
"Welcome X. Your destruction is at hand!"
―Agile, Mega Man X2

Agile (アジール Ajīru) is one of the three X-Hunters in Mega Man X2, an elite group of Mavericks who are bent on avenging Sigma and resurrecting Zero as a Maverick under their command.


Agile is the tallest of the X-Hunters, standing around the height of Sigma himself. His Samurai-styled armor is predominantly purple in color and is made to resemble a sharp coat, possessing two tails and large shoulderpads. His helmet is also designed to resemble a horned hat, coming to three individual points at the top. Like all the X-Hunters, his feet have tips that point upwards. He also possesses an alternate form where he transforms into a hovercraft of sorts, with only his head and shoulderpads remaining.

Agile is described as the charisma and combat strategist of the X-Hunters.[1] He is characterized by his fast movement and expertly wielded beam-sword, and (in the Japanese version) his polite speech pattern and collected personality. His role in the organization is as a spy to infiltrate enemy territory and discover enemy secrets. He is also an acting combat commander, taking the forefront on battles.[2]


Mega Man X2[]

Nothing is known of Agile's past. He is part of the X-Hunters, who took over Sigma's rebellion in his absence to keep up the fight. The rebellion laid low at first, quietly analyzing X and the Maverick Hunters while researching and repairing the parts of Zero recovered from the last battle. However, without Zero's control chip they could not fully resurrect him.

Six months after Sigma's defeat, the Maverick Hunters raid an old factory that is mass-producing weapons and Mechaniloids for the Maverick army. The X-Hunters watch the attack from afar in their Arctic fortress, affirming that they will not underestimate X.

After X destroys two of the eight Mavericks, Agile and the X-Hunters grow anxious. They challenge X to a series of duels, using the rebuilt parts of Zero's body as bait. Agile is the first of the X-Hunters to stop awaiting X's arrival among the stages, but if X defeats him before he leaves, he will relinquish one third of Zero's body - his lower body - before retreating.

Agile reappears as the boss of X-Hunter Stage 3 to challenge X again, this time in his Agile Flyer form. However, he is defeated, and before his demise he cries out for his master, Sigma, to avenge him, revealing that they indeed resurrected him.



When first encountered in a hidden room, Agile fights on foot. True to his name, he has an incredibly fast dash attack, along with a rising slash that emits a shockwave. His dash is difficult to react to, so it's best to stay off the floor and bait his slower shockwave attack from the walls. His weakness is Magnet Mine.

Charge (突進 Tosshin)
Agile dashes along the floor, slashing rapidly with his beam saber.
Damage: 3
Shockwave (衝撃波 Shōgekiha)
Agile performs a rising slash with his beam saber, sending a shockwave across the room. Its height depends on the player's vertical position.
Damage: 1

Agile Flyer[]

For Agile's encounter in X-Hunter Stage 3, he appears in a flight-type form known as Agile Flyer (アジールフライヤー Ajīru Furaiyā). Agile hovers at the top of the screen, erratically moving from side to side while raining attacks down. One of his attacks drops spiked blocks, which do not kill the player instantly but can change their footing. Magnet Mine is still the best weapon to use in this battle, as it can be aimed up to his position; it's also good for countering the missiles. Another effective weapon is the Shoryuken found in the same stage.

Block + Electric Shock (ブロック+電撃 Burokku + Dengeki)
Agile extends spiked blocks from his sides, which create electricity before falling to the floor. If the blocks do not land on the player, they effectively raise the floor of the arena.
Damage: 4 (block), 2 (electricity)
Tackle (体当たり Taiatari)
Agile turns red and slams the wall, attempting to hit the player.
Damage: 4
Missile (ミサイル Misairu)
Agile fires six missiles in the background, one of which flies into the room and out through the foreground.
Damage: 6

Other appearances[]



  • Power: 9800rp
  • Speed: 17800rp


  • "We won't make the same mistake. He is powerful, but he is blind to what is happening around him."
  • "Yes. How is the plan proceeding?"
  • "We have little time. We must finish construction on schedule. We must hurry..."
  • "I see now why Sigma fell at the hands of Mega Man X. He is quite formidable."
  • "We look forward to meeting you, X!"
  • "Welcome X. Your destruction is at hand!" (First encounter, pre-battle.)
  • "I may have failed, but you will never live to see Zero!" (Defeated, but escapes.)
  • "NO!! This cannot be!!! Master, avenge me!" (Final encounter, defeated.)

Other media[]

Rockman X2 manga[]

Agile appeared in the manga. He is more sadistic than in the game, having cut up Flame Stag's corpse with his beam saber and beheaded a Disk Boy 08 who tried to escape the X-Hunters' base, even licking it.

Archie Comics[]

Agile and his comrades would later appear in the Worlds Unite crossover event from Archie Comics, having been revived by Sigma to serve in his reality-conquering army.


X faces Agile.

X faces Agile.

Agile in the Rockman X2 Carddass.

X-Hunters card in TEPPEN

X-Hunters card in TEPPEN

Dark Blade Agile card in TEPPEN

Dark Blade Agile card in TEPPEN

Agile card in TEPPEN.

Agile card in TEPPEN.

In the TEPPEN card Blind Slash.

In the TEPPEN card Blind Slash.

In the TEPPEN card Butterfly Under Attack.

In the TEPPEN card Butterfly Under Attack.

Agile licks his beam saber after killing a Disk Boy 08, in the Rockman X2 manga.

Agile licks his beam saber after killing a Disk Boy 08, in the Rockman X2 manga.


Agile with his sword in Mega Man X2.

Agile with his sword in Mega Man X2.

Agile as a ghost in Phoenix Magnion's Illusion attack, in Mega Man Zero 2.

Agile in Rockman X3 Buster Battle.


  • "Agile" is actually a French word (though having the same meaning as it does in English), pronounced "AAH-jeel". The other X Hunters also share this naming convention.


  • Though Agile's second form can be defeated with any weapon, the Giga Attack and the Magnet Mine are the most effective. Also, the Shoryuken, which is conveniently hidden in his very stage, can directly reach upwards to him thus defeat him in one hit.
  • In the Japanese version, when defeated, Agile explicitly refers to Sigma by name when begging to be avenged. The English version merely has him say "master", presumably to better hide Sigma's role in the events of the game until after the Boss Rush.


Mega Man X2
Stage Select bosses
Overdrive OstrichWire SpongeWheel GatorBubble CrabFlame StagMorph MothMagna CentipedeCrystal Snail
Other bosses
Gigantic Mechaniloid CF-0ViolenSergesAgileZeroSigma
Special Weapons
Sonic SlicerStrike ChainSpin WheelBubble SplashSpeed BurnerSilk ShotMagnet MineCrystal Hunter
- Other -
Giga CrushShoryuken
Maverick Factory StageDesert Base StageWeather Control StageDinosaur Tank StageDeep-Sea Base Stage
Volcanic Zone StageRobot Junkyard StageCentral Computer StageEnergen Crystal StageX-Hunter Stages
Armor PartsDamage data chartScript
Mega Man X series
Main characters
XZeroAxlDr. LightDr. CainDoubleIrisSignasDouglasLifesaverAliaLayerPallette
MiddyTechnoSpiderCinnamonMarinoMassimoNanaChief RAileProfessor GaudileRiCOViAiCO
SigmaVileAgileSergesViolenDr. DopplerBitByteColonelGeneralDynamoGateRedLumine
ZainGeemelBerkanaGarethShadowFerhamScarfaceBotosEpsilonColonel Redips
Mega Man XX2X3X4X5X6X7X8
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2Mega Man X: Command MissionMega Man X DiVE
Mega Man Maverick Hunter XMega Man X CollectionMega Man X Legacy Collection2
Damage data charts
Mega Man X234 (X)4 (Zero)5 (X)5 (Zero)6 (X)6 (Zero)
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2 (X)Xtreme 2 (Zero)
Maverick Hunter X (X)Maverick Hunter X (Vile)
Mega Man XX2X3X4 (X's story)X4 (Zero's story)
X5 (X's story)X5 (Zero's story)X6 (X's story)X6 (Zero's story)
X7 (X's story)X7 (Zero's story)X7 (Axl's story)X8 (X's story)X8 (Zero's story)X8 (Axl's story)
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2Command Mission
Maverick Hunter X (X's story)Maverick Hunter X (Vile's story)
Related items
MaverickMaverick HuntersMaverick Virus (Zero VirusSigma Virus) • MechaniloidDoppler ArmyNightmare InvestigatorsNightmare
Rebellion ArmyRed AlertRepliforceReploidPartsInjured ReploidsChipsRide Armor
X-BusterZ-SaberZero BusterAxl BulletsA-Trans
X's weaponryArmor PartsZero's weaponryAxl's weaponryVile's weaponry
Rockman X Mega Mission
Related Media
OVA The Day of Σ
Manga Rockman X (manga series)Irregular Hunter Rockman XRockman RemixRockman X5Rockman X7 4Koma Manga Kingdom
Soundtracks Capcom Music Generation - Rockman X1~6Rockman X7 Original SoundtrackRockman X8 Original Soundtrack
Rockman X8 e-Capcom Original Special Sound CDRockman X: Command Mission Original Soundtrack