール Bōnasu Bōru) and Point Item (得点アイテム Tokuten Aitemu), is an item that appears in the first Mega Man game and its remakes. It increases the score in the end of the stage.

It also appears in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, where it is a blue-green sphere slightly larger than the Life and Weapon Energy.

Heart Part[]

"Heart Part" (心臓部分 Shinzō Bubun) is a story item dropped by defeated Robot Masters in the first Mega Man game.[1] The player can only clear the Robot Master's stage and obtain his Special Weapon after taking this item.



Yashichi (ヤシチ) is a recovery item that refills the health and the energy of all weapons. In Mega Man it can be found in the last stage, and in Mega Man 8 it is given by the Rush Charger. It is also commonly seen on Easy Mode in Mega Man 10.

Transport Item[]

Transport Items (移動用アイテム Idō-yō Aitemu) are items that are used as transports by the player. In most games, they are automatically obtained after defeat specific boss. In some games, they need to be found in the stage to be available. Including Magnet Beam in first Mega Man, Balloon and Wire in Mega Man 4.


Plate is a collection in Mega Man 5, 6, 7 and IV, collect the set to unlock specific weapon or stage.

Energy Balancer[]

Energy Balancer
Energy Balancer

Energy Balancer (エネルギーバランサー Enerugī Baransā) is a hidden or purchasable item that recovers energy for the Special Weapons with less energy when the player takes a Weapon Energy without the need to select a weapon before taking it. In the Mega Man X and Mega Man ZX playable characters will have this function by default.



Screws (ネジ Neji), also known as Bolts, are items that appear in Mega Man 7 to Mega Man 11, Mega Man & Bass, and Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha. They are used as currency to obtain items in shops.

"Rush function item"[]

"Rush function item" (unofficial name) are items that enable Rush's functions. It first appeared in Mega Man 7 as a white object found in stages. In Mega Man 8 they are red objects dropped by a mid-boss after its defeat.

Evil Energy‎[]

Evil Energy (悪のエネルギー Aku no Enerugī) is a mysterious sentient energy source of alien origin that appeared in Mega Man 8. Usually, it looks like a swirling purple flame in the shape of a skull. The first four Robot Masters will drop an Evil Energy after being defeated, Mega Man gave them to Dr. Light for research.

Companion Panel[]

Companion Panel (仲間パネル Nakama Paneru)[2] is an item from Mega Man 8 that appears on the Rush Jet sections in Tengu Man's stage and Wily Stage 2. The picture in the panels keeps changing between Rush, Eddie, Beat, and Auto, and when taken, the character that was depicted at the time will appear to assist Mega Man, attacking alongside him. As Rush is already present, Rush is instead equipped with a cannon.

Special Weapon Item[]

Special Weapon Item (特殊武器アイテム Tokushu Buki Aitemu), also known as Weapon Item (ウエポンアイテム Uepon Aitemu), is a blue sphere from Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters that appears after defeating a boss that leaves a weapon. The player must get the item to gain the special weapon, or else it will be lost. With two players, the first to take the item gains the weapon. The item also appeared in Mega Man's ending in Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes, where he obtains the Magnetic Shockwave after taking it.



CDs contains data for the database from Mega Man & Bass. There is a total of 100 CDs hidden through the stages.

Piece of Scrap and Memory Circuit Board[]

The items obtained from the fourth and eighth bosses in the Mega Man 9. They have no function, they are just story items.


"Piece of Scrap" dropped by the fourth of the eight bosses defeated. By analyzing it, Auto sees the robot's product code and discovers its period of use had expired and was scheduled to be scrapped.


"Memory Circuit Board" dropped by the last of the eight bosses defeated. By playing back the robot's memory, Mega Man, Roll, and Auto see why Dr. Light's robots went crazy and discover that Dr. Wily was responsible. Dr. Wily steals the evidence and Mega Man goes after him in his Wily Castle, obtaining the board back after destroying the Wily Capsule.

Gear Recovery[]

A large Gear Recovery item in Mega Man 11
A large Gear Recovery item in Mega Man 11

Gear Recovery (ギアリカバリー Gia Rikabarī)[3] is a gear shaped item exclusive to Mega Man 11 which is designed to work with the Double Gear System to lower the overheat meter caused from using Power Gear or Speed Gear. It comes in a small or large form, removing a small or large amount of heat depending on which one is picked up.

P Chip[]

P Chip
P Chip
P Chip
P Chip

P Chip (Pチップ Pī Chippu) is a special energy item from Mega Man IV and Mega Man V that Dr. Light needs to be able to create items for Mega Man in his laboratory. They appear in two sizes and Mega Man can stock up to 999 P Chips. They were replaced by Screws in later games.

"S Recover"[]

An unnamed item with the letter S given by Proto Man in Mega Man IV and Mega Man V. It can refills the health and the energy of all weapons same the Yashichi, the S possibly short for "Super".


Four crystals in the stages of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Uranus from Mega Man V. After collecting all four, Dr. Light will use them to make the Power Generator for Mega Man, which can reduce the energy consumption of all weapons.

Support Item[]

Support Item (サポートアイテム Sapōto Aitemu) is an item from Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters dropped by Eddie that summons a support character when taken. The support that appears depend of the player's character, Rush appearing for Mega Man, Treble for Bass, and Beat for Proto Man and Duo.

New parts[]

The New parts (新パーツ Shin Pātsu) is power up item from Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. They are new, incomplete experimental energy parts that Dr. Light developed based on his research over an unknown form of energy that was discovered on a small island.

Pack Item[]

Pack Item (パックアイテム Pakku Aitemu) is an item from Mega Man Powered Up that unlocks content from the Construction mode.

Mega Man X series[]

Zero's parts[]

Zero's Head Parts
Zero's Head Parts
Zero's Body Parts
Zero's Body Parts
Zero's Leg Parts
Zero's Leg Parts

Zero's Parts (ゼロのパーツ Zero no Pātsu) are three parts of Zero's body that are with the X-Hunters in Mega Man X2. After defeating two bosses from the stage select screen, the three X-Hunters will challenge X to collect the parts from them, each moving around the stages with one part. Defeating the X-Hunters to retrieve the parts is optional.

If all three parts are collected, Zero will be revived by Dr. Cain. If X doesn't collect all of the parts, the X-Hunters will invade the Maverick Hunter Base and steal Zero's control chip and any parts X had collected, reviving Zero as a Maverick that fights against X in the last stage.

Ride Armor Change Parts[]

EX Item[]

EX Item
EX Item

The EX Item (EXアイテム Ī Ekkusu Aitemu) is an item introduced in Mega Man X4 that is usually placed in the same category as Sub Tanks, though it is actually quite different from the others. Picking up the EX Item allows the player to start a stage with 4 extra lives instead of the usual 2.

Parts of Enigma and Space Shuttle[]

The Enigma and Space Shuttle each have four parts in Mega Man X5, which are held by eight Maverick bosses respectively.

Nightmare Soul[]

Nightmare Soul (ナイトメアソウル Naitomea Sōru) is an item from Mega Man X6.

DNA Core[]

DNA Core (DNAコア Dīenuē Koa) is an item from Mega Man X7 and Mega Man X8 that is dropped by some enemies defeated by Axl's Copy Shot.

In Mega Man X7 it is a small glowing sphere with red frames around it. The item has two versions, the smaller granting a temporary ability, and the bigger temporarily transforming Axl into the defeated enemy. Both are activated on contact.

In Mega Man X8 it is a crystal-like item that allows Axl to temporarily transform into the defeated enemy. The player can choose when activate it.


Metal (メタル Metaru) is the currency from Mega Man X8, which is used to create Chips in Hunter Base's lab.

It also has a variation named Rare Metal (レアメタル Rea Metaru) that unlocks a new Chip in the lab. Rare Metals have two versions, the default shaped a large Metal, and one shaped like a capsule that unlocks a weapon for Zero in the lab. The latter is also known as Zero's Special Rare Metal[4] and Zero's Weapon Capsule (ゼロの武器カプセル Zero no Buki Kapuseru).[5]

Attack Energy[]

Attack Energy (アタックエネルギー Atakku Enerugī) is an item from Mega Man X8 that fills the Attack Gauge.

Soul Item[]

Soul Item
Soul Item

Soul Item (ソウルアイテム Souru Aitemu) is an item from Mega Man Xtreme 2. Soul Items are DNA Souls that can be collected and exchanged by Parts in the shop. They appear in two varieties, Life Soul and Energy Soul, which have the same recovery effects of the Life Energy and Weapon Energy. In addition, a large Soul Item drops from boss, which has no recovery effect.

Mega Man Zero series[]

Energy Crystal[]

Energy Crystal
Energy Crystal

Energy Crystal, known as Energen Crystal (エネルゲン水晶 Enerugen Suishō) in Japan, E-Crystal (Eクリスタル Ī Kurisutaru) for short, is an item from the Mega Man Zero series that serves as energy resource for Reploids. In the games it is used to grow Cyber-elves, and occasionally as a currency. They are also used as the currency in the Mega Man ZX games and are used to repair Biometals in the first game.


Cyber-elves (サイバーエルフ Saibā Erufu) are a unique feature of the Mega Man Zero series.

Element Chip[]

In the first Mega Man Zero, each of the three bosses will drop an element chip after being defeated, and equip it with an element for Zero's charged attack. In the later games, these chips will no longer be dropped from the boss, but will be automatically obtained after completing the mission.

Secret Disk[]

Secret Disk (シークレットディスク Shīkuretto Disuku) are disks that contain data for the database from Mega Man Zero 3, Mega Man ZX, and Mega Man ZX Advent. In Mega Man Zero 3, the Mod Cards 31 and 66 can change the appearance of the Secret Disks. In the Mega Man ZX series, they come in four categories: Boss (Enemy Mega Men, Pseudoroids and the intro and final bosses), Enemy A (stronger-than-average or special story event enemies, mainly mid-bosses), Enemy B (weaker, common enemies) and Other (mostly allies and NPCs), each with its own code letter (B, M, E and O respectively).

Parts Panel[]

Parts Panel (パーツパネル Pātsu Paneru) is an item from Mega Man Zero 4 that represents the parts used to create Chips.

Other items[]

Role-playing games[]


See also: Items/Gallery

1UP from Mega Man 2

1UP from Mega Man 2

1UP from Mega Man 11

1UP from Mega Man 11

Score Item from Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters

Score Item from Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters

1UP in the Rockman manga.

1UP in the Rockman manga.

1UP and E Tank in the Rockman 4 manga.

1UP and E Tank in the Rockman 4 manga.

1UP in Rockman: Dr. Wily no Inbou.

1UP in Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.

1UP in Rock'n Game Boy.

1UP in Rock'n Game Boy.

Item concept art for Mega Man X (video game).

Item concept art for Mega Man X8.

See also[]
